It has to be a case of painful cognitive dissonance when people realize that environmentalism really is mass murder and land grabs.

The ecoterrorists —or mercenaries, if you will— most likely will become another "conspiracy theory" to be dismissed, like all the other things that people pretend are not happening.

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Yeah, in general, if you look away...it ain't hebbening as Sage would say, Grüß Gott!

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You are so right!

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Love your last sentence!

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"Maybe we’ll have an mRNA vaccine for fire soon."

Wife says, "That's just so mean!"

If you can't laugh at life, you might just die from it.

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Wifey may enjoy more Pacification and Control "Calm the Marks" type content!


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Calm me harder, Momma!!! 💤💤💤

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a nonstop hit parade. I'm getting tired. I had to search through the last four years of my photo album earlier tonight, came across pictures of all the dead and dying in my life. Heartwrenching. We probably gonna be finishing our time in this life running this cheezeball "Towering Inferno 3" multiplex matinee event movie. I hate it so much. It's excruciatingly predictable, so shallow, trite and overblown. To think we might just live out our days and die within this mud wrestling shitshow is so very sad. This morning I woke up thinking it's come to be full on idiocracy, and it's our reality. I want to murder the writers on this show just for being such utter talentless hacks.

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There is a significant segment of even the marginally awake populace who enjoys the shitty Ops as it pleases them and confirms their world views.

Helluva deal.

2024 melted people down anew.

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they know how to keep people complacent, focused on just steadily treading water to stay alfloat, checking with each other to make sure everyone is keeping their head up, as they turn the heat up to a rolling boil.

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The Turdman Show…

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mRNA vaccine for fire?😂😂😂

It’s funny and you’ve got me laughing there! But everything is possible with Trump teaming with mRNA whackos and AI team of genuises , name it baby! We will either gonna be dead or turn into a zyborg or a slave!

I don’t know whether we can even hide in the cave anymore to avoid being injected or the big brother surveillance!

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You can always deny the enslavers their pleasure and resist to the end. It will cost you your life, but that is still freedom from living in their nightmare, on their terms.

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"I don’t know whether we can even hide in the cave anymore to avoid being injected or the big brother surveillance!"- yeah, seems like there's no way to escape the coming nightmare, yet most Americans are still completely clueless.

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To add to that, have you seen lab results on the "spider silk" that they've previously dropped out of the sky in Cali and parts of Central Europe? Reinette Senum interviewed the Swiss lab technicians just recently

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No, I haven't heard about that- I'll check out Reinette's substack.

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No. Can you please give me the link?


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Maybe they'll call the new "fire jab" BioPalm, since napalm was so safe and efective

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There will be a manufactured resistance to BioPalm that will extol Firemectin instead.

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God gave Noah the rainbow sign

No more water, the fire next time

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Hey why not a vaxx for fire…shoot maybe we can set Larry Ellison on the job…like the mRNA cancer vaxxes! What could possibly go wrong! 🫨

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I have many friends in the area as I used to live in Canyon Country which is across the valley. Several had to evacuate...I think one lost her house but got the kids and dog out....waiting for a text...this is just....AWFUL.

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Let's go back to Hawaii and ponder something.

When you have the Not a Movement Heroes co-signing Bad Land Management (RFK, Dowd) in HI, you can rest assured that the Scorpions are not going to stop and they didn't stop.

Bobby had that "Big Ag/non-native grasses" talking point all ready to go immediately.

Too quickly.

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And they definitely use the "dry season Santa Ana winds too much brush" talking point/excuse every time...while I lived in Canyon Country a fire erupted in the canyon behind the houses across from us and everyone on that side of the street got burned out. Fire Department blamed it on not cleaning up the brush and lack of access to the canyon despite all the residents begging them to fix it for years before. The remodels were gorgeous though. Then the insurance companies raised all our rates...

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HB, I went down the rabbit hole on Water and droughts in SoCal.

As usual, I went down trying to sort out one thing (how one particular demographic manages to control every side of every "event") and found something else...two things else:

1. Drought talk going all the way back to the 90's, and

2. Metropolitan Water municipality crowing about two "wet years" and being well stocked with water "if the dry weather comes back" , dated Nov. 2024

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Ya just can't beat a "double else" 🤣🤣

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Damn you, Forney!

How dare you mock me!


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I mockith in your General direction!!! 🫡🫡

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'Bad land management' is literally everywhere these days. What fun they can have.

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Of course, saving the lives of the family and pets IS by far the most important thing.

But I believe we are born with a sense of place. Losing community. Where we feel at home (despite how inhospitable they have tried to make it, or how much they have tried to divide us). And then there is the waste of human labor building the houses and physically constructing the things there. So human effort is wiped out. All traces of free range humans and their creative works small and large wiped out.

Today I talked with an over 60 year old woman who was helping her grown children build their own houses. She showed me photos of the house frame, where she was putting in insulation by hanging from a harness above the ground. She was a stranger I met in a store, I was buying wood to put in some closet shelving. She looked like a healthy suburban woman. Multiply this by many people building lives, interesting people. The scorpions do not want this to exist.

This the scorpions would replace with their sterile constructions. The vaunted computing-AI world. Reality is all ones and zeros to them. They are making a wasteland. Look at the cars Elon Musk's company makes. So ugly and dangerous. Not cool, just clumsy. Not human scale.

I had family who moved to North Carolina and I stayed with them for some weeks in those mountains very long ago. When I heard of the floods, I grieved the place, though the family members are long gone.

One thing I know and that is the more they destroy the things I value, the more I value them each day, in each moment.

I'm very sorry to hear about your friends.

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Here I am wanting chimighangas, and what’s needed is more mRNA to deal with the fires. Whew! I’m glad Sage has been looking into things while I’ve been slacking.

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Fire roasted chimichangas with mRNA salsamectin

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Look at the Hughes Fire...about 20 different hot spots detected by satellite at 3:44...Then look at the LA area fires...almost every new fire hot spot for the last 5 days are right along freeways and other roads...suspicious to me.


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28 Aug 2023

Ping-pong balls and drones: Future of fire in the forest | US Forest Service


17 Nov 2022

These fireball-dropping drones are on the frontlines of wildfire prevention | CNN Business


How it works, IGNIS Aerial Ignition - Drone Amplified-1:51 min


The company mentioned in the article.

They also have technology to cause avalanches per their website.

Drone Amplified-IGNIS Aerial Ignition


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there’s an app for that


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"Nice house ya got there, Mr Clever WEF-Dissenter Anti-Vaxx Person. Be a shame if anything happened to it."

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That last photo looks remarkably like the apartments I lived in northern San Diego when I was in the Navy a long time ago. It wasn't them, but the style is so similar. Over a $200 million deficit for firefighting there? Oy.

Things have become worse.

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I heard about the San Diego fire from my ‘sources’. I live there but I’m not home at the moment. That fire thankfully got contained fairly fast. Probably some homeless types camped out up there. Most of the small ‘brush fires’ lately in SD City have been set by the homeless. They love their fire.

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If I were attacking areas with DEW, hypothetically, I would also have homeless people fires too to make sure that trusting normies conflated these two things.

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Incoming. Finally. The DOD Tankers Coulson remodelled in 2019. Maybe points to new Boss direct control of National Security Council and Homeland Security Council. Burn Lahaina, burn, bastards!

This report will be posted Monday - Friday at 0730 Mountain Time unless significant activity occurs.

Eight MAFFS C-130 airtankers and support personnel have been deployed to Port Hueneme, CA to support wildland fire operations in southern California. Their respective units are as follows: 153rd Airlift Wing (WY Air National Guard), 302nd Airlift Wing (CO Air Force Reserve), 146th Airlift Wing (CA Air National Guard), and 152nd Airlift Wing (NV Air National Guard).

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Or just part of the ‘Welcome home’ gift basket.

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The fires are due to a pandemic of the unfired!

Wonder why it's called Hughes? Catchy name though. Maybe named after Uncle Howie.

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