Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Where is Linda?

She hasn't liked me in 2 days, I'm worried about her.

Listen Linda, honey, it's gonna all be ok.


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Linda was liking all my comments today.

I think it might be a way to track every comment on every post, I really don't know.

Melted the minds of a few former readers. The internet is a strange place.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Good to know we have Proof of Life!

Linda reads 129 substacks, she is very busy and it's gotta cause eyestrain.

Looks like you're at the Top of her list.

What happens if someone "Follows" her, I wonder......

Thank you for your Atomic field trip photos Sage - even if I've always detested everything about the 50's.

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We haz more to come!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Oh goody! I feel nausea nostalgia coming on........

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Movie showing at our Centennial Library Saturday Matinee soon. ATOMIC CITY. First view on film of the gates at Los Alamos. Did you know that first Gaget test was our own Chenobyl? Most of the pit never exploded in the blast but went airborne covering over 70 plus miles downwind.

Gotta hand it to those STEMers. Not much changes.

Still not cleaning up their shit.

Any bets as to whether Pfizer and Moderna and Biontech flushed what wasn't used down the toilet? It was amazing to learn from Geoff Pain PhD that a vial of the GMO shots had between 1,000 to 10,000 Trillion Lipid nanoparticles per ml. (Payload Distribution and Capacity of mRNA lipid nanoparticles. PMC9508184) He noted that that's more than 1,000 Lipid nanoparticles per CELL in your body (PMC4991899)

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While we are talking 50s…

Spanish flu of 1918 is super sus, now that I’ve read a bit. And, you know, What Is A Virus, and all that? But that shit was planted eeeerywhere. Especially in the 5-10 years leading up to Covid.

How certain are we the carrington event happened in the 1850s? Only major one on record, coming on 200 years now. And it’s coincidentally a great support story for all the ‘solar flare’ stuff going on now. Perhaps it’s as bogus as Spanish flu?

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Skeptivision dialed up to 11. You got that thousand yard stare of a survivor. You have seen some shit. After you been blowed up a few times you realize mebbe the whole scary virus thing is a scam, it is just as likely nukes are a psyop, the Spanish Flu was a mass murder theatrical event, and certainly why not the Carrington event is the planted cracked fairytale that sets us up for buying the EMP weapon they drop on us is natures revenge for burning too many ground up dinosaur bones.

They have lied to us about everything. Why should we presume the "Carrington event" is any different.

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Solar cycles seem real to me. Everything in nature cycles.

How history recorded it from 1859?

Dunno, but probably mostly true.

30 years ago the thought of a giant solar flare exploding the earth scared me - and then I sent up a heart felt prayer, and I swear I heard the Sun chuckling. Papa Sun said it's ok, we're not powerless victims (like boys with magnifying glasses frying ants). That we people have some say in all that goes on.

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At least it's only strange when you go there.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Combine that Ivermectin with some Vioxx and that M16 gets a bump stock.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

🎵 Momma's in the basement, she ain't got no shoes.

Daddy's on the pavement, he's lookin for clues.

I am stuck in the kitchen with the Mectin blues. 🎵

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😂😂😂😂😂☝️, man u r funny... You got THIS.

THY,so much... Spwaying my dwink😂😂

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCzR7NCeMYA

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Good video, run a few clips of that here. 👍

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Finally a home remedy.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana


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Where did "Spanish flu" begin? (Called Spanish flu because Spain did not have a news blackout on the influenza, and so were the only journalists talking about it).

Doctors documented the "first" case of the H1N1 influenza pandemic on March 4, 1918, in a U.S. Army cook stationed at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, KS, named Albert Gitchell. Nicknamed the "Spanish Flu," cases of "severe influenza" were observed in Kansas as early as January 1918.

The fact is, bird flu does not jump to humans normally, only when lab techniques were used. The Americans were afraid that the Germans were working on bio-weapons during WWI. I am pretty sure Americans were working to counter the Germans and that H1N1 was created in a lab.

Regardless, all of the researchers who have studied the 1918 H1N1 outbreak conclude that it was bacterial pneumonia that killed the majority, and that if antibiotics existed in 1918, 50% to 90% would not have died. Antibiotics and steroids, were part of the successful Covid treatments administered everywhere in the world except the US.

When I heard Mr. Fauci say that nobody should take antibiotics for Covid because in his words "they do not help a viral infection" Without a doubt Fauci was aware of the 2008 study done by his own NIH that found the majority in 2018 died of bacterial pneumonia following viral infection. He knew that without antibiotics he could expect a few more million people to die.

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"The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the US Constitution and State Constitutions.

No group did more to propagandize the US to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it. Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science Scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq.

Tavistock began as a propaganda-creating and- disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.

This book is required reading/listening, if you want to understand what is happening to us today, which is the implementation of the various pop cultural movements and mainstream news talking points that have brainwashed us.

Coleman, a former British Intelligence officer who later became a naturalized US Citizen explained that the UN, the WHO and the Bank for International Settlements are all executive arms of the Royal Institute of International Affairs – and ultimately, of the ‘Committee of 300’, which is controlled by ancient aristocratic families whose stratospheric wealth makes the tech oligarchs of our age look like pikers.

This book tells precisely who “They” are, and what they have planned for our future, exactly how they have brainwashed us and how they have been at war with the American nation for 80 years.

‘Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ is as fresh today as it was 30 years ago. Dr Coleman names names and gives us more details about the perpetrators and their motives than most red-pilled content being produced today. Like his other classic book, ‘The Committee of 300’, the importance of ‘Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ cannot be overstated.- https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/tavistock-institute-of-human-relations-audiobook/#comments

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Tavistock's current website portrays itself as "The Awakening Organization" with the following opening quote:

"Individuals and organisations are being called upon to AWAKEN to a new knowing, an integrity and courage to do what you say and live what you know.

Awakening is the process by which we begin to see, hear and feel clearly about ourselves, our organisations and our communities as purposeful, interconnected and resourceful.

Gnostic Reticulists, this is (y)our time."



The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS

hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407

Heard of the ^above^ quote from a discussion between Sage of Quay® and Courtenay Turner. Sounds just wonderful, huh?

Link to Courtenay Turner/Sage of Quay discussion/analysis here:

"Sage of Quay® - Courtenay Turner - Tavistock: Social Engineering The World (June 2024)"


1h 40m

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Of course they are. They would not oust themselves

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I wonder if the "institute" in the CS Lewis Space Trilogy was a reference to Tavistock. I've thought often about that book recently. The transhumanism and also transexual elements fit.

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Indeed. Page 99 of the last book. Pretty much what's been going on over the past few years.

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YOU!! 🙌👍👏

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You're most welcome

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Committee of 300: 21 Goals to Destroy America and the World (Published in 1992!)

A terrifying document, published in 1992, that reads like it was published last Wednesday...


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Buttresses the Day Tapes, recorded in 1988, which I've spent much of my time on.

Some on Campbell.

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The Black Nobility Families are at the apex of the hierarchy. They oversee the Council of 300.

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You'd better be sure, sure SURE that Ivermectin is all that bad - our farm has used it for years, recently putting stage 4 lung cancer in "remission" or REALLY GONE for a sibling - PLEASE be realistic. Sometimes you have to fight the enemy with their OWN weapons.

Sometimes the psyop is on every side you can think of.

How about looking into BLACK STONE and why he funds Trump and is the largest REAL ESTATE Holder in our Country?

Huh? How about looking in to THAT.

Our Country is being taken away from us by the Capitalistic Oligarchs that have Black Stone and Black Rock buy up INFRASTRUCTURE and REAL ESTATE right under your "MECTIN: NOSES.

Pay Attention

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That era … always fantasist’s imagery in the transition to full spectrum-slavery.

Yes, we got there!

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I only got to the title.

Needed that after seeing even a little bit of the Biteme and Thumper show this week brought to us by the Corporate Nanny Network. The missing piece of that show was that idiot Vanderbilt white haired twit. They could have used A.C. the sparkplug to try and crank up their miserable crappy ratings. I'd say more but I'm in the mandatory internment group already and only the CIA get to do structured eliminations.

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