"President Donald Trump on Friday implored Americans to get vaccinated amid a massive measles outbreak, in a departure from his past skepticism about vaccines.
Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump weighed in for the first time on the growing crisis that has seen 695 measles cases in 2019, the worst outbreak since the disease was declared eliminated two decades ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
They have to get the shot,” Trump said. “The vaccinations are so important. This is going around now. They have to get their shots.”
The outbreaks have spawned emergency declarations in communities in Washington state and New York, which the CDC says are linked to unvaccinated travelers who recently visited places such as Israel, Ukraine and the Philippines where outbreaks are occurring.
The measles outbreak in the U.S. has been exacerbated by a growing fear of vaccines in some communities, including the debunked theory that vaccines cause autism. Trump promoted this false sentiment before his election, railing against “monstrous combined vaccines” and pushing for children to receive smaller doses of vaccines over longer spans of time.
Trump also met during the 2016 campaign with leaders of the anti-vaccine movement, including Andrew Wakefield, the discredited author of a since-retracted 1998 article linking the measles-mumps-rubella shot to autism.
After Trump was elected, some of his staff met with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has promoted the debunked claim that trace mercury in old vaccines caused a “vaccine epidemic.” Kennedy said at the time that he was told he would be appointed to lead a commission investigating malfeasance in the federal government aimed at covering up vaccine damage, but that did not happen.
Earlier this week, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar blasted vaccine skeptics and defended the safety and effectiveness of the measles vaccine, calling “the suffering we are seeing … avoidable.”
“Measles is not a harmless childhood illness, but a highly contagious, potentially life-threatening disease. We have the ability to safely protect our children and our communities,” he said in a statement. “Vaccines are a safe, highly effective public health solution that can prevent this disease. The measles vaccines are among the most extensively studied medical products we have, and their safety has been firmly established over many years in some of the largest vaccine studies ever undertaken.”
We should not vaccinate unwilling Americans. . . you know the rest. Is the MMR safe? Welp. Shure. Just have Peter Mac or someone like him spin up a few studies. Malone can verify.
MMR is the vax reported to be associated with autism, soon in an improved mRNA formulation. More autism on the horizon. We have to ask why they are trying to turn kids autistic? Makes it harder for families to have more than one child if the first is the old style autism. Other reasons likely.
Each autistic child and adult ties up a lot of energy and attention. Each one cannot ever count as an active citizen. Each one is 'vulnerable', and thereby liable to further vaxxing. Each one will fail to reproduce. Each one will be a prime candidate for compassionate Death by Doctor.......
They are also used as lab rats for meds old and new along with interventions like ECT which has made a comeback.
Not only are the kids further vaxxed, those who work in support must be vaxxed to protect the children. Besides its not vaccinations fault, its genetics, pollution and the food we eat. You would be nuts to think that an untested bio weapon had anything to do with this epidemic. And it is an epidemic, the numbers are astounding.
I just popped onto the Autism Speaks web page, clicked on causes and under Do Vaccines Cause Autism? "There is no connection between vaccines and autism. Autism is often diagnosed at the same time children receive routine vaccinations(just a coincidence you ignorant Trumper) which has led to concerns about a connection-but decades of scientific research have confirmed that vaccines do not cause autism(Pfizer looked into it, it's all good). In fact(I love this) vaccines play a crucial role in protecting children from serious diseases like measles." Very timely having measles specified.
According to Autism Speaks it's things like "autism risk genes" "low birth rate" "social determinants" and something called "brain nerve cells" that cause autism.
You would be shocked to know that Autism Speaks is partnered with a company called Genentech which is owned by Roche, a Swiss multinational health care company. They own the patent for the PCR test.
13.1 of the package insert for M-M-R II vaccine under the heading NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY: "M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility."
Parasitic Bobby promoting this shit, you know after a year of brain worms and fucking baby bears. Weird that.
There's also protein in the M-M-R II vaccine. Word on the street is that causes anaphylaxis.
In response to your autism question, with both parents having to work there is nobody home to care for these kids(it can also be dangerous to have them at home) so off they go into the "system" which is ma$$ive. This is a population that never gets better being cared for by an evil that has zero incentive to even try.
I am deeply grateful to the unknown doctor who, supervising TB vaxxing at my school, turned me away having reviewed my medical history, because of a high risk of dangerous anaphylaxis ( I was already vaxx injured from earlier shots, with the usual range of allergies, etc).
I feel now that this happened on another planet, somehow.
When the UK Health minister heard about bad reactions in 2021, he said he relaxed when he was informed it was 'only anaphylaxis'. Which is of course completely brief and transient if it kills you, isn't it?
It's mindblowing anyone could possibly believe this story. "There was an outbreak!"
It's a chicken-and-the egg problem. For one person to get measles (the story goes) they must get it from another person (no, it does not infect any species other than homo sapiens). Who had to get it from another person, ad infinitum, back to when the measles virus "spontaneously generated" in caveman days, or whenever.
Meaning, there can't be an outbreak, any more than there can be a spontaneous outbreak of chickens. Each outbreak is coterminous with a preceding outbreak, and so on, meaning there was only one outbreak: when HASHEM invented measles in caveman days, or whenever.
At least with COVID they gave us two plausible outbreak stories: a lab leak or eating bat soup.
With measles they don't even bother and just play the "blame the unvaccinated" game.
You ever see the measles chart that spans the past hundred and fifty years? I don't know if the data is legit, but the 'huge' drop that is shown on most charts from the 50's/60's forward? That whole chart itself is a tiny bump at the end of an enormous downslope of a chart. To the extent 'measles' is a thing, a virus thing (who knows...), it was well on it's way out before the jabs showed up.
1) I thought the Texas "outbreak" started after a measles vaccine campaign - giving unwary bystanders measles, because it's a live shot.
So what I don't get, at all, is that the measles vaccine was, maybe still is, a live attenuated POS, and the label SHOULD clearly state TO NOT GET AROUND OTHER PEOPLE FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER GETTING VACCINATED
It doesn't, at least not this label.
But it does say this
"M-M-R II vaccine contains live attenuated measles, mumps and rubella viruses. M-M-R II vaccine is
contraindicated for use in pregnant women because infection during pregnancy with the wild-type viruses
has been associated with maternal and fetal adverse outcomes.
Increased rates of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature delivery and congenital defects have been
observed following infection with wild-type measles during pregnancy {12,13}. Wild-type mumps infection
during the first trimester of pregnancy may increase the rate of spontaneous abortion"
Q-Anon, *I gather*, hung out little nuggets of truth and always assured the willing marks that the Hero was working behind the scenes and promoted that something was hebbbbening.
Karen Kingston has been serving this function as do many of the "Forbidden News" (Mossad) sites. (We can sue Pfizer. Did you see those exciting hearings? Etc. Vigilant Fox, Kirsch. etc)
But this is Daily Mail, big box media, saying that the kovid shots face a ban!
Now...it may happen, sure.
Meeeebbeee...If it does not, then they are performing the same function.
I had to take the MMR vaccine in 2000 to attend a university here in California, because I had not been given the German Measles shot when I was an infant back in the 60s. When I earned my first degree in the late 80s, that university didn't care, but the second degree could not be pursued without going to the school's health building, rolling up my sleeve and taking the shot.
I ended up with a high fever for over a week. Who knows what else it did to me, maybe more of an idiot? Who could tell.
Interesting issue with MMR shot is gelatin. It seems that there is gelatin in US shots, but the Japanese took it out of theirs in the late 1990s because they figured out the protein was destroying children. I wonder how much of Bobby's soul is left? Maybe the bear ate it. Any way, this is a link to the gelatin issue, back when vaccines were known to cause problems. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1045105603000630
If you are interested in more on vaccine issues, Vinu is a good follow.
I'm not dissappointed by Kennedy because I know he is playing 75d chess. You guys have 70 dimensions to read if you want to catch up 😂😂😂
Now, more seriously... Kennedy has done the peanut allergy argument several times. I think it's from that yearly flu shot that rakes in so many millions and prevents people from collecting their pensions after retirement, because in general people have to be alive to collect their pension.
Kennedy works for the "Trump Administration." He has to do the business of the Trump administration. What Kennedy promised was "transparency." He never promised salvation or a moratorium on all vaccines, or de-funding criminal universities who coerce people to poison themselves with vaccines. He cannot promised that. The Federal Government is very corrupt and compromised. If he is able to present real information, hidden information, to the general public, I would take that as a huge success. I don't think they are going to allow him do much more than that. Imperial politics is no win everything/lose everything, but "you get what you can get when you can get it." That's how I see it.
With better information, like, for example, the hidden information about the dangers of SSRIs, people and doctors will be better equipped to protect themselves from the carnage that is medicine and the killing fields that hospitals really are.
Perhaps Kennedy, because he was born in a political family with many links to real power, knows some trick to create loopholes in future legislation regarding the future drugs and devices that will be approved. And through those traps he may (or may not) create, then people can find hidden information, file FOIA requests, start lawsuits, and disarm the enemy, or at least hinder their progress. What I'm describing is not a given, but it is reasonable hope. The people have to defend themselves, no one in the government will defend them, but errors can be made in the fascist rules that harm children's health and destroy people's lives.
It sucks a lot. Other than by the "unspeakable" means of law nullification and peaceful secession and debt repudiation, I don't think there is a way to dismantle totalitarianism from within the system.
"Other than by the "unspeakable" means of law nullification and peaceful secession and debt repudiation, I don't think there is a way to dismantle totalitarianism from within the system."
We'll never get to find out if one motherfucker will never JUST GO FUCKING ROGUE AND TRY THAT TRUTH DEAL.
"Kennedy works for the "Trump Administration." He has to do the business of the Trump administration."
This is why you don't play ball and just speak the fucking truth.
Which everybody loves when it's just a slogan. They don't really believe it even if they dance on the graves of their dead and maimed.
This asshole called out Trump last time for buckling to pressure. IN REAL AF. I'VE RUN THE CLIP.
Anyway, you are co-signing lots and lots of bullshit here, but I think you are just working the room and you enjoy picking talking points and seeing how they sound.
I admit that it is difficult for me to believe that Kennedy is part of a cabal to mass murder children or people in general.
Of other politicians, of judges, of commanders, and of certain wealthy people, I have no doubt they are doing that.
But my current world view includes the idea that most people really have no idea what they are doing, they have no idea of the existence of the Day tapes.
And some people know stuff and play this sick game, and save whatever they can save, and help whomever they can help. So they play the fifth column game, incurring in personal risk. Car breaks can fail, you know? Sometimes gas tanks have a leak and civil rights lawyers die, you know, shit happens.
Maybe I'm wrong, and all the "good" people are baddies. It's a tough world out there.
minute 55:57 onwards. Catherine says "put yourself in their shoes" in reference to people who enter in a new administration. She doesn't mention Kennedy and his team specifically then, I think it's before.
CAF is a realist, a Machiavellian, in the good sense of the word.
I agree with most of her analysis. She seems to imply that there is no salvation coming from Government, but people must save themselves instead, and use everything at hand to fight lawlessness.
Let's see if I can find her specific answer about Kennedy.
Yeah, the sudden 'outbreak' is very sus.. Just like in OK, sudden outbreak of 'flu' so bad they had to shut down schools around okc, after a 'sudden bout' of strange thick, I mean Thick, fog all over western OK. And that makes outbreak jes in time for Kennedy to renege on his many 'promises' of stopping vax harms to children.
The fact that these people would rather believe that a "robot clone" or someone else wrote this article when Kennedy himself from his own social media pages said that he wrote it displays such an epic level of denial and refusal to see the truth that this man played you all.
You've done a great job - the ol' "it's a blessing, it's a curse" thingiemajigger.
Keep it up. Stay strong. Your curiosity into searching, searching and searching some more for the truth without buckling to the incurious masses is a great asset. A major strength within you. And, it's uber rare. Unfortunately.
Thought of a good title for an article for you and maybe you've used it already. - The Bill Murray movie, "What About Bob". Except I don't know which Bob you would use it for. Maybe both!!
Guess, if I would have searched my own site, I would have seen that. Linked one by you in Nov 2022 where you used that phrase -
JJ Couey Soberly Translates Dr. Robert Malone’s Winding Explanations for why the DOD Exaggerates the Risks of Emerging Pathogens – “What About Bob Tries to Finesse Psy Ops and Plausible Rationales. JJ says, “Hold up.” – Sage Hana
The gist of it: Measles does not exist, children need to take fishcoin liver oil and grass fed butter and go out and play and find grounding in the earth, and the department of HHS sucks and should be cancelled!
Cowan says "I don't buy it" in reference to the new molecular tests to diagnose measles. Implicitly, they can invent any measles outbreak they want by manipulating the data. He explains he wants hard scientific proof that the measles syndrome exists, before he can accept that the tests accurately diagnose the disease.
I think his argument is that there is nothing specific about the disease. It's probably just environmental toxins (radiation, sprayin, medicines, whatever.)
Supposedly, the vitmain A helps to detoxify all that.
However, there is a revolution in Novirustan going on, by a group of infidels who argue that all vitamin A is toxic, not only from supplements but also from natural sources. And it should not be used at all when you are sick, and people should avoid eating foods rich in vitamin A, like butter, liver, organ meat, salmon, carrots, peppers, and even green leafy vegetables and the so called cruciferous vegetables. All toxic, according to the heretics.
Okay, Rog that sounds a little more nuanced than first reported!
Rog, I hope you know that all I ever want to know period is what is real.
I am almost certain that Novirustan is badly infiltrated and if I had the bandwidth I would dive in and try and sort out the shitfuckery. That Lanka video that I ran was the best I've seen and kept to good talking points. But WTF knows?
I am leery of any binary theory with new terms and religion, though.
But there is no need to deep dive, because the heretics seemingly have commercial stakes. So, it's really a marketing skirmish.
As for vitamin A being therapeutic or not, I don't know. I've always heard that our body naturally produces vitamin A starting from pro-vitamin A, found in food. And this hormone is necessary for development and for repair. But this model of malnutrition may be overly simplistic. After all, the unvaccinated Mennonite children from Texas, who are the target of the measles psyop, are healthy, well nourished, protected from many toxins, and if they get an "infectious" disease, it should be easy to discard malnutrition, supplements (perhaps manipulated?) or their urban life and exposure to car exhaust or industry air pollution. Perhaps something in the water. Or the chemtrails.
Or, simply, the normal and traditional theory that some children have a growth spurt crisis, and others do not, and we mistake that for a disease.
But, if adults get a rash... then I would think poison or contamination of some type.
Are adults or old people developing rashes given to them by Mean-onite children, and dying? If not, this is just another fascist-communist psyop, in my opinion.
The primary area I struggle with nav is, I had chickenpox as a kid. Was no biggie. Came and went. But I remember it. 'It' was something real. Was it a virus? Or did I get sprayed? Dunno. But I know it itched like hell.
Also Dr. Garret Smith The Nutrition Detective on YouTube. And a self published book by some dude I can't find right now but seemed to have popularized the anti vitamin A movement.
Who knows. On one hand Bill Gates promotes Vitamin A, but the other side has some red flags too, and as you say it's been used by people for a long time, but maybe now we get overdosed on it with all the products it's in.
There is another reason for culling the "olds" besides reducing expenses. When that generation is gone, so will be the lived experience that every kid they knew, from their families, their school, their neighborhood and their church was unvaccinated, got the childhood illnesses and made a complete recovery.
Great point I think about that often being a parent myself that people of my generation were the last to not have smartphone their whole lives and remember zero autism allergies sudden deaths and everyone dying of cancer.
Yes, the world has changed so much that our experience of being human is now very different generationally. Once the current oldsters have passed we will have no one left with personal knowledge of how things used to be.
"President Donald Trump on Friday implored Americans to get vaccinated amid a massive measles outbreak, in a departure from his past skepticism about vaccines.
Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump weighed in for the first time on the growing crisis that has seen 695 measles cases in 2019, the worst outbreak since the disease was declared eliminated two decades ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
They have to get the shot,” Trump said. “The vaccinations are so important. This is going around now. They have to get their shots.”
The outbreaks have spawned emergency declarations in communities in Washington state and New York, which the CDC says are linked to unvaccinated travelers who recently visited places such as Israel, Ukraine and the Philippines where outbreaks are occurring.
The measles outbreak in the U.S. has been exacerbated by a growing fear of vaccines in some communities, including the debunked theory that vaccines cause autism. Trump promoted this false sentiment before his election, railing against “monstrous combined vaccines” and pushing for children to receive smaller doses of vaccines over longer spans of time.
Trump also met during the 2016 campaign with leaders of the anti-vaccine movement, including Andrew Wakefield, the discredited author of a since-retracted 1998 article linking the measles-mumps-rubella shot to autism.
After Trump was elected, some of his staff met with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has promoted the debunked claim that trace mercury in old vaccines caused a “vaccine epidemic.” Kennedy said at the time that he was told he would be appointed to lead a commission investigating malfeasance in the federal government aimed at covering up vaccine damage, but that did not happen.
Earlier this week, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar blasted vaccine skeptics and defended the safety and effectiveness of the measles vaccine, calling “the suffering we are seeing … avoidable.”
“Measles is not a harmless childhood illness, but a highly contagious, potentially life-threatening disease. We have the ability to safely protect our children and our communities,” he said in a statement. “Vaccines are a safe, highly effective public health solution that can prevent this disease. The measles vaccines are among the most extensively studied medical products we have, and their safety has been firmly established over many years in some of the largest vaccine studies ever undertaken.”
We're doomed.
Who will be first to admit they were played. Hands up
Right about now the Trumptards are sucking on their own dicks.
Ya'll were told you were getting played... dumb fucks
I'll put twenty on hearing, "He was duped" before midnight.
it's still real for me goddamnit!!!
Its OK we still loveu
I'll see that & raise you a hoodwinked.
Can someone pop over here and post this article... I am banned
Let me know when its up
We should not vaccinate unwilling Americans. . . you know the rest. Is the MMR safe? Welp. Shure. Just have Peter Mac or someone like him spin up a few studies. Malone can verify.
MMR is the vax reported to be associated with autism, soon in an improved mRNA formulation. More autism on the horizon. We have to ask why they are trying to turn kids autistic? Makes it harder for families to have more than one child if the first is the old style autism. Other reasons likely.
10D chess, fo sho.
Indeed, just why?
Each autistic child and adult ties up a lot of energy and attention. Each one cannot ever count as an active citizen. Each one is 'vulnerable', and thereby liable to further vaxxing. Each one will fail to reproduce. Each one will be a prime candidate for compassionate Death by Doctor.......
Same principle as is used in war , caring for the wounded takes up more resources over a longer period of time than burying bodies…
They are also used as lab rats for meds old and new along with interventions like ECT which has made a comeback.
Not only are the kids further vaxxed, those who work in support must be vaxxed to protect the children. Besides its not vaccinations fault, its genetics, pollution and the food we eat. You would be nuts to think that an untested bio weapon had anything to do with this epidemic. And it is an epidemic, the numbers are astounding.
I just popped onto the Autism Speaks web page, clicked on causes and under Do Vaccines Cause Autism? "There is no connection between vaccines and autism. Autism is often diagnosed at the same time children receive routine vaccinations(just a coincidence you ignorant Trumper) which has led to concerns about a connection-but decades of scientific research have confirmed that vaccines do not cause autism(Pfizer looked into it, it's all good). In fact(I love this) vaccines play a crucial role in protecting children from serious diseases like measles." Very timely having measles specified.
According to Autism Speaks it's things like "autism risk genes" "low birth rate" "social determinants" and something called "brain nerve cells" that cause autism.
You would be shocked to know that Autism Speaks is partnered with a company called Genentech which is owned by Roche, a Swiss multinational health care company. They own the patent for the PCR test.
13.1 of the package insert for M-M-R II vaccine under the heading NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY: "M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility."
Parasitic Bobby promoting this shit, you know after a year of brain worms and fucking baby bears. Weird that.
There's also protein in the M-M-R II vaccine. Word on the street is that causes anaphylaxis.
In response to your autism question, with both parents having to work there is nobody home to care for these kids(it can also be dangerous to have them at home) so off they go into the "system" which is ma$$ive. This is a population that never gets better being cared for by an evil that has zero incentive to even try.
I am deeply grateful to the unknown doctor who, supervising TB vaxxing at my school, turned me away having reviewed my medical history, because of a high risk of dangerous anaphylaxis ( I was already vaxx injured from earlier shots, with the usual range of allergies, etc).
I feel now that this happened on another planet, somehow.
When the UK Health minister heard about bad reactions in 2021, he said he relaxed when he was informed it was 'only anaphylaxis'. Which is of course completely brief and transient if it kills you, isn't it?
In my kids generation if the jabs didn’t cause harm they could kill a bunch of them with opiates.
It's mindblowing anyone could possibly believe this story. "There was an outbreak!"
It's a chicken-and-the egg problem. For one person to get measles (the story goes) they must get it from another person (no, it does not infect any species other than homo sapiens). Who had to get it from another person, ad infinitum, back to when the measles virus "spontaneously generated" in caveman days, or whenever.
Meaning, there can't be an outbreak, any more than there can be a spontaneous outbreak of chickens. Each outbreak is coterminous with a preceding outbreak, and so on, meaning there was only one outbreak: when HASHEM invented measles in caveman days, or whenever.
At least with COVID they gave us two plausible outbreak stories: a lab leak or eating bat soup.
With measles they don't even bother and just play the "blame the unvaccinated" game.
You ever see the measles chart that spans the past hundred and fifty years? I don't know if the data is legit, but the 'huge' drop that is shown on most charts from the 50's/60's forward? That whole chart itself is a tiny bump at the end of an enormous downslope of a chart. To the extent 'measles' is a thing, a virus thing (who knows...), it was well on it's way out before the jabs showed up.
He's playing 5d chess, but his opponent isn't pharma, that's for sure 😅
It's still real for me goddamnit!!!
The timing of the 'outbreak' is spectacular, is it not? Seems legit.
I'm thinking back to this. And I filed this away.
Had a long comment for you that I scrubbed. About the 4-Chan predictor of the "pandemic" in 2019.
The Tier One Media is running Q-Anon right now, me thinks. On the motivated reasoners.
This shit is WILD.
I would not want to play chess with you.
Plus, I don't even know how to play chess.
(So-so at checkers.)
1) I thought the Texas "outbreak" started after a measles vaccine campaign - giving unwary bystanders measles, because it's a live shot.
So what I don't get, at all, is that the measles vaccine was, maybe still is, a live attenuated POS, and the label SHOULD clearly state TO NOT GET AROUND OTHER PEOPLE FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER GETTING VACCINATED
It doesn't, at least not this label.
But it does say this
"M-M-R II vaccine contains live attenuated measles, mumps and rubella viruses. M-M-R II vaccine is
contraindicated for use in pregnant women because infection during pregnancy with the wild-type viruses
has been associated with maternal and fetal adverse outcomes.
Increased rates of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature delivery and congenital defects have been
observed following infection with wild-type measles during pregnancy {12,13}. Wild-type mumps infection
during the first trimester of pregnancy may increase the rate of spontaneous abortion"
That asterisk will be a killer. Chekhov spoke to me in a dream.
Say more about running Q? Not following.
Q-Anon, *I gather*, hung out little nuggets of truth and always assured the willing marks that the Hero was working behind the scenes and promoted that something was hebbbbening.
Karen Kingston has been serving this function as do many of the "Forbidden News" (Mossad) sites. (We can sue Pfizer. Did you see those exciting hearings? Etc. Vigilant Fox, Kirsch. etc)
But this is Daily Mail, big box media, saying that the kovid shots face a ban!
Now...it may happen, sure.
Meeeebbeee...If it does not, then they are performing the same function.
Again, I don't know where I read/heard that a measles "outbreak" was coming to smear RFKJR.
And that it would be started from the vaccine clinics they got up and running in Texas 3 weeks ago, since live vaccines can "shed".
It was in some "news" somewhere.
Thanks for posting!
I remember getting attacked on a different substack for daring to suggest that RFK Jr was controlled opposition.
Many Americans are badly badly BADLY damaged and are clinging for any reed in a flood.
Plus there is tremdous Bot and IDF/FiveEyes/USIntelligence AstroTurfing with lots of "Patriot" Trust the Plan.
Virtually the entirety of the "Right Wing" Media appears to be Potemkin Israeli Villages.
Agree 100%, and especially on this: "Virtually the entirety of the "Right Wing" Media appears to be Potemkin Israeli Villages."
Bit of Trivia... Gregory Potemkin was a favourite fuck boy of Catherine the Great for some years
"controlled opposition" is an irrelevant phrase, and it's still real for me goddamnit!!!
Its OK chill. Feel the warm hug of some nice manchego
Manchego is realer than reality, goddamnit!!!
Kant said that Manchego is the cheese-in-the-shelf.
Manchego is 5d cheese, across the universe.
Manchego detoxifies graphene nanobots.
Manchegocoin solves this.
Very disappointing move by Kennedy.
I had to take the MMR vaccine in 2000 to attend a university here in California, because I had not been given the German Measles shot when I was an infant back in the 60s. When I earned my first degree in the late 80s, that university didn't care, but the second degree could not be pursued without going to the school's health building, rolling up my sleeve and taking the shot.
I ended up with a high fever for over a week. Who knows what else it did to me, maybe more of an idiot? Who could tell.
Interesting issue with MMR shot is gelatin. It seems that there is gelatin in US shots, but the Japanese took it out of theirs in the late 1990s because they figured out the protein was destroying children. I wonder how much of Bobby's soul is left? Maybe the bear ate it. Any way, this is a link to the gelatin issue, back when vaccines were known to cause problems. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1045105603000630
If you are interested in more on vaccine issues, Vinu is a good follow.
It's not at all disappointing to those of us who knew he was controlled opposition
It should be. He sold out a lot of people.
Ouch. Sorry for you.
I'm not dissappointed by Kennedy because I know he is playing 75d chess. You guys have 70 dimensions to read if you want to catch up 😂😂😂
Now, more seriously... Kennedy has done the peanut allergy argument several times. I think it's from that yearly flu shot that rakes in so many millions and prevents people from collecting their pensions after retirement, because in general people have to be alive to collect their pension.
Kennedy works for the "Trump Administration." He has to do the business of the Trump administration. What Kennedy promised was "transparency." He never promised salvation or a moratorium on all vaccines, or de-funding criminal universities who coerce people to poison themselves with vaccines. He cannot promised that. The Federal Government is very corrupt and compromised. If he is able to present real information, hidden information, to the general public, I would take that as a huge success. I don't think they are going to allow him do much more than that. Imperial politics is no win everything/lose everything, but "you get what you can get when you can get it." That's how I see it.
With better information, like, for example, the hidden information about the dangers of SSRIs, people and doctors will be better equipped to protect themselves from the carnage that is medicine and the killing fields that hospitals really are.
Perhaps Kennedy, because he was born in a political family with many links to real power, knows some trick to create loopholes in future legislation regarding the future drugs and devices that will be approved. And through those traps he may (or may not) create, then people can find hidden information, file FOIA requests, start lawsuits, and disarm the enemy, or at least hinder their progress. What I'm describing is not a given, but it is reasonable hope. The people have to defend themselves, no one in the government will defend them, but errors can be made in the fascist rules that harm children's health and destroy people's lives.
It sucks a lot. Other than by the "unspeakable" means of law nullification and peaceful secession and debt repudiation, I don't think there is a way to dismantle totalitarianism from within the system.
"Other than by the "unspeakable" means of law nullification and peaceful secession and debt repudiation, I don't think there is a way to dismantle totalitarianism from within the system."
We'll never get to find out if one motherfucker will never JUST GO FUCKING ROGUE AND TRY THAT TRUTH DEAL.
That's what I was thinking. The truth
"Kennedy works for the "Trump Administration." He has to do the business of the Trump administration."
This is why you don't play ball and just speak the fucking truth.
Which everybody loves when it's just a slogan. They don't really believe it even if they dance on the graves of their dead and maimed.
This asshole called out Trump last time for buckling to pressure. IN REAL AF. I'VE RUN THE CLIP.
Anyway, you are co-signing lots and lots of bullshit here, but I think you are just working the room and you enjoy picking talking points and seeing how they sound.
I admit that it is difficult for me to believe that Kennedy is part of a cabal to mass murder children or people in general.
Of other politicians, of judges, of commanders, and of certain wealthy people, I have no doubt they are doing that.
But my current world view includes the idea that most people really have no idea what they are doing, they have no idea of the existence of the Day tapes.
And some people know stuff and play this sick game, and save whatever they can save, and help whomever they can help. So they play the fifth column game, incurring in personal risk. Car breaks can fail, you know? Sometimes gas tanks have a leak and civil rights lawyers die, you know, shit happens.
Maybe I'm wrong, and all the "good" people are baddies. It's a tough world out there.
agent Roger W.
The Weekly Rebuke
Jun 13, 2023
Can someone please draft James Fetzer to run for either party? Now, that would be an interesting debate night!
Like (3)
😁 Shine on, you krazy diamond!
You know, Catherine Austin Fitts said "diplomatic" things like I am saying here.
Let me show you the clip. Stay put.
Let me show you the clip and you can juxtapose the two CAFs.
"I'm gonna be the tough guy."
"Stay put".
I love you RogerProbablyNotReallyAnAgentButMaybe
minute 55:57 onwards. Catherine says "put yourself in their shoes" in reference to people who enter in a new administration. She doesn't mention Kennedy and his team specifically then, I think it's before.
CAF is a realist, a Machiavellian, in the good sense of the word.
I agree with most of her analysis. She seems to imply that there is no salvation coming from Government, but people must save themselves instead, and use everything at hand to fight lawlessness.
Let's see if I can find her specific answer about Kennedy.
a tidbit from the old kundalini archives by the witty and beloved Lobster 🦞
"I am incidentally involved in a long term project to train my own Guru.
It has taken several years to overcome his innate worldliness and inclination to atheism.
However I persevere... "
Science is wonderful: not needed for the first degree, but compulsory for the second?!
I guess so
Measles is completely 100% treatable.
80% of the Texas outbreak is unvaxxed/unknown where the keyword is unknown.
Same ol shitfuckery
Yeah, the sudden 'outbreak' is very sus.. Just like in OK, sudden outbreak of 'flu' so bad they had to shut down schools around okc, after a 'sudden bout' of strange thick, I mean Thick, fog all over western OK. And that makes outbreak jes in time for Kennedy to renege on his many 'promises' of stopping vax harms to children.
The fact that these people would rather believe that a "robot clone" or someone else wrote this article when Kennedy himself from his own social media pages said that he wrote it displays such an epic level of denial and refusal to see the truth that this man played you all.
She's referring to Mike Adams:
Sounds like a progressive cica 2009 after voting for Obama to give him an overwhelming victory and "make him do it."
Follow up with a Nobel Peace prize for?
I am sure the real RFK jr is being held in a dungeon and this guy is a clone...
Good job. 👍 Per the norm. The Kennedy Sycophants (wish I could Bold and Red these two words) were, and still are, unbearable.
Reminds me of Trumpsters 2016 to present.
Trumpsters are in their own special category, me thinks!
Might be.
You've done a great job - the ol' "it's a blessing, it's a curse" thingiemajigger.
Keep it up. Stay strong. Your curiosity into searching, searching and searching some more for the truth without buckling to the incurious masses is a great asset. A major strength within you. And, it's uber rare. Unfortunately.
Thanks! It took over my whole life!
Be sure to make tyme for yourself:)
Oh look "The Golden Calf" lol
Kennedy sucks Zionist cock with the best of them.
TFIs total fucking idiots
Thought of a good title for an article for you and maybe you've used it already. - The Bill Murray movie, "What About Bob". Except I don't know which Bob you would use it for. Maybe both!!
Think I'll do an Image For The Day on that one.
Used that in 2022! 👍
Guess, if I would have searched my own site, I would have seen that. Linked one by you in Nov 2022 where you used that phrase -
JJ Couey Soberly Translates Dr. Robert Malone’s Winding Explanations for why the DOD Exaggerates the Risks of Emerging Pathogens – “What About Bob Tries to Finesse Psy Ops and Plausible Rationales. JJ says, “Hold up.” – Sage Hana
Get in line measles, we've got MPox & bird flu to deal with first FFS.
And fires!
from COMBUSTIBLE INVASIVE GRASSES. (Said Bobby after Lahaina)
Except the grass is all green🙄
The other day Tom Cowan uploaded this video on this topic.
The gist of it: Measles does not exist, children need to take fishcoin liver oil and grass fed butter and go out and play and find grounding in the earth, and the department of HHS sucks and should be cancelled!
Cowan said measles does not exist?
Be precise, please. Just checking as I have trouble plowing through the Good Doctor Cowan.
time stamp here:
30:50 to 33:39
Cowan says "I don't buy it" in reference to the new molecular tests to diagnose measles. Implicitly, they can invent any measles outbreak they want by manipulating the data. He explains he wants hard scientific proof that the measles syndrome exists, before he can accept that the tests accurately diagnose the disease.
A better timestamp, is 24:54 to 25:20
I'll search the time stamp.
I think his argument is that there is nothing specific about the disease. It's probably just environmental toxins (radiation, sprayin, medicines, whatever.)
Supposedly, the vitmain A helps to detoxify all that.
However, there is a revolution in Novirustan going on, by a group of infidels who argue that all vitamin A is toxic, not only from supplements but also from natural sources. And it should not be used at all when you are sick, and people should avoid eating foods rich in vitamin A, like butter, liver, organ meat, salmon, carrots, peppers, and even green leafy vegetables and the so called cruciferous vegetables. All toxic, according to the heretics.
Okay, Rog that sounds a little more nuanced than first reported!
Rog, I hope you know that all I ever want to know period is what is real.
I am almost certain that Novirustan is badly infiltrated and if I had the bandwidth I would dive in and try and sort out the shitfuckery. That Lanka video that I ran was the best I've seen and kept to good talking points. But WTF knows?
I am leery of any binary theory with new terms and religion, though.
Totally agree.
But there is no need to deep dive, because the heretics seemingly have commercial stakes. So, it's really a marketing skirmish.
As for vitamin A being therapeutic or not, I don't know. I've always heard that our body naturally produces vitamin A starting from pro-vitamin A, found in food. And this hormone is necessary for development and for repair. But this model of malnutrition may be overly simplistic. After all, the unvaccinated Mennonite children from Texas, who are the target of the measles psyop, are healthy, well nourished, protected from many toxins, and if they get an "infectious" disease, it should be easy to discard malnutrition, supplements (perhaps manipulated?) or their urban life and exposure to car exhaust or industry air pollution. Perhaps something in the water. Or the chemtrails.
Or, simply, the normal and traditional theory that some children have a growth spurt crisis, and others do not, and we mistake that for a disease.
But, if adults get a rash... then I would think poison or contamination of some type.
Are adults or old people developing rashes given to them by Mean-onite children, and dying? If not, this is just another fascist-communist psyop, in my opinion.
The primary area I struggle with nav is, I had chickenpox as a kid. Was no biggie. Came and went. But I remember it. 'It' was something real. Was it a virus? Or did I get sprayed? Dunno. But I know it itched like hell.
I had it too! lol!
All three brothers had it. That talc powder cream was a great relief. I think it also had zinc and something else.
Genuine Cod Liver Oil for the win. In winter.
Northern latitudes.
Been a thing for hundreds of years, whether cod liver, eulachon, dogfish (salmon shark liver) herring, smelt. Oily fish.
It will knock the crap out of measles, since the mucosal membranes need that A when in fighting mode.
There are interesting counter arguments to the argument we should supplement with "Vitamin A:"
Also Dr. Garret Smith The Nutrition Detective on YouTube. And a self published book by some dude I can't find right now but seemed to have popularized the anti vitamin A movement.
Who knows. On one hand Bill Gates promotes Vitamin A, but the other side has some red flags too, and as you say it's been used by people for a long time, but maybe now we get overdosed on it with all the products it's in.
The Manchurian healthcare director.
There is another reason for culling the "olds" besides reducing expenses. When that generation is gone, so will be the lived experience that every kid they knew, from their families, their school, their neighborhood and their church was unvaccinated, got the childhood illnesses and made a complete recovery.
Reminds me of Day Tapes. Generation before them, they’d let them enjoy the dregs of their old world, but going forward, nuh uh
Yes, plus the knowledge of "I've seen this game played before" same old scripts.
Good point.
Great point I think about that often being a parent myself that people of my generation were the last to not have smartphone their whole lives and remember zero autism allergies sudden deaths and everyone dying of cancer.
Yes, the world has changed so much that our experience of being human is now very different generationally. Once the current oldsters have passed we will have no one left with personal knowledge of how things used to be.
I had mumps and measles at the same time, 2 weeks later had the chicken pox. Worst fkn school holidays ever.
God dam!