"Not even three days and Donald Trump is already working with Jewish Billionaires to give us mRNA *vaccines* with Israeli companies."
Talk about reducing the sauce, Adam Green and Amazing Polly! We gonna add value and dive a bit deeper
Okay, here is the announcement of more magical gene editing plug and play mRNA to cure what ails you.
Sarah wrote this up.
Adam Green promo codes Amazing Polly here and sums it up nicely.
Video clip (1:24)
Let’s add some value and earn our Smashies now.
promo code: nonvaxer420
From last year.
I’ll just re-print the whole post right here.
Sure. Why not?
NY Post: “Marco and I were working on his most inspiring idea to cure cancer leveraging nanotechnologies and Ai the last six years”
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki's son had recently died of a reported drug overdose
Aug 12, 2024
∙ Paid
YouTube Chief Susan Wojcicki recently passed away from Turbo Cancer.
Her son, Marco Troper, had recently died of a reported drug overdose.
His aunt, Anne Wojcicki, is the co-founder of the genetic testing giant 23andMe.
The teen’s cause of death has been listed as “acute combined drug toxicity,” with the report noting that it is believed to have been an accidental overdose.
The freshman math major was found unresponsive in his dorm room on UC Berkeley’s Clark Kerr campus on Feb. 13.
Moonshot Kid
Troper was remembered by his mentor, Professor Freedom Cheteni, as a “moonshot kid.”
“Marco and I were working on his most inspiring idea to cure cancer leveraging nanotechnologies and Ai the last six years,” Cheteni wrote, alongside photos of Troper and his cousins as children.
Okay, sorry, we went in the weeds with the links. There’s a bunch more, but let’s focus on the dots for today’s Silicon Valley, DOD, Israeli plans to ::wink wink:: cure cancer with mRNA vaccines.
To recap a bit.
19-year old Marco Troper, son of allegedly dead from Turbo Cancer YouTube chieftess had a dream about saving people from cancer with nanotechnologies and AI.
Troper was remembered by his mentor, Professor Freedom Cheteni, as a “moonshot kid.”
“Marco and I were working on his most inspiring idea to cure cancer leveraging nanotechnologies and Ai the last six years,” Cheteni wrote, alongside photos of Troper and his cousins as children.
What an astonishing dream for a young fellow to have, shared by other astonishing benevolent dreamers.
I kinda have to point out that this dream was shared by some other people.
April 20, 2023
April 12, 2023
“…accelerating synthetic mRNA technology was another silver lining.”
April 19, 2023
“mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter”
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
We all have the tendency to paint issues with a broad brush. That is to see things one way for intellectual simplicity. “All pharmaceuticals are bad” or “I don’t trust any vaccine.” It is even more tempting to take a negative view on all new technology when the product launch in humans fails to a large degree.
These old mental saws could apply to mRNA vaccines…
The Halma paper points out that safe mRNA products are possible. For example, properly designed mRNA coding for normal proteins that are deficient or ones that are sufficiently humanized and not recognized by the body as foreign could indeed become part of the future pharmacopeia. But there is no doubt that the first use of mRNA on a mass, indiscriminate scale has been a disaster with the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
The Tier Two Mossad Media has to try and parse this and explain it away.
But Donald did tell you if you are fluent in bullshit.
SayanimGreen and Spooky Carlson told you.
Here is Nass hanging out with Abby Rockefeller at the Bobby Kennedy campaign rollout.
Got in the weeds again.
Legend has it that some enterprising young minds also made Google in the Wojcicki garage.
2018 article.
Wojcicki is the oldest of three sisters. Her youngest sister, Anne Wojcicki, is cofounder and CEO of the genetics company, 23andMe.
Anne would go on to marry and later divorce Sergey Brin.
Wojcicki charged (Google founders) Larry Page and Sergey Brin $1,700 per month to rent out the garage space.
Source: USA Today
Google founders! ☝️
Google is Public Private Partnership US Military!
As is Facebook!
As is Twitter!
Anyway, quite a lineage with the YouTube-Google-Silicon Valley-Cure Cancer-Stanford (Elon Musk, Elizabeth Holmes, Jay Bhattacharya, Andrew Huberman) family.
Gonna tread carefully now.
I don’t really think the Richest People in the World and their Global Mall Cop Services long to cure cancer.
pssst…They told you.
Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."
Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.
This post was a ride, huh?
(I don’t think she’s dead.)
I dreamed a dream…
Of less Useless Eaters!
Of Slaves and Technostates…
Of Dead Goyim and Dead Amalek!
Connections, connections.....
Growing up on campuses, sneaking into computing labs, doing awesome things in garages, dreaming.....
The three Wojcickis: 'We three are gathered here again....' Cut out the ghastly smiles, and look at the eyes.
I do object to being murdered by ghetto trash.
DANG SAGE, one of your best ever!