Maybe the default is this thing we’re told is ‘organized crime’, and this concept of laws and such is only the op which is used to hold us all under control.
Not really sure what I mean.
We’ve been taught organized crime is some exceptional thing that gets squashed, removing corruption and all that. But seems its how the wheels actually turn, and the game is making everyone believe its an exception when it surfaces. Like covid. Like assassinations and attempts thereof… The default operation mechanism is the opposite we are taught
Many people find out something like this with their first job (or perhaps later). There's the organization chart, the job descriptions, etc. Then you find that doesn't match what's actually going on. That can be benign or not, depending on the workplace.
I used to think psychopaths and sociopaths were rare but always tried to get power and in power caused a lot of damage. Instead it's this layer that is made invisible (not rare). Part of that is the gaslighting using laws, etc.. Psychopaths when they run cons laugh at those who follow rules, they see them as targets/suckers for following rules.
It's astonishing to see the scope of their operation and how long it's gone on.
Though this is the case, I still favor laws that make sense and are followed. And people acting in good faith. As per the Day Tapes, much of that has been deliberately and systematically destroyed.
If it works as they intend, when all the people who are not psychopaths are gone, I wonder how they will deal with each other.
LOL, damn, I’m going to fight like hell to be a fly at the wall then, should be a blast. A page from the ‘War of the Godzilla's.”
Someone better explain to me how we got to where we are and no lawyer saw the neon lights and implications of the constitutional legislative alterations sliding into place. I keep smacking my forehead for trusting all this time, but you know, our biggest downfall are ‘assumptions’. Assuming smarter minds of law, medicine, history, finance, politics, and on it goes, are keeping an eyeball on things in their court of expertise and -of course- would ring the bell if shit went sideways. People with ethics embedded caring about your life, as you do with others, and then Covid happens and you find yourself pounded under this waterfall of recognition that your expectations and assumptions have been fully delusional. Not only does hardly anyone care, but the vast majority live in a very, very narrow brain-vector of personal gratification, professional expertise and emotional maturity. Leaving it all to whomever. Can’t see how we can get on track as a unit unless sentinels function in ethical sovereignty defending their wings. And we are so far from it.
No lawyer, judge, bureaucrat, journalist, etc, - and few doctors outside of war zones - has ever been a hero, or even basically decent, disinterested and ethically-aware.
Why do people enter those professions? It's never to help humanity. At best, they are self-interested and very risk-averse.
It's certainly very painful to have the band-aid ripped off, but the festering wound of utterly false expectations- demonstrated in all recorded history - was always there.
Few - I do see some, but it’s barren. Gotta ask yourself if the belief in the goodness of humanity is a part of the OP. Like some religions integrate evil to indoctrinate. Leading to the US vs THEM thinking - which is debunked about every 100 yrs or sooner. It’s the law of the fishbowl, US vs US, and relying on any assumptions of goodness kibbles being offered likely leads to being eaten. It’s too much for most to wade into - as is apparent - that ‘safety’ is a heavily sought-after commodity traded in the market, offered on a bed of ice, not morals. People make bad experiences and typically look for excuses: ‘my area attracts particularly poor…’ , ‘ Shrink, what’s my problem, this keeps happening to me’ .., jamming up.
Yeah, I've been listening to some old Michael Collins Piper audios- one on the Jewish mafia, callers said that if you read Gus Russo's Supermob, The Money and the Power by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, and Red Mafiya, by Robert Friedman, you would understand how the Jewish mafia took over America and the US govt. Those audiobooks are on the "Vasili" bitchute channel. Plus, there's a Rense interview w/Gus Russo. I think Whitney Webb said that the Democrat Party has been controlled by organized crime for 100 years and the ZOP not quite as long. Plus, Rothschild banking cartel took America over in 1913 w/Federal Reserve Act (Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism is a must watch on the banker takeover and the federal income tax scam and how 16th amendment was never properly ratified).
It was already going on by the french and american revolutions, and for sure by the american civil war. What 1848 was all about has come into focus, in this context. russia and china didn't stand a chance when it was their turn later. So, it stands to reason if it was old hat then, it's been going longer than that.
Sage, I know the matrix films are on your shit list, and I see why, but damn does the architect character make more sense with every passing year. They've run this op over and over and over, fine tuning as they go.
Sage, as pertains to vegas goings on and nukular powers, you might find this episode highly interesting. It's got everything: LeMay, Rand corp, paperclip, stay behinds, nukes, Omaha finance and pedo rings, and ABSOLUTE PROOF that you are in fact a dod ai from way back. SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment), a precursor to the precursor to the internet. *beware rabbit hole*
And see what they already had going on, coming out of WW2. It was further along than you think. THIS was probably why they thought everything was in place, not because of Arpanet and Mr. Subproject 112 with the tilted head and glazed eyes.
Working in LA always is met with traffic challenges Pre GPS you learned various routes. One that eliminated some traffic a job back then went through various Bev Hills and Bel Air streets. One street was the house where Bugsy Seagal was shot. Weird to just drive by it as a semi routine. Later found a funny little story while on a show at Universal Studios. In the Bugsy days anytime an examsion or improvement was in the works a fire would occur and just like magic extra insurance money. Since then Uni has had a couple fires on the backlot. Each time improvements especially the last one about 2006-2007. The backlot got a huge improvement. . I thought Bugsy’s ghost must have looked down from the hill and smiled big.
Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!" At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize.
🫨 (diving back in. Your post just ties it up so clearly...🎁)
Slavland Chronicles stack today. Why did Putin leave all that money parked in the West?
Was giving them billions a clever 5D strategy to own da globalist-analists?
No, Putin left it there because he was given assurances by his handlers/partners in Washington that the so-called “SMO” was OK. This operation was run by Washington first, and green-lit by them as well. It was just like Saddam’s incursion into Kuwait. He also sought American permission before going in and, (surprise surprise!) he ended up walking right into a trap. This is exactly what happened again with this SMO. Putin was given guarantees via his FSB that Washington would let him do his SMO. Then, once again, his partners ended up tricking him...
Putin left the money in the West because that money is literally what his whole job as president of Russia is.
He is a colonial administrator parking billions upon billions of Russian national wealth in Western financial institutions to prop up the Globalist Empire. That’s literally his job. That’s what Jeffrey Sachs and Henry Kissinger and all the others hired him for in the 90s....
"...the privatization program (through the public auction of state enterprises) also favored the transfer of a significant portion of state property to organized crime. " Exactly the case in Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia...a takedown of the strongest economy. Our handover is in progress. Thanks for posting this article~
Why change what's tried and marvelously successful. While the masses fight over the crumbs, or scrape the bottom of the barrel. Re-runs, until we either get it - or join other busted civilizations.
One of the best sequences is the "oh Danny Boy" bit. Let's ignore the blood for a moment. It's just so funny when the boss starts shooting to the car that tries to escape, and finally gets them. That's great editing. First, the stunt actor drops off the roof and then the camera switches right to the real actor, which perfectly creates the illusion that it was him the actor that dropped off. But then he takes the tommy gun that he has dropped on the ground before. The car drives away and the boss starts walking and shooting calmly, like he has done that a million times before. The editing illusion that the car is really destroyed by the shooting is almost perfect.
Great movie, great direction. The story gets a bit boring, but the actors make up for it.
Anyway, it's like the covid movie editing. It's mostly edits, really. The story is absurd, but the actors do most of the heavy lifting. Many of whom are also Irish and Dutch, I observe.
Covid's Crossing!
That obsession with the cross. It's always the cross of betrayal. The origin and demise of all gangsters.
Hagbard Celine’s gigantic computer, FUCKUP—First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultramicro-Programmer— was basically a rather sophisticated form of the standard self programming algorithmic logic machine of the time; the name was one of his whimsies.
FUCKUP’s real claim to uniqueness was a programmed stochastic process whereby it
could “throw” an I Ching hexagram, reading a random open circuit as a broken (yin) line
and a random closed circuit as a full (yang) line until six such “lines” were round.
Consulting its memory banks, where the whole tradition of I Ching interpretation was
stored, and then cross-checking its current scannings of that day’s political, economic,
meterological, astrological, astronomical, and technological eccentricities, it would
provide a reading of the hexagram which, to Hagbard’s mind, combined the best of the
scientific and occult methods for spotting oncoming trends. On March 13, the stochastic
pattern spontaneously generated Hexagram 23, “Breaking Apart” FUCKUP then interpreted:
This traditionally unlucky sign was cast by Atlantean scientist-priests shortly before the destruction of their continent and is generally connected with death by water. Other vibrations link it to earthquakes, tornadoes and similar disasters, and to sickness, decay, and morbidity as well.
The first correlation is with the unbalance between technological acceleration and political retrogression, which has proceeded earthwide at everwidening danger levels since 1914 and especially since 1964. The breaking apart is fundamentally the schizoid and schismatic mental fugue of lawyer-politicians attempting to administrate a worldwide technology whose mechanisms they lack the education to comprehend and whose gestalttrend they frustrate by breaking apart into obsolete Rennaisance nation-states.
World War III is probably imminent and, considering the advances in chemicalbiological warfare in
conjunction with the sickness vibrations of Hexagram 23, the unleashing of plague or nervegas or both is as probable as thermonuclear overkill.
General prognosis: many megadeaths.
There is some hope for avoidance of the emerging pattern with prompt action of correct nature.
I just had this whole long thing written up about Al Capone in Pasco county parleying with the Florida state legislature in 1938 and how the pandemic era president of the Florida legislature was a Pasco guy named Wilt Simpson (try to wrap your head around Wilt Simpson and Shane Strum regarding "Florida's response to the pandemic")
Then the battery died and phone erased what I wrote
That show starts with the BP oil racket. "We're sorry!"
Great episode. Monstrosity in the real world, but the episode was great.
It took me years to understand the joke of Kyle's costume, "the human kite." It rhymes with "like".
I've been saying since 2020 we are living in a constant rerun of Sout Park episodes. The covid writers really took inspiration from there. Everything is so gross and excessive.
Loved the Sage's saga in NV:) And there really was a Walter Sage! And "Don't use the hotel Wi-Fi" lol. Thank you for providing insight on the connection of how they work with the "hearings" involved that never accomplish anything down through time immemorial. Still keeneddy's and weinersteins involved too. Wow. Trained from an early age to continue the families legacy. All 'legit' now. And Johnston is very involved. What a basterd. Paul too. Very informative pist!
There's definitely a predatory look. Same with Madeline Albright- face always looked like a vulture to me. She's the one who said that US sanctions on Iraq that killed 500,000 kids under 5 were worth it.
Maybe the default is this thing we’re told is ‘organized crime’, and this concept of laws and such is only the op which is used to hold us all under control.
Not really sure what I mean.
We’ve been taught organized crime is some exceptional thing that gets squashed, removing corruption and all that. But seems its how the wheels actually turn, and the game is making everyone believe its an exception when it surfaces. Like covid. Like assassinations and attempts thereof… The default operation mechanism is the opposite we are taught
Many people find out something like this with their first job (or perhaps later). There's the organization chart, the job descriptions, etc. Then you find that doesn't match what's actually going on. That can be benign or not, depending on the workplace.
I used to think psychopaths and sociopaths were rare but always tried to get power and in power caused a lot of damage. Instead it's this layer that is made invisible (not rare). Part of that is the gaslighting using laws, etc.. Psychopaths when they run cons laugh at those who follow rules, they see them as targets/suckers for following rules.
It's astonishing to see the scope of their operation and how long it's gone on.
Though this is the case, I still favor laws that make sense and are followed. And people acting in good faith. As per the Day Tapes, much of that has been deliberately and systematically destroyed.
If it works as they intend, when all the people who are not psychopaths are gone, I wonder how they will deal with each other.
LOL, damn, I’m going to fight like hell to be a fly at the wall then, should be a blast. A page from the ‘War of the Godzilla's.”
Someone better explain to me how we got to where we are and no lawyer saw the neon lights and implications of the constitutional legislative alterations sliding into place. I keep smacking my forehead for trusting all this time, but you know, our biggest downfall are ‘assumptions’. Assuming smarter minds of law, medicine, history, finance, politics, and on it goes, are keeping an eyeball on things in their court of expertise and -of course- would ring the bell if shit went sideways. People with ethics embedded caring about your life, as you do with others, and then Covid happens and you find yourself pounded under this waterfall of recognition that your expectations and assumptions have been fully delusional. Not only does hardly anyone care, but the vast majority live in a very, very narrow brain-vector of personal gratification, professional expertise and emotional maturity. Leaving it all to whomever. Can’t see how we can get on track as a unit unless sentinels function in ethical sovereignty defending their wings. And we are so far from it.
No lawyer, judge, bureaucrat, journalist, etc, - and few doctors outside of war zones - has ever been a hero, or even basically decent, disinterested and ethically-aware.
Why do people enter those professions? It's never to help humanity. At best, they are self-interested and very risk-averse.
It's certainly very painful to have the band-aid ripped off, but the festering wound of utterly false expectations- demonstrated in all recorded history - was always there.
Few - I do see some, but it’s barren. Gotta ask yourself if the belief in the goodness of humanity is a part of the OP. Like some religions integrate evil to indoctrinate. Leading to the US vs THEM thinking - which is debunked about every 100 yrs or sooner. It’s the law of the fishbowl, US vs US, and relying on any assumptions of goodness kibbles being offered likely leads to being eaten. It’s too much for most to wade into - as is apparent - that ‘safety’ is a heavily sought-after commodity traded in the market, offered on a bed of ice, not morals. People make bad experiences and typically look for excuses: ‘my area attracts particularly poor…’ , ‘ Shrink, what’s my problem, this keeps happening to me’ .., jamming up.
Nobody wants to chop wood and carry water. Not when humans are just so damn hackable.
Gus Russo's The Outfit (Chicago) and Supermob (Hollywood/LA) are good resources.
Yeah, I've been listening to some old Michael Collins Piper audios- one on the Jewish mafia, callers said that if you read Gus Russo's Supermob, The Money and the Power by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, and Red Mafiya, by Robert Friedman, you would understand how the Jewish mafia took over America and the US govt. Those audiobooks are on the "Vasili" bitchute channel. Plus, there's a Rense interview w/Gus Russo. I think Whitney Webb said that the Democrat Party has been controlled by organized crime for 100 years and the ZOP not quite as long. Plus, Rothschild banking cartel took America over in 1913 w/Federal Reserve Act (Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism is a must watch on the banker takeover and the federal income tax scam and how 16th amendment was never properly ratified).
It was already going on by the french and american revolutions, and for sure by the american civil war. What 1848 was all about has come into focus, in this context. russia and china didn't stand a chance when it was their turn later. So, it stands to reason if it was old hat then, it's been going longer than that.
Sage, I know the matrix films are on your shit list, and I see why, but damn does the architect character make more sense with every passing year. They've run this op over and over and over, fine tuning as they go.
Programmed To Chill -
Sage, as pertains to vegas goings on and nukular powers, you might find this episode highly interesting. It's got everything: LeMay, Rand corp, paperclip, stay behinds, nukes, Omaha finance and pedo rings, and ABSOLUTE PROOF that you are in fact a dod ai from way back. SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment), a precursor to the precursor to the internet. *beware rabbit hole*
Read this shit:
And see what they already had going on, coming out of WW2. It was further along than you think. THIS was probably why they thought everything was in place, not because of Arpanet and Mr. Subproject 112 with the tilted head and glazed eyes.
Working in LA always is met with traffic challenges Pre GPS you learned various routes. One that eliminated some traffic a job back then went through various Bev Hills and Bel Air streets. One street was the house where Bugsy Seagal was shot. Weird to just drive by it as a semi routine. Later found a funny little story while on a show at Universal Studios. In the Bugsy days anytime an examsion or improvement was in the works a fire would occur and just like magic extra insurance money. Since then Uni has had a couple fires on the backlot. Each time improvements especially the last one about 2006-2007. The backlot got a huge improvement. . I thought Bugsy’s ghost must have looked down from the hill and smiled big.
Mickey Cohen doesn't get his due often enough.
(My parentheses lock is stuck)
(New fave)
Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!" At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize.
🫨 (diving back in. Your post just ties it up so clearly...🎁)
Slavland Chronicles stack today. Why did Putin leave all that money parked in the West?
Was giving them billions a clever 5D strategy to own da globalist-analists?
No, Putin left it there because he was given assurances by his handlers/partners in Washington that the so-called “SMO” was OK. This operation was run by Washington first, and green-lit by them as well. It was just like Saddam’s incursion into Kuwait. He also sought American permission before going in and, (surprise surprise!) he ended up walking right into a trap. This is exactly what happened again with this SMO. Putin was given guarantees via his FSB that Washington would let him do his SMO. Then, once again, his partners ended up tricking him...
Putin left the money in the West because that money is literally what his whole job as president of Russia is.
He is a colonial administrator parking billions upon billions of Russian national wealth in Western financial institutions to prop up the Globalist Empire. That’s literally his job. That’s what Jeffrey Sachs and Henry Kissinger and all the others hired him for in the 90s....
"...the privatization program (through the public auction of state enterprises) also favored the transfer of a significant portion of state property to organized crime. " Exactly the case in Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia...a takedown of the strongest economy. Our handover is in progress. Thanks for posting this article~
Why change what's tried and marvelously successful. While the masses fight over the crumbs, or scrape the bottom of the barrel. Re-runs, until we either get it - or join other busted civilizations.
Pretty damn good reporting!
Do you remember the movie Miller's Crossing?
They were telling us!
One of the best sequences is the "oh Danny Boy" bit. Let's ignore the blood for a moment. It's just so funny when the boss starts shooting to the car that tries to escape, and finally gets them. That's great editing. First, the stunt actor drops off the roof and then the camera switches right to the real actor, which perfectly creates the illusion that it was him the actor that dropped off. But then he takes the tommy gun that he has dropped on the ground before. The car drives away and the boss starts walking and shooting calmly, like he has done that a million times before. The editing illusion that the car is really destroyed by the shooting is almost perfect.
Great movie, great direction. The story gets a bit boring, but the actors make up for it.
Anyway, it's like the covid movie editing. It's mostly edits, really. The story is absurd, but the actors do most of the heavy lifting. Many of whom are also Irish and Dutch, I observe.
Covid's Crossing!
That obsession with the cross. It's always the cross of betrayal. The origin and demise of all gangsters.
Hagbard Celine’s gigantic computer, FUCKUP—First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultramicro-Programmer— was basically a rather sophisticated form of the standard self programming algorithmic logic machine of the time; the name was one of his whimsies.
FUCKUP’s real claim to uniqueness was a programmed stochastic process whereby it
could “throw” an I Ching hexagram, reading a random open circuit as a broken (yin) line
and a random closed circuit as a full (yang) line until six such “lines” were round.
Consulting its memory banks, where the whole tradition of I Ching interpretation was
stored, and then cross-checking its current scannings of that day’s political, economic,
meterological, astrological, astronomical, and technological eccentricities, it would
provide a reading of the hexagram which, to Hagbard’s mind, combined the best of the
scientific and occult methods for spotting oncoming trends. On March 13, the stochastic
pattern spontaneously generated Hexagram 23, “Breaking Apart” FUCKUP then interpreted:
This traditionally unlucky sign was cast by Atlantean scientist-priests shortly before the destruction of their continent and is generally connected with death by water. Other vibrations link it to earthquakes, tornadoes and similar disasters, and to sickness, decay, and morbidity as well.
The first correlation is with the unbalance between technological acceleration and political retrogression, which has proceeded earthwide at everwidening danger levels since 1914 and especially since 1964. The breaking apart is fundamentally the schizoid and schismatic mental fugue of lawyer-politicians attempting to administrate a worldwide technology whose mechanisms they lack the education to comprehend and whose gestalttrend they frustrate by breaking apart into obsolete Rennaisance nation-states.
World War III is probably imminent and, considering the advances in chemicalbiological warfare in
conjunction with the sickness vibrations of Hexagram 23, the unleashing of plague or nervegas or both is as probable as thermonuclear overkill.
General prognosis: many megadeaths.
There is some hope for avoidance of the emerging pattern with prompt action of correct nature.
Probability of such avoidance is 0.17 ± 0.05.
No blame.
Technocracy is much bigger than communism.
I just had this whole long thing written up about Al Capone in Pasco county parleying with the Florida state legislature in 1938 and how the pandemic era president of the Florida legislature was a Pasco guy named Wilt Simpson (try to wrap your head around Wilt Simpson and Shane Strum regarding "Florida's response to the pandemic")
Then the battery died and phone erased what I wrote
"In 1938 members of the Florida House of Representatives met at Moon Lake Gardens to select the next Speaker of the House."
OMG! they killed Kenny 😧 .... but Kenny would not stay killed.
Mintberry Crunch saved the kids that day.
That show starts with the BP oil racket. "We're sorry!"
Great episode. Monstrosity in the real world, but the episode was great.
It took me years to understand the joke of Kyle's costume, "the human kite." It rhymes with "like".
I've been saying since 2020 we are living in a constant rerun of Sout Park episodes. The covid writers really took inspiration from there. Everything is so gross and excessive.
😧🤯 ...and trying to tell normies something, but yes!
107 degree hellscape has a nice ring to it. Would you prefer rain?
Promised Lands dont come easy.
"Sadly, Frank Sage absconded with our entire operating budget, losing it at the blackjack tables."
"Robert Maxwell" "roulette table"
Rolling stones and yachts in the Med... What was the the last one? The Bayesian?
That Miriam Adelson clip was a good find, thank you Frank.
Loved the Sage's saga in NV:) And there really was a Walter Sage! And "Don't use the hotel Wi-Fi" lol. Thank you for providing insight on the connection of how they work with the "hearings" involved that never accomplish anything down through time immemorial. Still keeneddy's and weinersteins involved too. Wow. Trained from an early age to continue the families legacy. All 'legit' now. And Johnston is very involved. What a basterd. Paul too. Very informative pist!
Is it my imagination, or does Silverstein look like a horned lizard in that photo? So are those rumors about lizard people true?
Predatory look.
There's definitely a predatory look. Same with Madeline Albright- face always looked like a vulture to me. She's the one who said that US sanctions on Iraq that killed 500,000 kids under 5 were worth it.