We got here because in 1913 The Federal Reserve was formed. In 1971 they were given unlimited power and unlimited money. The rest is history.

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That is the timeline I am on for now. The iceberg is huge. Also strawman,birth certificates, welfare, social security inventory numbers, wall street stock exchange selling and profiting off strawman identities for millions and billions while human collateral is poor. It is 1 big tax farm and debt slaves on a plantation. Singer Prince said it. WEF says human are hackable useless and disposable. Drones and robots are being fast tracked to society if you notice. Skynet status? Prison Planet? I am on the side of The Word of God and Book of Revelation. Tribulation will be like no other in earth's time.

Web...Barcodes....www...666....Matrix...They Live...Invasion of Body Snatchers...krispr tech...genetics experiments...1984...Soylent green...Snow Piercer....etc etc

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Bingo! Fiat money = unlimited propaganda

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

LOL, great work!! Well done! Good catch. Love how you zoomed in on him.

fwiw-you might find this interesting:

Lisa Pease, who knows RFK Jr b/c she wrote a book about his father's assassination, goes over a conversation she had w/him about Palestine. He basically said something along the lines of "maybe it would be better if they were all gone" (so pro-genociding 2.3 million people, with I think at least half the population children). She was shocked and that's why she's done w/him. But then she went on talk about his son who is married to the CIA woman, and said she questioned whether this was even a real marriage b/c CIA woman told her that her first 2 marriages were CIA marriages (fake, undercover, so I guess part of the job).

Looks like they realized their slip-up in the WWElection production and Trump was trying to cover up his sloppy work:


“I moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down, my hand was covered with blood” Quote from Trump at RNC. ----- You work that out however you need to. This was a staged event. It always is.

Also, looks like they will also have their cover story for why his ear looks totally normal:


Wow this is crazy. This guy can make it look like Trump was never even shot?

Who'd of thought that? Not me that's for sure

You might already have posted this Tim Truth video (I get confused on what I've seen where), but thought this was good on how he talked about Trump's pointing to the chart as a magician's trick, to get the people looking in the other direction rather than at him:


A breakdown of several reasons that the “attempted assassination” is STAGED by the Deep State and Trump is 100% in on it.


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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Also, on Catherine Austin Fitts and Whitney Webb, who I think sometimes are on CHD, both have indirectly called RFK Jr out over the slaughter in Palestine, CAF saying something along the lines of "if you aren't speaking out on this, you aren't fit to lead" (actually much better than that), and Whitney has basically suggested that RFK Jr is probably blackmailed by Epstein.

I've always been suspicious of Corbett, noticed he's been silent on the ongoing slaughter and am actually surprised that he noted the connection of Palantir to Tel Aviv.

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So...this is where people lose their minds.

Because the soap opera is the way that we are instructed to process reality.

The latest post from MiriAF was one of the best breakdowns of this I've ever seen.

That people may be 80/20 or some fraction is incredibly hard for people to process, except when they are full on Hero Worship and then they just blanket excuse even 5/95.

Calling out the balls out the chute is like a ref officiating a game in a hostile dungeon.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, that was an excellent post.

Definitely full on mega Hero Worship- feels totally hopeless.

And now they are pushing this crap about God protecting Trump- of course the Christian Zios eat that up. Even CIA Tucker was pushing that angle.

This whole thing is beyond sickening.

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That RNC stuff is like watching Idiocracy unironically.

Which reminds me of the CPAC Pfizer Whistleblower and O'Keefe pose, WE DID IT! and then Trump standing there and like...SO IS TRUMP GOING TO GO IN ON PFIZER NOW?


Hit me with that Christian Wake Up guy's YT again.

Hard core Christian Psy Op Detectives were not on my 2024 Bingo list but here we are. That dude is BASED.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

wake up guy channel- this one looks like live


He and a couple of others suggest that fake blood streaks on Trumpstein's face were supposed to look like the tongue of a snake (not sure I buy it)

Also, David Knight has been calling out Alex Jones as controlled opposition (been obvious for years, now he's making it really obvious), played video of AJ saying he's with the CIA, also video of AJ w/guy named Ivan Raiklin, in which they seemed to be trying hard to ramp up the tension and push for civil war.

Seems like everyone w/any significant following is w/dark side.

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RNC megachurch event, introducing: the new official energy drink by TWC, now with more electrolytes.

Surprise Guest: Bono, who will sing Hey Jude by the Beatles, with live piano music by Daniel Barenboim.

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Hulk Hogan.

Hulk Hogan.

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Breaking: The DNC convention will feature the song "Let it Be" with the body double Paul McCartney at the piano, and then author Stephen King will read selected passages from the apocryphal books of the New International Version of the Holy Bible, and then Willie Nelson will sing the traditional Siberian folk song "Highway to Hell" in the Armenian language.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Is Tucker still pushing the aliens from outer space?

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Obvious but I'll say that Jr. is a self-admitted sexaholic who has had a less than stellar life from childhood on. I pity him for the trauma he lived through as a kid and his parenting tho'. But he would be a likely candidate for sex blackmail.

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yup; re: the "tel aviv" comment. That's how u "earn" credibility.

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Corbett has very obviously had an ‘intervention’. Sage nailed it about Nass bridging into CHD. Reminded me of his earlier association and ensuing kerfuffle with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and Boiling Frog Post, NewsBud. I was on the fence about Nass until the WHO IHR decoy chapter blew up all around her unhinging ‘the managers’. The following link is a palatable shipwreck of theirs as the ballast shifts in a series of rocking waves https://rumble.com/v4zq3tc-is-this-a-win-all-you-need-to-know-on-the-world-health-assembly.html

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Great posts Sandra. Subst has cut my ability to “like”. Looked for settings to see if something needed adjusting. Found nothing, subst also has reduced my email notifications when subscribed posts are up.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

It appears to be linked to platform tech updates, as has happened to me on several platforms. Older devices are eliminated by restricting their functionality and forcing device renewal - which brings you into the latest device surveillance installments. So there we go. Phasing out our non-compliance, as per Day Tapes, and shifting us towards the edge of social integration. You will find your troubles end once you purchase a newer device.

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Makes sense as I have older phone and tablet not updated.

I had an old real Volvo that became hard to maintain as “phased out” real mechanics and hard to get parts. When I let it go I said this was the way to force into newer tech.

Odd when you say this to others the look of being a lunatic is a common reaction.

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Bass, don't worry about the look. You are right. The newer Volvos have the kill switch already. Dealerships know and don't care.

Worth it to stick with the old tech. Unless you don't mind being "killed" on the way to say ....church?

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Sadly had to let the old Volvo go. Still have an older car so to speak. Since it has a clutch I figure it has a sort of built in anti theft devise:)

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Similar Like button problem started a few months back. Recently I started copying these comment section URLs into a Firefox tab and I can now Like to my red heart's content. Also running an ond Dell laptop with Win7, but I just Liked your comment. Might not work for your phone (I do almost zero internet activity on my phone, so no clue here) or tablet, but if you can install Firefox, it might work for you.

I have a 2000 Volvo model s70...not giving it up anytime soon...how old was the one you had to let go?

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Yes. WE are being phased out of any meaningful means to participate. To be determined how many have the stamina to get beyond the first short laps.

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See comment below replying to Bassehound re Firefox workaround...no guarantees, but it resurrected my Like button, which had lain in the cave for a few months until Firefox.

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Good stuff, Infanttyron3. I am in the process of shifting to open source OS.

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Best of luck, no snark. What flavor? I had a Linux machine I bought on a Black Friday sale a couple decades back or so. Wasn't much application s/w available that I could find, so I went back to Win95 or whatever was current at the time.

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I'm not allowed to like comments anymore either. After following up on a couple of kind suggestions from people the most likely reason is because I have not updated to the latest software on my computer. It's annoying, but I can live with it.

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Thanks, I am going to have to breakdown and do an update as getting more denied of using sites I need to use for business issues. I have an old phone and an old tablet both of which I am going to be forced to update so they will be on the latest tracking platform.

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Yeah, substack messes w/me too. Never sends me posts from MiriAF

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Miri won't let me post unless I join with $$$

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My brother had some skin cancer at the top of his ear which was removed. Once it healed it still looked completely normal. I was expecting his ear to be deformed looking but it wasn’t. If Trump’s ear looks good, it might be due to a good plastic surgeon.

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What? So are you saying they did good plastic surgery in the time he was on the ground on stage in front of everyone and it was all healed before he did his first pump?

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Of course not! He did go to hospital following the incident. No word if anything was done to his ear other than clean it up and bandage it.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Elana Freeland wrote a 4 book series titled Sub Rosa America, A Deep State History. They are written in the guise of fiction (and parts of it are....out there) but I wore out my highlighter pen on the first book. They are not for the faint of heart. Don't read them if you have a habit of getting angry whenever your favorite belief system is challenged.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Funny🙄 to have Blackrock peps established and on the ground in Maui. Vultures ready to sweep in and “build back better”

Lots of slide of the hand these days.

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Like in CA it keeps being due to electric company poor maintenance.

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Julie found God in a bus station, and she liked it a lot

Ah, you put your money in the basket that comes

Remember the first one that you bought




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The GR8st scam of history??? J.C.? Me thinks so.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

“We will know our disinformation campaign is complete …"

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“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

The amount of content Whitney Webb has produced has plummeted since she joined CHD. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

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I didn’t realize Webb joined CHD. Shades of Peter McCullough! Were these people part of it from the beginning or do they get a tap on the shoulder. I put my money on from the beginning. Hard to fathom how thorough this Op is.

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That covid cash does wonders!

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her whole demeanor changed. from very tense to quite relaxed and joyful. she had a sick kid. someone has stepped in to cure all her woes.

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Good point

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In this week’s special 2000 listener edition of Grand Ole Psy Oppery, Grampa Kirsch hums a zippy rendition of “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Postit Note” while juggling flaming New Zealand data!

with special guest Victoria Nuland on the AR-15!

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Art Brain Flurm Productions

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So true about turning off the audio; very effective and revealing. Thanks.

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So is everyone psyop’ing the shit out of us? Even Corbett? Tell us. Who do you trust?

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You can trust most people at least some of the time.

Some people most of the time.

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But always be wary of the Booth within the booth...that scene can spoil the whole show.

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I could say what ethnic/religious/political group to NOT trust, but then I would be against Gov. of Florida's law. YES, the star with my 1st name.

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David Rempham?

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

All these "heroes" have freedom fighter merit badges to pump up their "were fighting the system" credentials, Meryl Nass lost her Dr.s license over covid misinformation, Bret's life was in danger for standing up to the woke mob and had to quit his job, Mark Crispin Miller career was side lined over a mask dispute with a student. This, to herd you into believing that these folks have your interests at heart, and that their views and opinions must be true, look at what these "warriors" went through.

James Corbett attended and spoke at Tess Lawrie's Better Way Conference in 2023.

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Jul 20Liked by Sage Hana

Simone Gold did a little stint in jail for J6.

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I'm waiting for one to go through the contemporary analog of Richard Harris' initiation scene in "A Man Called Horse"...Meryl, Bret & MCM's tribulations...big raspberry.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

I’m sorry that you only have 2000 subscribers but I’m pleased to be one of them. Keep it up, good work.

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Try this on for size. I believe that as big and as bad as the covid panic has been and continues to be, it is not the end goal. I believe that it is no more nor no,less than a series of steps that are necessary for us to accept things we never would otherwise so that they can move on to the next step. These include; lockdowns, destruction of our careers and livelihoods to make CBDCs and Universal Basic Income more palatable with the attendant Digital ID system, and Internet of Things used to enforce ESG social credits system.

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If only someone had written hundreds of posts arriving at this conclusion!

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Jul 20Liked by Sage Hana

😂😂 I was thinking but didn't want to be rude.

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it ain't easy being you... glad you haven't abandoned the quest.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Did. No willing ears. Trauma induced by nonsensical mandates, repeated trampling of personal space, brutal wars, evil undisguised and realization that law and enforcers were in on it - and many who fundamentally love to wallow in seething mass hypnosis.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

We were kept and are still being kept in this virus spin cycle on purpose, as this has been given as the core duty to the middle managers. Stuck there with crazy glue, and no real achievement in 4+ yrs. Pseudo concessions, pseudo hearings, pseudo rulings, non-effective govt petitions, stacks of published literature - ultimately to be trampled and fully ignored, circuses and clowns, jugglers, pony acts and unicycles. All which you mention, installed in its shadow, including a global mass migration plan which rotates the core of national destruction and prevents any return to the past. The trap has snapped, forcing us forward through the gate.

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Except that most embrace the “convenience” of it all and we who don’t are carried along with the herd.

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Absolutely. Entitlement only works one way. This is the achilles heel of majority voting.

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It is beyond voting. Japan, where I live, has always been a cash based society. You would not believe the amounts of cash they used to habitually carry on their person and what they paid cash for. Even before the panic, the move to cashless was underway. It has really taken off during the height of the panic and now as we are supposedly coming out of it. Suddenly, unmanned, cashless convenience stores are popping up all over the place. Unmanned restaurants too, well one I know of at this point.

How did anyone “vote” for this? Further, most of what has been going on in the world is against the will of the people. They vote for candidates that promise one thing who then do exactly what the voters voted against.

My point is that there is little government policy involved in any of what is driving society to adopt any of this. Too many love the “freedom” of shopping from home not realizing they are trading for it with the freedom of shopping outside the home. Too many love cashless purchasing power not thinking about how they are driving us to a full cashless society and what it would mean.

As I refuse to use cashless, other than credit card which I have to use cash to pay the bill for, my ability to buy goods and services decreases by the day. There is no one to vote for or against this development.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

No longer. It maybe wasn’t such a good idea to hire managers and trust them to rule over us - and our belongings - while we all took our eyes off of their agendas and busied our lives with filling the money bags they needed to rule over us. Instead of holding them accountable of how it was spent. One big fam, them driving while we were in the backseat playing. And pretty soon it felt easy to be treated like minors while decisions were made for us - but somehow the grind to drag the money bags in also got harder. The rest is history. Here is a much more eloquent way of saying it :


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Yes, we have lived as if a republic flies on auto pilot and too few have awakened to the fact it does not to avert the crash.

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Jul 20Liked by Sage Hana

Pilato always putting his foot in it. He brought up Judy wood and DEW’s a while back and Corbett looked very unamused.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Earlier in the interview Corbett said the elections were a big distraction that literally didn’t change anything and that he did not want to discuss them. Webb denounced her association with RFK Jr. a while ago and explained how he was lying about his Zionist knowledge to the public.

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A lot of good stuff in that interview.

(blank) good.

I did not watch but did the preeminent researcher on 9/11 dive into it on...::checks notes:: Dr. Drew?

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I think he will do gigs with almost anyone to promote his message and usually points fingers at ideas rather than people. My big issue with him is he thinks the moon landings are real. He also has the ability to edit the interview and could have taken it out if he was bothered. Nevertheless, thanks for the warning and I’ll watch for a pivot. I’ve see no indication of one yet.

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☝️ This would fall under the rubrik of "Great Soup of Concerns" and having found myself improbably at some node of this historic timeline, I can say 2000 posts in and a million comments or who knows how many but I can say that errrybodddy has a pet issue and many are frantically and I mean frantically looking for tribe.

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Sounds gross! You and AMWakeup are the closest I have to a tribe and that would be pathetic.

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😹 Pathetic Stack Tribe

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You don’t want a tribe, that’s what makes th stack spin.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Ahhhh love love love your videos! That song had me smiling. Now will you do a montage of Russell Brand’s devolution to promoting the RNC?

I need another comedy break.

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