
I found myself alone at the edge of the riverbed as the rafts floated by with the people shouting. They began to disappear over the horizon.

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“The Darkness Is Now In All Of Us”

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One of the beauties of the Information age that we reside in is how the sunshine of truth can disinfect historical lies. As noted the Gulf of Tonkin incident was pure fiction that not only resulted in the death of many Americans and Vietnamese; but set off a series of events to where we find ourselves today running towards nuclear conflict. Think I’m being hyperbolic…just take a moment and think of how world history has progressed since this time. To make matters worse … the Vietnam War has its roots in WW2 - but that is another story. Coming back to the Gulf of Tonkin … it was the vile LBJs idea to create a war. For some reason all Democrat presidents want to be like FDR (another vile POS) …thus, the need to be a wartime president. Fast forward to today, we have demented Joe who wants to be such a president so his poll numbers will rise. What type of sickness invades such people AND what as a society who have to live the consequences going to do? Pax

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Pax to you too Roger. I think you answered your own question : what type of sickness invades these individuals? It’s an anagram of vile…

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Yes. I found a lot of receipts about how the Kennedys were pushing back against the runup to the War with Vietnam before JFK was assassinated. Then he got tired of it and fired Allen Dulles. And yes of course, LBJ's career was backed by Brown and Root, future Vietnam War contractor. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/environmental-toxins/pesticides-and-polio-a-critique-of-scientific-literature/#gsc.tab=0

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Oh so then Israel says “hey thats a great idea” and does USS Liberty thinking the USA was gonna blame that on Egypt for them and jump right in, but I guess we said “GTFO dorkwads, we wanna do ‘Nam ‘cause commies.”

Maybe like they do Oct 7 and USA says “GTFO dorkwads, we gave you 911 already and anyway we wanna get all these migrants shipped over and fighting in Ukraine because we got another Kennedy in the wings and the last Bay of Pigs didn’t get any likes on twitter at all”

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And here we are in the 2020s and I got Toby Rogers yelling at me for asking about whether anyone saw airline logos on any 9/11 plane video ever. 😅

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I want SS to add two column formatting so I can play around with this two track highschool history book idea: One side is the regular distilled version, the other the foil hat version with references. Each side by side.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

I was talking with a family member today. She’s always been a pretty rabid peacenik. And I talked about the abundance of actual Nazis in Ukraine. Suddenly she leapt to the defense of the war. We can’t let Putin take over Ukraine, is what she said. I’ve never ever heard her being in favor of any other war. Of course she’s on the left, but also an anti-VAXer. However, she wouldn’t vote for Kennedy. She said, because of vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump WTF?!?! It really has made everything discombobulated. By design, I’m sure.

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I’m rabid, too. I rabidly support our troops and want to bring them home.

I rabidly support the re-investment of USG resources into future proofing our infrastructure rather than murdering innocents abroad.

I rabidly oppose the systematic rape of USD denominated assets for the sake of enriching our reptilian overlords.


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Hear, hear!!!!!!!

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

I'm so pleased that you are bringing up McGowan. Some years back his writings, in serial form, began appearing on my computer. I did not know why they were. I did not know who he was. But I read them with interest when they showed up periodically. Then they stopped and eventually I figured out he had died. Which I found suspicious. I have revisited his writing about LC more than once since then.

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Allegedly died. He is telling you who he is in the title of his website.

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

“Admiral” George Morrison sacrificed his own kid😢

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Like cutting up a mouse in a lab and pondering your remaining daze trying to make it all fit with the Monday Night Fooooootbaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

More sociopaths and psychopaths at the top than we would like to believe. They are the only ones that can “succeed” in that hellscape. I don’t see how a sane person can compartmentalize evil like that, at that point.

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*Of course many are straight up EVIL*

But I don't think EVIL can keep going for this long without bureaucracy and compartmentalization.

'People don't understand how power works." Day Tapes

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

I think they can justify in their minds that someone else is ultimately responsible-they are just doing what they are told.

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Bingo. 🎯



Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view.

One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."

And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."


“Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

― Hermann Goering, Germany Reborn

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

We’ve been taught to believe that absolute conformity is what enabled people to survive. I’ve read about newcomers, with ideas outside the tribe, being murdered, so as not to “infect” the minds of the members. Not much different than what we’re experiencing now. Of course, that was probably shared to program us to not go against the narrative of the day. Psychology and philosophy-promulgated to be used against us-as they are respected “experts”…most of those experts were biased, proud, bought and/or perverted and put on a pedestal before the people, as needed.

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“And call no man your father upon the earth”

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☝️ Now we are into my Lifetime White Whale! ::channels Yeadon:::THIS IS IN MY WHEELHOUSE.

I can tell you that they do not, CANNOT believe it is evil.

They think that tough decisions have to be made for FRRRRREEEEEDDDOOOOMMMMM or they are just poor kids or are conscripted.

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

That reminds me of the experiment where the guy is told to shock someone on the other side of a screen, eventually being told the man he is shocking could die.

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The other experiments that are relevant are Asch and Zimbardo.

A lot of that research went down at Stanford, CIA Herd Culling U.

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

A simple experiment always comes to mind about the lady that entered an elevator, where all the people were facing the wall. After a couple stops, she just turned around and faced the wall too, no questions.

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Jun 16Liked by Sage Hana

I don’t recall hearing about Zimbardo. I’ll have to look that one up.

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Jun 17Liked by Sage Hana

But the rank and file are evil. The ER doc in my family uses remdesiver and intubates people and said that he "delights in tubing the non-vaxxed since we were causing the pandemic."

Medical personal are hired killers. Add that to the ignoble schoolboards where ALL are in accordance in allowing porn books in the school libraries and teaching CRT and gender studies ad nauseum.

The list is long....all the town councils planning 15 minute cities, etc.

And now the shining lights in the non-vaxx movement are okay with new injections and sacrificing those who test them, including children.

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Hoomans bad.

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Military officers allegedly adopt children & train them for various roles - or just experiment on them. Part of the MK program.

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A new influx of untraceable children through open borders, using “charitable” organizations as fronts😭

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Allegedly. More than likely the death was as fake as the Tonkin incident.

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And local indigenous in the aftermath of a bloody auto accident.

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Oh yeah. I did some research on it. I was surprised how much the desire to start a War with Vietnam influenced the decision to assassinate JFK. There are lots of theories about why they did it, and many of them have merit, but Vietnam is the #1 reason in my opinion. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/what-the-phantom-ships-in-the-gulf

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Interesting that Morrison reportedly died in a bathtub at age 27. Notable age; see references to the "27 Club." Bathtub also interesting; see deaths of Whitney Houston & her daughter. "Weird Scenes" is a wild read, from a 'citizen researcher.' Interesting also how so many rockers & folkies never had any real day jobs, but ended up being able to afford to rent houses in the Canyon when they were 'struggling' musicians ?

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Reading McGowan is always an interesting adventure. ‘Center for an Informed America’.

There’s the C and the I and the A. It’s always a mental exercise trying to ascertain whose ‘side’ he was really on. But given that he died rather young, and somewhat mysteriously, he gets the benefit of the doubt from me. Most of the time.

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There will be no perfect narrator but I now realize that MOST are never going to be able to extract information but default to first CAN I TRUST THIS PERSON?

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Unless his death was faked so he could be reassigned.

Notice he never questions whether any of the deaths he wrote about were real:


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Yeah IDK. But the reading is interesting…and in fact he does point out many strange anomalies in the entire Manson/Tate situation. Including pictures. So to say he doesn’t question them is not entirely true. He certainly doesn’t focus on that, but that wasn’t his intention. The Manson connection was merely tangential to his entire premise…which was, assuming you actually read all the installments and the book, about the literal impossible set of circumstances that brought all our favorite bands to one tiny town.

A lot of it is obviously conjecture and he says so. But to me, the most mind blowing story of his entire missive is the story about the Doors. That one is insane.

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Yeah well I know every so often he wants to be by himself, some people see too much, but he is the too much we see.

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And also, RIP Dave McGowan. Now there’s a dude I would have liked to hang out with.

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and Admiral Morrison's son was ....

and they lived on Candelaria NE in Albuquerque while his daddy studied weapons at Kirtland AFB.

Those yahoos were lucky they didn't destoy Albuquerque when they dropped a Hydrogen Bomb. Did it accidentally out onto the now Mesa Del Sol desert not far from the propoganda arm called Netflix studios. Killed a cow.

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