
"The Vaccines that saved us from Covid are now being used to help beat Cancer."


Went ahead and added President of Israel's mRNA sales pitch to the post.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Ah yes the "elegant technology" whose mechanism of action is literally just a feeble construct of biomedical technocrats with no understanding of the complex interplay of energy, genes and environment that takes place at the cellular level that is based on a model that doesn't work (See Sasha Latypova Pre-medication", or how to sell $50 worth of generic drugs for $600,000!). The only thing most drugs are good for is poisoning the population so that they buy even more drugs to treat the poisoning. Rinse and repeat. As Sasha points out at the end of the article above they are all in on it.

As I've said before, if you support or work in allopathic medicine, or the pharmaceutical industry and aren't completely delusional you are now having to deal with extreme cognitive dissonance so you have two choices, get out or double down. My cousin is a doctor and told me I needed to be on a Statin drug because of family history and my age (I'm just 50, I run 20-30km per week play hockey twice a week have a sub 10% body fat and eat cleaner than anyone I have ever known. My last cholesterol numbers were at the low end of normal). She told me this without even knowing my cholesterol numbers. When I started to argue about the studies on Statins and started quoting "relative risk reduction" back to her she backpedaled and changed the subject. Doctors have no idea how to deal with educated patients and have no interest in learning anything outside of the big pharma paradigm because it doesn't pay. As Sasha says, if you're doctor is still recommending vaccines and other suspect drugs, fire your doctor.

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bUt ElOn AnD dOnAlD aRe FrEeEeEeEeEeEeEeDdDoOoMm WaRrIoRs

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Just when I think you can’t get any more creative with your caps lock opus, you do, lol.

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Yeah baby. Give me those sexy vaccines and give them to me hard...

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bUt He WaS dUpEd

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

OMG 😭. It's so depressing how stupid they think we are ....

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You left 'urder' out of mRNA... As us Brits would say, what use Scunthorpe without a cunt...

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bUt iT wIlL cUrE cAnCeR kInG oF iRaEl SaId

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Noel, noel, born is the king of Israel.... No L, means fuck the fuck off Learners, only adults. Z, something different... I prefer the Greek alphabet... Where are we now?

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The King has risen! , amen.

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Pretty much every time I see a new account that is called "Freedom" or "Patriot" I assume it's Mossad internet warriors.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Peter Mac's article is telling. He quotes from a study. The study points out many likely harms. Ones we've already seen. Yet he doesn't say what might be done to mitigate those. Just ignores that part. It's the equivalent of the camera that pans away during time the shots are being fired. "No we don't want to look at that."

Since he recommends statins for Alzheimers and other conditions, I don't expect much more than that. This gives the appearance of "doing something" while "doing nothing."


So lame.

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He did (or his minder Leake did) what the pharm studies do.

He cherry picked a quote and sold "brighter"

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The mnra jabs esp plasticize you..and are irreversible. https://rumble.com/v578101-funeral-embalmers-directors-and-new-evidence-on-white-clots-presented-in-pr.html

God bless the embalmers.....

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Jabs Bad.

Yes indeed.


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Video keeps going private...

I know Anna Micheala (sp) is another nightmare....but this just horrified me..overtones of Alien, the movie. my jabbued sister was visiting so I stopped watching halfway through...came back a day later it was marked private ( on rumble..didmt know there was such a thing) took me ages to find a copy...

You know I really think the internet is gone...serious.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Yikes. Statins FoR Alzheimers?!!

*(Recommended for those wishing to cultivate Alzheimer's in themselves or others)

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Coming late to this one, dear SAGE, but do want to say your Posts and your gathering of others' revelations (unwitting or incisive) are such VALUABLE FOG-CUTTERS!

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People seem to like the fog, I find.

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You have the best fog.

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I feel like such a rebel now by not obeying any of the covid freaks orders and being a really bad boy by not getting any jabs. I'm ready to be labeled a grandma killer now!

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Trump supporters deserve to see the 47th president Trump betraying them once more. with mRNA or the wall or the greater Israel war to invade many countries and annexing their territory. They won't learn anything even if the get to see how the young Americans are forced to be poisoned or to go to the meat grinder for the sake of the banksters.

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We are probably going to get a war.

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You are so optimistic

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

My prediction is war won’t wait. Probably after trained seal applause for the kings brother from another mother. They’ve got the kings troops lined up. The supply lines are greased and full. Those pesky ungrateful Palestinians have been effectively genocided. Current team worked wonders when the appearance of stumble and bumble delay tactics needed. But their PR not up to new tasking. A new, more articulate group with better market reach needs to be brought in to steer the herd.

The static aircraft carrier is about to launch a new deep strike. It will be just enough bright flashes to horrify and convince the programmed that it had to happen. And must never happen again and we all big leaders will make it so. After we make a few necessary changes. Got some new oceanfront property here. Interested?

I hope I’m wrong.

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That will be used to impose more limits on the internet.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

What’s left of the internet.

interesting how they are moving the backbone to space, huh? When starship comes online, expect the server farms to be up there too. Nice and out of reach. Right next to the pew pews. Right where yer guns can reach ‘em.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

We are going to get a war.

There. Fixed it for you.

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We are paying for our own medical murders just like Kissinger said.

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Speaking for myself, I don't care if there are 1,000 "vaccines". The issue is coercion. If some of our fellow citizens want to get a different Frankenshot every day, then go for it. "My body, my choice." But when the government, schools and essential corporations force people to accept a chemical injection or lose employment or citizen rights and privileges, we should all refuse to comply. Hopefully, we will have the courage to resist when the "bird flu" event is launched (probably shortly before the election).

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That's not nice!

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No need to second guess or speculate. Here are their immediate plans in full colour:


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About RNAV8 - utilizes rational design alongside machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to engineer mRNA functions with greater predictability. (Comprising a team of experts hailing from prominent backgrounds at Moderna, Pfizer, and Resilience).

I have no idea what this all means, so I had to educate myself. I’m not sure the implications of all of this yet, but I get that uh-oh feeling;

What is Rational Design? “umbrella term which invites the strategy of creating new molecules with a certain functionality, based upon the ability to predict how the molecule's structure (specifically derived from motifs) will affect its behavior through physical models. This can be done either from scratch or by making calculated variations on a known structure, and usually complements directed evolution.”

What is Machine Learning? Machine learning (ML) is a field of study in artificial intelligence concerned with the development and study of statistical algorithms that can learn from data and generalize to unseen data and thus perform tasks without explicit instructions. Recently, artificial NEURAL NETWORKS have been able to surpass many previous approaches in performance.”

What is Directed Evolution? “In directed evolution we provide a new niche in the laboratory, so to speak, and encourage evolution of enzymes to catalyse commercially useful reactions.”

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There’s a game that the underlings in corporations use to stay sane called “Bullshit Bingo”. Played with a bingo board filled with the current buzzwords, and every time a manager says one in a meeting you mark your board.

From what you write above it appears they’ve co-mingled corporate buzzwords with scientific-medical buzzwords.

Which means we should probably throw out the bingo board and make it a drinking game.

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One thing is for sure, you can count on every leftie coming out of the closet to protest mRNA, whereas it was the golden juice, nectar of good, for everyone when their guy was indiscriminately mandating it.

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This makes no sense.

mRNA is now "Conservative".

Dude, these are contents in vials.

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no, when the shot rolled out the Liberal media defended them tooth and nail because (1) $$ and (2) Biden, their guy’s mandate. Many and I’d say most conservatives went along. The push-back came from both libs (Naomi Wolf) and conservatives (Steve Bannon). If the same crap happens in a Trump administration, the liberal media will go apeshit crazy and protest irrespective of $$.

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Breehhhh, or brrreehhheetteee...your brain is paralyzed with this Color Revolution Media shit.

Get a grip.

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Media needs eyeballs & clicks...they have an 8-year track record of opposing Trump in order to make dough and appear relevant. Makes sense to me that they'll oppose whatever Trump champions. Maybe *they'll* be the ones in the reeducation camps? Parallels to der Reich? They can't oppose Israel's war when it's sanctioned/supported by Biden & Dems...maybe they can when it's Trump's.

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You may be right. I was an extreme normie, conservative, skeptical, but with unfounded faith in at least some of our institutions. COVID blew that away.

I have studied 5th generation warfare quite a bit, so my perspective is biased to that framing. I now try to entertain and consider every perspective that I can. That in and of itself can be paralyzing at times.

How am I wrong in thinking that anything a Trump administration does won’t be vehemently resisted by the left, which includes the media.

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That would be great, but my guess is it's already been established as "medicine" that the docs recommend. It won't be associated with "the right" since so many were against it.

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I don’t trust my doc anymore. I gave him a copy of RFK Jr’s book at my last visit after he recommended the covid shot. In fact I brought several books with me including Mercola’s the truth about COVID19 and Dowd’s Died suddenly. He had no response other than he hadn’t seen nor read them.

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I mean it’s in the flu shot now. The flu shot is as innocuous as it comes! (/s)

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Hmmm. I didn’t see the sarcasm emoji. Must have forgotten to use it.

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