Hurry, you can get the emergency medical kit (treats one adult) for just $1,199!!!!!!! You’ll get about $75 worth of generic pills 💊 and some generic OTC stuff all in a nifty weatherproof case.

I’m all for alternatives to the current corrupt and hopelessly broken system of health in the country, but this is naked profiteering. Not unlike selling tap water in a disaster zone for $20 a bottle.

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Seed man was a real pioneer. (Alex Jones)

Even admitted that he pumped Y2K fear porn for personal profit.

Hong Kong is on fire too!


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For sure, da Sheboon be full of it... Sheeiit.

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Candace was hawking TWC grift for awhile and then she stopped. Wonder why

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I can think of 666 reasons why.

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That’s why her document from Macron was 33 pages I suppose.

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Conscience I hope

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Nah, she is a mercenary

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From the experts...I almost died from the mRNA injections but I still love 'em to death.

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That just means it's working.

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Use promo code "Sage" for a 2nd injection..

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I always suspected that Sage was secretly in on this whole De-Pop thing. 😠💉🤣🤣🤣How much off with the Promo code for the kill shot. Is it buy one, get one free?

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I was duped! 😅

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Free doughnut.

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Foster's all about health. So much so he will sell you generic Ozempic and erectile dysfunction meds. Fight the system!!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ Bahahahahahaha!

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And seeing how his family has been tasked with putting out fires in the LA area and it all burnt to the ground...his latest post is pretty classless! https://x.com/FosterCoulson/status/1877384036324139297

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His Unjected concern founder may beg to differ.

Shelby is strongly pointing to THOSE LASER BEAMS after Lahaina.

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He needs to Foster HIS Coulson 😎

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If you can't trust the sex doctor, whom can you trust?

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The Coulson pop has a fire arial contract with some CA counties via Southern California Edison-SCE. I know off topic, but something amiss about how this process is set up.

08 Jan 2025

Coulson Aviation helicopters help battle Los Angeles wildfires - Victoria Times Colonist


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Yeah….no doubt they are also part of the technocrats enhancing drones….to fight fires now, but what will they do with the tech when the people rage like a wildfire out of control?!

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I have yet to see people raging other than trying to eat my liver for pointing out obvious stuff.

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Yeah….I know….to be honest, I don’t understand the lack of rage. It’s bizarre and surreal…

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I’ve got a supplement for that 😉

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firefighters are very modern these days, using drones and what-not: "...Some UAS are compatible with aerial ignition devices called plastic sphere dispenser capabilities. These dispensers are capable of dropping incendiary objects from the aircraft, a function previously restricted to helicopters. Ping-pong balls, or “dragon eggs,” are filled with a chemical powder form of potassium permanganate and then injected with glycol upon release, causing a chemical reaction that ignites the ping-pongs. They are loaded into a hopper attached to larger drones and dropped...." - https://www.fs.usda.gov/inside-fs/delivering-mission/sustain/ping-pong-balls-and-drones-future-fire-forest

whooosh.... (but apparently necessary).

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Oh my, while the pong ball thing looks large in the hand, the drone appears small. Maybe it doesn’t take much for the ignition. Wonder what happens if they don’t ignite right away and how long before ignition and what it could take for them to ignite at a later date. Seems like it could be used in something at a later time than the actual drop time with some sort of time release.

They have a video showing how it works. The drone in this is larger than in the US forrest article. This shows the hopper under the drone.

17 Nov 2022

These fireball-dropping drones are on the frontlines of wildfire prevention | CNN Business


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I’ll no doubt say this again someplace else, but it is pertinent to your comment. I imagine a “War of the Worlds”-type scenario will be coming to a city landscape soon.

The “aliens” of course will be quite terrestrial.

Another classic, Wizard of Oz, comes to mind. Yet the global herders are far more clandestine and spread amongst several nodes, not just one megalomaniac.

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prevention, allegedly. or perhaps mistakes were made, the chemicals make for some pretty fireworks.

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Drones botching shit with their balls of fire.

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yup. apparently also known as either red or white 'dragon balls', lots of info on the internet (and some having to do w/gaming, hahaha). but I'm not so good at this stuff, my brain just stopped after the publication of Ut's picture 'Napalm Girl' (1972).

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Also, in the sidebar of your link is the “civilian” drone supposedly running into a super-scooper. Welp, as I’m sure you know, that story was placed to ground any civilian observations of what’s happening

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These articles did not include the drone incident, but that was used as part of grounding, but also a funny little trip by Biden just happened to be planned to get him into LA for the start of the fires.🤔.

Funny how Joey did not return to LA and let Kammie get to LA as her Brentwood home is over the hills from Pac Palisades.

If Biden would have returned immediately that could have allowed freeing up of airspace. While there is denial by some when any POTUS is in LA or last year Santa Barbara airport there are flight restrictions.

03 Jan 2025

Biden to visit Coachella Valley, possibly announcing nat'l monument


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One must ask….is TWC about setting up the online infrastructure for the coming shift in the healthcare paradigm?

Let’s face it…whether we like it or not TPTB are slowly killing (ironically through the efficiency and economy business model) the medical system. What they plan to replace it with is the bio surveillance decentralized personalized pile of BS that runs on algorithms, yada, yada, yada…

They have been working the same plan in the education sector. All the works is to be their factory running on innovative apps. Yada, yada, yada..

My take is TWC is meant to lead us into the new healthcare system as the technocrats envision it.

But they mean well…..🙄….they doth protest too much.

The reality….think about the contrived problem to sell us the pre-baked solution. Ta da!!!!!

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Partially, but the way they ran that place to begin patrolling the internet, doxxing Polly, Paul Alexander running around borderline threatening people etc...

I think they are a way to funnel money and reward loyal soldiers for staying on message and paying off the Conservative media (who are now IVM Reps).

Global Covid Summit had similar plans including media arm.

They basically took Big Pharm model and did a mini-version for the run-off team.

It more or less worked.

Heather Gessling hung out here one day and she was at both GCS and TWC and she got out of TWC

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Cliff Hi podcast nails it.

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For all her flaws, I really do like Candace tho.

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Why does Candace not talk about Queer Barry Soetoro and Big Mike? MICHAEL L. ROBINSON IS A MAN. To answer her question: yes, it is that bad in France...all of Europe. More freedom in Russia.

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MSM bong rippers call him "antivax" -- interesting how capture works.

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Sage, I've been reading you for awhile now. I understand why you are skeptical, however, it seems that has morphed into full-blown cynicism of everyone and everything.

I am much more interested in DOING something to change the current negative narrative.

Do you have anything in the way of an inspiring idea(s) of where to go from here?

Am I missing something?

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You are missing that you want a storytime solution stack and I want to solve the case like a detective.




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One of best friends is an LMFT. I drive her crazy because I problem-solve by collecting as many facts as I can. And I keep going no matter what. She considers "my need to know" as an anxiety disorder.

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It’s okay to not know and simply reject the absurd. Generally speaking that’s how I operate. We are not meant to know.

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Sage, I think you misunderstand where I am coming from.

I ADMIRE (all caps also intentional) and RESPECT all the rabbit holes you’ve gone down. I have gone down a lot of them myself, and I (mostly) AGREE with you.

I am NOT naive.

I am however, looking for solid ideas with which to implement a way out of the dark insane psychopathic place we have found ourselves. I haven’t found any yet.

And if that is not what you wish to write about, I’m sorry to have bothered you.

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Sometimes my caps lock get stuck.

If you are interested in DOING SOMETHING then do something.

I'm doing what I do. You walked into a Wendy's. We do burgers and chili and stuff. 😅

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But you still carry Frostys, right? right?

Can't I get a Frosty with my chili?

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Why do you want to 'solve the case' though? What happens once the case is solved?

I get the reference to Corbett. The reason he can successfully keep people pacified is because 'they' know we need/want solutions so they use him and others to feed us garbage solutions that will never move the dial... running out the clock.

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What do you care?

Why do you like to paint? Or lift weights?

Who the fuck are you?

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Because I'm a nosey so and so and just want to know.

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I want to know what is real.

I want to document how the human condition turns evil.

How it gets done. Why it gets done.

Solutions are 100% captured and not my strong suit. Every single time someone rolls in whining about solutions they just mean:



3. I have agenda to manage. Etc.

Solutions are tailor made to people who simply don't think things through often. And just want the trains to run on time.

I'm not a train engineer. I'm an analyst and am intensely curious.

Now why don't you buy me a$5 coffee as I just gave you more authenticity than you will find on the entire net.

Or not.

I'm gonna do what I do and another person that doesn't understand reporting but wants advocacy and placation will be along shortly

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If it gets too bleak just take some Tamiflu and visit Kanada and make use of their assisted suicide program and maybe Foster's helicopters will save you from when the wildfires visit your crib.

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If the Ko-Fi pipeline is getting lean, I read somewhere that Hallmark Cards is hiring temps for designing new Valentine's Day cards...you know, to celebrate "We Won!"

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Thanks for the chuckle today, Grüß Gott.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you are missing something. But your comment is a perfect teachers aid for what gaslighting looks like. Sage has a gift for digging up controlled opposition agenda. Could save a life, or some. Kinda doing something lol.

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I'm not ready to give up on solutions. If many fewer healthy 14-yr-old girls get double mastectomies during the "Trump Administration", I'll count them as having found or initiated a solution. Of course, that's not me DOING something; but I still will support them in that effort. There are groups funding litigation by young adults who were surgically mutilated as children - contribute! None of that deters me from contesting or understanding pacification and control.

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HOw will you support them in that effort? Like a sportsball enthusiast "supports" "his" team by wearing branded clothing or chanting a catchy rhyme that includes the team's name, or something more substantial?

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I could have expressed my point better without "support" - (I don't do sportsball). I expect to gain some satisfaction - in the next few years ahead- that fewer young women (than would have during a Harris Admin) are undergoing double mastectomies that leave them with huge scars and very often life-long severe pain (and much more). Don't they count? I get Sage, I do. But how is curtailing the surgical mutilation of children, itself, a "source for more shitfuckery" ?

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False sense of success. Meanwhile the main agenda keeps rolling out.

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Again, I agree that I am at risk of misunderstanding and embracing a "a false sense of success" - but the young women who narrowly evade surgical mutilation (directly due to the policy choices of a Trump administration) will know they escaped great harm. The accounts are out there - 20-something women who understand how desperately confused they were as 14 year olds and who either deeply regret their mutilation or feel great joy at having made the right decisions and escaped their confusion intact.

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I'll concede it's a minor success but only for those affected by such things. The main agenda will carry on without a hiccup.

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Fight fire with fire. You want soy boys?

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wellness company is fronted by change agents and are not to be trusted.

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I'll never forget Amazing Polly's video on this Wellness Club (oh, sorry, company) snicker. She was spot on and had the receipts if you will all there. And they attacked her. Sabrina Wallace talks OVER AND OVER again about how most of these REMEDIES are or maybe are a little piece of the solution. Most all knows what is really going on, but rather profit off the potential of something offering relief. Sabrina Wallace (a bit quirky) and Amazing Polly have the best path so far to the truth of the BIG PICTURE. Candice -? she either sold out? or got replaced. God Bless us All. WBAN

Electrical Magnetic fields, Biofields, the HUMAN BODY - hijacked. Go find that rabbit and go down the hole with it.

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Don’t forget David A. Hughes’s Omniwar and his three tiers.

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Speaking of Coulson, read an outfit supposed to fight the fires was this: https://www.coulsonaviationusa.com/ Which raised an eyebrow, but I’m not sure related

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Wait a sec

“Foster Coulson is a Canadian entrepreneur based in Miami, Florida”


and then


“ Foster Coulson is known for World on Fire - Aerial Firefighting, …”

there might be a thing here


“ With help from Foster’s father, Wayne, CFP grew into the Port Alberni–based Coulson Group of Companies, whose holdings include an aviation division. ”


“ Crews flying helicopters owned by Port Alberni-based Coulson Aviation that are fighting wildfires around Los Angeles caught a break Friday as winds fanning the flames have died down.

“The weekend looks good,” said company CEO Wayne Coulson. “I think we’ve got a 36- to 48-hour reprieve to get the house in order, for our part anyways.”

Coulson operates three twin-rotor Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter tankers on contract with the utility firm Southern California Edison to act as a 24-hour quick-reaction fire response across three counties. Friday’s weather was an improvement since Tuesday when the howling Santa Ana winds kept them grounded.”

Wait. What did we read above? “With help from Foster’s father, Wayne”…

Is that a slight coincidence?

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Got tired of this after the first few minutes of the real estate price tour plunge and Soya Boy hasn't a clue about what he is talking about. I lived in Malibu and Santa Monica and I'm no millionaires son. My family has been in Los Angeles and Santa Monica since 1930s, I have to tell him that hippies were living in Benedict Canyon since the1960s...lights still on in Burbank? FIGURES - - blaze has missed big nose studios? Got a match??

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