saw a YouTube of Elon and Neuralink scientists discussing the first person outfitted with Neuralink. Elon commented about the conspiracy going around about his secretive chipping humans in the injections and they all snickered. (tried to find video but they have moved on to the second human experiment.) is this the “old” outdated technology that they are showing us?

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Dunno. Once it's approved by the FDA (hilarious, the FDA bad ruse we've been fed, and Kirsch in 2022 saying that Trump would clean up the agencies, while Trump is still bragging about pushing the shots through the FDA which is bullshit because they were running through the DOD anyway....) they just keep moving.

The owners want chips in bodies. The IBS dude was saying this. Russo was saying this. Sweden did it. If they can't get the chips in and they can sort out how to do it with inhaled metals and so forth, rest assured.

No-freaking-body in power is going to stop them.

Icke is right. Musk is here to bamboozle the conservatives riding on Trump's jock.

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Icke rocks

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Ask Elon about the effects on biology from his "starlink" web.😐🤔😶😉

Ask him about the experiments on biological, organic matter. Yeah it works...for a bit.🤨

Ask him how long the longest living neurolink test subject has succeeded in "living" for- has he enjoyed those 12yrs?

The dude is NOT your friend. He is literally creating the electronic panoptican prison that you will exist in tomorrow, that the bare bones infrastructure is already in place, and killing you. Because you are 1-3 gen. As in, your not incompatible with augmentation or transhumanism.

They have gen Alpha who actually cannot function properly in a 7.6ghz environment- they get anxious.😐🤔🤨

Keeping in mind that humans need to stay within the Schumann resonance of the earth-7.6ghz.

Familiar with ADHD? Yeah that's your awesome bod, telling you your environment is f$@%!& and messing with your sensors- aka mitochondria.


Don't buy his BD, Elon serves Elon.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Btw, Anyone NOT Alpha gen, is not going to be invited to the new world. Your body literally cannot cope with what's coming.

Oh, and so sad Elon and Co, send their condolences.😐

I say #%$@ you Elon!

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Imagine, if you will, a sky scraper built entirely with revolving doors, ball bearings, armillary spheres, windvanes, swivels and hula hoops. No concrete or steel beams or rebar or anything, just rotating contraptions that make children laugh, taped together one above the other.

That's what safety fascism looks like. Car safety, muh roads safety, food safety, medicine safety, hygiene products safety, drinking water safety, fire safety, radioactive emergency safety. That, and more.

Everything is a game.

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Off topic (sort of): ❗️🇺🇸/🇮🇷 BREAKING: 'One month ago, Iran launched a mothership near the U.S. East Coast, from where Iranian military drones have been entering U.S. airspace, including New Jersey, to monitor residences of the President & American military movements. These drones should be SHOT DOWN. The U.S. military is on full alert regarding this.' – Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-2), citing high-ranking intelligence sources

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Translation: We about to run the Day Tapes World War Nukes Operation, so you will welcome a NWO, marks.

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Paging Mr. Vance. You will be needed in the war room! F/u statement from Iranian military (are they in on it?): — 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 Commander of the IRGC Navy, Commodore Alireza Tangsiri: 'We will soon unveil an extraordinary new drone, which will surprise the world.'

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😁 I am here for the Dark Humor as the Owners drop the (perhaps fake) nukes.

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not so sure: drones above DC are Anglo-Saxons - could've been a false flag attack to pull US into a world war? the ship for some reason, despite all efforts (including 5 torpedoes) failed to sink - it floated for 17 hours so rescue ships had to finally come - https://rumble.com/v5ybmmb-a-personal-announcement.html

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I think it sounds more and more the greater divide between people will widen and parallel lives, lifestyles, will cohabitate this planet autonomously. Just thinking out loud the art of the deal vibe holding onto to separate economies.

Letting the oligarchs duke it out amongst themselves.

While the moral, ethical, productive families endure with increasing creativity.

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Having listened to the Day Tapes which are batting 1.000, I suspect that parallel worlds will not be allowed if they can help it. This was addressed.

They are moving on every agenda.

But I think their task is enormous which is another reason they need people gone.

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The only free, creative parallel world will be inside our skulls - and they are certainly going to try to end that, too.

I feel like a dog realising it's being taken into the vet clinic: it doesn't know what's going to happen in there, and doesn't want to find out.......

I agree about the sheer scale of the project: killing a lot will simplify things somewhat.

I would say there is hope in that they tend to bite off more than they can chew: on the other hand, they have planned for decades, and are happy to take a few more to achieve their goals. Relentless grind.

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Okay. My instincts led by my study of the RASHA physics on DNA and Dewys Structure of the Universe supports my hopium - quantum universe empowerment and education. Personally the undermining of their poison can boomerang onto them with fear. Which may also be considered an all in the mind focus. Outdoor manual labor turned into a sport in and of itself is much stronger than globetrotting on mega yacht manned by others ski vacays with masseuses etc. it becomes an all in The mind segue circle.

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Did you here mccollough & the his latest interview with the so called professional investigator/book writer? They try and lay out this event as an oops event.. no smoking gun, no depopulation agenda... really well put together though...

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I do not partake in McCullough Foundation or Wellness Company affiliated content.

I understand their roles in this nightmare and their incentive structures already.

This is perhaps a hole in my game, but I try to keep moving once I understand known knowns.

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I'm just trying to catch up with you...

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Here is a heuristic and you will then trample up the back stretch overtaking me like an exciting horse race:

When someone equivocates and uses terms like "failed product launch in humans" and "the next rollout may be better."

And has a FOUNDATION. And has taken big $ from Pharm and is the most published blah blah cardiologist...and goes to work for a Kanadian billionaire who makes his bones in contracts with the US State, etc.

And has an odd floppy haired co-pilot imploring the marks to not be conspiracy theorists about Lahaina, HI etc.

And then Cardiologist dude is promoting more gene editing (si RNA) and bullshit drugs and statins...they have a mission. They will fufill this mission.

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I agree..

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Trying to sort out what's real & not real concerning the neuralink & merging of AI with humans is over my head.

My gut feels like what's real is they are not ready yet.

But, the less people by any means necessary is real.

All governments standing down, or subverted seems real, too.

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Doge is the Highest level in Satanism...These people are true Psycopaths. 🙄

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I do not see Doge.

I see MAGA.

Do you have a link on Doge/Satan?

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Sorry I don't, and I can't remember who posted it either (I must stop eating Sugar 🙄), but it was very clear, there are higher levels to Satanism, all made up rubbish names just like the Masons, but there are only 5, and the highest level is 'Doge'.

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Ha! Okay if you find a link on that one, hit me.

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Ah yes everything becomes clearer & more obvious. Coincidence is just a word invented & term used by liars, charlatans, hoodwinkers, shysters, jokers, thieves, pirates, OG’s.

Spoiler alert.


The Doge of Venice (/doʊdʒ/ DOHJ) was the highest role of authority within the Republic of Venice (697 CE to 1797 CE). The word Doge derives from the Latin Dux, meaning "leader," originally referring to any military leader, becoming in the Late Roman Empire the title for a leader of an expeditionary force formed by detachments (vexillationes) from the frontier army (limitanei), separate from, but subject to, the governor of a province, authorized to conduct operations beyond provincial boundaries.

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Will do, and thank you for the MAGA link.....proper Psycopaths. 🙄

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.....Substack is all over the place, it creates 'threads' like a snakes nest. 🙄

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For A/I and bio-robots, in musk you trust.

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Is Sage just the most granular revelation of the method? Only so many can swallow and digest his/her/bot analysis. Who really knows

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It ain't all that complicated if you are remotely awake.

Optional content.

Plenty of other WE DID IT! Stacks and outlets.

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