I'm old enough to remember the New Coke/Classic Coke engineered ploy. Basically, they swapped out cane sugar for high fructose corn syrup which would immediately have been obvious, so they labeled the new "pepsi" formula "New Coke" and told us all that their marketing research had shown that "Coke vs. Pepsi" -- pepsi won, this is what consumers prefer, so now we have Pepsi vs. crappy New Coke (for those of us who really liked the old Coke).

They waited a sufficient amount of time, manufactured some clamoring, thinking people now will not remember the actual taste of cane sugar in coke, and reintroduced "our bad" -- Classic Coke.

And phased out New Coke.

Well. Some of us DO remember what cane sugar sodas used to taste like. This was the 80s. So sometime maybe in the 2000's you could start to get some boutique cane sugar sodas (these taste good, don't they?) and anyone who has ever had a "Mexican coke" knows that is the taste of old coca-cola that I grew up with.

Interesting that the obesity epidemic took off when HFCS was introduced into the food supply.

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Mexican Coke is the best. You’d think the cartels would have cottoned on to that …

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Except cane sugar now is sprayed in many places with glyphosate as a dessicant prior to harvest.

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Hahaha 🤣 I’m from Texas- this is so true.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Haha I thought meth is the new coke. Good morning Sage , another good one.

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Good morning!

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Guys, why don't you just leave Robert "MA-LONE"? 🐴🐎🏇🎠😅

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He’s just a lonely gnome

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Don’t know why the movie Amelie just popped into my head

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You`re thinking of the remake "MACRON". In the movie he will try to ruin people's lives.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Of course, my husband had to take about 20 “vaccines” before being deployed to Vietnam..

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Yeah. 😐

People who stan for the DOD seem to not connect that the DOD uses its own troops as test subjects.

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Agree, I’m really thinking agent orange is the scapegoat/distraction, not that it isn’t hideous. It would seem that the injections are the experiment. The 1 Million Vet survey is pretty much genetic in scope. Agent Orange is a lasso, imo.

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impertinent perhaps, but is he OK?

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

This is like they are building a type of Stockholm syndrome for the poor countries they “donate” to (nothing is free). Their populations have steadily grown, so if there was a sterilizing agent in those pharmaceuticals, it didn’t work as planned.

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The rate of growth is the metric to watch.

"Flatten the curve"

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They're flattening, rolling over and pulverizing the curve at the warp speed of AI science every day.

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Sadly correct. The great replacement is swapping out humans for AI.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Wake up world...with every ad, advert and perverted agenda you see, you are being marketed to death. Face it, you cannot ever have enough stuff. Look at idjitts like gates...a multi billionaire and he still doesn't have enough as he has proclaimed himself king of the world and the arbitrator and ultimate authority of who lives and who dies.

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I want the old, old coke.

The coke with coke in it.

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I think you’d like this if you haven’t already seen it! https://youtu.be/G8-LPlN4kcU?si=ypKxbcRt5ToKN_wG

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watched in 2x speed. even funnier!

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Oh my God, I gotta try that!

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Douglas Fairbanks using the real coke in Mystery of the Leaping Fish 1916: https://youtu.be/G8-LPlN4kcU?si=ypKxbcRt5ToKN_wG

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with Douglas Fairbanks as Coke Ennyday... LOL

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I know! Hysterical

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

The Coca Cola corporation is deceptive and lying. It took over the regional drink called Moxie. It then kept the label saying it was "the Original Moxie. I had a copy of the original ingredient list. Coca Cola lied and to my kn9wledge, never changed back to the original formula. F Coke and F Pepsi too for accepting the toxic chemical aspartame into public use.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

🎵 I want my M (Mectin) TV. 🎵

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That makes this the Jolt Cola 3 liter substack?

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

I set aside a bottle of Jolt 16 oz. I have a can of Billy Beer too.

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The docs I know that prescribe/prescribed IVM believe it works.

Also Black Seed Oil if you can’t get the IVM… Black Seed Oil is said to cure everything except death.

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I seem to recall info about families with lawyers getting courts to order hospitals to give IVM to family members who wanted it. As I recall, none of the folks that got it via court orders wound up dying, but in a few cases where the court did NOT order hospitals to give IVM at patients' request, the hospitalized family members DID die. I know, proves nothing in small numbers... and in the cases where the patients did survive, maybe those federally funded out-of-town nurses & docs on the special Covid floors just stopped administering whatever wound up killing the poor souls who didn't have a judge willing to interfere in their case? Who me, cynical and capable of entertaining dark hypotheses?

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I will put it on my shopping list.

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Can we say comprehensive when describing you? well done ... 👏

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*Manic? 😅

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Damn. “Question everything” is multi-layered. What an awesome post, thank you 🙏🏼

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One day, pre-wedding, I cooked spaghetti for my ready-to-boss new family. I incorporated fresh ground venison into my special sauce (the season still makes me salivate 40 years later, but I digress). Additional guests who'd never eaten Bambi were invited, and they were prepared to barf after tasting.

To make the event successful I utilized what appears to be a Mectin manoeuver:

To verify whether the pasta is cooked to the proper tenderness, carefully remove a few strands of of spaghetti from the boiling water... with great fanfare and celebratory flourish, FLING the pasta onto the ceiling. If it sticks, it's done and no one will remember you used deer meat in the sauce.

The End.

(Sage, this technique SHOULD include a package insert, and I make no representation as to the efficacy or safety of the provided information.)

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I don't know what my Italian landlady put in her sauce but I believe she also used horsemeat...didn't care it was delicious.

I do not throw anything in my kitchen. A friend and I tried to make sushi one day..and six months later I was still finding and scraping rice off of celings and cabinets.....don't ask me how it got all over from just rolling it in seaweed but it did.

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Neato! (?) 😂

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So...next indicated question...

...Should we all get our popcorn ready for

the Bud Light *transformation/comeback/

turn-around/inversion/super-bowl* ???

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Many times.....a turd is attempted to be polished, yet it still remains a turd.

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