
"Repurposed" Drugs.

Problem Reaction Solution.

This just. keeps. going. And it all hinges on the OG Mass Formation.

People love to rail about Big Pharm. All while loving dem dere Drugs.

People love to rail about Big Pharm corrupted MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

😅 Look around at your alterna-media, please.

::whispers::Who am I kidding? I'm getting smashed in the Propaganda Wars. Trot out a dude or dudette in a White Coat and a study and take the Fluvoxamine. We'll all feel better. Takt the siRNA.

Dear Cousin Sage....

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Is it still considered carpentry work if I use a chainsaw?

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I vote Yes in case you're building a log cabin or related structure...on the other hand, if you're creating something like the totems in the link below, I'd say No to the carpentry categorization, but Yes to calling it sculpture work. I read something online a few years ago about a similarly themed but much more 'art brut'-ish sculpture that a guy placed on his property, which was so close to a rural thoroughfare that neighbors, few that there were, were hard-pressed to avoid seeing it, thus creating a significant, albeit sparsely populated, controversy...I think there might have been a lawsuit involved or something about a county commission intervening with new zoning regulations (often a sore spot out in the, as it were, sticks) and then a subsequent lawsuit about whether the sculpture had to be removed, or at least moved back away from the road...in any case, there was effort expended in compelling the artiste to make an actual 'dick move'. https://live.staticflickr.com/3642/3381527983_e1892506e7_b.jpg

I don't recall mention of any indigenous folks taking offence on the basis of cultural misappropriation, although any such comeplaints might have been expressed privately.

The sculpture was rather diminutive in height, so not a Leviathan by any stretch, though the news article did bring to my mind the Hobbesian phrase, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." Probably came to me due to being a fan of Pynchon, who used the phrase to imagine a law firm called "Salitieri, Poore, Nash, De Brutus, and Short", in case there are any literary forensics folks wondering where I'm coming from with this whole thing. :-)

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Holy mackerel thanks for the reply, I’m reminded of the proverbial can of worms. And I suppose to be pulling weeds 👍

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Tried to reply to your comment on Scalpel post, but Stack keeps asking to refine my profile which I don’t want to. I thinkbit is probably real. And they have defenseless prisoners all over the world to experiment on.

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I have not changed any settings, so this is Stack fuckery, Tom.

Appreciate you very much.

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This happens to me on my phone but not my laptop. Go figure. The part about the replies, that is.

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I had the same problem with another Stack same day. Then 24 hours was able to reply without going through the same process! Some kind of algo that has a time limit imposition baked in.

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"More than 65 years later, Avicel® continues to command global acceptance, with no signs of its popularity waning" this is key.

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The other thing I remember about microcrystalline, I *think, is that this was a player in the Big Debunk on Self Assembling Nanoparticles that were all the rage on Maria Zeeee/David Nixon, now Wellness Company affiliate.

"It's crystals, not self assembling stuff..."

Ehhh..me no STEM

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Me no stem either, but crystals (minerals) are self-assembling nanostructures, by definition. Just the curse of the PR-laden pseudolanguage of the engineers.

Crystals are natural!

A kidney stone is natural. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struvite

The picture there, you could put a label with "graphene oxide 6g nanotransmitters" and a few poor souls would believe it right away and would begin to hyperventilate.

Question for the graphenists: why you don't explain with simplicity that what you are saying is that Lieber knows how to grow complex minerals in vivo, just like natural minerals grown and dissolve normally in nature? Why do you emphasize the "unnatural" aspect of those claims, as if they were doing something actually impossible in nature? I mean, the guys who grow computer processors in waffles are not bending the laws of nature. Their product is not natural, but they follow the laws of the normal nature we all have access to. There is no need to mislead anyone with that ambiguity and occultation, so that they pay attention to the rest of the things you want to say.

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*Natural kidney stones.*


Hard pass, breh.

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Like...kinda like I didn't like that hard pass that cost the Seahawks Super Bowl XLIX. Took two bags of Doritos & two quarts of Rainier Ale (Green Death) to get over it.

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Back in the day, in the PNW, the proof might not have been in the pudding, but it sure as hell was in green bottles of Rainier Ale, hence the nickname...7.3% ABV

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30


*Computer Processor Waffles.*


Isn't it *wafers*??

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Clif High might term them Motherwafers, but he'd just be W-eff-ing witcha.

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correct, that was a brain dart.

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Also key

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Also key

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If the PCR test for the amplified fragments of the sequence finds the "covid" virus long before it "pandemic-ed" in NYC but only for 11-weeks! and before it even jumped off with the Mass Formation Event the Moderna University study with the gene editing Scientist Kylie Team had already ISOLATED the new pathogen that was behaving itself all through 2019 and before...and then IVM killed this docile little fella and then docile little fella ATTACKED NYC AND TRUMP IS SEEING FREEZER TRUCKS FULL OF BODY BAGS (WHICH WE WERE NEVER TREATED TO SHOTS OF THE CARNAGE LIKE WE WERE NEVER TREATED TO SHOTS OF A *PLANE HITTING THE MOST SURVEILLED SPACE IN THE WORLD THE PENTAGON ON 9/11 AND THE GODDAMNED PENTALAWN WAS PRISTINE LIKE A GOLF COURSE AND I DIGRESS AND MY CAPS LOCK ARE STUCK...

If you can splash a little Merck Japanese Golf Course River Blindness sauce on the virus, then how VIOLENT A FELON IS IT?

What was the death rate for the Super-Antigen again?

Too early. Too early to have the study in the books ready to set up the next ALTERNA-TREATMENTS OPERATION.


*This is the Danger Zone for my sanity. When I see something, the Cockroach Poison being pushed so hard...and I do not have the ability to figure out why.

"A Better Way Forwards" Tess. Tess Conference. Featuring Bob Malone and Bret Weinstein.

Pierre Kory. Down there in Puerto Rico with the BTC guys.

Traveling the world as an NGO.

"This thing is different!"

One part of the Op is revealed and now you go back and re-interpret. It all starts to become poisonous fruit from the same tree.

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How...IVM clearly packs a 5-finger death punch...it's badder company than Katarina Witt, which makes me wonder about, you know, nomenklatura (Russian) and Nomenklatura (German), what with Katherine Watt being badass in a completely different field.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_VsvZmIWxY www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPgSKkePy8E

Sage, that whole Monash Univ. thing...first I heard about it was here at Chez Sage...recently. When did you first learn about it and from where? Doesn't it seem as though if, even with all the highly questionable (being charitable) virus BS, that 'study' had been known about back in the OWS/EUA turbulence years ago, there would have been people beyond Kory & Lawrie (sounds like a spinoff or bootleg from Fry & Laurie, dunnit?) would have been touting that study as serious evidence, as opposed to saying that the IVM-Knowledge had been learned by dint of hard-working clinicians in the wartime NHS & NYC trenches??? It's as though someone at the 1984 Ministry of Truth dropped the study pre-dated into the public consciousness. Maybe I missed it in 2020-2021 and I'm just being paranoid, about which: If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long. Pynchon, GR

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Oh, there's a connection.

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One o' these days I'm going to start using my Win10 laptop, so I can properly "Like" comments...but for the moment...Like.

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Yes, still ponderin..."too early" and then far later...baked in...fillers added...not responding to complaints...stonewalling....TWC...Jace Medical (not on the active ingredients list). Probly nuthin

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

> less-expensive and "approved" fillers available

Why use the filler? Except to make the product larger visually (= the cost is more easily swallowed)...

With the average weight of any pill below the resolution of your kitchen scales, the cost of the filler is negligible. Set it against the retail price of the said pill, and you run into 100,000 x return on investments.

By the way, the physical dimensions of any blistered pills and their package could be easily reduced 2 or 3 times, saving dozillions tons of plastic, paper, inks, chemicals, and transport costs, including the precious fossil fuels. The storage area of your local pharmacy could be halved right away, reducing maintenance costs, electricity bills, HVAC expenses, and the usable shop area. Now we are talking ecology.

Mexican and Colombian franchises have discovered this secret long ago. Saving on packaging and knowing your client completely eliminates marketing, advertising and propaganda departments. Huge profits. They even eliminated leaflets for users (super ecological). They do not have expensive websites and online shops (saving electricity). They do not run complex clinical trials, and they skipped the approval process completely (reduction in bureaucracy and unnecessary employees). And they do not have complaints handling or refund/return policies. They do not demand to be trusted (saving on media campaigns). And they generally don’t like fillers. Is the warp speed a prototype to shape the business along these lines?

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And yet, you still can’t drink the water.

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In Costa Rica (me 2009-2018) you can almost always drink the water in the kitchen or shower or garden hose (though not used a lot due to the more than adequate [for residential gardening purposes] water availability from having a 6-month-or-so rainy season) EXCEPT during the transition from the dry season to the rainy season, during which reservoirs start filling up and parasites that had been lying low toward the bottom of the big cement ponds get raised up into the mix and, flowing down los tubos to your house, are happy to make a home in your gut biome. I didn't know about this until the first transition phase found me and my wife with hard-clenching abdomens, which, after a friendly expat who knew what was what told us to get our asses to the nearest farmacia and score a box of OTC Ivermectina. Trusting our newly befriended friend, we did that and about 24-36 hours later we were, as some say in the UK, right as rain.

BUT more recently, like 2020-2021, although it had been a staple OTC item for decades, all of a sudden the Ministry of Health decided, for some reason, as though guided by an unseen hand holding a pistola against it's pointed little bureaucratic head, LA Ivermectina was no longer available. I know this from a buddy down there who was very suspicious vax-wise, who managed to get some veterinary dewormer (Panacur or the equivalent, as I recall, hey they still have livestock, for now...) and took it. Neither he nor I are convinced that there was an actual virus...but there sure were parasites, so why take chances? At this point, I'm skeptical about viruses, but I've survived parasites. I don't take IVM prophylactically here in the US, but I kept it in the medicine cabinet 2010-2018 down in Costa Rica, only needing to take it one more time around 2014 or so...for parasites.

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Homeopaths be like: hold my beer.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

And we need fillers… why?!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

They help hold the pill together when it is compressed. Buy some aspirin powder some time and try squeezing it into a pill. Not advocating for any particular filler, or even any, just explaining their purpose.

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There is probably some art to the amount pressure applied to compress a substance and digestibility of the result

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Wait... Trust the Art?

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Ha! My first chuckle of the day. Brilliant.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Is it just in the compounding capsules of ivermectin filled in the US?

Or do you think it would be added to the hard pills purchased from India?

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Good question!

This raises one helluva dilemma: Trust the Mectin from India, or the Mectin filled with the Dupont and Avicel.

Avicel® microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) stands as a purified, partially depolymerized alphacellulose excipient, derived from specialty wood pulp through acid hydrolysis. Over the span of almost six decades, Avicel® has consistently outperformed standard pill binders, continually pushing the frontiers of scientific advancements in tablet binding. This has resulted in a premier product with strong backing from true experts in the field. Presently, Avicel® is manufactured in cutting-edge, GMP qualified facilities situated in both the US and Europe. These facilities adhere to strict quality control measures and boast robust and flexible supply chains.

Avicel® Microcrystalline cellulose is a type of cellulose, a naturally-occurring, large molecular weight polysaccharide found in woody plants. It is widely used within the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic sectors as a formulation aid. It is one of the most frequently used raw materials in solid oral product formulation and manufacture.

​Avicel® Microcrystalline Cellulose functions at any temperature and provides superior freeze/thaw and heat stability to finished products. Avicel® Microcrystalline cellulose is available in many grades, which differ in particle size, bulk density, and moisture content. Generally, these can be classified into two broad groups: Standard grades, and Co-processed grades.

"Avicel MCC, processed from specialty grades of renewable hardwood and softwood pulp, provides binding and disintegrant properties for dry tablets and capsules and has unique functionality that improves the texture and stability of many food products."

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

At this point, if I wanted IVM and had to make a choice, I would go with the hard pills from India.

Something always bothered me about the compounding of IVM in the US. One was the cost. So much more than buying it from overseas. I mean, lots more.

Just read your substack about the FDA smackdown of the DuPont facility in Delaware. Amazing how thorough the FDA can be if it to actually wants do its job.

But it raises another question. Who inspects the pharmacies in India?

My last blood pressure medicine sent to me from the VA was manufactured in Bangladesh. Find it hard to believe that the FDA inspects that plant on a regular basis.

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I think K Watt & Sasha's position take outlined on SS is that the FDA is a glorified PO Box staffed with clerks more than it is staffed by people qualified to inspect much.

The thyroid supplement I take is made in India, as is the med tamsulosin, which relaxes muscles in the prostate area so this old geezer doesn't get woken up at night with an intra-corporeal memo to visit the bathroom. Those two are items I get via mail order from Humana's pharmacy sister company, Centerwell.

The IVM and MN (mebendazole) that I have but don't take much of was shipped to me from an Indian pharmacy that exports. Takes a while to get here and US Customs & USPS don't speed things up either, but so far it's been OK, and the price is so low it's hard to imagine the mfg facility is adding much beyond fancy chalk...they sell the stuff to a billion of their own people, a lot of whom didn't die in Uttar Pradesh...not that I think there was a virus as fear-porned into our heads, and I'm not discounting the fact that the Indian gov't, at least the provincial one in Uttar Pradesh, didn't distribute other meds along with IVM, so who knows what did go down.

I sent a box of IVM and one of MB to someone who reported a breast cancer diagnosis here on SS back in January or February. She took those meds plus started the Joe Tippens protocol, the Gersons protocol and used something called Coley's toxins, which someone who used to comment here is/was involved with...the tumor has been reduced by about 50% and she plans to have the remainder of it surgically removed quite soon, all those protocols being not remotely cheap. Maybe neither of the things I sent were key, or even effective at all, but the tumor's shrunk...so.

I know someone who used www.safegenericpharmacy.com in India. They do free delivery for orders over $200, but their prices are high compared to my source.

Who inspects the manufacturers in India? I assume they have a Ministry of Health that does it. I have seen news from time to time about Indian mfr's investigated for making bogus and/or reduced strength meds...just like happens here...sometimes.

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I think India is in on it too

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Or you could get a vet mectin made in Chinada with 2 ingredients: the mectin, and spring water. For yer horse.

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Thank you for this info. However that one company does Not have good "quality control " as per the letter they were sent! Someone needs to stay on how That resolves hmmm?

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Grüß Gott! The solution to many a think or thing is ususally fairly, maybe complex, but simple,

if you are natural, you need natural, as in real from the earth, stuff. If a doc, white coat glorified drugs dealer says to you with an authoritative smile that you need to marry a drug, any drug, until death do you part for whatever symptom with a sin, self inflichted b.s., drome, name............then........smile back and walk out of the office, go your own way as marrying a drug is always going to lead to direct side effects which will make you marry another drug, they peddle drugs, so happy drugging ya'll, kind regards, cheers! Grüß Gott!

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We are a very very very gullible consumer base.

I may do a post on lining up for hours to get a free doughnut today.

This is my life now. 😹

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It is a circus out there, be in the world but not of it, Grüß Gott.

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Des, people want the circus. The Mass Formation is still live.

It is still live in Tier One Blue Pill Covidian-ville.

And it is growing exponentially stronger in Tier Two Purple Pill Ivermectin-ville.


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Yes Sage, they want the circus, t'is all many 'have' as far as life goes, it has been an astonishing ride to say the least and the psyop as per Dr. Michael Nehls, and the not having developed enough index neurons pathways is something which was counted on due to severe stress and lack of points to hold onto, which where there before. So they've broken into the home stolen everything, held people hostage for 3 years, taken out a few here and there, and still some say it was the best time of their life or nothing hebbened as you say, nada, silch!!! Go figure, no real senses is what I'd say but then again we are not of this world, and who with whom we walk are truly real? The screens are just screens or scrying mirrors, the idols we get fed are all the same and highly boring to boot, ai is b.s. in is b.s. out, that is obvious as too much b.s. is coming out now, haha but not so funny. So the only way is through, you keep on keeping on. I wish you a lovely afternoon, kind regards.Grüß Gott.

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::Um, I watched a couple of interviews with Dr. Michael Nehls and read some of his SS posts and parts of his book...and after ramping up daily for a couple of weeks or so, now I take 5mg of lithium every other day, per what I interpret to be his precautionary-level recommendation. Do you think maybe I am misunderstanding what he's saying or his doseage? Serious question, as if I've misread him, I'd be more than happy to stop taking the lithium...not that I've noticed any ill effects.::

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Well my take on all the stuff we 'need to take' is that that can also be an industry; as in somebody selling you soma or something, however it is very due diligent like to research Viktor Schaugerber's work on water and to make sure the water you drink and use for cooking is of the highest quality possible, if you know what good water tastes like your tastebuds can do the testing for the most part. So investing for the longterm in a good filter, if you do not live right next to a mountain spring, is not too much to do for yourself if you like feeling good. As with all it is the dose that makes any poison. You are your best calibrator on all levels and at all times, it is all within but with all the free gifted toxins around we do need to try to mitigate 'their' doses of toxins. I wish you a lovely day, kind regards.

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A biochemist from Texas put me straight on that a few yrs ago. She and her hubby of 14 yrs moved to In. from Tx. Within 9 mths they went from fun-loving best friends to cranky, irritable and miserable. They had surveyed their new area and marveled that 'people who had good jobs, pensions, etc. were all living cramped little lives in cramped little houses, afraid to go anywhere but Disney and Fla.' Then the unthinkable happened as they began to 'fuss' at each other for the 1st time.. Being a scientist, she tested the water and soil (I have always observed that the water and the soil along with the terrain make the people....similar attitudes, illnesses, mindsets, etc.) and presented her husband with the results, "Honey! It's not US! It's the water and soil!!" She found the highest calcium levels in the country. Think hardening of the heart, body, attitudes, etc. Texas, on the other hand, has the highest levels of natural lithium-your happy mineral-in the soil and water. 'In Texas, everyone is optimistic, happy and forward-looking. We buy big spreads, build big houses, throw big parties, drive big cars....we're just livin' large!' They started supplementing and straightened out...it's just a mineral, folks.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

I got horse paste early on because I will not see a doctor, no how no way. I talked to a couple trainers and both said they wouldn't be without it. I do have to admit though that it was put into my brain by alternative media, and I have a confirmation bias towards alternative therapies after my experiences with prescription drugs. So I was already primed for something that like that to come along. Then it disappeared and there were warning notices taped to the shelves. Ok, now I'm really interested. It seems like we were being corraled into getting it from India. I only tried a couple doses and it seemed to lessen severity and duration compared to others in my house with similar symptoms who didn't use it.

I'm leaning more towards no virus, but I have a large family and I've seen too many instances of things sweeping through catching everybody. I've seen chicken pox, colds, flus, spread through one family of grandkids after another. No virus people either tell me not to believe my lying eyes or give not viable explanations. I think we have very little handle on what actually causes these things.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

The filler production flowchart (with blue shapes) nicely shows how the more advanced science is the more stupid it becomes. All transitions (except from slurry tank and powdered MCC) are marked with 3-element arrows. None of these requires three elements. All could have been easily drawn with simple, classic from-to arrows. 20 arrows saved.

The mind of the person who created this chart should be carefully analysed and researched. It may hide novel mysteries.

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Over the years, literary Shih Tsu detectives looking for a quick merit badge and journal article notch on their tenure-track gun have noticed that no one has yet been able to report, much less photograph, J.D. Salinger and Thomas Pynchon being in the same location simultaneously, and are excited to delineate some thematic correspondences between their works. Novel mysteries sometimes can be much ado about not much, or for those assistant professors or adjunct ones and the cartographer of the flowchart, they can be just an industry-approved technique for climbing their employment ladders.

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Pills and capsules?

Noooooooooooo. Only veterinary grade for me. Me and Ol’ Betsy out in the barn have been sharing injectable IVM for 2 years now, y’all!

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Japanese golf course mudshakes

Interestingly the mudshakes is also a side effect

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

If you're having loose dooties, don't increase your magnesium or bentonite clay intake. Metamucil might help, but dosage might be something you need to determine by a sort of seat of the pants method.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

So to speak.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

I'd suggest Sarah, Heather & Sage do a T-shirt that says: I'm Effluent in Bullshit, but it'd either be so popular they couldn't 'keep it in' stock or sales would be in the toilet...merchandising can be such an all or nothing crapshoot.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Flurm liked my de-poop-ulation joke...I can pack it in and retire...or I can put on my galoshes and keep trudging through the effluent. :-)

::wonders if the galoshes are still in the mud-room...screw retiring::

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😂😂😂 roflmao!

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Can you do a shot or you have to in ject?

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I was playing off the CDC telling people not to take horse medicine….

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It bothers me that they said it was horse medicine for those in the U.S. when they had been giving millions of doses of it to people in Africa for diseases for many years. Did they make PSAs warning them that they are not horses, y'all? Not likely.

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I know

I know a few people who shoot it in the barn

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We're all just too hackable - psychologically. Repetition is key. If you hear something twice from "official" sources you are likely to remember and repeat it. The Day Tape Lizards know these tricks better than anyone. And with a population that spends most of its waking life at some mindless job, it's easy to see how easy it is.

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If big pharma is involved you can bet it is not healthy for you.

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Ah! so, you've seen the Rasnick comments on this on JJ's show.

David Rasnick gives a great vibe all the time. I wish he shows up again on JJ's show, seems the best place for him. I hope JJ and Mark don't start going full paranoid as always with the background of people. These two burn too many bridges too fast!

I think it's very interesting the idea that JJ timidly puts force: what if we should stop calling cancer things that are not cancer? (He doesn't say it that way, but that's what he's asking)

See 53:30 and 54:40 and https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2184162142

The pseudocancer silent genocide. They cull some with the vaccine and antibiotic genocide, the cull others with the psychiatric drugs genocide, and others with the cancer-not-cancer genocide. Same op, same op, but very extended over time. Most people don't realize what they are doing until a long time in the cancer biz. Then it's too late.

Just imagine: what if hundreds of thousands or millions of people have been misdiagnosed with cancer and the treatment was wrong and it hurt them, maybe giving them real cancer later? What a fucked up industry!

I'm not saying real cancer and turbo cancer does not exist. Those existed always. I'm saying doctors with a new machine and a lot of ambition see things that are not there because it is useful for them. And they destroy lives and families. And nobody knows, many times.

It's crazy.

JJ and Rasnick forget to explain the fallacy of parasites. A pathologist finds worms in tumors, and say "eureka! they are here, therefore they caused it!" No. That's irrational. The fact they are found there can not be used to prove they caused the tumor. You need more information. A controlled experiment.

A drug that kills worms does not prevent cancer and does not reduce tumors. If it was that easy, that shit would have been over long ago.

In other words, the people who promote the worm-cancer theory are dumb or trolling people. Maybe worse.

How do the worms get there? Not sure. Maybe they are summoned there to eat the tumor. Who is the summoner? who knows, maybe bacteria usher them in to the exact palce they have to eat.

Disgusting conjecture, but falsifiable.


About IVM and placebo. Yes, it's possible they sell cheap (or not so cheap) placebos with no payload. Maybe to prevent curious people from poisoning themselves. Maybe it's another thing what moves them.

But, the cellulose seems very inert. Maybe a vet could say "be careful, don't give that in quantity to cows, because they have bacteria that will digest it, and the gases may blow up the stables."

Maybe it's the perfect placebo for humans. Just put it in a nice looking pill or capsule, or in an expensive cream, add a lot of hype in podcasts using some persuasion techniques, and maybe someone feels her weird migraine resolving after many years. Humans work like that.

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“A drug that kills worms does not prevent cancer and does not reduce tumors. If it was that easy, that shit would have been over long ago.”

That…is a big assumption and assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.

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yes, you’re right.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I’m watching a certain Eli Lilly trial drug (pill)…non-chemo…very closely. It’s classed as a immunotherapy and works synergistically with another cancer immunotherapy, Katruda.

So far, it seems to work gangbusters. It’s in its final stage of trials. I wonder…if it will see the light of day.

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History says it will not see the light of day....0.01% it does...

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Keep us posted please

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...yes...big, HUGE, assumption...and is an anti money assumption.

Pharma doesn't want it out....

Many more facts about suppression, murder, and all sorts of nefarious googledgook...

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Hundreds of Died Suddenly naturopaths and other non-AMA docs and others sign onto this comment in an ethereal way, from somewhere...look 'em up & don't forget.

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You bring up an interesting point. Bacteria and fungi do process cellulose. Does it mean anything? IDK.

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You never had morgellons, I bet. I believe there’s a huge connection. Just look at the history of who big pharma has silenced. Essiac, buttig , so many!

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Like button dysfunctional, so "Like".

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Total fist bump to whoever got that face into the plant cell figure there.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 2

Killing ourselves by our own hands...brilliant.... no trace or sign of the murderer anywhere....

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“To be completely modern is to be the brilliant ally to one’s own gravediggers.”

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Like...sounds like something Mr. Ambrose might say if he were present.

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Indeed. His Devil’s Dictionary for modern times would be quite the tome (it’s in the works) ;-)

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Directly related or just lucky with a cool name?

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I considered another nom de guerre: Ambrose Aurelius

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So, Mark...your twin sister could be Ambrosia? Coincidence or not, a few days ago I discovered a band (not defunct) called Shivaree whose singer is named Ambrosia Parsley. Interesting sound & voice. No idea whether it's a stage name or if it's what is on her birth certificate, not that it matters to me. Try these. Could have been part of the soundtrack for True Detective Season One.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYmTV7zer2A


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My strong recommendation is not to take any medicinal or “health promoting” products at all, unless you’re pretty much certain of net benefits.

For me, that bar excludes ivermectin.

I’ve been told about it by people I no longer trust.

And I’m learning very troubling things about its impacts on fertility.

It’s your decision.

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