Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

"Pay attention to where they stand on war on behalf of Israel."

there ya go.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

"They will send your hillbilly kids to help them get what was promised to them."


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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Some SH gold in those quotes!

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The song Fortunate Son comes to mind. They prolly will institute the Draft again. The Hillbilly kids are a lot smarter than they think. 😎😎

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Wonder if the new honcho in El Salvador might make us a good deal on a few battalions of those skinheads he locked up.

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He’s the Maga Brand. Clearing the swamp. Everybody jumped on board 😍. Right! Maybe not a prison? But a training camp for mercenaries you say? It would be theirs….

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Wonder what sorts of battle formations they'd be able to field in the new age of drone-decentralized warfare, where sticking your head up will get you pounded down faster & harder than a Rockabilly nail in Japan... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKtdTJP_GUI&t=75s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxCw-D2HXgA

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As long as you keep the drone in your back and not in your face you’ll be fine maiming, killing and stealing and be the instrument of western depopulation.

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There is no doubt whatsoever that The Vigilant Fox is just another CIA asset.

He loves Elon Musk who steals most of his money straight from the taxpayers using grants for cars and grants for space weapons.

He also loves Trump who is fully on board with Federal Reserve, Wall Street and the military industrial bioweapon complex.

Operation Warp Speed is Trump’s baby and last time he was President he significantly increased the budget for the military war criminals all around the world.

The Vigilant Fox is therefore either incredibly stupid or paid very handsomely by the CIA. No other explanation makes any sense whatsoever.

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It seems to be more complex than that.

The Trumpers are easy prey to the regime, and those who hate crony capitalism (Musk, Bezos, Gates) are also easy to bamboozle, and those who just hate any idea to the right of Karl Marx are even easier to bamboozle. None of these groups would ever admit to having been deceived.

Why the pure leftists are the most naive? They had no problem to accept the facemasks (which is pure mysticism and fascism) and they had no problem with coercing workers to poison them. They defended no thing. They completely took the side of the covidan cult regime.

Why? I think that's because the handlers of the faithful members of the Church of Communism are also CIA assets.

Those who worship Saint Greta seem to be most radicalized at the moment.

Why there are no political alternatives anywhere? Because it's all a show, like pro-wrestling.

This truth hurts the young more, because they really believe (and pathologically so) that politics is the way. Very naive double masked 8-times jabbed and very responsible little environmental revolutionaries TM.

The people who think Trump is the only problem are the most dangerous, right now.

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Trump or Harris the entire financial system is about to collapse so it doesn't really matter which one betrays us.

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What if it doesn’t collapse?

I’ve seen this movie before.

It doesn’t collapse.

They will multiply four-fold the public debt. And they will export. And the odds of a big war with hundreds of millions of victims is very high. Almost sure. But as a consequence of the trick to prevent the collapse.

How far can inflation go?

Are you willing to pay 45 septillions of USD for a coffee, if your monthly salary amounts to 4 octillions of the same digital currency, with cash gone to prevent the Weimar debacle?

But eventually they will run out of living shooting targets, right?

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The banks will close on a Friday, they will be closed the next Monday. All shares pensions and bank balances will be gone.

They will offer us the solution to save the whole system and give us back maybe 10% or the original money but we will be paid in CBDC.

Cash will become worthless within months if not days so inflation can reach infinity as cash reaches its actual value, 0.

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This friday?

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CBDC not quite ready to launch worldwide yet so most likely after the Presidential selection, 2025 is going to be interesting…

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Is there no escape? No safe haven for our earning? Or our lives?

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Yes, and to access the CBDC, a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead.

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"... The people who think Trump is the only problem are the most dangerous, right now."

B-b-but we must stop Trump in order to 'save our democracy' is the oft-repeated talking point.

My lefty friend in Massachusetts seems bewildered when I say that I'm done with voting. Friend asks me, "Why don't you care about saving democracy?" I remind friend that this is supposed to be a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY. Yeah, OK.

But when I say the D party just had a coup, this goes ZOOM right over save-our-democracy friend's head! I try without success to explain that the senile old Prez Biden who had all the delegates and MILLIONS of votes from D party primary voters just got threatened to pass the torch, the delegates, and all of the money to Kameltoe in a most undemocratic display of oligarchy by a handful of rich, powerful D party pols, LOL.

It's such a shitshow now. I won't vote. Voting is like choice do you want to be abused by candidate A or do you prefer to be abused by candidate B?

Kennedy just became a total laughingstock with the dumping of the dead bear carcass in Central Park, and also the worm ate a portion of my brain but I'm OK now.

Whether Trump or Kameltoe is (s)elected, we will be stuck with a pro-Zionist, pro-jab President.

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The youth has every stake into believing the solution lies in politics. Because they are the fodder for the alternative. At a time when national identity has nearly rotted off the tree.

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About the Land.

There are many different takes on Christian theology. Not everything is Evangelicalism and Scofield bible and Zionism.

For example, there is a traditional view that the eschatological texts of the Bible are symbolic and not literal. Shocking!

For those who don't know, eschatology is the word used by scholars to refer to the theme of endtimes prophecy. By the way, there is no such thing as "End of the world" in the Bible. That's a Hollywood invention to demoralize people.

One opinion is that the New Jerusalem that descends from Heaven – obviously a poetic text – refers to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Land to be inherited. Eternal life, if you will.

It's not a literal piece of land. It's not Rome, or Paris, or Moscow, or Mecca or Bagdad or any other city. The term Land in the highly symbolic eschatological texts is a symbol for another concept.

Evangelicals have been lied to. There is no need to build the Third Temple. Christ is the Third Temple. That's all there is to eschatology.

The end of times is the salvation given by God through Jesus Christ. There would be no more chosen people because every believer is part of the chosen people. That's what the "New Testament" means. Christianity is the End of Judaism, according to many interpretations of Christian theology, different than the evangelical one.

Of course, some of the people who practice Judaism disagree, but, at the same time, they also disagree with Jewish Zionism. They argue that there is a reason why God destroyed Israel using Rome 2000 years ago, and sent survivors to live as strangers in other countries. God has not said anything yet about changing that. There is nothing in Judaism about Jews establishing their country, much less an empire, much less a world government. That's all wrong, say the Rabbis who reject zionism.

The zionists did a pretty good move in the 1800s when they invented biblical literalism. For political profit, as we see. All the Wars of the 20th century are linked to that political project of changing all countries, all borders, all legal systems, all religions.

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Thank you for that Rog. 👍

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Totally true! All through history God tested the Israelites continually and many were destroyed for praising false gods which the Israelites are still doing today ie the god of money that is everyone else's money

Did anyone ever think about how the Jewish nation became so rich well it helps if you make a war destroy your adversary and fine them millions of dollars which they did to Germany twice for so called crimes against the Jews ie humanity

Well I have 3 dead family members and several dead friends but I can't see getting reparation for them and the millions who died of the jab

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Vigilant Retardation is also still pushing the stupid "OMGz0rs they mocked The Last Supper at the Olypics hurr durrrr" narrative trying to agitate Christians (and thus helping to fill the pews and thus helping to further support Zionism). This works especially well on American Christians who have no concept of actual European culture and who have never even left their home state.

The Festival of Dionysus is not The Last Supper.

I mean, we're not even mentioning what The Last Supper even is.

(what is it?)

Narrator: But they would not really want to know what it is.

Ok, ok, it's a blood magic ritual, aka Communion, aka the Sacrament.



I've done it, as well as many have, including minors who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So what?

Narrator: GET ON WITH IT

Matthew 26:26 (NIV)

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

Matthew 26:27 (NIV)

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you."

Matthew 26:28 (NIV)

"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

Ok, so the priest (/pastor) gives you bread and wine which is supposed to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Bad curses are upon those who take the communion sacrament (the bread and wine) without having been baptized sometime in your life as well as asking for forgiveness from sin first, as the ritual is supposed to be done in a spiritually clean state only. Catholics believe that when the priest recites the prayers, the bread and wine literally turn into pieces of Jesus' body and blood before you ingest them. This is known as transubstantiation.

Some believe the Kabbalists came up with this for Christians to do deliberately so that they violate Jewish law against drinking blood, effectively cutting them off from the divine being (God).

Children at Church: Yummm, crackers and grape juice, yayyy!!!

But who does Blood Magic rituals better?


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It seems as though Israel is running America, but the Crown Temple Bank of England owns both the governments. Israel wouldn't even be there without the Rothschilds, as they are fond of reminding us. They stole Ukraine in 2014 and the war there is about exterminating all the Ukrainians (who Khazarians hate), and they use it for money laundering. Ukraine is to be killed to the last man, of course, as Lindsay Graham is always saying. They are the ones doing the Palestinian genocide, too. And instigating an insane war with Iran. Khazarians are not Ukrainians in the same way that Bolsheviks are not Russians. The governments in every country are not of the country they represent. All the leaders despise their own populaces and hate them in a racial and religious way. They are the blue bloods. The aristocracy. The old money. The ones who remember their parentage from before the last reset.

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Vigilant Ferret is so lame...every post is a BOMBSHELL!!!!!!!

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Wellness Company will be including a Kevlar vest & helmet combo in the Extra-Premium Pack.

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And the red-headed dude that does the reports with a lisp, almost SNL level trolling

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Sage Hana

The Wellness Company is such a parallel healthcare system they sell their stuff on Amazon. Can totally tell they are creating such a unique and alternative system. Bahahahaha! https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/AF92055A-A25D-47F5-AD37-C32B8BA4F4C9

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Thanks. Just ordered 5 of each. Those irresistible gummies 🤪

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I'm getting all 14 mRNA vaxes so I don't have to die in any stinking war.

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So you want to be a casualty in the war on scary germs instead?

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I have to say Sage, there are many things here you have helped open my eyes on over the years.

But one thing I think I would like to clearly draw a line in the snow on.

I really do not want to know what is involved in becoming a Vagina Writer.

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It involves Oxford and Yale.


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So misogynistic

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Albee a sum'bitch...no jokes about Who's Afraid of Vaginal Woolf, yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVb5EBSNKTw

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Another Rabbit Hole Scholarship to keep eyes on:


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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Eustace Mullins did a good job of exposing Half-bright as he called the one-time senator.

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Aug 7Liked by Sage Hana

Stay as low as possible. Aim below the knees.

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Sub-patellar speculation.

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Superficial people, superficial governance, real taxes, real consequences.

You walk into the room

With your pencil in your hand

You see somebody naked and you

You say, "Who is that man?"

You try so hard, but you don't understand

Just what you will say when you get home

Because something is happening here

But you don't know what it is

Do you, Mister Jones?

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Refuse to play the game. Invest no emotional energy into the system. It's all rigged. Reveal the surveillance and the MIC lies.

Not to hawk another site here but the aspects of the Hydra need to be revealed:


Everything is a narrative for your "entertainment!" Are you not entertained!?

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OK, Hana, I am hanging on to my support of RFK, Jr. by a sliver; that Bobby video is pretty hard to listen to. YET. JFK was almost certainly killed with the assistant of the Jewish Mafia (Lansky) who staunchly supported the establishment of the State of Israel and ran guns to the Haggenah (Jewish terrorists). Jacob Rubenstein, aka Jack Ruby, the killer of patsy Oswald, was apparently the operative in this gun-running. Israel needed JFK out of the way to obtain a nuclear weapon, which was against the notion of nuclear disarmament that JFK was trying to achieve at the time. The whole thing is laid out in "JFK and the Unspeakable" by Laurent Guyenot. Here's the thing. Bobby KNOWS all of this stuff. His Dad knew it, too, and said he would reopen the investigation into JFK's assassination if he won. Therefore, RFK had to go, too. Jackie apparently schooled the Kennedy kids into these facts, according to Guyenot. SO, RFK Jr. cannot be Pro-Israel. If he lets on, he is DEAD. Only if he becomes president can he even hope to do anything to avenge the family.

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So live the lie to get in is not heroic

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Vigilant cockroach 😁

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I do have to laugh a bit. Kory was saying he’s “been involved in critical care for a decade and a half”. So that’s 15 years. He’s a relative “newbie” at the job.

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