Indict them, try them, convict them, execute them.

Seems appropriate to me. Sort of a simple justice, no one is above the law, crimes against humanity sort of obvious thing to me.

But, then, I am just a regular human being so I do not understand the special rules for special people that these great ones seem to understand so well.

What do I know?

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This is the most sinister audacious Murder Plot in history and the most audacious Psy Op.

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A simple, unfrozen caveman lawyer!


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Do you have his contact info?


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"Indict them, try them, convict them, execute them."

Spot on. But Rima, one of the The Monster's biggest achievements is to have designed an ant farm in which such a course of action is virtually impossible. Barely conceivable, in fact.

The Organs and nodes will not allow it.

They really have covered so many of the bases in their psychotic democide.

Then again, when you mean to drive a species to extinction, you'd want to avoid any toxic retribution. During or after.

Question is, when does the elephant realise the barest of cotton threads it thinks are holding it immobile in the killhouse might as well not exist? Could be severed with the slightest twitch of a single limb?

We should have had an honest to God stampede by this point. But...it can still barely be spoken about.

It will be justice, not vengeance. But the ending will be as you say. No other possible future is viable for the non-psychopathic elements of our species.


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If one conducts the court according to their rules just skip to step three.

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Indeed. People still playing by their rules, not understanding that the country is gone. Or perhaps they do, deep down, but are enjoying the grift and the camraderie of the Freedom Cafe while the bodies pile up.

I'm outside, banging on the glass, screaming. Maybe I should just go for a walk and let The Monster smash up the cafe.

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I feel ya frien, it seems so futile at times. Yet I see no reason to raise the white flag.

It seems most around here and other stack communities have similar experiences of the blank stares, rude responses along with other unpleasant reactions.

But maybe at least a tiny seed takes hold on rare occasions where we've planted.

Perhaps we'll meet one day in that there Freedom Café and discuss the situation loud enough so other patrons will have no choice but to confront our reality.

Or one can take the easy path and join their reality, I choose not to run.

By the way, great job on your stack.

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(Narrator: ExcessDeathsAU, unused to praise, squirms uncomfortably).

Thank you.

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But most people don't believe that doctors murdered anyone. It was the vi... wait a minute... never mind... it must be true... otherwise... who are they going to use as scapegoat on this one... ah, yes... the servants who were promised they would not be thrown under the bus may end up being thrown under the bus... We need more buses though, there are a lot of cullers...

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The Op is: to get Good People to do the dirty work under "Good" intentions.

But at some point...they are just going along. And the gates of Hell begin to close on us.

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Were they ever any good if they just go along with mass murder and mass theft? I'm using the problem of evil that atheists often use and I am applying on regular people. I can understand people can be bamboozled, trolled and corrupted, but, after the fact, when other people make the effort to explain everything, they keep rejecting reality. They don't want to hear they did evil. According to them, I did evil, for not obeying the tyrants who have destroyed the lives of many. They obeyed, they are good, consequences don't matter, reality is optional, they will do it again.

If God doesn't exist, it makes no sense to expect for him to make justice or bring any salvation. But humans exist and they can change their behavior, bring about little bit of justice and stop the crimes. Why do humans choose to not obtain achievable and rational outcomes?

Or, a more ambitious question, why do almost all atheist intellectuals ALWAYS discourage people to do things that are in their power, and instead tell people to submit to the God-State?

I know, this is a Wendy's, but I like to ask questions.

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Errrybody has a pet issue that they want to hit up Good Ole Sage with.

"Hey Sage...about that WHOLE ATHEISM THING...."


Double Agent Rog, the framing of "were they EVER..."

is the house of sand that the rest of the edifice is built upon. In my HUMBLE OPINION.

Because this feels an awful lot like intellectual rigidity, either/or binary thought.

But that will not satisfy you. It cannot satisfy you, probably.

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My issue is that , for over 6 days now my worm won't eat . Nothing. Nada.

Dr. Sage ....... is this another Psy Op .... or what ?

"Errrybody has a pet issue that they want to hit up Good Ole Sage with."

sorry..... I am programmed . can of worms . can of worms , STOPPPPP!!!

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I once had a pet. It died. I can't remember its name. 'Twas a bird. Everyone dies. Then, a little butterfly (PSYCHE in the Greek language) comes out of their mouth, and it is assigned a unique identifier in the alphanumeric style, and they get trapped, forever, in a merciless capitalistic cloud, where a pin and a piece of cardboard and a matching size piece o' glass waits for them, to further humiliate them, and these butterflies will receive the clip of the next commie dancing nurse directly into their little brains. and they will not escape, because if they escape they will reincarnate in another animal, like a human, but probably of an inferior race, and then the new gods will have to feed them and vaccinate them and distract them while they abuse them and parasitize them, which is too much work, even for a psychopath, or for his butler.

No, it's better that souls remain tied forever in the subtle torture chamber of the digitalization of everything, which amounts to much less suffering compared to reincarnation or another variant of reality.

The new gods claim they want to change the fundamental nature of human nature. I don't buy it!

The people who allow themselves to be enslaved can choose to rebel and earn freedom. But they need to change psychologically.

If change is not possible, then the world is lost to me.

Intellectually, I'm as rigid as the water at the mouth of the Mississippi river.

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"The new gods claim they want to change the fundamental nature of human nature. I don't buy it!

The people who allow themselves to be enslaved can choose to rebel and earn freedom. But they need to change psychologically."


1. The new and old Gods come and go as new and old people come and go. There are as many God interpretations as there are people who believe. BELIEVE.

Tradition is dead people applying peer pressure on us.

Now, should a reflective soul find solace in an Old God interpretation and trust me, once you start going beyond general platitudes you WILL start finding fundamental creases in application unless you belong to a hard core cult....but that reflective soul will imprint this solace onto the world.

It's a real dilemma and yes...I started querying the Thought Leaders early on in this life.

2. New Gods Bad. Me Old God. Me know stuff. Me know what need to be. Me God.

This is ultimately when a person loses humility, right size, and begins fashioning themselves a deputy for the Big guy.


If change is not possible, then the world is lost to me.


The world will go on.

Meebbbeeee Old God Big Mad and is taking it out on the infidels.

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1. Too much rigidity, Sabio. Too dogmatic for substack. Allow me to try to soften it out a bit: Living people, who are dead inside, use anything at hand, including tradition, to make sure other people do not ever stand up, thus perpetuating the cycle of misery, which happens to compose 99% of the revenue of the Perpetrators. There are people who try to BECOME good by breaking that cycle, and the bottom line thereof.

2. Either people have too much imagination, or too little imaignation, and there is nothing in between. (LOL)

Either way, people will change and become somewhat good, or change and become worse than they are. Religious charlatans like to tell people everything is predetermined and there is nothing they can do, but to submit. Pessimism becomes Salvation. Hard Pass!

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"They don't want to hear they did evil. According to them, I did evil, for not obeying the tyrants who have destroyed the lives of many."

This is your straight-from-the-textbook cognitive dissonance.

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"As a Harvard professor of government, [William Yandell] Elliott understood the importance of educating a population to have effective democracy, but more critically, as a CIA officer and government employee, he knew that a government must represent itself well for the sake of public approval."

- Sean Stone, in New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism

To "represent itself well," the government employs to exploit the diligence and conscientiousness of good people.

Amongst W. Y. Elliott's students were Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, and McGeorge Bundy.

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Okay, okay...one MORE time... 200 experts gathered in the forest and agreed:

"Nothing happened. The End "

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Yeah but did any assholes hear them?

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Yeah, I think quite a few assholes heard them, who then took the Pfizer money, and agreed that nothing happened.

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ALL our conspiracy theory saviours have SEEN the message. The Mission Impossible one that self destructs in 30 seconds : "Sir, your mission, if you continue on your path, will lead to some verrrry uncomfortable circumstances. For you. And your family. And pets ! "

Please consider zee choices and contact us immediately so that vee can come to an understanding. Otherwise, you vill own nothing ......." The song Happy starts to play , and then poof. Message gone.

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Voondevah! Seeeeepurb!! Yes, indeed, someone played the song "Happy" and to this day, vee still don't know what zee choice was. Do vee?

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It’s time for torches and pitchforks. Long past time, actually.

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Sooo good the photo at the end with the extrapolated text: it gives the exact context to the kirsch statement . so didactic. satire hammering.

it is all so a mess with a so intrincated plot with many saviors and layers of lies and deviations to the main point: the installation of a living totalitarian digital game, obliteration of our individual untouchable rights, and apropiation of our bodys (and when possible our minds too). ASAP or step to step behind a fog of distractions in a variety of intensitys ... or like an old car, a mix of both

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Bewildering Array of Messages to target each mark, I guess.

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exactly. overwhelming avalanche of a snowball-cloud (as in the cartoons) with all kind of psychological stuffs to catch what they can in their traps, like fishing minds

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Okay, call me crazy, but in that top picture of Martin, he looks a lot like George Bush, Jr. Related?

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Some are backing off, WHY? Just apologize?? WTF is that about? So, Kennedy wants an apology, so it doesn’t happen again and we can move forward...and is it Kirsch the other one who wants an apology? Something is very wrong with this.

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The something might be that the pro wrestling match was long planned and it is to run out the clock for the deaths to pile up and the NWO and DePop and Slave Planet to be implemented.

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Dr Martin really needs to shave off those eyebrows to get a proper shiny shiny effect.


::bobs and weaves, punches at air::


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I admit I don't know much, Buuutttt, I do know the following scientific consensus.

If you keep things far enough apart it all makes sense.

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“I’ve a bow tie, bona fides ,and a shiny pate...”


“I’ve a full head, and can backflip

while snatching rattlesnakes ...”

( the ellipsis are a result of an uncontrollable tremor that I suffer from)

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Fundamental human nature - we only do what is easy, fun and then when pushed what is absolutely necessary. No one does what is right.

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There is a certain class of people who fail to do what is right. There are thankfully plenty enough of us who do.

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I humbly beg to disagree. Never have we ever accomplished anything as a species just because it was the right thing to do.

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Big loophole with "as a species", but...

Damn. 🤔

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I no longer think we are one species.

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Somebody, with help within an organizational structure, invented Doritos.

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I guess I just don't want to believe that. Especially right now. 😢

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I am speaking collectively of course. Individuals certainly do. It's just as a population we dont turn on the sway of good virtue.

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Unfortunately I hear you - mine was a knee-jerk reaction - you are, of course, mostly right.

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When my nephew was a just wee lad, and then why my niece was just a wee lass, the few times I had to baby sit them, I gave them only two rules that they had to abide by:

1. don't annoy anyone, and

2. don't get yourself killed.

If there's any doubt, see rule 1.

Actually, there's no need for any more rules or laws for everyone else, too. There certainly ain't no need for Byzantine legal systems, and there's absolutely no need for authoritarian religions with fire and brimstone dogma and iron moral codes. These two simple rules would more than suffice.

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I like those rules. Number one encompasses - don't do anything that makes me or others dislike you.

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" Number one encompasses - don't do anything that makes me or others dislike you."

Precisely correct! I'm so glad you too can appreciate the subtlety of Rule 1.

Also implied by Rule 1 is the abrogation of things like torture, murder, rape, pillaging, slavery, psychological and conventional warfare, white collar crime, etc. But not only: vanity, conceit, greed, smugness, pretentiousness, narcissism, ... You can see how Rule 1 is a recipe for peaceful human coexistence.

Alas, were it more than only aspirational ...

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Genius. Both of them.

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Autonomy comes to mind.

The supreme knowledge that to trespass to cause harm of foul is a no-no. Today it seems it is above reproach.

All this convoluted seeking of righteousness or justice surely portrays the new rule that it is ok to cause harm or foul - look at video games - no pain there.

Yes, totally agree.

Actually, autonomy allows you to listen to someone non-defensively and modify your views to incorporate new information. When you lack autonomy, you're more controlled by what others do, think ... hence cognitive dissonance. IMO

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"These things just don’t go together."

Nope, that squar' peg don't fit in the GIANT ROUND HOLE that the "boyz on our team" have left BLANK like a big black hole in the universe that sucks in EVERYTHING it touches, 'culdin' truth!

Ruther, things go better with....


DRUGS yes DRUGS like... CocaCola--fun, food, & people! Ask Robbie, Bobbie, an' Day/Night of the Hunter!

yup! It was MURDER with a capital M that "dawned on" D as in David David Martin right from the start.

It was BIOWEAPON with a capital B that D as in David David Martin spied with his little eye while team black hole talked of "restored trusts" and called for an "admission of mistakes" by our killers...


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It's a year and a half later after Martin's speech. Has anyone been arrested or indicted ?

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"Admit to mistakes" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NONE of this was a mistake.

So is Kirsch begging them to "please" end this extermination program, and trying to promise them they'll get off Scott free if they will just STOP murdering people? On his KNEES much while he defends INTENTIONAL GENOCIDE as a mere "mistake?"

The only way to make sure this stops, is for the public to SEE the executions. This will be the ONLY way to "restore trust." It's the only way OTHERS who want to do this type of thing will think twice about trying it.

And it's the ONLY way these particular demons will EVER stop.

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Has ANYONE been charged or prosecuted for anything?

It seems like every party is getting a slice of either "Cathartic tough talk" or "Calm the Marks" placation.

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And according to some, we're now supposed to ACCEPT mass genocide as a mere a "mistake."

He's thrown in the towel on the premise that anyone ever did anything "bad." They just "accidentally" hid the majority of the dead bodies from the vax. They are continuing their push to make sure everyone is jabbed with as many toxins as they can manage, because they have no idea what they're doing right?

If these demons are never brought to justice this will not end until every last one of us is DEAD.

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>Has ANYONE been charged or prosecuted for anything?


The people trying to stop the killing.

Killers still at large.

(Freedom cool kids baffled).

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They don't know they're being killed. Most of my family and close friends are getting the new booster. I send them info but they write in return they prefer to ask their doctor (!)

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How many shots altogether now?

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For the true believers, this is their fifth.

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More and more, every day, I see that humanity has been split.

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There needs to be a list and starts with the ones who promoted fear and gave the orders. Next those who knew better but followed the orders for whatever reason...and the politicians for mandating and destroying peace, humanity, life, the economy and the world we knew.

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