Every good DARPA PSYOP has multiple objectives. Any action that doesn't achieve at least two productive results is never taken unless absolutely necessary. You know this Sage.

It is 100% about vaccines combined with many other primary goals. Everything they do is game theorized to death to achieve maximum physical, spiritual, and psychological dominance from every angle achievable.

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Multiple objectives indeed.

The laser focus on Jabs Bad was always a limited hangout.

The preoccupation with "safer" vaccines and a Potemkin Village *Dissident* medical freedom (not a) movement jerking off about "alternative treatments" about a faked, staged pandemic was never about the bait that was presented.

“I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.”

I mean, sure, as long as you know precisely and stuff, I guess it's okay to hold people down and push the injections into their bodies...*Is "WE" code for THE GOVERNMENT AND "THE EXPERTS"?




The Owners knew they were going to run a pandemic.

With Operation Lockstep Rockefeller Lockdowns.

They knew they were going to inject the WORLD with gene editing kancer/infertility shots.

They knew that people would find out. This was scripted explicitly in SPARS.

"Vaccines" and the backlash were the proxy for the War on Germs and a staged feud about what mistakes were made. And I think we were supposed to be asleep again and frankly...outside this bubble...maybe the masses are asleep.

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Very much the same way that you could say that none of this was ever about "woke".

These are chips in play to engineer backlashes and then slip in your Trojan Horse Rescuers.

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My husband asked today why would the Democratic Party make the transgender/woke issues their hill to die on?

Why, they didn’t choose it, of course. Tavistock inflicted it upon the West, and as the Day Tapes remind us, people will react in a predictable fashion. With little encouragement the blues did their thing and the reds predictably reacted.

Now the pendulum swings, and the ‘common sense’ narrative draws the purple and blue. Who will stand with the last of the ‘wacko lefties’ who said men could be women?


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Zion Hedge, btw.

Their role is to perpetuate the social issue Kolor Revolution agenda which their other Zion Team instigated.

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I didn’t know that when I started my truth journey back in 2020. Back then they were just telling me what I wanted to hear.

For the last four years, every day I’ve looked at the (left and right proxies) DailyMail and ZeroHedge headlines, captured quotes from articles that I thought The People should be aware of, and sent them off on twitter.

As my knowledge base continued to grow (I credit my waking up to this stack - ty!) I began to see that ZeroHedge was holding up and reinforcing Covid narratives. Lots of wellness company sponsored content. Now I see it as Red Propaganda Central.

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Have you seen this? Just in..... how billy became becky (and parents weren't told)

and other adventures in "the state owns your kids."

“As per our understanding of Supreme Court precedent, our pluralistic society assigns those curricular and administrative decisions to the expertise of school officials, charged with the responsibility of educating children,” the court continued. “And the Protocol of nondisclosure as to a student’s at-school gender expression without the student’s consent does not restrict parental rights in a way courts have recognized as a violation of the guarantees of substantive due process.”


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Lockstep - Scenarios For The Future of Technology - Rockefeller Institute

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☝️ Per SPARS, the messaging operation, you can extrapolate that they would have a Great Barrington (pro jab) crew ready to be positioned as *dissidents* on that exercise.

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And now in the UK the Ukraine situation is the new covid , with enforcers and blasphemers

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War theatre. Hmmm.

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"And I think we were supposed to be asleep again and frankly...outside this bubble...maybe the masses are asleep"


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Look on the bright side: Noahide.

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Goddamn, Sage.

“The Wokelash”

I might almost be ready to re-up my subscription based on that one neologism 👍👍👍

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Sage, have you read any of Fadi Lama’s stuff?



Feels somewhat Unz-ian in terms of logical orientation… but perhaps coming from a longer time horizon and/or more international perspective?

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai called it like it is.. RFK Jr. is a grifter!!

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Branded him "Booby"

i.e. >> doofus, ding-dong, simp, goof, nincompoop

e.g. >> " CIA killed my Daddy, gimme some smack so I can self-medicate"

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He’s fooled the masses into believing his voice was ruined from the flu jab.. when it fact it was because he slammed an 8 ball of cocaine. He was known to sell it.


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No, his voice problems began only about 15 years ago, long after his drug days were far behind him.

Who wants to be judged by what they did as their 20 year old selves? I sure don’t…

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That’s the narrative. Some words of advice..” Don’t always believe the propaganda that comes out of the mouths of those that are corrupt.” He had taken money from the very entity that he proclaims to be against.. aka, Pfizer. I’m not judging, only stating facts!! There’s no hero coming to save us.. we have to do that ourselves!!

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What’s an 8 ball of cocaine?

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He didn't look well last night at that Trump speech. He also looked very uncomfortable, like he didn't want to be there. The same for Marco too. Even Elon seemed a bit off, like not his usual behavior. It was a very entertaining speech though, so I am glad I watched it, since I normally don't watch the clown shows.

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I hope that you are wrong… but I feel that you are right.

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And a Zionist cocksucker

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and shiva?

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Exactly Correct.

Endless Spin of The Wheel of Fortune.

From Tarot Card to "The Price is Right"

Never about medical health .. always about Someone Else's Money.

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Mass murder by every means possible.

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Digging your blog, BTW.

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Zionism is a nationalist movement, and a secular movement. References to religion are just ornamental. Or a distraction if you will. Prove that statement wrong, anyone.

Nationalism brings ruin to nations.

Example: Germany was not destroyed by her enemies. Germany was destroyed first by the Nazis. Then, the rivals of the Nazis took over and finished the job. Germany would never be back. It could only change and submit to the unquestionable will of her new masters.

Question 1: did the Zionists invent Nazism?

I don't know enough. Maybe.

Did you know that Adolf Hitler learned to hate the Jews in the Summer of 1919, when he was 30 years old?

This happened after the failed communist revolution in Germany, and in that summer is when Hitler seemingly got captured by the cult known as the Thule society.

If someone has a better explanation for the timeline of events 1918-1920, regarding the origins of Nazism and the birth of Hitler as a mystical leader of the workers' revolution, please, bring it to the table.

Just how many "Chosen by the Gods" leaders emerged in the world between year 1900 and 1999? It's possible that that was the period with the most mystical leaders of all time.

Did the Zionists invent, in any way, the Thule Society? It's a pretty occult matter. Who knows, maybe the Rockies are behind the Thule Society. Maybe the Fabians? The Theosophists and the Anthroposophists? Other types of sophists? the Freudians? Someone else? Maybe they are all cousins?

Question 2: Do the Zionists care about religious Jews, socialist Jews, secular Jews, in the sense that they are taken as part of their ideal Nation, or, are they using them as tools to conquer the enemies of their Nation, and will be dealt with later?

I suspect so.

Question 3: are the Zionists running today a campaign to promote Nationalism in the US, to destroy that Nation?

Question 4: About the "people" who go through substack's boards, those accounts without followers and without more than one or two substacks they subscribe to, fomenting hate to all Jews, political and personal hate, are they Mossad spooks trying to create a Nationalist revolution and bring waste to the US?

Question 5: Why would it be that the Americans who were fooled by the covid psyop now have learned their lesson, and are not being fooled by Zionists who try to destroy the US?

I've seen over the years that proud, hubristic people always find a way to blame others about everything, and they invent preposterous stories which they repeat over and over, like JJ Couey does. But repetition is not an argument. And assertion is not evidence.

Untrammeled skepticism coupled with empiricism leads to solipsism and irrealism. I've been saying that for at least six hundred years now.

I've watched people who have managed to convince themselves that they won't be fooled again. They have not learned humility, which would be the one thing that can help them the most in this war.

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"You must remember what Amalek has done to you..."



It's in the Good Book, Rog.


Go to some Bible Thumping Jeeebus Christian Zionist Church or just hang out with Hegsdeath and tell me it's "ornamental"

1samuel 15:3

According to 1 Samuel 15:3, God instructs King Saul through the prophet Samuel to attack the Amalekites and devote everything that belongs to them to destruction. The command is explicit and includes:

Slaying both men and women

Killing infants and sucklings (young children)

Destroying oxen, sheep, camels, and asses (livestock)

This command is part of God’s judgment against the Amalekites, who had previously attacked and oppressed the Israelites during their journey from Egypt to Canaan (1 Samuel 15:2). The destruction was intended to be complete, with no sparing of any Amalekite life or property.

Context and Interpretation

It’s essential to consider the historical and theological context of this passage. The Amalekites were a pagan nation that had committed a grave sin against God’s people, Israel. Their destruction was a demonstration of God’s justice and wrath against those who opposed His chosen people.

Some interpreters have raised questions about the morality of this command, particularly regarding the killing of innocent children. However, the biblical narrative assumes that all people are born with a sin nature (Psalm 51:5) and that children who die before reaching the age of accountability are saved (2 Samuel 12:23).

Key Takeaways

God’s command to destroy the Amalekites was a demonstration of His justice and wrath against those who opposed His people.

The destruction was intended to be complete, with no sparing of any Amalekite life or property.

The command is part of a larger narrative about God’s relationship with His chosen people, Israel, and His judgment against those who oppose them.

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By the way, in the Bible, God warns the Iraelites: if you betray my covenant, I will destroy you.

Any non-zionist Christian can tell you that God destroyed Israel, because Israel betrayed God. God keeps his word, but men do not.

Zionists are anti-Jews.

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"Any non-zionist Christian" has elided parts of the Comic Book that they don't like.

It's made up comic book but the book is the book.

Personally I think it's 100% fable, but there are people who argue it like viruses and astrology.

If you want to pick and choose the "real" stuff, go right ahead. You will not find widespread agreement and here we are, people just making shit up like GVB in the Spike Chopper.

Your guiding premise, which per usual, you are dancing all over the chess board, which is what you do 999/1000 that Zionism is not Judaism which I tried to discuss upon the merits of the comic book texts.

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I think you are wrong about the nature of Zionism.

About the Holy Bible, you are also wrong, but I'm not debating that. God made you free to choose, and I'm not an apostle.

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The entire story of Zion and the Chosen Tribe comes from where?

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To keep it short, because I've written too much on the other subthread, my point is that Zionism is not the biblical story. We disagree on that.

I believe the old covenant ended, and a new covenant started. In the new covenant, there is no distintction between jews and gentiles. No more tribes, no more genealogies, no more high priests, no more sacrifices. Since the start of the new covenant, many people were offered the good news, and rejected it. They kept inventing other religions. The Holy Bible does not tell people to invent new religions, but to trust God. It is the religions who tell people to trust themselves, and their leaders, and to not trust God.

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So, do you think Netanyahu is a religious man?

I say he is no more religious than Trump.

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Rog, your premise is that Zionism is disconnected from the religion.

The religious texts are Zionist.

If the people follow the book, then they will necessarily be Zionist in good faith to the tenets of their religion.

I've run numerous of rabbis stating thus.

Your taxonomy of "religious" is the same old No True Scotsman that every person uses when the texts that are "Holy" are inconvenient.

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For me, the State is Religion.

The old world version of religions became refurbished into the modern State. The State cannot allow any opposition. The different States are always competing with each other. The stated supersedes old political forms: monarchy, republic, oligarchy.

Zionists used the concept of the modern State and the newer developments of materialist philosophy to create a newer version of the State, in which there is no more separation: war is religion, war is government, war is freedom, war is life.

Zionism is the Total State. It's a religion of religions. And there is no God, personal or impersonal, in Zionism.

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Cool, so you deviated with your own definition about Religion from the texts of the Comic Book.

You can create all the new definitions and taxonomy you like.

Everybody does and thus this topic is impossible to discuss because eerrrryyyybbooooddddyyyyy just pulling shit out of their ass.

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The fact of the matter is that Zionists are atheists.

Religion, in material terms, is an invention to manage people. Before there was politics, there were religions.

In our time is not a time dominated by religions as they used to be way in the past. Also, not a time dominated by religions as they used to only a few centuries ago. There was a transformation of religion. I didn't invent all this confusion. We all were born into it.

The State, today, manages religions, or mini-religions, to clarify what I mean. Is one of the many subsystems it incorporated. But religion in general, as a total system of control, is now secular, non-mystical, purely military/commercial.

My argument is, that Zionism is not one of those modern mini-religions managed by the modern State.

Rather, Zionism is the new fusion of the modern State and Religion-the-total-system-of-control. The particulars of each mini-religion are not important. People are allowed to get drunk on whatever they want. The important thing about the State is total submission. The State can do things no one else is allowed to do. And Zionism aims to expand that as much as possible. In that sense, Zionism absorbs religion as the-total-system-of-control.

Modern Judaism was always a minority religion, powerless, and people born into it tried to leave it as soon as possible: they became Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Bankers, Marxists or Comedians. Anything but the Jewish religion.

Ask any secular "Jew," who happens to not be a Zionist. They don't want anything to do with any mini-religion, and they hate the idea of rejoining State and Religion-the-total-system-of-control. Many of them even hate the State, but they will use it to defend from Zionism.

What is real, Sage? Do you imagine Zionists building a third temple, and having a dude in ful regalia as a high priest, with the twelve stones in his breastplate, and using the urim and the thumim to divide the land, and then they just go an live as shpherds and growing barley fields? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and the seat of Mercy, necessary for the High Priest? Where is the veil of the temple, and where are the lists of genealogies that say who is a Levite? Do the Zionists expect a blessing after exterminating or enslaving everyone else in the world, because they are so fanatically religious?

Get real, Sage. Zionists are

secular as fuck. It's not a mini-religion they are following. They are materialists. They have no spiritual beliefs. And the Zionists hold no traditional beliefs, other than what is useful to obtain keep power.

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"If someone has a better explanation for the timeline of events 1918-1920, regarding the origins of Nazism and the birth of Hitler as a mystical leader of the workers' revolution, please, bring it to the table."


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Live in the world but not be a part of it...your only salvation against the knuckleheads.

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