Anyone still feeling that the perpetrators just want to have a teensy bit more control than the nearly complete control at a population level that they had before the pandemic lie?
I don’t & never did. I felt strongly that the only objective that made sense of everything that I could see happening in early 2020 was a drive for total control at the level of the individual, which I found & still find very frightening. Because they mean me. They mean you. It’s impersonal while being aimed right at every person.
I reasoned that you cannot close half the businesses in The West without first having authorization from the owners of big capital. Why would they say yes? They already control everything important. At a population level, they already had very good control. What was missing if you’re a megalomaniacal eugenicist if totalitarian control of every single individual. As soon as I heard dear Dr Gates & Doctor Blair talking about “vaccine passports” I knew they meant universal digital ID. And there’s only one reason why they want that. After all, we’ve already got several perfectly adequate ways to identify ourselves as needed. It’s the THEY that need you to take up a new, single format, digital, editable ID, in order to control you.
With that, and sufficient computing power, everything you do, every regulated threshold you cross (& in time, every threshold can be regulated) & every transaction you make, can be subject to “permissioning” in any way the fat controllers dream up.
Also fascinating how small scale good will is corrupted into the large scale megalomania — for example the computing infrastructure on which the surveillance monster is built was generally created by open source idealists and academics building interesting toys in their spare time. Or for example rallying machinists and makers to help cobble together apparently short supply ventilators, which ultimately became killing machines.
Jab(s) was the foundation for vaccine passports. Digital fingerprinting is the foundation for general Digital ID. In both cases traveling has been used as a carrot for those who is to comply. America has been doing so already. EU and Russia and some others plan to start fingerprinting all travellers as soon as 2025 starts. The rest will join in due course. They ALL in these together! Digital ID = Global Digital GuLag. The only way for a sane individual to retain being the one, as it was with jabs: Do not comply.
One can add that the digital/AI control system they are trying to bring in is very resource-hungry - electricity, oil, water, rare earths, etc- and this is a further motivation for killing: part of the energy and resources consumed by us are required for the control system, which is highly complex.
This may by itself defeat them, as it is a desperate last throw on their part, a gamble; but we will then be faced with total collapse anyway, due to hyper-complexity and a wrecked planet.
Unfortunately, many cannot see the energy aspect of all of this, in all its ramifications, as they persist in thinking the resource crisis is just 'something made up by the Club of Rome', like the climate change scam. But it is real. Very real.
if only.... going Net Zero is not the same as fighting pollution!! besides, how much of public transport is still functioning? non-urban centers, no public services (postal, libraries, schools, public transport). the French country side is empty, save for beautiful houses in quaint little villages and properties developed by ex-pats: there are no shops, no children, no elementary schools, no ambulance/police services. sad and depressing :-((
The perps long ago figured out how useful it would be to replace virtue with virtue signalling. Virtue is hard. People will happily virtue-signal themselves to the slaughter house.
I suspect the Clown show will only get more obvious as things grind down. The system consumes itself at some point of entropy it appears. The Ouroborus eating itself. The amount of fail is ineffable & unquantifiable. The human condition has never been plumbed. There will be no singularity. The best I can achieve for myself is to stay healthy, enjoy good food, the sun, moon & nature, avoid the herd, understand the rules while this social-culture assault on humanity winds down. The lust of avarice as so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess them than they possess their wealth. He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. Ah yes the privilege of owning yourself vs. the masses & their tribes.
Believe nothing; question everything and trust no fake human gods as so many of these clowns pretend to be. I don't think there is any politician that has a clue about real life, except for a handful that are kept buried in the basement.
Me has that feeling, also laid out by Day, that Donnie would be able to be easier than many critters to be manipulated into directions he thinks are of his own doing.
I spend much time pondering how people are selected to front the campaigns.
All of them, not just the fake President of Israel stage, but all the way down to plucky little good faith STEM critters with their umbilical cords out begging to plug in and be valid and important and special and then they realize perhaps belatedly that they are working for the herd culling Firm
I believe, I say this humbly as I was in the top 99% of math students as a young'n in the state of Mn. 1970 era, I would have been easily persuaded to join the cult.
But for all practicable purposes I quit the indoctrination centers teachings in the 6th grade.
Yup. It gets back to that information that is presented/rational people will respond accordingly Day Tapes quote.
And gifted people are funneled into camps of thought and indoctrinated with the "science" and made to feel very special. (Virology, Climate Change modeling, etc. "Science would be falsified", said Day. "We own the Science" says WEF.
Emotional people are funneled into camps of thought and indoctrinated with emotional appeals. (The vision of Trump on the ground in PA is a magnificent work of manipulation) see also the Religious stories/cults.
It is very difficult to keep your wits about you.
Which is why my liver is in perpetual danger! And thanks, MS
They worked on me for a week when I was 7, to be in the Gate program - but it made me mad. I was intimidated at first, in a small nearly windowless room with their placating voices and tests. But then, I just became enraged, like a caged animal.
They let me go after 5 days of "testing" in first grade, until I was 12, when I was put in the "smart" section in Jr High, which didn't mean much, and I was far from the "smartest".
But it's the anger I saw as a teacher, in my alternative school teenage students, that kept them alive I think, looking back. They were mostly all told they were stupid - and every single one of them was damned smart. I knew it. I saw it. And there were a few times my actual safety was in question, when I was called in to sub for a teacher during a known gang fight day, for instance. But always, at the last minute, the student/students seemed to recognize I shared their anger - even in my vulnerability, locked into a classroom, with gang members inside and police outside, so I was not physically attacked.*
I taught in alternative high schools in 4 different districts, in two states, and the students that I still see here, around town, are the ones that did not die young, though many did, and they've grown into awesome middle aged people. Older than me (not really) but the ones that made it past the fentanyl, suicide, abuse and a million other pitfalls of hell, do seem more mature than me. And we still recognize our shared disdain of societal BS and our mutual anger.
It's good to remain feral.
* There were times that me being a very young, skinny but profoundly pregnant teacher may have been startling enough to ensure my survival as well.
they had a little help from others in The Business: all economics pertaining to oil are based on a late-19th century Rockefeller-led agreement, it is not a finite resource and petroleum is not a fossil fuel (Fletcher Prouty interv., 1994) -
Get wise to the "THE GREAT DISAPPEARING", and “THE GREAT NOTHING” I explain in my podcast here, I think I am coining the disappearing phrase and borrowing the nothing phrase:
Anyone still feeling that the perpetrators just want to have a teensy bit more control than the nearly complete control at a population level that they had before the pandemic lie?
I don’t & never did. I felt strongly that the only objective that made sense of everything that I could see happening in early 2020 was a drive for total control at the level of the individual, which I found & still find very frightening. Because they mean me. They mean you. It’s impersonal while being aimed right at every person.
I reasoned that you cannot close half the businesses in The West without first having authorization from the owners of big capital. Why would they say yes? They already control everything important. At a population level, they already had very good control. What was missing if you’re a megalomaniacal eugenicist if totalitarian control of every single individual. As soon as I heard dear Dr Gates & Doctor Blair talking about “vaccine passports” I knew they meant universal digital ID. And there’s only one reason why they want that. After all, we’ve already got several perfectly adequate ways to identify ourselves as needed. It’s the THEY that need you to take up a new, single format, digital, editable ID, in order to control you.
With that, and sufficient computing power, everything you do, every regulated threshold you cross (& in time, every threshold can be regulated) & every transaction you make, can be subject to “permissioning” in any way the fat controllers dream up.
Also fascinating how small scale good will is corrupted into the large scale megalomania — for example the computing infrastructure on which the surveillance monster is built was generally created by open source idealists and academics building interesting toys in their spare time. Or for example rallying machinists and makers to help cobble together apparently short supply ventilators, which ultimately became killing machines.
Jab(s) was the foundation for vaccine passports. Digital fingerprinting is the foundation for general Digital ID. In both cases traveling has been used as a carrot for those who is to comply. America has been doing so already. EU and Russia and some others plan to start fingerprinting all travellers as soon as 2025 starts. The rest will join in due course. They ALL in these together! Digital ID = Global Digital GuLag. The only way for a sane individual to retain being the one, as it was with jabs: Do not comply.
One can add that the digital/AI control system they are trying to bring in is very resource-hungry - electricity, oil, water, rare earths, etc- and this is a further motivation for killing: part of the energy and resources consumed by us are required for the control system, which is highly complex.
This may by itself defeat them, as it is a desperate last throw on their part, a gamble; but we will then be faced with total collapse anyway, due to hyper-complexity and a wrecked planet.
Unfortunately, many cannot see the energy aspect of all of this, in all its ramifications, as they persist in thinking the resource crisis is just 'something made up by the Club of Rome', like the climate change scam. But it is real. Very real.
This is scary and what can be done to stop it. We cannot stop them from spraying us bugs every other day with their demonic chemtrails.
Heard of this app today:
Feels like conditioning the people to be amenable to depopulating themselves... for the greater good.
Maybe Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and the WEF and the Forbes set can all agree to take public busses everywhere to cut down on pollution.
They get a very good deal, trading in a Learjet or a Bombadier for an electric bendy bus.
Bendy Bus! Reminds me of the very bendy Flatsie dolls I had as a child. That became my inspiration for gymnastics at age five!
I’ve heard he enjoys cycling with wildlife
Or circle-cycling around them. You know what comes next, kids! 😎
on a mono-cycle?
Hmmm...No, but sort of close!
if only.... going Net Zero is not the same as fighting pollution!! besides, how much of public transport is still functioning? non-urban centers, no public services (postal, libraries, schools, public transport). the French country side is empty, save for beautiful houses in quaint little villages and properties developed by ex-pats: there are no shops, no children, no elementary schools, no ambulance/police services. sad and depressing :-((
Maybe they clean themselves and do us all a favor to start the Mass-formatuon crowd to join? We'll then reap the benefits.
Such a small minority, very very small, that need to get got.
The perps long ago figured out how useful it would be to replace virtue with virtue signalling. Virtue is hard. People will happily virtue-signal themselves to the slaughter house.
I suspect the Clown show will only get more obvious as things grind down. The system consumes itself at some point of entropy it appears. The Ouroborus eating itself. The amount of fail is ineffable & unquantifiable. The human condition has never been plumbed. There will be no singularity. The best I can achieve for myself is to stay healthy, enjoy good food, the sun, moon & nature, avoid the herd, understand the rules while this social-culture assault on humanity winds down. The lust of avarice as so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess them than they possess their wealth. He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. Ah yes the privilege of owning yourself vs. the masses & their tribes.
love, empathy and laughter.
Thank Trump for keeping the long-term plan on track! This special sweetie is the Pied Piper of the eugenicists.
Believe nothing; question everything and trust no fake human gods as so many of these clowns pretend to be. I don't think there is any politician that has a clue about real life, except for a handful that are kept buried in the basement.
Kennedy is a grifter.
Would only point out that this collection of agendas go well beyond any one grifter or person in the soap opera.
This is comprehensive Whole of Government, Whole of Elite Owners of the World enacting long-planned agendas.
Laid out repeatedly from Day Tapes to World Economic Forum to UN.
Also I'm going to jump off the roof now.
Me has that feeling, also laid out by Day, that Donnie would be able to be easier than many critters to be manipulated into directions he thinks are of his own doing.
I spend much time pondering how people are selected to front the campaigns.
All of them, not just the fake President of Israel stage, but all the way down to plucky little good faith STEM critters with their umbilical cords out begging to plug in and be valid and important and special and then they realize perhaps belatedly that they are working for the herd culling Firm
I believe, I say this humbly as I was in the top 99% of math students as a young'n in the state of Mn. 1970 era, I would have been easily persuaded to join the cult.
But for all practicable purposes I quit the indoctrination centers teachings in the 6th grade.
Yup. It gets back to that information that is presented/rational people will respond accordingly Day Tapes quote.
And gifted people are funneled into camps of thought and indoctrinated with the "science" and made to feel very special. (Virology, Climate Change modeling, etc. "Science would be falsified", said Day. "We own the Science" says WEF.
Emotional people are funneled into camps of thought and indoctrinated with emotional appeals. (The vision of Trump on the ground in PA is a magnificent work of manipulation) see also the Religious stories/cults.
It is very difficult to keep your wits about you.
Which is why my liver is in perpetual danger! And thanks, MS
For what it's worth, I believe I have learned more about life, and more importantly myself, in the last 5 years than the previous 62.
You and many others around these parts of SS have had a part in that.
I'm afraid, gut feelz, SS' days may be numbered.
Yes. “made to feel very special” is a powerful tool to steer gifted individuals by definition pushed to the fringe of society
In an earlier age, the Catholic church looked out for the brightest kids, whatever their background, in order to indoctrinate and train them young.
Always watching and selecting.
I very nearly went into an academic/military planning unit, having been spotted as a student: who knows, I might have ended up as a culler by now?
They worked on me for a week when I was 7, to be in the Gate program - but it made me mad. I was intimidated at first, in a small nearly windowless room with their placating voices and tests. But then, I just became enraged, like a caged animal.
They let me go after 5 days of "testing" in first grade, until I was 12, when I was put in the "smart" section in Jr High, which didn't mean much, and I was far from the "smartest".
But it's the anger I saw as a teacher, in my alternative school teenage students, that kept them alive I think, looking back. They were mostly all told they were stupid - and every single one of them was damned smart. I knew it. I saw it. And there were a few times my actual safety was in question, when I was called in to sub for a teacher during a known gang fight day, for instance. But always, at the last minute, the student/students seemed to recognize I shared their anger - even in my vulnerability, locked into a classroom, with gang members inside and police outside, so I was not physically attacked.*
I taught in alternative high schools in 4 different districts, in two states, and the students that I still see here, around town, are the ones that did not die young, though many did, and they've grown into awesome middle aged people. Older than me (not really) but the ones that made it past the fentanyl, suicide, abuse and a million other pitfalls of hell, do seem more mature than me. And we still recognize our shared disdain of societal BS and our mutual anger.
It's good to remain feral.
* There were times that me being a very young, skinny but profoundly pregnant teacher may have been startling enough to ensure my survival as well.
It's good to be fecund, too.
I’d have been a dangerously useful asset to the perpetrators.
Except I didn’t like their smell or their sly looks. Wankers.
And thanks for all your work Mike.
Keep giv'n em hell (their own meds).
What turned Lord (!) Vallance to the dark side, one wonders?
The STEM types cannot, for reasons of self-image, conceive that they might be used, unwittingly, by those more cunning than themselves.
Or that other 'smart' STEM people might lie to them.
And you do excellent research to back that up.
Please keep push'n them balls out.
Many are fitted with blinders open only in the direction of potential good.
And most are unaware of or refuse to touch the blinders
do they know about their blinders?
as selected actors, restricted by their sell-by date.
selected actors in a school play. the directors hidden in the shadow of the wings, the audience left guessing what kind of performance we're watching.
No, do not do that please 🙏🏻
It’s OK — Shih-tzus have a low terminal velocity
And Trump is appointing the MOST millionaires and billionaires in his cabinet.
Speaking of which… I actually laughed to myself and thought of this stack when the guy in this video mentioned Fruit Loops about 4 minutes in…
::drone’s antenna perks up; begins scanning rooftops::
nanoo, nanoo....
I saw three Starlinks while traveling to Hobbitville, I mean PA. Plus 5G towers everywhere. It appears the culling will hit PA as well.
Change your ways you evil peeps !!!
Ironic that The Rockefellers amassed their fortunes in OIL.
they had a little help from others in The Business: all economics pertaining to oil are based on a late-19th century Rockefeller-led agreement, it is not a finite resource and petroleum is not a fossil fuel (Fletcher Prouty interv., 1994) -
Snake oil!
Get wise to the "THE GREAT DISAPPEARING", and “THE GREAT NOTHING” I explain in my podcast here, I think I am coining the disappearing phrase and borrowing the nothing phrase: