
There is a place known as Bomarzo in Italy. A few miles from Rome. There, there is a garden with sculptures of devils. Orcus is one them, the god of Betrayed Oaths,

In Dante's Inferno, the most studied part of his Divine Comedy, the deepest part of hell is reserved for traitors.

In the city of Dis, not Disney mind you, there is a place very cold, where Satan devours bodies using his three blasphemous mouths, surrounded by ice.

Such is the imagination of the poet Dante.

I speculate that Italians, who have been always obsessed with politics, treason and poison (it's almost impossible to administer poison without betraying something or someone,) maybe like to console themselves thinking that bad people enter through the mouth of Orcus, and never come back.

I don't see this as a very productive thought, to be honest. Music is of greater consolation, for some people.

The myths of hell of the Mediterranean region seem to be different from northern places. Even Death is different: a Woman in the south, a Man in the north. Maybe that's why Feminism was started in England or Germany, maybe Northern France. But the crimes of people are not different. Mass crimes, in particular, always involve NLP, sophistry or whatever else we decide to call it.

All humans are susceptible to be mislead to commit atrocities. I am human. I have to be careful. Orcus De Becker is right: each individual is responsible for his own oaths, his security, his health.

He is not right in pretending that society moves towards ending that reality. That's not a real trend. It took a lot of programming to convince people to ingest more electrolytes and to give away self-responsibility.

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"Sound like the best of humanity? NO ladies and gentlemen."

David Martin, Brussels.


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Ancient political slogan: my body, my choice.

Modern Political slogan: our planet, our rules.

My interpretation of De Becker: he is dark, he cryptically gives excuses for his clients killing the world, but, he is also letting us know the rules of survival. The instinct is correct: there is no reason to trust them. Or, question your beliefs, because your thoughts have been hijacked, and your mind is programmed to walk off the cliff. Survival is deprogramming.

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☝️ This guy is all in on the thematic elements of the plans.

Day Tapes: "We will give them a way out."


"But anyhow he went on to say there would be a whole new industry of residential security systems to develop with alarms and locks and alarms going into the police department so that people could protect their wealth and their well being. Because some of the criminal activity would spill out of the slums into better, more affluent looking areas that looked like they would be worth burglarizing. And again it was stated like it was a redeeming quality: See we're generating all this more crime but look how good we are - we're also generating the means for you to protect yourself against the crime.

A sort of repeated thing throughout this presentation was the recognized evil and then the self forgiveness thing, well, see we've given you a way out."


Now Triple Agent Genteel. you probs smarter than me. Do you see the sliver of savant that I can pull a clip from a four hour presentation that I absorbed and overlay the themes?


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Aug 14Liked by Sage Hana


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Sadly, I cannot view this emoji because Potans.

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it was “heart hands”

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How could Potans do such a thing

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“Ancient political slogan: my body, my choice.

Modern Political slogan: our planet, our rules.”

Stealing this

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And he’s taking responsibility for himself by making a shit ton of money no doubt from protecting his masters . I think that’s what he’s also saying.

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As it begins to dawn on people that "This Was Not A Mistake", please remember that everything is weaponized. I recently read a heartbreaking story where an awakened soul died and his apple watch registered a disturbed sleep pattern. Wearable wireless tech is weaponized. Please ditch wireless tech in your homes and especially don't carry any with you. The food, water and air is poisoned. As an example: Baby formula contains about 50% corn syrup and no milk.

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Why do they need to wait for Fauci to die? Mock trial and send him hidden away to a Federal prison where they just transition him to a her, and she happily goes off to become Oprah’s staff podiatrist in the Hawaii bunker.

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Fauci has all the receipts and if he flipped would be disastrous.

Better to placate and wait.

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fauci stands in/as open mockery to us. Meanwhile, business as usual and he still has plenty to attend to.

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Seems rather risky.

Could be a blackmail stalemate then

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Extend and pretend.

The longer they wait the more mileage they get out of the current hand. Until that hand is forced.

Then they will get the most out of that development, while somehow preserving all the psychopathic things NIAID has been up to for the past half century (just under a new 'clean' head).

Only if the pressure builds up enough to pose a risk will they cause a sudden change to Fauchi's existence.

Until that time he is a lightning rod, soaking up the energy that would otherwise stick to other Monster Organs. Like that crazy Satanic custom with the innocent chicken taking away the sins of the psychopath as they spin it above their head then kill it. But instead of sins it will be our focus drawn away by the spectacle (controlled leaks, 24/7 coverage, you know the drill).


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He'll probably live his full life span (filling up his measure of sins, as it were). When he dies, there will be the usual mish-mash of praise and controversy. It will then fall to the next 'enlightened' generation to caption him as the monster he is.

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Hey Sage have you any links to operation Lockstep? Cheers DB.

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Lockdowns? Incrementally indroduced.

We're driving to Toulouse this weekend. You need to check online to see if indeed your car is age appropriate because if it's not, you'll be fined. Then, you need to give a plethora of details online (hackable, no doubt) to obtain a sticker for your car.

Toulouse is big.....maximum speed inside the entire city: 30k per hour or 18.6 mph.

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Toronto is on its way.

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Sorry to hear. Found this outrage about Calgary municipal water system today on X:


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Aug 14Liked by Sage Hana

It was an obvious SCAM from the get-go.

How are 'the nuovo riche' going to cope when the heathen tribes that have been imported into western nation run out of easy fodder to murder.

What will 'they' do when the 'Saracens' work out that it is all financed out of London Town (Londinium).

The Great Fire of Londinium will most assuredly follow... All of the 'whities' must be removed, is the theme of their (the Muslim's) indoctrination. And The Israelis are indoctrinated that all who are not Jew must be removed. Who, in all this, are the discriminators, the anti-everyone else?

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The heathen tribes will be directed to other issues such as Donald Trump or Elon Musk is on your side.

Now take the cancer mRNA vaccines and watch football.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Sage Hana

If this viewpoint is correct then anyone who is rich/powerful that is opposing the narrative and still breathing must be in on it, right?

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"in on it" must be broken down further.

The extent by which those who are prominent are read in (informed) of the true agendas of cull is on my mind often.

Most, John, just do their ice cubed jobs and are given a plausible mythology to keep going.

And not ask too many questions.

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I've thought this too. Like the good doctors doing their part to get jabs in arms. They accept the narrative they are handed without question.

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It's clear *none* are indispensible.

Not one.

Ego has deeze-ones Blind-Blind-Blind.

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I revised/corrected my initial comment. I should have originally said "rich/powerful AND opposing the narrative" as opposed to just rich and powerful.

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This whole concept of "controlled opposition" is rough for people to grasp.

1. Set up the Tier One Narrative.

2. Set up the Tier Two "counter-narrative". (ex. Pandemic was real and we should have used Ivermectin and not mRNA. Just one example.)

3. Direct people into Heroes and Teams.

4. Do it again. And again. Preserve access to restrictions, surveillance, and their bodies. For the emergency. *emergency.

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Heavy censorship for those who rumble what’s going on.

Extreme censorship and smearing for the subset of the above who are dangerously believable because of their background.

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The controllers DON'T PICK SIDES.


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I can't believe sometimes how easily they do it too.

I used to play a game , read red and blue team threads to see the battle meme inserted for the day , and see how long it took for the shrieking to start , as they obediently repost the emotionally triggering bull crap

And no , they never check it or read even one step deeper .

One blue offering must have been AI generated ( I hope)

it still concerns me that people I know with advanced degrees didn't even catch , and got mad when I pointed it out. They wrote like 5 lines using numbers written like

160,000 million . What ?

All of them written in that way.

Shared like crazy , never realized how stupid anyone who can " math" would think they were . Lawyers , doctors , nurse administrator , and some very smart people.

They're all turned into pod people.

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You asked about K-Mac and SV-40 once.

Do you really think that a guy worth millions is going to toss that out the window if it means that his entire lifestyle was based on bad science.

Do you think if you get going in that field, ala Geert, that you have to make some handshakes with some very very very bad people maybe?

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Could there not be some with sufficient humility and resources to feel secure acknowledging their mistakes and taking a stand based on their conscience?

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Ahhh yes.

Like in the movies.

Sure, in theory, John.

In reality, you have people deeply invested, and not just financially, but emotionally and ideologically.

Maybe the Baileys did what you say. They left medicine.



John...I have people here. Before your time.

people who wrote posts.

Who turns out...are hospitalists.


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I pulled a sheet of exterior cladding out from a low shelf at Home Depot once. I stepped away briefly leaving it hanging out and a kid walked right into the edge of it and gouged his shin. At that moment I felt like I should acknowledge my role in his injury and apologize but I was weak and I didn’t say anything. After he left I put the material back and then he came by again with a Home Depot employee getting him bandages. I could have said something then but I still didn’t. That is one of a number of regrets I have and I expect it will always bother me. But to your point I took the easy path and rationalized that it wasn’t directly my fault. Admittedly it’s pretty hypocritical of me, someone who has the intention of being a good person but couldn’t even find the courage to apologize to the injured kid, to expect better from others. I guess it’s like my Dad said to me once, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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The moment you are born, well for those since the 1980's, they inject you with big pharma serums and that initiates you into the cult of death by drugs. Once you allow these murdering doctors to subject your body, or that of your offspring to vaccinations, you are doomed. The process of drugging you to serfdom, poverty and death will last your entire lifetime...which could be a days or a few weeks or many decades.

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Just heard that kory and his boy marik got their medical licenses taken away by the board for pushing IVM. I wonder what kind of multi-faceted Op this is. Much better than being convicted of murder, huh.

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IMHO… Of the many crucial and conspicuous absences in education is NLP.

To the curriculum I would add teaching the…

48 Laws of Power

Iron Law of Oligarchy

Dunbar Number - w/ the benefits and pitfalls of scaling

Just these items alone would give humans at least a chance of understanding the true manipulative nature of man, with hopes of setting a foundation for critical thinking.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14


I gotta another one that you might wanna check out:

OT - Ideological Subversion - 4 Steps

!!!The Retrospective Tour!!!

...Cousin to >>>The Day Tapes<<<

Yuri Bezmenov's conversations with

G. Edward Griffin is the background...

The podcaster reviews the milestones

in the show below.

" I don't care what your facts are about...Climate Change, Covid19, 9-11,


"When you can get a society to quarrel over * feelings*, not *facts* you have a demoralized society."

- Mike Metzger, Ethics Professor


^^^Ethical Relativity??

Or Marxist Subversion?

If you have access to Spotify,

a concise, 10,000 foot view is here:

Episode #376 - 1hr. 13min.

The Demoralization of the West

Channel: Macroagressions, Host: Charlie Robinson


I'll see if I can find links elsewhere




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The higher the ladder of truth you go, the closer you get to Sage. He shoots from the hip.

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That's one strange CIA "He" AI drunk-bot cha got there, Denis.

I also think Sage already knoes:

" The higher ya climb, the more ur ass shows."

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Sage, honey, you gotta wrap it up with that death stuff. Pro football preseason has started, so we need the airwaves back. Mmmmkay?

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If you drink enough beer you may pass out and aspirate on your own vomit.

Then you can go to 3rd and 10 land in heaven.

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3rd and 10 only works with a penalty.

Thus 4th and 20, yeah baby, burn !!

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Death like a Real Rock n Roller!

Ironically, the covid era made me more healthy. I got kicked out of a bunch of "friend" groups because I wouldn'tvaxx, so I don't go out like I used to. Such a sad story.

But not as sad as being 3rd and 10, unless your name.is Damar, and then you are 26 and 6 feet under.

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"There are times when I do wish that there was a Hell and that the denizens would face it."

Jesus said there is a hell.

"Maybe I would face it too."

Jesus said we would also perish except we repent.

Jesus gave us only one way out, through the strait (constricted) gate, and down the narrow (afflicting) way:


He also said few would do it, and so it is.

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If they are the marks YOU are the ‘enemy combatant’

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At some point I’m thinking all the baddies are just npcs and we’re here looking in on the mess unfolding

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It might be a test:

A Courage and Imagination test.

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It’s way better to believe there is a hell. Because you don’t really know, but if you think it’s at least possible, you can then envision it filled with all those miserable creatures.

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Someone famous once said:

“Hell is empty & all the demons are here”.

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