The Owners would very much like for the *Independent Journalists* to appear on CHD, or join The Wellness Company's stable of "Konservative Pharm Reps, er...sponsors" or as with James O'Keefe and Project Veritas just meet with Bob Malone in Southern California and have a strategy session and then meet on a mountain with Bobby Kennedy with the dog from the finca at Headwinds with Geert and Bob.

Unpack that sentence.

Or just come out to the various United States Security State NGO Summits and hit the hot tub.

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They would very much like for you to NOT track the BIOWEAPONS talk through the United States Department of Defense to your Homeland Security Senator Ron Johnson or ask why Bobby Kennedy and Donald Trump don't go after the Bioweapon perps.


Bobby said it. "This was a Pentagon project."

"Pfizer and Moderna don't really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project."


Now they all want to pretend that it was "Big Pharma".

We want to pretend that the WHO pulls rank on the United States?

And the poor little United States was just a hapless pawn? 😹

James Corbett knows more in his little finger than I know in my whole brain. Come on...this is like a Media Stepford Wives show now.

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It’s the Public Private Partnership gallop spinning out unlawful rules. What are we going to do? Attack the shadow? Fight the DOD? On a Martial Law chessboard? Detonating brains.

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HEY... I was in a Reality Show like that! We filmed it in 2013-2015! It’s STILL on IMDB under “Post-Production” OR “Pitched” status -- which is FilmSpeak for “One of the actresses involved in this production has been a DIVA BIATCH since Day ONE and has hijacked this project from its CREATOR”. Erm, that Creator would be MOI. This really is a TRUE story and I have not only ALL of the receipts from my Entertainment Atty at Donaldson&Callif BUT I also have ZEE videos and Trailer! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

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FFS, I can't get past Stevie HatfulO'shit cause every time I come across his mug I break out laughing thinking bouts the vid where he demonstrates shak'n those dangrous Cootie bugs off the pants ........ Science is amazeding.

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"the soles of your shoes"

Pure unadulterated Fear Porn National Defense not much different than Pierre Kory losing his mind at Ron Johnson Homeland Security Hearing #1 on May 6, 2020.

Good Lord. Good Lord.

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I downloaded the Toronto 6's and while reading I could logically see how the food shortages can and will (are) be(ing) created in a hurry ala Dr. Day.

The bastardization of language I first noticed quite a few years back (even mandated into guv policy) amplified tenfold by the minute.

Amongst many other inputs of sex drugs and rock on.

Yeah rock on over the cliff.

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Michael, I began this Stack wondering why Greenwald and Taibbi, et. al were not moving on this Psy Op. They were Blue Pill Covidians.

I realized nobody was going to do it so I started trying to do it myself.

Now Taibbi is part of some Defeat the Mandates off shoot Defend the Republic something or other powwow. Imagine that.

Now Greg Reese and Mike Adams are promoting the narratives. Like on a dime. They both were pointing out that Trump was pushing shots at one time. Now. Bang. Different world.

Now Bigtree and Evergreen are pushing Trump.

Trump is still extolling the virtues of the shots.

This is the most bananas shit ever. The Op is escalating. All roads lead to Hawaii and Gaza. What a fucking bizarro world.

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It blows my mind so many, that I thought were dissidents at least to some degree, are getting sucked into the vortex.

Me's wonder is it money, feel'n pretty, status or a tried and true form of coercion, 'Blackmail'.

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This is legit very worrisome and here is why.

2024 something shifted dramatically. The Ops are FLYING NOW.

Like a year ago, I wrote "run out the clock". Like it really feels like pulling out all the stops to get to some end game and it kinda looks like that is get Trump in or run the Trump fake getting assassinated and "respond" with the Day Tapes Nukes option.

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My guess is there are no dissidents, just actors. Why blackmail or plant drugs when you can just create your own dissident, somebody already on the payroll. Creating "dissidents" like Corbett to herd people like myself, who "dig a little deeper" a slam dunk for powers that should not be. Build some credibility with some 9/11 truth(does he do "no planes"?) and his honest to goodness if you don't believe me here's the footnotes approach and next thing you know fifteen or so years pass by and you have an established psyop to control a targeted segment of the population.

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Jimmy Dore pushing Trump. He wants to spend more time in Hawaii.

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I subscribed to BALD WUNDERKIND Taibbi awhile ago. I’ve seen the Shift. ALSO - he’s NOT (!!!!!!) the new Edward Snowden or Julian

Assange!!!! NOT even close, despite that teaser of a LETDOWN aka “The Twatter Files”. Huge disappointment.

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Defend the republic being branded in your favorite movie franchise design style no less. Noice!

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Glittering Generalities.

This is why the Owners hire Troubadours and Philosophy Majors and Poetry Doctorates.

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Yes the sudden flip of some switch from Reese and Adams on the Trump question has cemented my long niggling suspicions of those two.

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Can't help my simple mind. Michael says shak'n and you say soles of shoes and up pops soundtrack "Virions on the Soles of Your Shoes"


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Cray Cray world!

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Damn, he’s a great SWEATY METHOD ACTOR!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Sage, I was pondering today how I handle getting my toddler to do something that she doesn't want to do. I give her a slightly different option so that she has a choice, but the result is more or less the same. It works like a charm, most of the time, unless she's feeling extra defiant. And then it hit me, that's what they're doing to us. Like we're little toddlers being coaxed to act, one way or another. And now I feel bad for doing it to my kid too..

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Very sharp comparison, Christy.

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If you feel a bit dirty after manipulating, even in a good or neutral cause, you have a soul.

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spot on, Christy!

but you know, when you are actually responsible for a child, somebody has to be the grownup. Once the kid is 18 and you have done your best teaching, then you can start feeling guilty about manipulating...

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great observation, Christy. Both sides are constantly pushing us to the left, farther and farther. Democrats/Kama now are far left, anything goes, Trump was far right, now he's middle ground/"let's get along". Slowly pushing conservatives (that don't think) to the left ever farther.

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Good ol’ Abby Rockefeller. Seems to be everybody’s friend these days. Especially in the Medical Freedom Movement. Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis (PlandemicSeries.com), & Garden Gnome Malone boasted about hanging out with her on her ranch. This was the same event where Bigtree was overheard saying “We Are Well Funded”. And he also talked, on stage, about how Bill Gates isn’t all that bad. Maybe his intentions are even good? Maybe he genuinely believes he’s doing us all a favor by helping cull a whole bunch of us? Funny how they’re all in on the depop psyop in their own ways. And justifying their hanging out with & breaking bread with the evil folk.

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While we are waiting for them to kill us....some info to listen to and ponder......

Further Analysis w/ Denis Rancourt & Dr. Jonathan Couey https://rumble.com/v5f69hx-further-analysist-w-denis-rancourt-and-dr.-jonathan-couey.html

Episode 196, "The Red Pill Expo Speaker Chats with Biologist Jonathan Couey"


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I am looking forward to the Flat Earth Festival in South Carolina. I’m now flat earth curious. Maybe I’m still a sweet summer child.

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Flat earth?

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It's one of those distraction psy-ops. It's purpose is to 'run out the clock'. As far as stopping the global tyranny, it literally doesn't matter what shape the Earth is. Best to ignore.

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Flat Earth curious… Exactly... I'm flat Earth intrigued...

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Lack of immunity to the Gellmann Amnesia Effect. The radical act of remembering. “ OK, so people are gullible idiots. What else is new?” (Corbett). Cartwheeling through life.

Everybody needs a team. A safe and diluted identity buffered in social licence. Generations of resumes triggered algorithms set to reward team player perfection, abandoning individuality for conformity. Except Steve Jobbs: ground breaking inventions are the thing of solo flights. LOL. Here we are. Successful instalment of academia herd identity and self censored group think. Snapping right into place, automated.

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It REALLY looks like him!

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I know!😻

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I do not understand why they are allowing me to enter this "Comment." Why would they do that? They control everything else, why is Substack still free expression?

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Substack is a tiny bubble. Not many new faces here. And 'they' get to collect data about how the opposition is thinking. They get to test ideas for pacifying, distracting and confusing the opposition. It's a testing ground for them and provides a feedback loop into their control system so they can adjust their plans as necessary.

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That sounds like it is helping me. This supplies a little bit of light on these matters. So, I would imagine the total idiots are watching all of this. Makes sense. But I still do not know why you would say it is only a tiny bubble. Because there are LOTS of persons out there! And we are subscribing. Some newsletters have a million, and our "conspiracy" newsletters are not a tiny bubble. But I think "GettingReady" means there still are not too many persons resisting the authoritarians. That is the "tiny bubble," I suppose. But some of these newsletter do bring in a whole slew of subscribers.

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Now that we are two or three years post injection, and people are dying of kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, liver cancers, etc., it seems like the young whistleblower in this video was telling the truth all along, yes? https://dontspeaknews.com/2022/08/21/2013-mrna-drug-trial-whistleblower-says-only-5-left-alive-out-of-200000/ They had already studied mRNA, and new that it would kill most people years after the injection, and only a few would die immediately. And now we get to go through the mental contortions of the five stages of grief as if for the first time. We should be wrapping up stage one. I forget what stage two is, but I don't expect it to be very much fun.

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Jabs Bad.

We know this. Did you know this?

I knew this. In an afternoon of research in 2021.

Jabs Bad.



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I knew it wasn't going to be much fun.

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I’d like to think this could blow the lid off everything but I’m so fucking jaded.


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It's 2024 and the Father of the Vaccine and the self-described King of Israel is the poster child for the Not a Movement.


Do you really think that a lid is going to be blown?




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You never know but I understood intuitively in 2021 as the fascism ran riot that we were in uncharted Psy Op Terrain.

"a young girl who, after a terrible storm, walks along a beach covered in starfish. Despite the overwhelming number of stranded creatures, she picks up each starfish and throws it back into the ocean.

When a bystander questions her efforts, saying she can’t possibly make a difference given the sheer number of starfish, the girl responds by throwing another starfish into the sea and smiling, saying, “It made a difference to that one!”

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Hear Hear!!!

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