Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

Very odd as I passed on Day tapes to some who were somewhat awake. NOT one responded and guess NONE listened. How can anyone listen and not respond, especially if have a direct contact.

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Hypernormalisation is a helluva drug.

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Sadly 🥲

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Low IQ people.

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That is just like people saying "idiopathic".

Just because you give it a name it does not mean you explained it.

Think about Fermi's paradox. Scientists spent millions of dollars and wrote millions of words to try to explain it, while avoiding the simplest, most obvious answer: so-called intelligent species don't last long enough to be detectable.

It's the same with people here (and everywhere else) complaining about the impossibility of changing the mind of cultists (vax cultists, zionists, secular religion of progress or whatever.

You all are trying really hard to find excuses while avoiding the obvious answer that was around since at least the times of the Bible: most (if not all) people are meat robots, incapable of thought, lacking free will and programmable using simple algorithms that involve a show of power and peer pressure.

I have mentioned this idea before and it's always amazing to see the (non-)reaction I get even in the supposedly smart, revolutionary, nonconformist internet intelligentsia...

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Mike is asking how this gets done.

Of course it is not explained.

It is bullshit.

This is how the bullshit gets done.

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Doc Jack Kruse, who moved to El Salvadore in 2020, tells a lot I didn't know through this whole 43 minutes.

SV40, JFK, (Reagan), soft tissue cancer, the sun, heavy tech users, etc.......

Minute 29 he tells why he doesn't think it's (simply) depop.


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You aren’t their authority.

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Right. You need to wear a white coat and a stethoscope, then you will be listened to.

I get this all the time, not just with current stuff we talk about here. I had a guy who runs a landscaping service tell me that vinegar (high strength) was just as bad as glyphosate. And glyphosate (roundup, etc) was not harmful. He pulled out the "authority" card. He knew someone with a PhD in Chemistry who taught at a prestigious uni. But me, I'm just a peon with NO authority. Just a peon who has been killing poison ivy with this vinegar for a while.

That "expert" is bought and paid for by the company that makes the product, through grants. "Better Living Through Chemistry" was one of the slogans. Not through vinegar, lol. The landscape guy is a true believer in the chemistry guy.

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Tell him if he drinks the Roundup he will be protected from Kovid.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana


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Like 👆 :) TofA. The Hyper-normalised-everybody-science sophisticates-nowadays require ‘standing’ for their attention!!! They now ‘know’ better than to listen to truths from a truth hound on all 4’s…

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Lol, wish you well. Maybe you are the authority. What a joke.

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All I’m saying is belief is on the basis of authority rather than fact. I’m not insulting you.

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Never stated or indicated I was anyone’s authority. Lots of info out there and still lots to learn. Everyone has the right to agree or disagree in my opinion.

Look it as just another day in paradise so to speak.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

I’m just adding a comment to your question mate.

‘How can anyone listen and not respond..’

With my assertion that it’s not on the factual basis of the day tapes but rather how much authority the recipient places on the source. If the Tapes were on CNN or whatever medium they trust and introduced on their headline segment this would be over.

I’m not disagreeing with you or saying you should be their authority.

Absolutely no offence or disagreement intended.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

You address some good questions. My problem may stem from not seeing. I have not any TV/cable for well over 10 yrs.

my bottom lime

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

Your great comment re experience of sharing day tapes and the deniers is the same for me. Imho a big part of this psyop has been to ‘train’ everyone, normalise, to ignore obvious truth, to listen only to ‘authorities’ or ‘approved’ sources, those with ‘standing’ and to overtly ignore all others, regardless even previously close or ‘trusted’ family friends etc etc..People trained to be safe and so identify only with sophisticated ‘sciences’ to join them and take their sophisticated advice and medicines. It’s hugely clever, almost totally 💯 successful and deeply disturbing 😳

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

I worked in the film industry after 911. I mostly fell for most. I worked on one of three movie's shot then grateful for the hours but looking back we were being groomed so to speak

911 changed our thinking. Back then my mind does not work the same. Once awake hard to fall back asleep.

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I've heard it called "the received view." I liked that phrase, because it implies there is no need for your, or anyone not an authority, input. You just receive it as fact/truth.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

Well, nowadays they don't even give people dying of cancer any comfort either.

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Great post.

Just one more thing, my boss would kill me if I didn't ask this... what about false cancer diagnoses?

I was thinking... I know, I should do something about my addiction to thinking... but... So, I was thinking that it may be the case that they have been killing scores of millions of people with cancer treatments (radiotherapy may be the worst offender) but people had other things, like, parasitosis.

Plot twist!

It's probably a well kept secret in oncology the types of things that have been "confused" with a malignant tumor. I imagine (I know, I shouldn't imagine) that students are told a sanitized version to not scare them by revealing too soon that they are working as executioners, not as therapists. That truth may destroy many good soldiers.

How does an anti-parasitic drug cure cancer? The drug cures the parasitic infestation or infection, not the cancer. There is no cancer in this case. They are just using masonic dark arts to bamboozle everyone.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

I would say the "diagnostic" cancer business has been booming for years and years~~send unsuspecting women in for mammograms and then almost kill them with fear when they find out they have something "suspicious" which results in many procedures (also prostate exams and colonoscopies are used to scare the living daylights out of people). So glad I got off that gerbil wheel many years ago.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Another thing on cancer is if breasts are dense they send a letter disclosing that fact, and then they still urge the person to get the same mammogram but they are not told that they now get 4X the radiation because they have "dense" tissue to get a clearer image. And mams are probably nearly useless for dense tissue.

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Sooo glad I stopped getting them before they started doing amped up radiation for "dense" tissue!

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Bangkok, Thailand, Bumrungrad Hospital for a sane and trustworthy approach. Mammogram test w/ commentary. "You have 3 small lumps. This is the size and location of each (showing scan). You will never have to worry about these. They are already eroding."

Rest of the story is that 80% of breast lumps are calcifications (too much dairy unmediated by magnesium which regulates calcium.) I had been using magnesium gel for a couple of years. It was breaking down/eroding the calcium. You could see it on the scan- 5/6 gone. So simple, sane and calmly handled compared to the ABSOLUTE INSANITY and BARBARITY of our approach.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Wow, that is an awesome approach and I love that they tell you "you will never have to worry about these." You're right, it is absolutely barbaric what they do here in the States and I'm glad you have figured out a safe way to erode your calcifications!

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Criminal and barbaric.

Magnesium was the #1 remedy of the old doctors....worth learning about.

I have to finish writing up the Thai experience. So much good in it! I had not been to a US doc in 20 yrs, was there for dental tourism and thought, "You could use a physical." The 'Executive Physical' designed for ea. individual was an efficient, kind, all-day affair. At the end of the day, you had a round table w/all the tests and Doctors together. You could ask all the questions you wanted, and they met you at your level of understanding...3 hrs in my case! They all worked together for your benefit. Total cost $1198 US. The closest equivalent in the states would be available at the Mayo or Cleveland Clinics at a cost of $12-18k. Well worth the trip for any of us.... All this crowing about 'we are the best!' is hogwash.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

That all sounds lovely and so "human" as opposed to how we are treated here in the U.S. where you're lucky to see an actual doctor and if you do they are usually sitting at a computer reading things on your chart and never even look over at you.

I have been a magnesium taker for many years~~good stuff! I have horses and have known a very long time that our soil is depleted of magnesium and so started supplementing them and then started taking it myself.

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When I started med school, I immediately saw our system as a factory for making a ton of money...putting human beings on that conveyor belt (70s). Couldn't do it in good conscience. Ok...so GOOD for you on the mag use. The old docs recommended Epsom Salt baths-the transdermal method where you can take in so much more and spare your kidneys while you're at it. Jockeys taught me how they soak their horses and add a bit of DMSO as well. Continued success to you!

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And then do invasive biopsies and leave a titanium "Marker" in place. What's that all about?

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Is that for mammograms? I haven't heard of that~~but I am way out of the loop with what they are doing these days. My grandmother had a breast removed (she consented to let them take it if they found cancer during the biopsy) and my mom had her tissue sent to a specialist hospital afterwards and they said there was *no* cancer present. After that I no longer let them poke and prod on me.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, to see on mammograms, so they know that part was biopsied and negative for cancer. But now I'm suspicious b/c they will put titanium in, also in clips after surgery. I wonder what titanium does in general. I'm now suspicious of anything they put in the body.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Yikes, I had no idea they were doing that~~sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Yep, no more "routine" mammos for me. The screening test thing is way out of kilter. They are going by an external schedule of some kind handed down from somewhere. Yet they know nothing about what people should be eating or not. If they are getting enough sun, sleep, etc. YOu have to bring it up and they just look at you blankly. But the tests are their magic special sauce.

They want/need access to your body. No comply!

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Yes! A few I follow—thinking of Pam Popper especially—are warning and educating on this here and there.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

And so many people think NOTHING of a complete strange person shoving a pointy instrument up their nose!!!

Gosh, my 90 year old mom would refuse to this day...

"Nothing up your ear or nose smaller than an elbow" unless your on an operating table" !!!

Let alone a gosh darn airport?

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

My gran, who lived to her mid-90's would also say: Stay away from hospitals. She never trusted them.

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My grandfather was a doctor and the founder of our local hospital and he said the same thing, haha.

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SH: Medium Octane Speculation Corollary: You are being very naive if you think that the Owners wish to start curing your cancer NOW with Ivermectin

Me: I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade here but I think we are way past time to change minds. I would assume everything is a lie and high octane speculation time. Anyone that does not follow the axiom "lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice shame on me" is choosing to be defenseless. Just as the person who goes into water over his or her head when they do not know how to swim, they will grab a hold and try to climb up onto anyone who is trying to save them. So both will drown, with the hero being first. The best defense against a mystery injection attributed to containing various types and amounts of poisons and or parasites is regularly scheduled parasite and heavy metal detoxes performed responsibly. Our bodies have a way of dumping out any type of garbage so keep it running at 100%. This is a direction to go in which involves changing habits and lifestyle but there are tons of proven methods out there to be tried. I have never had a cut that never healed and assume that even the jabbed will benefit from a periodic flushing out of the poisons. Build up the immune and healing systems and let your body do the rest. Forget everything you saw on TV and see the world like it is new. Dying is neither easy nor quick like on movies and TV PROGRAMMING and the nonsense of the past 4 years is just a series of back to back "campfire boogeyman and monster stories". Be in for the long haul. Be one of the last standing..One definition of success is "preparation meeting opportunity". Be prepared to live. Seize opportunity when it arrives. Be "here and now" in mind, always. This goes for paid DOD AI female impersonating managers of shih-tzu detective agencies especially.

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

I LOve this comment Rickie Slater.

And concur.

Thank you.

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Just keepin' on keepin' on.... YW

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Curiouser and curiouser..

SH….you know my research about how Billy Gates affairs intersect with my state’s tech overlord….and one of the intersections that was key was positioning David Roux on the Board of Jackson Laboratory….

Anyhow, historically it does not appear that Gates was invested in JL…but after David Roux’s installation on the board, then chair, and continues on the JL board (just like he is still in the Board of Gates’ IHME).

Once Roux was installed it seems Gates was ready to invest in research at JL.

Two grants have been made. Both are interesting in light of COVID, the jab and the pandemic, not to mention the pesky population issue the philanthropaths are concerned about.

Here is one of the grants:


Can we say Gene therapy as a contraceptive?!?! Seems manipulating one’s cycle with hormones is not good enough.

The other grant was as follows:


I found it to be noteworthy in light of how covid was said to hit hard the nasopharynx….oh, and they are all about all things “microbiome” now.

Anyhow, mostly wanted to share with you the grant that says they are looking for ways to genetically alter one’s fertility.

‘Cause they care about empowering women and improving women’s health.

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Oh, I'll just pop in and read Sage's latest post in one minute... Not! :-)

I'll be back... (use Arnold's voice)

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I think its more like Hanlon’s apathetic razor: “Don’t attribute to malice or stupidity what is adequately explained by complete indifference.”

Live or die. Whatever. We own you anyway.

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In other words, you like thought terminating cliches and do not like stated intentions.

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Never understood how a cliche can stop thought.

Interest in us actually dying seems to elevate us to a status that I’m not sure we even have.

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You've been here from the launch and have 2,000 emails saved in your file.

I think you are bargaining your ass off right now.

In that uniquely, hone in on details, WEEELLLLLLACCKKKKKKSHSHHHHHUAAALLLLYYYYY STEM fashion.

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Not really — maybe even darker than “they want to kill you”. I’m rolling around the idea whether “we want to kill you” or “we have the cure” are flags identifying different branches of middle management in the org chart.

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No OK apathy is probably related to DBS

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There is this other idea, too horrible to consider: they see a value in killing. Not because of our value. But because of what they think they are going to win: becoming immortal Gods, as Satan promised them.

At the moment, I'm like 97.75% "No, it cannot be that, no one is so dumb to believe they can become immortal gods by offering vany victims to Satan."

Maybe I'm wrong. I'm wrong so very often.

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The name Caligula comes to mind. 😎

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I'd bet some of Them believe in dimensions past the four we have day-to-day. They may believe that killing something intentionally will allow them access or passage to a dimension(s) that we won't have access to when we die...other than the recent idea of downloading memories and brain patterns onto a cloud of silicon, They may be OK with physical death, thinking that ritual killing or other practices we call Satanic will take Them into a superior post-physical dimension. In short, They may believe that Their afterlife is going to beat ours.

Not to mention that these practices get Them into the elite clubs/societies with the attendant power, money, status, security, plus really kick-ass fine dining.

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The killing itself has value you mean — the subjects in that sense irrelevant

Pretty sure I can out wrong you any day of the week

Didn’t go teach the orca about beef and chicken though

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Us thinking we have status may not be as important as them thinking we have status.

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‘Them thinking’ ‘we’ exist who ‘have status’, other than that of genetically deficient bodies needed for their research, is a positive useful thought 🤔. I’m going to hang onto it thanks 👍 :)

The heel of Achilles had a status that was also useful ..

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I was doing a reversal with a half twist (it's Olympics season, so dive in) on Dr. Flurm's idea that by wanting to kill us They are elevating our worth beyond our own estimation of it. I tend to agree that They tend to think of most of us as pests, good as experimental subjects, harvestable organ donors, sources of adrenochrome, and things They can ritually kill in order to further some process They believe in. Maybe not the full-throated positivity you were hoping for, but even with that ghastly list...They need us, some of us, somewhat, for a while.


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Oh thanks infant’n3 for the George 💡. My plastic bag vault is now my gold. But, I must re-assert, like an Olympian gold regendered female boxer, positivity. While our Kidneys and organs may not make the cut, and ‘an eye for an eye’ doesn’t work, if we dodge the needle long enough, ‘they’ will still need some of us for a little ‘service’ ;))


Cheers to Achilles heels’

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Not sure why I have a growing derision for this cleaving closely to Hanlons’ Razor, but there it is

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

CDC swabbing at LaGuardia. Fixin' to mandate jabs. #donotcomply.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

So many were unassuming of the foot long QTip stuck up their brain! Not me my friend!!!

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Might even affect one sense of smell for a while. Funny that

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

There is a medical paper from NIH detailing how they poked something up there and brain fluid leaked out….


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Yes, it’s creepy AF. And who knows what’s actually in the tip of that brain q-tip.

Egyptian’s pulled brains from the same location.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

That’s what is in the tip:

The first link is the best. Says: “swabs”…https://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c04956/suppl_file/nl0c04956_si_001.pdf





Could you let me know if you see this comment? It kept disappearing many times, and I kept posting. Interesting. Also, I wasn’t getting SH posts for about a week even though I was subscribed…

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Got the links. 👍 Big thanks. The first link on CSF leak after ‘Schwaabing’ is a shocker but unsurprising. Also I had No SH for about 1 week..

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Now there's a thought. 🤔🤔

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Replying to Marcus.

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As Mark Kulacz of Housatonic Live has commented -- 'they' may be swabbing nasal cavities in order to SPREAD a dis-ease. Bird Flu, anyone?

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International arrivals or domestic everyone (random?)?

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

LaGuardia is domestic -- coming and going. Basically, a test run to see what/if they can spread in NY/CT/NJ. Just guessing.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

So Moderna's stock is going way down from its peak of $497, it is now at $94. But wait. . .they have a second drug in the pipeline, an RSV remedy, likely based in the "new mRNA technology" It could be IVM, but since mRNA is right there in the name it's likely that.

Now I never heard of RSV in my long life, never knew anyone who had a fatal case. First I heard was on an FLCCC livestream, and they were emphasizing that it was indeed, dangerous, and we should take precautions. Moar scary germs and guys in white coats with furrowed brows telling us and "protocols." Maybe its the second tier that will combine IVM with those cute little harmless nanoparticles.

The worry virus can be caught from those guys. Along with the poison cure. They play Good Doc, Bad Doc.

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FLCCC is "Frontline".

Military talk.

We are at WAR with this VIRUS.

(And now another virus, RSV.)

We share this war with the United States Security State.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

Mod(e)RNA, Frontline, it's right there in the names.

There are two "Frontline" organizations, with the emphasis on "Front". America's Frontline Doctors and Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance. I once thought they were the same organizations. Maybe they are. . . subsidiaries of the USSS. So's ModeRNA, for that matter. Moar and moar WAR.

One big (incestuous) family.

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"You come here to get a glimpse." Indeed I do, and to keep being reminded THAT THEY'RE ALL IN ON IT. Thanks to you, James Delingpole, Miri AF and most recently, Josephine Cashman, I'm nearly completely cured of my "sweet summer child[hood]".

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Aug 3Liked by Sage Hana

Suggestion (not telling you how to do anything, ahem) … the op is BOTH a fast (few yrs) cull / debt clearing op (that part is basically done) AND a slower cull / disease cult enslavement op (currently underway). Also several other phases gamed out. I mean, duh. With concurrent shifting psych plotting/incentives laid out all the way down. These mofos are 5yrs into a 10yr plan.

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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, the question of what really was Covid is still a niggling one and acute radiation syndrome really tingles my core. Lung injury in ARS could explain X-ray and CT appearance of the lungs in folks who were made to have positive PCR tests. Airport body scanners now come in three varieties - X-ray, millimeter radio frequency, and infrared. A game of connect the dots with Covid, airport body scanners, and Leidos (formerly SAIC) could be a lot of fun.

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*Covid is a collection of symptoms, widely disparate, lumped together as a "syndrome", and largely based on a PCR test amplification of a string of letters designated as a novel virus in a database.

*Covid was different things to different people (Covid Toe? 🙄)

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Old people collecting pensions are rather inconvenient for those in private jets and mega-yachts

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They will tempt people with UBI when jobs are scarce. Worse than pensions, so will do away with them, too.

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Agreed. Accepting UBI makes one a burden to the State. And the State has no morality nor soul

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How to create cancer through breeding over time was Robert Malone's first grant in 1984. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/hyperplastic-and-neoplastic-changes

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I'm noticing something, especially this summer. A great number of people are complaining of the 'heat' here in Oregon, when it is rarely even hot. Our bodies acclimate to the seasonal weather rather quickly in my experience, and the climate change hysteria might have a little effect on their weak minds. It was strange at work the other day, it was in the 70s, cloudy and someone came in saying it's brutal outside. WTF? I was watching this documentary (https://rumble.com/v36dyl2-maui-fires-directed-energy-weapons-and-geoengineering.html?playlist_id=watch-history)

on chemtrails and how the aluminum and berrelium? dust are highly ignitable, hence the wildfire seasons becoming a big deal. Is it a combination of the chemtrails, jabs, 5g? All the above. Seems to me people are becoming very sensitive to a mild temperatures. For me, I did not get jabbed and do not carry a 5g phone. Maybe that helps me a little who knows

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