🤣 What a magical mystery mushroom tour. Awesome sauce. ❤️💕❤️

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People want their shrooms.

People like the problem reaction mushroom paradigm.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I love it, makes me want to spin up a pitch for Shrooms meets Heart of Darkness (oh I meant Apocalypse Now) with Sherpa Shroom playing Kurtz and Kirsch playing the company man Martin Sheen going upriver to take him out

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I see a New York Times Bookshroom Literatureshroom Award for “Shroomiest Shroom Series”!

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😅 Yes!

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

very nice, good call

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“Who’s Shroomin’ Who?” Edit: Aretha Franklin

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

GOF(ungus) is uponus.


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Gain of Fungus?

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3 tubes of Magic Mycomectin please. Unfluoridated

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becoming a fun gi now?

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I love my new t shirt..blue!

But what I don't get..and it is bothering the crap out of me...is that all these retired murderers are gradually saying yeah mistakes were made...but the vast swath of normies are not reacting. It's like they are all in a trance. And not just to covid..the inflation is 20 percent now the dollar is rapidly de dollarizing..we can't pay the interest on our debt...they are telling us there will be shitloads of bank failures...and we all just go down the street humming...while the bird flu propoganda is ramping up daily..and animals are being murdered and we are facing unaffordable meat.

But hey what are you doing for fun nowadays?

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It's called "Hypernormalisation"

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

It stinks though….I hate it.

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Duchess, it is very isolating.

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Echo - echo - echo

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and by the by- fun fact for those interested in the Day Tapes angle to shaping humanity - the whole psychedelics - shroom movement was kicked off by one scholarly fellow - the revered R Gordon Wasson - the lauded "rebel" self styled "ethnobiologist" researcher who is widely credited with kicking off the entire "ancient cultures did magic mushrooms" movement - was actually VP of JP Morgan Bank of NY. His cover story was the wealthy harvard fellow self funding his research and travels around the world to study how ancient cultures got high. In reality he was spook funded by the CIA / (Tavistock division of cultural hijacking and mind fuckery which was headed up by Satanic Fabian Zionist and gleeful "free marketeer" Allen Dulles (the same Allen Dulles JFK kicked out of the CIA and who is credited among those in the know with orchestrating his murder for his Zionist owners a few months later) R Gordon Wasson was a close associate of Rockashroom and Co. He ran with the all the budding technocratic steering committee folks - the Rockashrooms, the Huxleys, HG Wells, the Dulles brothers, and later with Terrence McKenna, Timothy Leary and alll the rest of the gleaming pretty people selling us all down the yellow brick road to dissolution, degradation and self delusion. Day Tapes, again

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😲Wow. That's mind blowing. Almost like a mushroom high. Wow.

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Ugh. I recently met a person who told me her kid suddenly got seriously psychotic after trying shrooms.

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psychedelics of all stripes can serve as agents or catalysts of very profound transformative shifts in perception and understanding of the "world". The Satanic Tavistock Fabian society folks scrambled to get out in front of humanity's growing awareness of these lost traditions, working to rebrand, redirect, misdirect seekers to keep them from discovering/ manifesting the true potential of these ancient substances. All leading to all psychedelics are now state controlled, dispensed and monitored. All the shiny people-Wasson,his hippie ambassador McKenna (a proto hippie CIA technocrat shilling for Ai, "space travel" and the supremacy of technology), The CIA front band the Grateful Dead, Joseph Cambell (scientific materialist debunking the collective spiritual consciousness), Alan Watt- and now we have Joe Rogan(CIA/Mossad), and Aubrey Marcus (Mossad)and an army of internet shill-clowns peddling micro dosing and super intense government grown pot -all the "thought leaders" doing their thought leading thing, leading us right off the cliff of tyranny thru mass drug poisoning "Better living through chemistry!" (an early inserted slogan created by CIA/Tavistock into the druggie culture= culminates 30+ years later in a culture trusting in science to better their lives =vaccinnes!), mind control and digital slavery

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Oh no, this isn’t going to end well is it? I see an Oppenheimer like ending....l see dead people....I mean shroomanoids😬

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship...

...Now this is the tale of our castaways,

They're here for a long, long time,

They'll have to make the best of things, It's an uphill climb...."

A three hour tour...

...to flatten the curve.

The Minnow.

Out in front of the whales.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana


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In revolutionary times, dissident writing often takes the form of satire, and satire often takes the form of allegory. Johnathan Swift, William Blake, Voltaire, and Curt Vonnegut all wrote dissident satire in allegorical form.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Read Journey To The Mushroom Planet. Then read Danny Dunn and the Anti-Gravity Paint.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

I couldn't find Mushrooms Bad Island on the map. I know, the food crazies say that I need to eat mushrooms every meal, but I just can't do it.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Steve Shroom is ready to send your iShroom. Just provide an address.


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Haha, I tried to introduce you to shroom coffee and you considered banning me. 😂😂

It's a damn shame what happened on Mushrooms Bad Island. Shrooms were the only buzz I truly enjoyed and never regretted. Marijuana--Paranoia and guilt. Alcohol--Stupid, crashed cars and broken bones. LSD--Two whole days of Yikes!!!, followed by a lifetime of never again. Heroin-- Extremely tired or extremely sick. Cocaine-- Where did all my money go? Meth -- That tiny little piece is keeping me awake for a day and a half?!?

I know an old man who has a baggie hidden in his underwear drawer that contains a quarter ounce of 3-4 year old shrooms. He peeks at them from time to time, sighing as he wonders if they're still potent and would he still enjoy them. 😁

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I never considered banning you, stop it.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

You were joking, as am I!

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☕️ ❤️

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Lol, you were not happy with the idea of 1/2 decaffeinated coffee!! You'll see. Ask some old folks you know. I still love coffee but all that caffeine not so much.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Only according to your interpretation of the great caffeine fairy chronicles! 😁

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That's not very good storage practice. Tell your friend they belong in the freezer... you know, just in case he changes his mind.😂

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I think he was going to try them when he got them and then lost his nerve. He's not the fearless man he was in his youth. He's really stubborn, but I'll let him know. 😁

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I had (probably) my last ones a few years ago. Never had a bad trip but in case it's like Russian roulette I decided my luck was 100% and I'm good with keeping it that way. 😂

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Wel, maybe if you and he run into each other one day …Who knows? 😁

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Paul Stamnets, a top "fungi" guy, or a real fun guy wrote books about shrooms. He hypothesizes that the real aliens are the fungi. He thinks psychedelic shrooms are a good thing, all natural. Yes, you need the fungis. The good are really, really good. But when they are bad they are horrid. And don't forget Alice who ate them and had adventures. Do not lick a toad, either. Is this fun guy in on it? Science would be falsified. To shroom yer brain.

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Stamets is the spelling for who you are referring to. (I think) His research was on mimeographed paper in one of my Herbal school classes. He was not famous yet. I corresponded with him for a while about how to grow them better as I had a closet full of mushrooms. (not the magic ones, just shitake) All of us at the school were so happy when he actually became semi famous and wildly successful. Most herbalists and the like don't since they are not really doing it for the money.

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Yes, that's correct. I learned to grow mushrooms and they recommended his book. Oyster and the Hen and chickens I think. Then I watched his movie. That was the part about aliens and psychedelics. I did like how mushrooms can clean a radiation site.

But then mushrooms that are radioactive. Glad you are an herbalist! We need more.

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