The Not a Movement is (still) not a movement.
The End.
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Just Not a Movement stuff.
In 2022, my first year here, I rapidly grasped that a lot of people arrived at Jabs Bad Island.
By early 2023, the outlines of shitfuckery were becoming even more clear.
The people who arrived at Jabs Bad Island turned it into Lord of the Flies.
The island was already awash in plants.
Spies, trolls, Mossad, CIA, COINTELPRO.
See the Owners didn’t run an Operation at this scope and not have a fully planned out Tier Two Runoff Team to vacuum you up and waste your time with lots of hopium.
The arrivals to JBI knew that the world had shifted.
They saw some lies. They could not ignore these lies any longer.
And yet they all brought their own world views and pet issues and ideologies to the island.
They brought their own Science and their own Heroes.
They bargain tenaciously with the diagnosis.
They are upset.
They are panicking.
Normal is not coming back, said Klaus.
The Heroes all turned out to be compromised and flipped in a hurry when shit got real.
The Agendas continue.
The fires continue and the Dolts Botching Shit continues.
Mistakes were made.
Let’s move on.
The worst is with each new Op, I get a cavalcade of new readers rolling in, usually from one fake side of the political paradigm or the other, and that would not be so terrible, but what is terrible is that they don’t know how to integrate into Logician Island, the lone outpost.
They want their paradigm cake and wish to eat it too.
That made no sense.
The worst part is that a lot of people have grandiosity.
They are loud people at the bar.
They are domineering people.
Full of shit.
Full of hubris.
Another crew does not want the kancer diagnosis.
They want to be told sweet nothings.
All of which will protect their pet issue derived from their fee-feee space from when they were a small child.
Helluva deal.
Homeland Security Ron Johnson held four or five Pacification and Control Jabs Bad hearings and then moved on to the real issue harming the populace: Froot Loops and Breakfast Cereals.
The Big Smart Yalie rolled in and cursed at me because I was calling the balls out the chute and STUFF IS HEBBBENING BEHIND THE SCENES.
Narrator: But stuff was not hebbeening.
Just offer the A'holes 'Turbo Blessings' whilst serving the cake.