Oh, my goodness.

At some point, I did wonder briefly about how all these groups and orgs became prominent so quickly.

Of course, for me, I was seeking some safe harbor for my newly-found vax skepticism in the mid-2010s, and Del Bigtree was perfectly situated for that. So, I turned to them (and a few years later, to CHD) for consolation and comfort. They did serve their purpose quite well, I must say.

This could very well be one reason why Bobby says those outrageous things about the "pampered Palestinians".

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Those damned antivaxxers again

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You fund a movement that is meaningful to many and give them heroes.

Then you give them your best friend.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

In July, after the ear was gently grazed by the bestest sharpshooter in history of grazings, Trump calls Kennedy. An in-house camera man records the conversation that later is leaked.

Trump repeats what he always said: it's terrible, the kids just go numb, their eyes are lost, happens all the time. The MMR. The Black Kids. Endorse me. I'll think about it.

Andy Wakefield was right.


There are hitman scientists for hire, you know. The one who testified against Wakefield in England in the 1990s also was hired to tell the world that the PCR of course worked perfectly to detect covid infection.

Small world.

I can't remember his name.

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Yeah "Iran" really botched their choice of assassin, huh?

Iranians Botching Shit.

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Bustin. McKernan. Bobby Malhotra from Germany (unrelated AFAIK too the other Malhotra, whose dad died from the magic sauce.)

Let's review the dates.

1) the interview with Bustin (highly recommended) is from March 2020.

2) The "Corman Drosten review report" is from November 2020. This defunct but archived site (http://web.archive.org/web/20200715000000*/cormandrostenreview.com). This is the paper signed by Borger, McKernan, Yeadon, Kammerer, Binder, Craig, Scoglio, Corbett, and many others, that demands with a letter that Eurosurveillance retracts the scientific fraud of Corman and Drosten from the beginning of 2020.

"A detailed scientific argumentations can be found in our review “External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results”, which we herewith submit for publication in Eurosurveillance.

Further, the submission date and acceptance date of this paper are January 21st and January 22nd, respectively. Considering the severe errors in design and methodology of the RT-PCR test published by “Eurosurveillance”, this raises the concern whether the paper was subjected to peer-review at all."

3) A couple of months after the report, Feb '21, Eric Coppolino publishes an interview with two reviewers: McKernan and Malhotra. Very long interview, also very formative.


Most people missed this. January 2021 was the first month of mass poisoning. Censorship does kill people.

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The camera man was Bobby Kennedy JrJr. He was grounded or given a car not sure which.

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cars are smartphones with wheels, so they definitely have to be grounded or the static will make doritos with your RAM modules.

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Its always fun to drive them in circles in the parking lots wintertime then run over and zap someone with the static

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I’m not sure their best friend is all on board with said movement. But don’t tell them that, it’ll detonate your stack.

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Their best friend would sell out his whole family for a marker at the casino.

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Maybe he has already a couple times and we only know about the latest.

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Or the Casino Is-Royale

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

"Wealthy Jewish Philanthropists Responsible For Funding Anti-Vaccine Organizations"

That's some very revealing dark layer cake fuckery right there.

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Sorry I lost track of what board I was on.

Yes. Evil Layer Cake. Very calculated.

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Read zeeee post. I should timeline it but ehhh....

They knew the fake planned pandemic was coming. They knew they were going to kill lots of people with shots.

They did Disneyland Measles in 2015 and then funded Wakefield and Bigtree and Vaxxed and Bobby joined "A Mercury Project", budget ballooned, turned into CHD.

All in that time frame.

And now you have Bigtree and Evergreen Boy doing a King of Israel Campaign Stop.

Father of the Vaccine King of Israel.

Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

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I hit the high points. No disrespect to your chronicling and sleuthing - but more to the toxic overload that comes on me like a psychic gag reflex whenever I'm rooting around in the garbage the monster leaves in it's wake.

Just hit me like a minor epiphany that if you were to sufficiently nail down one of these foreshadowing type events, would that, could that... be the catalyst that sets off the whole steaming mass - like striking a match over an open peat bog?

asking for a friend.

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I think they kind of want me or someone to predict it.

Like hiding out in plain sight. I think they enjoy that aspect of it. Leaving crumbs, Mocking.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

yes they cannot resist being seen, like the insolent serial killer who gets frustrated when the cops can’t keep up.

That being said, I admit this thought stems from a feeling I have that their undoing will not be by some general uprising against them, but rather it will be a self induced admixture of their worst traits, all returning back to them a thousandfold - a sort of darkly comical, profoundly demeaning act of colossal dumbassery and hatred that culminates in the total self destruction of their secretive racist ant colony control structure, leaving them utterly exposed, ruined and completely finished as a cohesive force of evil, for ever. Or maybe I am just nearing the moment I wake up from this terrible nightmare and laugh it off. May it be so. Either way is good by me.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Just...wow. thank you

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Thank you for that Nobel Prize link to Mectin Dude.

Already bearing fruit!

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Oh goode!!!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Member of British Parliment

Craig Mackinlay.


"Have you guys heard stories of people with influenza that lost their limbs... they're losing extremeties?

...Because it's infecting their circulatory system..."

British MP quad amputee...

My limbs were amputated after sepsis,

says (British)MP Craig Mackinlay

22 May 2024






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"Then you give them your best friend."

Or your children.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Damned = Hypervigilant = HighIQ

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I just remember anomalies.

I ask myself "what would a person tasked with (blank) look and act like?"

What does this person look and act like?

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, that picture of drumph and bobbi was priceless btw

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The current Life Magazine (parallel universe) picture of what Middle Managers in a Genocide look like.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

"Well alright Pilgrim. Circle the wagons and pass da Mectin. " 💊💊

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"Pretty bold talk for a one eyed fatman."

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, my, goodness!!!

Well, it might cheer you up to know that I went to another amazing football game today, and there was a nice lady whose sudden-appearing cancer was now in remission, and the whole stadium cheered! And they also cheered for the little 6 year old girl fighting leukemia, and our team TOTALLY WON. It was awesome!!! So cool. Cool Ranch. Doritos.

Did you hear the one about the holocaust survivor who was jailed for refusing the jab?


"A German court tried to force 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya to get COVID-19 vaccinations and be committed to a psychiatric facility.

The order, which Zhvanetskaya's lawyer Holger Fischer said was later overruled by a regional court, came from a judge in the city of Stuttgart, according to the Jerusalem Post, which cited the German language publication Report 24.

The city court's order had called for the Ukrainian-born Zhvanetskaya, a Jewish composer, to be sent to a doctor for two COVID-19 shots against her will. She would also be institutionalized."


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Which holocaust?

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ikr, there have been so many it's hard to keep track these days!

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You know I tend to get stuck on dem words.

WakeFIELD, falsified data... falsified... falsified... Ari FIELDman means fraud. Wakeman. Ari doesn't say "fraud" or data fraud in the caption of that picture. Later in the text he uses the correct word. But falsified... falsified... where have I read that word before.



The Penguins or Karl Popper!

What is a Secretarybird? Is a falsified Penguin bird!

Falsified was always fraud, hoax, bad until Popper made that word one of the "good" words.

The Mystical Path of the Double Negation it is.

Secretarybirds are huge!

Real Penguins tell you a lie, you falsify the lie, then BOOM!!! You have the truth. Good! Truth GOOD!

But don't call it truth.

You are a scientist, not a theologian. YOU CANNOT KNOW TRUTH MOTHERFUCKER! That's in synthesis the philosophy of Popper.

Falsified is good, sometimes


you get to be less wrong. Maybe.

So, Lt. Columbo has a model. He goes to a model shop, he asks to buy a model to falsify, to solve a crime.

The detective knows from the first act the truth. He is not a scientist, so he is allowed to know the truth.

Regardless, he follows the rules. Good copper. He has to falsify the model.

Falsify. Falsificate. Make it false. Show that the false data is false. Prove a negative. No one can prove a negative, Karl! STAHP USING DRUGS!

Of course you can prove a negative. You negate the negative to have a positive. Then you show the positive is false. The rules of Fascist Masculine Logic of Patriarchy and Stoicism say the negative has to be true.

Unless you are standing before an antinomy or an antilogy.

But no real antilogy was ever isolated etcetera, said the killer whale to the giant secretarybird.

Anyhoo, assume you have a non-pathological proposition thusly:

Negative: "There is no tofu in Sage's fridge."

Let's make it more positive:

Positive: "There is tofu in Sage's fridge."

Let's prove it!

::Sage goes to the fridge::

::No tofu, contemplates life's choices::


Positive is false.

Negative is proven to be true.

Falsified data.

Like Covid cases. Example:

Nurse Eugene is not being careful with that axe. It's his choice. Patient Edward is decapitated. Not his choice. Edward has died of covid of the neck, proved by postive PCR because today is September 14 2020 and we are playing covid, because we are falsifying reality in a non-Popperian way. Because we have a plan. But we don't talk about plan.

What would Wakeman say of this? He would call me a truther. Which is an insult, like calling the mother of Wakeman an ant-eater, just because her nose does not fit anywhere between the river and the sea.

I don't care much about insults. I identify as a Scorpio. Logically, I want your liver.

I don't like "falsified." It's a confusing word. Used by magicians. Not a clear-thinking word.

The end, my only friend, the end.

Weird scenes inside the gold mine.

The west IS the best.

The horror. The horror.

They cut the arms of the vaccinated children. The viet cong did, those left wing nationalists. It was fiction, but they did it. Lt. Col. Kurtz said it. A diamond bullet went through his head. The assassin cannot judge him. Willard can kill him, but cannot judge him.

Willard is not an anti-vaxxer. The Captain is a good boy. He falsifies like a penguin.

Naval Fatherly Intelligence. Ethically, I'm a bit skeptic about the whole movie we are being forced to see.

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Rog this is a Wendy's.

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“I am the lizard king.

I can do any thing.”

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Yes you can. And I enjoyed your comment.

Good Rog!

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Them koalas is a hoot

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Sounds like somebody spent to many nights at the Hotel Morrison. ✌️✌️✌️

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I should really give up my MKMUSIC habit.

Maybe I should go back to Bach.

Sonata for Violin no. 3 in C (BWV 1005)

Much better than The Doors.

Way Better.

Also hypnotic. But all music is hypnotic, by its own nature. Read the myth of Orpheus. Not Morpheus, that's another guy.


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I am a big classical guy also. Vivaldi is my favorite, although Strauss is very good for sipping a good Riesling. 🥂🥂

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One of the greats, Vivaldi.

There is almost no darkness in his music.

Blessed man.

After the horrors of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, formal music took a dark turn. Perhaps a reflection of the pessimism in society. Popular music was more optimistic and lively. People danced and partied a lot between wars and revolutions.

It's shocking, but it may be true that most people were happier in the misery before the industrial revolution. Probably the British Empire Historians lied a lot about the misery from the middle ages to, to justify the madness of the social engineers of the Illustration.

Music is a testimony for that view.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Strange Daze indeed!! 😎

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry Rog W. You lost me in the self referential loops of falsity, Columbo, Sage, nurse Eugene, and Kurtz et al. Is there a way to back out? Or is this some fractal thing requiring better understanding of quantum entanglement necessitating a jump? Flurm mentioned koalas. I dreamed of blue teddy bears the other night. Are they connected?

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D'you know Pink Floyd?

The titles of their songs are better than the music itself.

I love Pink Floyd, but I hate the London School of Economics.

More seriously now, the issue of data fraud really gets me, and I don't even believe in data.

Those people of the lie about murderous data fraud, falsifications of data. It's awful what they do! That's the gist of my comment. I went too "poetic" by the end. Sorry about that!

There are many types of data fraud. They are usually aimed at harming and killing the disabled, the elderly, or the children. Also women. And pregnant women, and the little humans inside, blameless.

Read this from 2009

«The plea agreement provides that Eli Lilly will pay a criminal fine of $515 million and forfeit assets of $100 million. The civil settlement agreement provides that Eli Lilly will pay up to an additional $800 million to the federal government and the states to resolve civil allegations originally brought in four separate lawsuits under the qui tam provisions of the federal False Claims Act. The federal share of the civil settlement amount is $438 million. Under the terms of the civil settlement, Eli Lilly will pay up to $361 million to those states that opt to participate in the agreement.

Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), a company must specify the intended uses of a product in its new drug application to the FDA. Before approving a drug, the FDA must determine that the drug is safe and effective for the use proposed by the company. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or promoted for off-label uses.

The FDA originally approved Zyprexa, also known by the chemical name olanzapine, in Sept. 1996 for the treatment of manifestations of psychotic disorders. In March 2000, FDA approved Zyprexa for the short-term treatment of acute manic episodes associated with Bipolar I Disorder. In Nov. 2000, FDA approved Zyprexa for the short term treatment of schizophrenia in place of the management of the manifestations of psychotic disorders. Also in Nov. 2000, FDA approved Zyprexa for maintaining treatment response in schizophrenic patients who had been stable for approximately eight weeks and were then followed for a period of up to eight months. Zyprexa has never been approved for the treatment of dementia or Alzheimer’s dementia.

The criminal information, filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, alleges that from Sept. 1999 through at least Nov. 2003, Eli Lilly promoted Zyprexa for the treatment of agitation, aggression, hostility, dementia, Alzheimer’s dementia, depression and generalized sleep disorder. The information alleges that Eli Lilly’s management created marketing materials promoting Zyprexa for off-label uses, trained its sales force to disregard the law and directed its sales personnel to promote Zyprexa for off-label uses.

The information alleges that beginning in 1999, Eli Lilly expended significant resources to promote Zyprexa in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities, primarily through its long-term care sales force. Eli Lilly sought to convince doctors to prescribe Zyprexa to treat patients with disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s dementia, depression, anxiety, and sleep problems, and behavioral symptoms such as agitation, aggression, and hostility.

The information further alleges that the FDA never approved Zyprexa for the treatment of dementia, Alzheimer's dementia, psychosis associated with Alzheimer's disease, or the cognitive deficits associated with dementia.

The information also alleges that building on its unlawful promotion and success in the long-term care market, Eli Lilly executives decided to market Zyprexa to primary-care physicians. In Oct. 2000, Eli Lilly began this off-label marketing campaign targeting primary care physicians, even though the company knew that there was virtually no approved use for Zyprexa in the primary-care market. Eli Lilly trained its primary-care physician sales representatives to promote Zyprexa by focusing on symptoms, rather than Zyprexa’s FDA approved indications.»


---- semi-tangential commentary ----

No psychiatric drug has any merit. Full stop.

It seems clear that Eugenics is the only reason for producing them and giving them to young people.

For the elderly, it's about accelerating their demise for fun and profit, and to lessen the burden of pensions, and other costs.

It is terrible. It is soul-crushing. It's particularly bad when they give psychiatric drugs to children under five, whose only crime is to have been born from a woman or a man with a psychiatric label.

Nurses and doctors could be replaced by killer robots. No one would notice any change in the callous behavior, the evasive answers or the abyss in their eyes.

My undocumented guess is that they killed Syd Barrett slowly just for being a crazy diamond.

Very few people care that these crimes happen all the time in civilized western countries. The Brits are being constantly reminded they MUST BE proud of the NHS.

It's dangerous to defend crazy people, everyone can understand the origin of this silence. It's easier to pretend a dog has rabies to kill him. Easier for those who need a lie to wash their conscience. The perpetrators don't need no lies for that purpose.

How many people have been assassinated slowly through the ruse of "medical treatment" since the 1960s? How many millions have been led to believe it was their fault they had to be bullied, tortured and finally murdered, like a defective lab rat?

"I'm just following orders."

"Follow the Protocols."

Psychiatry is so corrupt they had to invent scientology to hedge psychiatry from critique. The moment a person says anything against it, he or she will get accused of being an stinking scientologist.

Sometimes I do get stuck with dem words.

They manipulate words to cover up any crime. People buy it. It's easier to chug down the koolaid.

Can you prove a negative?

Don't say "No, no one can" because I'll ask how do you prove that negative.

And it's funny for me, but people begin to cry in utter despair at that point in the debate. I hate to make people cry from that. People should cry only from laughter. Philosophy should be fun. Heraclitus, dubbed the Dark, had a wrong approach to life. Hope can be healthy at times.

That's my provocation for today: Hope.

And that, dear Mike, is what you get for asking. Thank you for asking! Really!

No, there is no way to back out. Abandon all hope ye who receive my comments. You'll have to use a hot air balloon.

I hope I helped you understand better the tragicomic inspiration of my laborious comments on substack.

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As someone whose entire career was based on data. I fully understand. My wife always says give me a few facts and I can justify anything. A righteous rant. Now go have some fish tacos and enjoy the day. Think I’ll put the Zeppelin back in the sleeve and pull out some Pink Floyd since you mentioned it.

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That whole damn falsification thing was meant to confuse students and is some kind of a Asch conformity test. Those who conform will get their degrees in science. All kinds of contortions to understand it. And to prevent the unwashed general public from understanding "evidence" in science.

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Below,WEF is confirming on their site in 2022, ALL that Υ0u hv bn writing 4yrs,trying 2inform us...

1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.[ in plain words, WEF admits cov1d was a “test” of public obedience]

Then they talk~S0cialCredit + ZER0 Carbon


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Well spotted. In true Orwellian doublespeak, when WEF says 'inclusivity' they mean those not in their in-group are out. 'In-Groupe' boasts it has been advising the French govt for 500 years.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2249381359

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Did you know that they now have a cancer for every month so the marks will be afraid and donate till they die? September is now ovarian cancer month. So much with the war against (with) cancer.

See the other months below.

"If they want heroes, we'll give them heroes" (Freemasons)


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It's called controlled opposition.

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As a kid I read that Lyndon Johnson was "circumspect" about Vietnam. I confused that with being circumcised, which made no sense to me at the time.

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This is sounding like a CIA (OSS and friends) re-run. Any serious movement in history to counter narrative force-feeding has always been met with, "new members." Who are these freaks and geeks that manifest before our eyes and turn the many movements into clown shows? Well, you can't fight facts with lies so instead you load the truth teller roster with some interesting types that maybe dabble in psychedelics, maybe they dabble in alien worship (space lizards specifically)...and voila. No one will really care what's actually being said by this group which allows a new group to step forward that appears more organized and they become the face of the movement. Unfortunately, this face is organized with everything but teeth.

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Just like every war, they fund both sides.

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What's the play here you reckon? Infiltrate both (pro and anti vax) sides before the main event starts?

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#2: HIGH OCTANE SPECULATION: Fake Trump's assassination and false flag it to Iran.

VP JD or Bobby and Sec. of State Tulsi drop the nukes (if nukes are real)

(This is a Day Tapes scenario, btw. Staged World War to persuade the world that peace under a One World Gov't. is preferable. No more nations.)

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

🎵 It's a one world after all.🎵

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I'm six minutes in and the story line just hasn't gone anywhere

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No, he said Wendy, Marvin, and super dog. Is Scooby Doo a reboot of super dog?

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So Tulsi as the real-life "Madam Secretary"? Now that's a play I didn't think about...but makes PERFECT sense!

What about "junior"? HHS or Justice like daddy?

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I think the father was AG.

Junior is to old for AG, maybe.

But Jon Rappoport say it's difficult that he is approved by Senate. Which makes me think Junior will become White House Chief of Staff, which does not require Congress approval, and avails much more power than HHS, because the chief of staff is the vizir, the viceroy, who controls the executive office, and he answers only to the POTUS. He could control even the underwear of all secretaries and all governors.

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There are multiple overlapping plays.

The pro-anti-vax framing is an utter thought terminating cliche, first, but yes.

This was hedged as "Freedom" (i.e. No mandates but shots still good OR take these other TREATMENTS for the NOVEL ROGUE CORONAVIRUS Fake Pandemic.)

People who are "anti-vax" are passionate and aggrieved, rightfully so. As such they are very motivated reasoners and grateful to have a champion, like Del or Bobby.

They are all turning now to support the still-proud champion OF THE SHOTS WHICH KILLED MILLIONS.

There are many, many more sides than "vaccines".

You will find funding to create the Ideology of the Threat Matrix...and then funding on what to do about the (fake,staged) Threat Matrix.

The play with Bret Weinstein was to use WOKE as a way to gain confidence. "Con game"

It was this year and especially the "event" in PA that I saw the real turn for home. They want war.


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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

This was hedged as "Freedom"...such an evocative, romantic concept drilled deep into the normies, who never stopped to think...

My freedom was never theirs to take. Not groveling to get it back. What an affront!

I remember telling my patients when the governor gave the 'executive order' to shut our businesses, that he could just 'executive order' me to re-open again. They shunned me until they needed me again. They thought I was kidding. I wasn't.

I shut myself down and asserted my freedom from their compliance and insanity.

In good conscience, I couldn't play any of their game. I gave what example I could.

They turned it all into free dumb. The normies are grateful.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

You are one in a billion.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

https://debra152.substack.com/p/whats-inat Thank you Ms Consuelo 💖

We are chipping away... sometimes taking big chunks.

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Yes, terrorizing the Whole World into accepting their Agenda. With War.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

In this context, strip of land is useful flashpoint, another domino, not end goal? Along the lines of Ukraine, which they keep simmering along, instead of winding down, such that they can crank the heat up any time it’s needed.

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Good query and I am admittedly at the limits of my geopolitical understandings of "ostensible reasons".

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Maybe this ‘random assortment’ of people can help. (“Random” hahahaha)


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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

I have wondered from the first I heard about the "strip of land" here on this stack. I have wondered what comes after gaining that land. It seems to me that the idea is to rule the whole world from there, not to just plant crops and run an economy. It's the precursor, not the endpoint.

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And in the mean time they serve the depop agenda, serve as scrapyards for soon to be obsolete weapons, obscure huge money flow and grift, and enable future economic activity (and grift).

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What the fuk kinda drugs are you on

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Absolutely! If any of these folks (McCullough and friends) were a threat to the establishment they would've killed themselves in strange ways years ago. They're all offering their own solution which is enriching them while using the same scare tactics they've spoken out against. "Always be ready for emergencies!" Here's a bunch of, "essential antibiotics, non-horse paste, and some off label anti-depressants that appear to be a mostly effective anti-inflammatory." When disease X shows up they'll be in an even better position to join the billionaire class. It's 1984 all over again. "The Brotherhood" is a trap. The only true movements are small and don't accept outside money.

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Well..what's it gonna be??

Ya want the sh*t? Or ya want the shinola??

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Well, that's a lot to unpack. Unfortunately the myth of Wakefield being, uh, Wakefielded for drawing untrue links between shots and autism is easily disproved. And P Hall has always had my hackles up for some reason, so not a great source. It definitely takes a lot of effort to untie these knots. Why can't they be just good guys or bad guys? It would be a lot easier for us plebs.

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The human condition. We could all start out with noble intentions. Then the power brokers start dangling different sorts of carrots which could very well include blackmail.

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I regurgitated one of your images here, my response.


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Really. The PCR, huh

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Bigtree, like Kennedy, is not anti-vax as stated in the opening. Just the bad ones.

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