Trust no politician, political figure or medical expert. The life you save may be your own.

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If we're not in Kansas any more, we sure aren't in Camelot either. ☹

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I think we are in the Twilight Zone though.

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We are.

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Sheila, did you do professional comedy? Your one liners are priceless!

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Boutique is fun sometimes!

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Haha, sadly not. I'm one of those people who can't speak in public without shaking with nerves. An introvert bordering on a recluse these days!

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Well, we've got something in common. Though my wife will affirm I'm not an introvert, I feel like I am becoming a borderline recluse.

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Yes, we should all not get together and continue to lament remotely. Not kidding!

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I was actually thinking yesterday that I need to make a New Year's resolution (something I never ever do!) to just go and find some places where non-normies go, as I am surrounded on every side by normies. Substack and Telegram are my safety valves and moral support. But next year has to be more Real Life, before they take it from us. I'm old, so nothing to lose anyway.

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This is so laughable. The CCP! And RFK will do the right thing once confirmed. What fucking world do these people live in? Are they all drunk?

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The larger point and I'm trying to stay within her movie: If Trump and Bobby are choosing to remain silent of known dangers of bioweapons in fear of China, then they are now committing treason on the American people.

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But I voted so hard this time

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That part of the Venn diagram where “Covid Jabs bad” interlocking with “China bad” has some high-end charlatans, for sure… but nothing comes close to those inhabiting the interlocking circles of “China bad”, “everyone else bad except Five Eyes + Israel”, “Pharma mostly good but flawed”, “intel agencies are not freemasonic death squads” and “virology and vaccinology are not primary assault vectors in a 150 years old elite supremacist techno-fascist-esoteric-eugenics plan to exterminate vermin”…

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"The (US) government wants me dead!"


Flash forwards:



What the hell happens behind that wall?

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It is a good deductive reasoning exercise to assume that any information coming from a government/political source is not only complete bullshit, but totally antithetical to the reality of the situation, and for the most dark and nefarious fucking reasons you could possibly imagine. An occam's razor exercise for our present head-up-the-butt "enlightened" society

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It's a heuristic that will be and is, I suspect, double fake out switched.

This is a sophisticated collection of operations.

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A very sophisticated collection of heads will explode lol

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Patriotard mental gymnastics

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Julie Belzeski is the one who told me I'm a Sage Hana Groupie. ROFLMAO!! Busybody running all over the place helping out!

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Wellness Julie.

That word. That thought terminating cliche buzzword.

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By all and any means, Affirm the excuses. Btw, I just got a strange email from this stack asking me to verify myself before it will allow me to comment(while trying to comment when reading your stack from my email-no such request or firewall when I go directly to Substack app and comment).

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I did not initiate this strange this email or any new "verification" policy.

Expect mucho weirdness as they coming now. Mossad Wellness US State WEFFIE infodemic warriors are going to start coming hard

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I have a suspicion they want everyone on the app (recent promo incentive$), and will discourage other access. Potentially a surveillance tool component.

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Oh..you can remove "Potentially" 😅🎯

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It’s new code for ‘you bet your a.. !’ 👀

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Just seen the Corbett Pokemon update 😆. Akashic download is right in tune. https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/pokemon-gov-another-conspiracy-confirmed. In case someone wonders what that spyware does…..

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If they force the app by leaving no choice, I’m off.

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Free Speech Slaughter Pen

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I get that quite often. No idea either.

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I just got one too. Signed in, can comment now

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I didn't do it!

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I know. It always happens on this phone.

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Wizard of Oz replay. "Musical Fantasy" ..Similar to 1939 MGM Film.

DJ as Cowardly Lion .. lacks courage

Bobby Jr as Scarecrow w/no brain

Muskado as Tin Man w/no heart

JD Vance plays Judy Garland w/Atlas as Toto

Nancy Pelosi as Wicked Witch of the West

Oz not revealed yet.

Likely will end differently than MGM version

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Their temporary silence simply means they realize they won't be able to do anything if RFK is not confirmed, so they are staying silent until he is in. Their risk of getting "whacked" is not solely related to mRNA or vaccines, it's for countless other reasons as well. And they both knew this going in. "Gutless" they are not.

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It's 2025 almost.

I knew the shots were dangerous after two hours of research in 2021.

Come on, now.

You can't keep up this "it's not a good time" forever.

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By the way, that's not what KK said, about RFK confirmation, and you immediately shifted the goalposts.

Which people who are bargaining like to do.

She suggested that they are afraid of getting assassinated. That's what this post is about.

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Hmmmm. As I see it the goal posts were never together. 2 separate issues. 1 is assassination. That is 24/7 regardless of what either Trump or RFK Jr does short of resigning (the cowards way out). The second is the silence regarding mRNA and all vaccines. If they blow trumpets against both right now RFK Jr will never get confirmed. This is not cowardice, it's temporary restraint [IMHO of course].

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She made a simple statement.

That's what we are discussing.

You want to talk about something else.

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This is a terrible question. I’m sorry in advance. Was she vaccinated?

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Nobody was "vaccinated" and words matter.

She did supposedly get malaria and ....Clinton and Obama agent bodyguard and....Mexico...and ehhh...

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Yes…that whole “Karen Kingston episode in Mexico”! 😳

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Wow. So many words here. If I had time I would lexigram them.

Luckily, out of time. I hear a hammer that dropped. Gotta run.

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I agree!

Globalists will be Globalists!

We are the carbon being reduced!

Virology is a sham!


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Julie Belzeski must still be drinking koolaid on the Trump train.

RF'nKjr is a FRAUD...a drug addict...heroin, cocaine and steroids TRT

RF'nKjr is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR...a demon in a human body suit

100% what Sage said "This would mean that Donald and Bobby are afraid of getting whacked and will kill Americans further with bioweapons to save their skin.

That would be treasonous"

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We like Karen..Katherine Austin Fitts..Sasha Latypova..Katerine Watts..4Women who make this present world of miscegenated

deceptionn..sedition.tribalism.a break away false occult government of pusillanimous..demon possessed isreal firster lunatics..a much better..or..infinitely finer better place..**The degenerate parasitcal..political weasal class...has impoverished the nation..ruined the short to medium future of our children..quickly squandered their 30 pieces of silver...unfortunately for them..the best solution would be arrest charge tar.. feather..and hang them....but..even that...won't help them On The Last Day** It's America...**Rearm Now**

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We think the jury is out on Karen Kingston but we like all exposure of the satanic schadenfraud known as covi sars 2*aka..isreali--jewish biopharmakeia.***..but we know there's plenty of controlled opposition too...in the end...no one escapes..not fauci ..Lieber dazak Collins wallensky Soros pritzker hochul Cuomo ..newsome..brown whitchmer trumprat..genocide Joe biden.scgwab harari Lindsey graham satanyahoo geveer Rothschild Jamie dimonj..janet yellin....kolomoiskey..geveer Shapiro Alan dershowitz..gates.. in the end...every dog has her day*

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Right to the point.

Enchilada sans cheese and sauce. 😍

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Don't you want leaders who will PROTECT Americans from the BIOWEAPON SHOTS (which the DOD/NSA made with military contractors and both Trump and Biden Administrations distributed to the WORLD, but let's play along with Karen's China Story)?

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Dogs have it all figured out. One sniff at the exhaust pipe - BOOM - the universe downloads. People, 👉 face diapers. 😬

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I HAVE to have cheese!! Don’t tell me that there’s no cheese with the enchiladas!

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