I loved that Good Ole Mountain Dew song. I as fascinated by how the carbonation bubbles seemed to dance to the music...

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I'm fascinated by the thought that that the bearded man may be 200 years old and he planted the great great grandparents of the trees in the video, who see him dance.

It has to be the turpentine ointment and the pitch tar tooth paste, otherwise there is no explanation for such good health.

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Probably avoided the multi-ingredient Froot Loops.

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That's Popcorn Sutton.....


It's the corn.....or what they do with it ;~)


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Turpentine (I have from Georgia) can be attributed to many old time healing situations.

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Deworming for starters…animals and kids

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For adults too!


Download the PDF (if you like)

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The best part is the more you drink the more they dance.

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LOL.......Carbonation bubbles! Those tiny bubbles are a sign of some high proof mountain dew dribbling into the mason jar.

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Via @BRK7_2 kindly sharing what SMART stands for on another post.... I came across this video of aphids "dancing.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Cttcbsk0I

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Popcorn Sutton was a character. He would have been fun to have a few drinks with.

I met an old guy that reminds me of Popcorn decades ago in Red River Gorge. He gave me my first taste of shine. He called himself The Rat. Well, officially, he was The Ridge Runnin', River Ridin', Rip Roarin', Rat. We met him in our mid 20s, he seemed around 60, but would never say his true age; maybe he didn't know. Tall and thin as a skeleton, but he climbed around the gorge like a Billy goat. Nothing but skin, muscle, and bone. He'd hang out with us for a night, never more, singing, dancing, telling stories, and drinking shine til he was howling at the moon. Then he'd pack up and be gone in the morning. He claimed he had a lady friend.

We used to go backpacking 4 times a year, once a season, and we nearly always ran into him; he must have lived in the woods. And then one year he was gone; we never saw him again. If anyone else on this board hiked the gorge in the late 80s, early 90s, I bet you ran into him.

Not really related to anything, just thought I'd share a memory. Old folks do that. 😁

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Has anyone noticed a timeline between the release of a flavor and the actual event taking place?

The Dew 'Pitch Black'.


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This makes me think of Operation Popeye. The cloud seeding program the American military did in Vietnam to extend the rainy season by a month. Infinite swirl.

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Repetition helps.

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It does. There is so much to learn! All the time.

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Just found out the same Agent Orange sprayed in Vietnam, was also sprayed over FL by USAF from EAFB…My father worked at the warehouse on EAFB where Agent Orange was stored & evidently used against WTP in Operation Ranch Hand!

Then again, USAF sprays Chemtrail poisons on us & the Western Military & Medical Industrial Complexes are Responsible for Sars COV-2, Convid 19, & all who participated in C19 Protocol Mandates committed Crimes Against Humanityfor breaking International Nuremberg Code Laws, Treason, which is ounishable by prison or death..

Any physician who injected another living being w/MRN@, whether 2 or 4 legged, gets death! You should have researched & Not followed blindly!!

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Ahhh good ole Mt Dew. If you find yerself in the mountains of Kentucky, TN and NC, by all means git ya a snort. Only outta Mason Jar, and don't let anybody tell ya to chase it with beer! The 🤢🤮🥴worst, I wanna die, hangover ever, not to mention doing unspeakable things.

I have no doubt it will strip paint and engine grease as it smells a bit like acetone. Always make sure you or someone you know, personally knows the shiner, as some are known to cook it in old radiators!

All that being said, both shine and the canned poison CAN rot ur gut...but I don't believe it will give you diabetes or worse. I don't partake of either anymore.

On topic...was playing a word game, of sorts, on another stack, and the product TAKIS popped up in my search...New flavors Fuego and Blue Heat. Oh the irony, eh?

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"Blue Heat", LOL

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I wasn't even paying attention, Fuego was the other new flavor! Fuego and Blue Heat? C'mon Maaaan!

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I got two jars of Gatlinburg apple pie shine as a Christmas gift. I’m too old for that stuff. It’s like getting hit with a pipe. Stuck it back in the cabinet of the bar.

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It sounds yummy, but that's it! Even the smell of it can knock you off your feet!😵‍💫😵🤣🤣. Oh to be young again eh Snowman?

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Nothing really alters my noggin in a good way these days and I don’t have the money or the ticker for blow.

Just have to look at everything sober.

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Peter Duke says he doesn't like soft drinks: it was hardened lumpen criminals who would do anything for 33 USD.

Poor brother. He has lost all his archives.

And his prepper food and tools and supplies.

Quite awful.

At least, he keeps the wife, who is worth more than all inanimate objects, all plans, and all ideas and concepts.

A man with a good heart is never a loser.

I think it is germane to consider the bi-millenary experience of all Christian churches with soft drinks attacks.

Here's a formula of the Baptism sacrament in some Christian religions: "We renounce thee, Satan, and all thy deceitfulness, and thy wiles, and thy service, and thy paths, and thy angels."

Sage, everything was already invented long ago. We are just reminiscing and rehashing.

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My my, what have we discovered!

Ever taken a well used toilet off of the drain and had a look inside?

Brawndo, its got electrolytes.


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I've never seen Idiocracy, although I keep seeing references to it. It doesn't look appetising!

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Idiocracy is dreadful, yet astute and incredibly accurate!

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Speaking of freemason Francis Scott Key, look at the third verse of his star spangled banner to see the disdain with which it holds for us downtrodden ones whose footsteps are foul pollution. If you think that this anthem celebrates us at every sporting event, think again. They are mocking us.

"Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave"

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When I taught music to 4th, 5th and 6th graders, several students thought the name was, The Star Bangled Bander.

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Samples from the thick unusual fog that I shared a video of here in Florida in the backyard, and many states had experienced, were taken to a lab for testing. They found it was saturated with Serratia Marcescens Bacteria, also considered a parasite. This act of releasing these pathogens onto society is considered biological warfare.

Types of Serratia Marcescens infections observed in humans can cause:

• Urinary tract infections;

• Bloodstream infections;

• Pneumonia;

• Ocular infections;

• Respiratory tract infections;

• Meningitis;

• Wound infections; and

• Osteomyelitis

Isn’t it strange that large amounts of people have been ill in the last week.

Yet, they’re preparing us to take the next vaccine for another virus. 🤔 -reposted from sudden and unexpected a.k.a. too baffled. I’ll tag them below.

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This may explain the antiparasitic push.

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Anecdotally, experienced the fog in eastern South FLA (heard a plane buzzing above it), a lot of people have the “cold” which seems to spread. Dealing with it now. The horsey pill works well on it along with the usual remedies.

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Sandra---I'd like to run with this but it feels a little sketchy TBH.

If this can be verified at all with anything I may tie this into Ivermectin.

But I'm cautious.

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Oh, honestly, I have no clue. Just stumbled upon it today. Just passed it along b/c I thought it was interesting, something to be aware of. I wasn't even following this woman. I think she's the one who is/was involved w/Mercola until he went a little crazy. There was a doctor who tweeted back to her about looking into a chemistry analysis of the fog.

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"RFK & I have a lawsuit together in DC after Biden pressured social platforms to ban us both same day. Daily health tips and breaking news. CEO



Her pinned tweet is pushing Rogan and Mel Gibson and IVM/FBZ CURES CANCER which is just....it's getting ridiculous how hard this is being pushed like the shots all over again.

Very very very skeptical

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I think it's funny the doctor's name is W.R. Schock.

(I'm sorry, it's not funny, this is deadly serious.)

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So "Live wire", is that the fact that they don't turn off the electricity during fires?

And "pitch black", any Blackouts scheduled?

"Fight for your flavour", when will that happen? or was that about the BLM riots?

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Why can’t I subscribe?

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Hmmm....I am a prisoner of the Substack interface.

I hear sometimes that a reader cannot sub from the app on phone but can from computer.

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I unsubbed from all of substack.

My inbox got bombed on a daily basis, like turds in a narrow rusty drain pipe.

RSS feeds for the win!

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Love that hillbilly song, got a guitar just like that lass.

Oh the Mountain Dew drink it down,

Drink it till you don’t need no more,

In the morning if you’re able,

Hot water a little of the dew

Use it to mop your floor.

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Just a couple of thieves or robbers on the run, no chemistry or farming involved...but still... www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9w-OAaoylw www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB576xjmJQ0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWgOjEI52BI

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