As I have often before, I think you profusely for what you have done with this. I have passed this valuable stuff on to as many as I thought would take heed but I really do not think any have done likewise. Very, very depressing. But I also forwarded a multitude of informative things to my near and dear and I think they have mostly ignored what I have sent, thinking I am off my rocker. I give you such honor for what you continue to do. I admire you so.
consuelo, thank you even as I am uncomfortable with praise in this regard.
Most of my life...all of my life, the qualities of contrarianism and rampant curiosity were not esp. valued.
It is odd that now they are perhaps useful.
I think that very few want to see, esp. without a ready-made "solution" which is part of the only way to process the world drummed into our brains. (problem-reaction-solution)
This gives me no particular solace to say, but if and when someone has eyes to see, they will bypass all of us, before that time, they will bay loudly about their hero du jour.
Just like in Scuba Diving, self-rescue is the best method of securing your health and welfare. Self-rescue is simply operating with common sense, maintaining a questioning attitude, heeding risks, and using appropriate mitigations - decisions, actions, and in the case of scuba diving, equipment.
There is no hero or super hero in life, just helpful people that pave the way for better personal decisions and actions. ( I think Sage falls into this category)
The surgery was 15 months ago and resulted in peripheral neuropathy and freezing feet. It must be permanent and no medical help for it. I just endure. Another reason I hate the medical profession. But I love you.
I try to keep in mind that while I smelled a rat from the jump I wasn’t always onto the depths of the psy-op. We never know when someone might wake up.
As an aside, Albert Speer's (Nazi architect) daughter Hilde Schramm (nee Speer) was brought post-WW2 to the US to live with Dr. Richard Day under an American Field Service scholarship and was then later sent back to Germany and became a leader of the Green party.
Speer is fascinating: he later claimed that he deliberately didn't look too closely at all the murders, as his career was going so well as architect to Adolf. And he accepted his punishment a just, no complaints.
How many are not looking 'too closely' today? 'The regulators say the deaths are very rare? Fine by me, I'll take their word for it and not the crazy anti-vaxxers!'
I was considering parallels between Speer and Musk over breakfast. Oh for the days when one didn't have such thoughts first thing in the morning....
Thanks Sage. This is lonely hard work, digging like you do. Calling the balls as you see em. Hard on the spirit. Courageous. Steadfast. You inspire me to try to dig deeper, to not look away, to keep on. I don't feel so alone when I see one of your stacks show up. A kindred spirit, you are. Salute!
Holy shit, it’s been a day, Shi-Tzu Meth Productions !
Much appreciate your lone beacon and laughs in the zombie pen. I jogged through SouthAmerican disaster news tonight and realized they are getting battered just as much. Lots of black smoke, land clearing fires and people herding. Despite all of our warnings, as well as in a bizarre curveball from the parasites, the herd skips merrily and entirely unprepared towards the edge. It’s going to be ugly. What a remarkable Day tape story!
I've been thinking about how people are going on as if it were "business as usual" since the Kovid Krisis. It was repeated many times that "this is the new normal." That signals to accept it and move on, or get on with your life. Keep your focus narrow.
Another such time of new normal was around 1969, early 70's. They unveiled the Club of Rome report. Starting then large numbers of people became convinced that there were too many people and having a third child was frowned upon. People felt they didn't deserve to take up space on earth, puritanical and "global citizens" were brought in.. Driving your car became bad. Before that "a Sunday drive in the country" was family entertainment. Or a teenage boy's first car was a rite of passage.
I've recently thought of the book "Diet for a Small Planet" that brought in a whole new way of eating, supposedly healthy for the person and the planet. (High carb, not healthy). Changed food culture. Family Sunday dinner had centered around meat a big roast, with leftovers for future meals. Or a chicken for those on a budget. Now people started going vegetarian, an exotic idea prior to that.
When all music groups came in, all the long haired males, e.g., then nudity in the play "Hair" making boys and girls the same. Many, many other examples that got reinforced along the way till now. Long haired boys morphed into trans, for instance. Net zero. All this started back then and the new normal became the new normal became the new normal.
Both 2020 and 1970 were watershed moments in culture change and the unthinkable becoming thinkable, in fact, normal. Keep your head down, keep your focus normal, do not look to either side. The old normies became the new normies. Normative.
Ender's Game, anyone? Ender was a "third". In other words, he was an authorized third child, by the government, in a world where you're only allowed two.
As I have often before, I think you profusely for what you have done with this. I have passed this valuable stuff on to as many as I thought would take heed but I really do not think any have done likewise. Very, very depressing. But I also forwarded a multitude of informative things to my near and dear and I think they have mostly ignored what I have sent, thinking I am off my rocker. I give you such honor for what you continue to do. I admire you so.
consuelo, thank you even as I am uncomfortable with praise in this regard.
Most of my life...all of my life, the qualities of contrarianism and rampant curiosity were not esp. valued.
It is odd that now they are perhaps useful.
I think that very few want to see, esp. without a ready-made "solution" which is part of the only way to process the world drummed into our brains. (problem-reaction-solution)
This gives me no particular solace to say, but if and when someone has eyes to see, they will bypass all of us, before that time, they will bay loudly about their hero du jour.
Just like in Scuba Diving, self-rescue is the best method of securing your health and welfare. Self-rescue is simply operating with common sense, maintaining a questioning attitude, heeding risks, and using appropriate mitigations - decisions, actions, and in the case of scuba diving, equipment.
There is no hero or super hero in life, just helpful people that pave the way for better personal decisions and actions. ( I think Sage falls into this category)
I THANK YOU, THANK YOU...I hate when I mess up typing important things.
Thank you and you had knee replacement, yes?
I hope that you recovered, I know it was rough for a while.
The surgery was 15 months ago and resulted in peripheral neuropathy and freezing feet. It must be permanent and no medical help for it. I just endure. Another reason I hate the medical profession. But I love you.
Love you too. You are not the first person that I've known who had knee surgery with poor results, btw.
Hopefully your conditions will improve.
What is that old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"?
I am so grateful that Sage persists for those of us who are willing to see. As for the rest, we can't make them drink.
Nor can we drown them in the river, so they don't pose a future danger to us........
I try to keep in mind that while I smelled a rat from the jump I wasn’t always onto the depths of the psy-op. We never know when someone might wake up.
As an aside, Albert Speer's (Nazi architect) daughter Hilde Schramm (nee Speer) was brought post-WW2 to the US to live with Dr. Richard Day under an American Field Service scholarship and was then later sent back to Germany and became a leader of the Green party.
That's a heck of an aside! There seem to be so many tangled webs.
Speer is fascinating: he later claimed that he deliberately didn't look too closely at all the murders, as his career was going so well as architect to Adolf. And he accepted his punishment a just, no complaints.
How many are not looking 'too closely' today? 'The regulators say the deaths are very rare? Fine by me, I'll take their word for it and not the crazy anti-vaxxers!'
I was considering parallels between Speer and Musk over breakfast. Oh for the days when one didn't have such thoughts first thing in the morning....
h/t to Jamie Dlux BTW, took me a while to remember where I found this out:
Thanks Sage. This is lonely hard work, digging like you do. Calling the balls as you see em. Hard on the spirit. Courageous. Steadfast. You inspire me to try to dig deeper, to not look away, to keep on. I don't feel so alone when I see one of your stacks show up. A kindred spirit, you are. Salute!
Holy shit, it’s been a day, Shi-Tzu Meth Productions !
Much appreciate your lone beacon and laughs in the zombie pen. I jogged through SouthAmerican disaster news tonight and realized they are getting battered just as much. Lots of black smoke, land clearing fires and people herding. Despite all of our warnings, as well as in a bizarre curveball from the parasites, the herd skips merrily and entirely unprepared towards the edge. It’s going to be ugly. What a remarkable Day tape story!
Thank you. These are awesome!
I've been thinking about how people are going on as if it were "business as usual" since the Kovid Krisis. It was repeated many times that "this is the new normal." That signals to accept it and move on, or get on with your life. Keep your focus narrow.
Another such time of new normal was around 1969, early 70's. They unveiled the Club of Rome report. Starting then large numbers of people became convinced that there were too many people and having a third child was frowned upon. People felt they didn't deserve to take up space on earth, puritanical and "global citizens" were brought in.. Driving your car became bad. Before that "a Sunday drive in the country" was family entertainment. Or a teenage boy's first car was a rite of passage.
I've recently thought of the book "Diet for a Small Planet" that brought in a whole new way of eating, supposedly healthy for the person and the planet. (High carb, not healthy). Changed food culture. Family Sunday dinner had centered around meat a big roast, with leftovers for future meals. Or a chicken for those on a budget. Now people started going vegetarian, an exotic idea prior to that.
When all music groups came in, all the long haired males, e.g., then nudity in the play "Hair" making boys and girls the same. Many, many other examples that got reinforced along the way till now. Long haired boys morphed into trans, for instance. Net zero. All this started back then and the new normal became the new normal became the new normal.
Both 2020 and 1970 were watershed moments in culture change and the unthinkable becoming thinkable, in fact, normal. Keep your head down, keep your focus normal, do not look to either side. The old normies became the new normies. Normative.
The Screw Tape Letters - CS Lewis
Thank you Sage
Sage, you’re a certified top shelf front of the pack hero
Thanks and blessings for everything
Ender's Game, anyone? Ender was a "third". In other words, he was an authorized third child, by the government, in a world where you're only allowed two.
Sage - who put the Day Tapes in book format & when?
Never seen this one mentioned before.