Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I never got the jab BUT my job was considering mandates, the fam and friends had started disowning me and I felt all alone..... I considered, seriously, at the end of Aug of 2021, to get the Novavax jab even though I didn't want any of them..... I am so angry that I almost compromised myself into settling for the better "vaccine" that was not mRNA...... dodged that bullet but still haven't fully forgiven myself for almost taking the bait.... the stress was very high....lots of sleepless nights and there were days were I really thought I couldn't take another day of this.......

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You got through the first round of the Hunger Games, Stell...

This Op is still live.

This year. This year, I am watching the buckling to the mat in record time. Of the holdouts who are bargaining their way back.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks, Sage....no lie, you were one of my first substacks and I can honestly say that it kept me sane on days that were very dark.... have unsubscribed from many but you are a keeper..... I need you for the next round..... 😘❤

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(You'll get sick of my shit, too. Everybody does...😅)

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But thats fine — just take HanaMectin!

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Just sprinkle on your breakfast cereal each morning for that extra crunch!

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Even just a daily Micro-dosage of Sage inhibits a higher risk profile of sanity induced insomnia

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Avoid trying to take the microdosing to homeopathic asymptotic levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj7Rq_gpAqA

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It took a lot of Courage to post that admission LilT3.

I really wish I had the Nerve to put down the bag myself but respect how Brave you are.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

So far, so good. 😄

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

It was easy, I dropped almost all of my friends and family. They were all insane psychopaths about the vaccine. I only have a few left. It was easy. ..... it wasn't, it sucks, but they are all Kool-Aid drinkers, I tell myself.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Surrounded by Kool-Aid drinkers even now - only lost one permanently.

Still hung up on. Happened the other day when a sister said she's okay with not feeling her feet since her 3 vaccines because she was able to LIVE HER LIFE unlike other people and that vaccines had saved MILLIONS of lives. When I didn't agree with here - CLICK!

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So sorry you suffered so greatly. Don't be angry with yourself. Be proud your better instincts won out over the pressure to comply.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks, Kathleen..... I have a marketing background and I could see, taste, smell and feel the propaganda but everyone I loved and trusted told me that I was wrong..... so, then I started to doubt myself..... but never again.... this will be the hill I die on....

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

This speaks to your courage, Stella.

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On doubting yourself...whoever you are.... In oriental medicine, we have 2 brains. (insert sniggles as people try to guess where the other one is). They feel sorry for us because we think we only have one brain...and we're using the inferior one. Brain #1 is your gut. Brain #2 inside the skull. Not one to just swallow info, I pondered for a bit, opened my anatomy text books and it began to make easy sense. The gut is Grand Central for nerve bundles-highly sensitive! Incoming energy received by those nerves shoots up the spinal cord to brain #2, which is somewhat of a computer. It stores, organizes and helps articulate the incoming material. Brain #2 can and does misinterpret the impulses. But Brain #1 is unerring! It is the FAST BRAIN THAT CANNOT LIE. It instantaneously knows. We have been conditioned out of our primary brains socially from birth. How to recover your Knowing? Slow down, check in w/ your gut-those fleeting impulses that you'll have to learn to capture. Go to school on kids and animals. They still function out of their primary brains. They know who to trust...and, more importantly, who to repel. They do not hide, sugarcoat or diminish their responses.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana


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Gosh...thinking back to a time of healing, soul-searching and reviewing my slightly complicated life, it dawned on me (like a smack upside the head) that Every mistake that I ever made in life could be traced to Me not trusting my gut. Relationships, business decisions, you-name-it....there was a momentary flash of truth at the very beginning of everything. I learned a lot by examining the lies I told myself to evade the Knowing. Kind of hard to blame the other guy once you See. "The most dangerous lies are the lies we tell ourselves."

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My instincts tell me there's a lot of truth in this.

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Which brain handles the Survivor’s Syndrome? That’s my struggle, in a crowd of happy people and there’s me gazing at the crows lurking in a Sycamore, waiting for our sudden demise. Or FritoLays. That’s the rough part about this awful mess, the constant gut checking but at here we get some affirmation. Thank you, love these comments.

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I learned to look at the world as a great big one-room schoolhouse with Life/Experience as the Teacher. We're all at different levels, capabilities, aspirations. Fast learners, slow learners and some kids that don't want to learn at all. The ones that can, help the struggling ones. There is absolutely sorrow as you watch others learn in harsh, unforgiving ways. But, and all of this comes by way of a remarkable Hindu woman doctor on a flight from NYC to Mumbai, we go on to live and experience again and again. Slow evolution to be sure, but what we learn is unforgettable. It is wrought into our beings... There is hope beyond what we perceive... And yes, this is such an awesome space in so many directions!

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

LOVE this comment Debra Robinson.

My body (gut) would not let me get the shot - every time the clinic called, every week for 6 weeks, to "come on in to get The Lifesaving Vaccine" - I'd start sneezing uncontrollably and couldn't stop for hours. It was exhausting, but it was my own body jumping in front of my brain to protect me from the bullet, or pushing me out of the way of the speeding train.

Our bodies are our direct communication with God.

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Great story!!! Amazing the conversation your Body had with you!! There is a saying in bodywork... "If we learn to listen to the whispers, we won't have to hear the screams." Next time should be less drastic, eh ;-)) You're right about our bodies. If people could be less religious and just get the information, there is a world of truth there. In the New Testament the Body is the temple, not the building. Ground zero for profound experiences...the Body knows the way...

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

My cousin received a letter that she'd be terminated on a specific date unless she was vaccinated even though she was a remote worker prior to covid. She got the j&j... 15 minutes before would've been fired in 2021.

A mortgage & 2 kids in high school was too much to lose her job of 17 years.

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I hear you Stella, yet I went a different way, though I can’t recommend it for most. I called all my friends to witness Noam Chomsky’s statements supportive of putting the unjabbed into camps and having us our fend for ourselves. Imagine, the man who was the head of “Manufacturing Consent” fell for all this hook, line, and sinker. My response to my friends who saw nothing wrong with this view instantly become untrustworthy and essentially unrecognizable to me. Instead of them pulling away from me, I made it clear that our old relationship essentially ended. Our interactions became nothing more than superficial bullshit, and we now no longer speak. These are decades-long friendships, with our kids sharing time, watching after each other’s families, etc. All POOF.

It’s then when I realized that the mental seed-planting to hijack the conscientious natures of “good people” must have been going on for a long time, and is a clear pattern of what organized control-systems do to large populations over time to solidify power. And I join you in thanking SH for connecting even more dots, and this is why I’m staying here to.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana


"My response to my friends who saw nothing wrong with this view instantly become untrustworthy and essentially unrecognizable to me. Instead of them pulling away from me, I made it clear that our old relationship essentially ended. Our interactions became nothing more than superficial bullshit, and we now no longer speak. These are decades-long friendships, with our kids sharing time, watching after each other’s families, etc. All POOF."

Sums up my experience too, MarcusBierce, thank you.

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So true...This experience kicked the whole world up into an understanding of ourselves we would never have had otherwise. Accelerated learning! An evolutionary jolt. We seem to need those now and then.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I never once considered it. But my daughter had to fight it.

Everyone around her except me pushed her to take the shot. Everytime she called me. I’d tell her to hold out. Keep lying and tell them you will, but need more information. This went on for almost two years. Her husband was pushing her bad. She almost relented many times.

She remains unjabbed today, so is my granddaughter. Everyone else around her is jabbed. Her husband lined up for every shot he could. He had all kinds of health issues. He says, “I had health issues my whole life and the medical community saved me, why would they kill me with a vax?”

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Kinda like every day is its own unique & special one-person AA meeting?

Every single time I feel a little stronger, they tell me it's a crime, Lord, how much longer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdk7k1dfydE

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Because they can!!

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But you didn't take it. So why be angry? Countless almost took the bait. Many were put in that position but the fact it was resisted against furious madness is mightily impressive and bad ass.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I guess I am frustrated/disappointed/angry/concerned that I even considered it even though I knew I shouldn't.... I just wanted to stop the hate/fighting and thought that if I complied then my life would go back to "normal".....

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Never give fuckers an inch. If your hunch says 'I think you are asshole' then go with it.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Wise words.... 😘

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My story mirrors yours… sadly I feel a part of me can never forgive. Next time (and there will be one) I hope more people stand up. I’m just glad I never complied and I realise that I may have to give up everything to never comply next time they roll out the rodeo.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I used to listen to the Wed FLCCC streams. I remember that they made a big deal about RSV and how dangerous it was. This was before the protocol. It stood out to me, I was just kind of thinking "Huh? Never heard of it." And subsequently, I never knew anyone who had it or heard second hand of anyone who had it. Same three, yes.

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This is called, Selling the Threat Matrix in SH Speak.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Security State Pharm. Like a good neighbor.

The other thing that stands out is a rough approximation of the scale of ongoing operations. If Monash intends to produce a hundred million doses a year, and you assume however many more of these sites worldwide, well, you are starting to get to real murder numbers.

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Holy shit. Good freaking catch.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Crazy numbers from Oz, certainly.

Moderna factory in the UK, Oxford University science park ,is going to pump out about 200 million.

AZ are also setting up a dedicated vaxx factory in Liverpool ('A vote of confidence in our city!') but I can't find any indication of how many doses they aspire to. Multiple shots per capita, or export business?

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for only 35 Million population in Australia, too.

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Gosh I wonder why Aussie leads the world per capita in cancer.


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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

What’s we all gonna do when our only choices for medical treatment with “medication”, in hospitals is some form of mRNA LNP product? Looks like they’re going to put this shit in everything they possibly can. With their new, big, shiny, clean manufacturing plants going up worldwide. We’re going to have a lot more issues well into the future on so many levels. Hospitals will continue to be death traps instead of places to go for “lifesaving” care.

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The Owners are spinning the gene editing so hard. This is why they did the Human Genome Project and why they now need to keep testing on the lab rats: LAB HUMANS.

mRNA and siRNA and nanoparticles and "graphene oxide" ARE ALL part of the agenda to hack humans. They told you out loud they intend to do this.

This is why Bret Weinstein is doublespeaking about "elegant technology".

And this is why Peter McCullough sold you right out.



The agendas are sinister. This is not to help humans. It's to hack them and control them and eliminate them. And maybe help the Owners try to live longer.

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Ivermectin clearly works. Fredo Cuomo takes it. It hurts his pride to admit the libertarians were right since the beginning. Only about that. Fauci is still a saint who saved the workers from Trump and his massive deregulation campaign, and the tyranny of free market capitalism. Ivermectin is not a psyop at all. No sir. And that's why you have to vote for Biden, because he saved everyone from the poisonous Trump vaccine by giving ivermectin to everyone, because ivermectin kills the parasitic mRNA the capitalists forced you to take. Because they are greedy and they hate you. But Biden keeps you alive. When he goes, we all go. Vote for Biden!

If you think that's crazy, wait a few weeks till the campaign gears up. It's gonna be so crazy and excessive even I can become surprised again.

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Fredo Cuomo. 😹

This soap opera shit melts the brains about substances in vials, does it not?

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Comedy gold, AgtRog wrote it like a bumper for next week’s episode of “All My Scorpion Children”.

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The problem is that we don’t need the drugs even IVM

there are national antivirals

Also we are in NSW and they haven't stopped the Chemtrails and it is constantly raining

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Anti-viral by definition is anti-exosomal activity, pro-aberrant cell behavior (cancer being the biggy). Cells need to detox and communicate via the same pathways that supposed *viruses* do. There is health through the usual life-style choices, and there is bullshit.

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National meant natural? Feel encouraged to drop a link or more in reply.

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Yes natural.

Drs are drug pushes and need to go to jail

The gov and drs and big pharma have drained all peoples money and Future and dented countries

So confiscate moneys from big pharma and associated co and pay off the debt

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Madame Cackles and the built in $91M campaign warchest will take it to Neo-weird levels.

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Agreed! Did you see the celebrity-encrusted plug for Biden drop this weekend? Bizarre and creepy. All of it is so unreal

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No wonder Victoria was so intent on the lockdowns and for so long this was the prep for the sheep to be Syked into getting the jab

By the way it is interesting the the Victorian government had their BIG BRAND NEW HEART HOSPITAL READY FOR THEIR VICTIMS.

They also cal their Monash hospital (THE ORGANIZATION)


Would be interesting if they made new laws to provide more burial plots

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So this Monash-Ivermectin connection is amazing metadata.

And then Tess and Pierre and Bret Weinstein went over the top selling this one drug...

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There might be an intended effect of having the IVM with what has already been injected to finish people off?

My Bro is using oxygen at night which has just started

He has 6 jabs to datehe is waiting for the new version of the jab

So pitiful did duty in Vietnam

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He took six shots and is waiting for #7?

This is like Escalating Commitment Psy Op.

"Escalation of commitment is a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continue the behavior instead of altering course. The actor maintains behaviors that are irrational, but align with previous decisions and actions.[1]

Economists and behavioral scientists use a related term, sunk-cost fallacy, to describe the justification of increased investment of money or effort in a decision, based on the cumulative prior investment ("sunk cost") despite new evidence suggesting that the future cost of continuing the behavior outweighs the expected benefit.

In sociology, irrational escalation of commitment or commitment bias describe similar behaviors. The phenomenon and the sentiment underlying them are reflected in such proverbial images as "throwing good money after bad", or "In for a penny, in for a pound", or "It's never the wrong time to make the right decision", or "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."



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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Well. THAT explains a lot.

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Need data? Find a casino & keep your eyes open. To channel Burroughs on the doubling down phenomenon: There's always plenty of wise guys betting on the Baked Alaska. (Right...the dealer can't win every time, you part-time Professor of Statistics...but they can win every time between the last hand and whenever your personal pile o' chips gets raked over to the house side.)

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Oh Wicked pedia

It is depending on government to look after you no matter what

After all the jabs are FREE and prescriptions are practically free attending hospitals is almost free

He is in good hands

All orchestrated so that they keep going to drs who are on the government payroll with guaranteed income

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Totally agree

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IVM as Phase One of a binary attack? I have a 'soft spot' for IVM in my heart (and maybe my head, too) due to it solving what I am 99% sure was a parasite infection back in 2009-2010 AND due to its likely role in shrinking a new friend's tumor by 50% (in conjunction with one of the -dazole meds) starting earlier this year BUT never put it past DARPA and its biological frat bro's to use something fairly benign to kill your ass dead. You can overdose & perish from too much water without needing to invoke an over-ambitious or under-trained waterboarding administrator.

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Burial plots? Skip it and go to human composting as the step before Sustainable Soylent G. (Those cemetery backhoes contribute to Climate Change, doncha know?)

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

CSIRO did not do the 'isolation' bit, nor did they do the 'control' bit.

They just mixed a lot of stuff, and then claimed that they had 'it'.

This is not science.

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None of this is science.

The Scorpions know (and say explicitly in the Day Tapes) how to keep two sides in the brain separated. They know (not said explicitly) how people respond to trusted and revered experts.

Frankly, they know how to scare people and make people into motivated reasoners who don't know how to scramble when they are toppled.

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I spoke to an elderly lady and told how 2 of my sisters a son and a friend are dead from the vax and she said sorry to hear that but the loss outlays the good the jabs have done 😳

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

I’m sorry for your loss. That kind of ‘reasoning’ is almost impossible to countenance. It’s like people’s souls have been switched off. Mind boggling.

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Also almost impossible to counter. Like your facts & stats are BBs trying to get through a Kevlar vest with a ballistic underplate. Conserve yer ammo & energy

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. People believe this in droves.

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What Heather said.

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So sorry for your losses.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Teriyaki Fajitas????????????????? Sacrilege! Probably good, but totally cultural appropriation! My question mark got stuck.

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😹 Teriyaki ribeye fajitas.

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With Teriyaki Fajitas as your sacrilegious base dish, what's the top? Is there a limit? The next thing we'll have is a dipping sauce in equal parts of habanero, wasabe and adrenochrome. That'd open a portal bigger than the one errrybody's conCERNed about at CERN...hey, makes me wonder about the ethnic diversity at CERN...what do they get into in that staff canteen?

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I know an Irishman who works there....

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Does he have a rather pasty complexion? https://siftrva.com/irish-pasties/

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😂 I miss Irish food.

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Other than the component mix for corned beef & cabbage that goes on sale before St. Patrick's Day, I don't have much experience with Irish food, but I like the corned beef & cabbage & carrots & whatever else goes in and I splurge on good rye bread for the sandwiches that come the following week. It has been a bit of a ritual since 2009, because my wife and I got to Costa Rica on 3/17/2009. (We had visited during the summer the three [maybe 4] years before that, but made the big flight with the two of us and Casper the Cat in 2009. Long strange trip. Tonika sez Casper looks at times goofy and other times regal. Want pix?

P.S. I can't recall for sure, but are you having a "Like Button" problem, too? I have a workaround if you or anyone you know is having the problem.

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I got mine fixed by chatting with the bot here on SS. Took 4 or 5 days to fix it. Thanks, there was someone else who wanted the workaround Cavebear I think?

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Nailed the Monash Moderna connection well Sage... Yep what a coincidence they isolated "Sars COV 2" from one patient, so early... Determined it causitive, so early... Worked out the IVM cure connection, so early... Got the Moderna "resilience" plant, so early

... Isn't it?!

The article blurbs about this are full sales pitch, "cutting edge", life saving" (*cough bullshit!t*), "world leading" etc...

Noticed they're collaborating with the Melbourne Centre of Nanofabrication, what sort of crazy crap will they be cooking up there I wonder? 🤔

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Tess Lawries' Ivermectin site with all the coloring book graphics led me to them!

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Oh, dear. A few minutes ago, I wrote about the future, hoping that it was only a prediction. Now you are backing it up.

So they are moving to capture the market for a) a self-resolving condition (flu) which is impossible to treat (according to ze science), b) a self-resolving condition (c19) which does not exist in nature and is less severe than flu overall, c) another respiratory something. Three dangers spreading through the air, all easily managed by restrictions on travel, movement, contacts. As if other serious health problems were serious enough to warrant in-depth research…

I guess they do not say a word about air pollution, contamination of municipal water supplies or toxification of food (everywhere from growing to packaging) - which appear to be the real cause of the weakening of the body.

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Jul 7Liked by Sage Hana

Ivermectin is a sterilizing agent not 100% of course but to some degree if taken often. Makes sense it is a parasite killing agent which your sperm might be seen as little parasites hence the killing off of the sperm. I doubt it is permanent but they tried to get us permanently hooked on ivermectin. They controlling all sides period. If the sides know it or not. I think most dont.

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Moderna contract shows on page two manufactured at a base in Natick, Mass. Moderna DoD connected.

Lots of redactions.

Made at a military bio/chem weapons lab, pg 2 in Natick, MA. Up to 500mil doses.

Pg 40-42 interesting

Moderna HHS contract w/DOD


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All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!


Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!

And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.

How I wish to see a world driven by compassion and a thirst for knowledge to appreciate the gifts of The Creator! Your fighting to make such a world possible is greatly appreciated!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! https://virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this NO CASH TOTAL SLAVERY!


A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People. Insidious CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is everywhere too.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Sage Hana's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!






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But are you still sending your hard-earned money to the criminals at the IRS?


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No actually, I have lived below the income tax threshold level my entire adult life (it’s complicated and private) thankfully because I really do NOT want to give anything to the military/industrial complex although I do have to pay sales tax on some items that require it.

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Calm down God is in Control

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Ah yes, I remember it well, the Unified Field Theory of Injectables. We are presently experiencing the inverse or implosion stage of targets specified in the Field Manual of the Field Theory, et al., Notwithstanding many of my favorite top world elite hero types are mugged in from front to back, an in fact, make bank on this shit, I mean, science, I mean what we Believe, and we Believe in whatever greases the skids into that kind of dystopian future we are starting to see come into view. I'm leaning into it, can you lean into with me? I am loving the science now, it is good, so good, solid in fact, I can almost trust it, you know that feeling when you can almost trust it?

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Washing over me every day, like the trippy sequence toward the end of 2001...no trust, though.

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It´s all in the LAB COAT. Wear one of those, and people will believe anything!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

As I recall, and it jumps out of T Lawrie’s Written Evidence https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/36858/pdf/ , 2020 was one wild chase to kill the EUA rollout of the ‘greatest short-trialed warp-speed achievement of all times’. The gun desperately needed was an alternative treatment.

>> I obtained a copy of the Kory/FLCCC review on ivermectin on the 26th December and was impressed with the number of studies included on ivermectin – I was surprised that I had not heard about ivermectin in the context of covid-19 before. I noted that a limitation of the FLCCC review was that the authors had not performed a meta-analysis of the included trials.... Given the urgent need for therapeutics against covid-19, I undertook to do this evidence synthesis work for free during my Christmas holiday because I thought it might help to clarify whether ivermectin would be useful against covid-19 and in the context of the pandemic, speed was of the essence. <<

That was the playing field, which is needed for context. It does not explain the Monash/Kory jump on things, except for maybeee reaching for straws and failing to properly analyze the metadata before addressing the Senate (not really). Lawrie’s writing set me straight in that she joined nearly a year later, a newbie on IVM - all the while I thought she had been the one hot- trailing it. Yes, all studies in her Meta stem from 2020, which I had attributed to coordinated efforts of the freedom front - which was before we realized how fractured and controlled it is. What didn’t add up is them churning out fodder to pull the chair out from under their EUA. Obviously, the studies didn’t stand up and the DoD didn’t give a shit anyhow. Good sleuthing, Sage. Yes, Monash is based in all the right places.

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