"Computer centers were intimidating places in 1969. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. Time on them did not come cheaply and was tightly rationed. And the computer room in Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was no exception.
In one corner of the room sat a state-of-the-art Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7 computer. Off limits to the countless engineering students, it was reserved for a small group of researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and busy inventing the technology that would evolve into the Internet.
Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA.
"He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first."
But something about Kirsch reminded Cerf of himself at that age. "A part of me said, 'Be nice to the kid, you can't buy enthusiasm'." So Cerf and his colleagues set up Kirsch with a computer account.
Kirsch was thrilled, his parents less so, since he took to sneaking out of the house at 4 a.m. to bike over to UCLA. (Computer terminals were more likely to be available in the wee hours.) Eventually the boy was handed a real job--write a program to send and receive electronic mail.
As a former Oracle employee and listened to some of Elison’s speeches first hand at sales meetings, I can assure you Elison doesn’t give a shit about curing cancer for the plebs.
Again there were many people who have step forward these 100 years with cancer cures and data to prove it. They did everything they could to squash the person. Cancer is having your lymph nodes clogged up just like your kitchen sink gets clogged from time to time. There can be several ways sometimes to unclog the body. Not that the our Over Lords care. Well they care about having very toxic pretend profitable cancer treatments.
In addition, I’ll never believe that AI can scan our blood to find cancer, let em know what specific cancer, then make a custom mRNA LNP “vaccine” to “cure” said cancer. That is utter bullshit to the core! No f’n way! No AI will ever trump the awesomeness of the human body! And no amount of mRNA LNP crap can ever cure a thing! All of it is a bio weapon for depop! Period. They’re insane!
I think I have a friend going through this now. They say he has cancer based on blood tests for over 2 years now. He’s had all these crazy medicines that make him sick. He’s vaxxed to the max and no idea he’s a lab rat.
Turbo ca across the street - my data points are limited but full on.on a street of injected many times types. Lady has been going for chemo treatments in the summer , now on weekly immuno stuff - but still gets something regardless when out and about or travelling . Showed me papers she signed = 10 pages of a consent form to get an "experimental treatment "targeting the one spot they can't seem to eradicate - she was happy to sign it . I'll be watching and listening with what transpires since it's another guinea pig stepping up to the plate for the good of us all
Yep, we are great lab rats to test Gof. Fauci gave up the gig. We have been used as medical test subject for years. We, as a population, are just now realizing how much we have been manipulated. We have no freedom & it's horrifying.
I do not know how the mirage can continue to deny the eggs to the People. Eggheads may rouze up over Flu Fraud. When the last chicken is killed or vaccinated to save mankind at that point the fight begins.
No doubt about that, and not only was his 'Stargate' scam announced prematurely, but the 2 exceptions to his order to stop foreign aid are Israel and Egypt. How predictable for Israel, but I'm wondering why Egypt?
Meryl Nass trying to rally the moronic MAHA crowd to RFK confirmation hearing b/c he's going to save America from seed oils, except I think they just appointed one their lobbyists, maybe as HHS deputy
Naomi Wolf saying that of course they want to kill off useless eaters b/c AI is going to take their jobs--apparently, after how many years as a fake covid dissident, she hasn't heard about the AI digital surveillance prison and the transhumanist agenda??
And that Sayer Ji (married to the pole dancing doctor) was out there rallying the MAHA crowd for kennedy, saying MAHA is all about banning mRNA (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), so I said, "yeah, right, so how come Kennedy never mentions that?"... Oh, it's all about the secret plan, he has to get confirmed first. (don't think I mentioned, there was a quick video of Kennedy in a hallway in pits of hell DC, questioned by whore fake reporter "do you support the polio vax" Kennedy of course said yes. But he's going to save us from the seed oils, thank God!!
I honestly can't stand it at this point. I'd seriously turn to drink if it would help- we're beyond f*cked b/c of morons, hopium addicts, emotional children who can't face reality and epic psychopathic predator banking dynasties, and treasonous scumbags.
Saturdays. Saturn day. Drilling down into pretty much any topic if you dare to continue it doesn't take long before you break through the increasingly flimsy veneer of the narrative into the topsy turvy realm of the real where nothing is as it seems, and we are being hunted by a relentless multi generational self designated Chosenite predator class that are gleefully aware of the absurdities and have magic decoder ring cheat codes they are busily applying to ensure they murder and enslave us all before we catch on to the fuckery.
Not just any old mRNA poisons, but personally tailored mRNA poisons on demand for whichever cancer particles you want to propagate as you fulfill the demands of bourla, gates, ellison, and musk that you be turned into dust.
In light of giving cancer to everyone they can. Here's certainly one mechanism. Just listened to this interview about the war on farmers/farms. This is in Europe. It appears that the ultimate goal is to do away with natural foods, especially proteins (starting with cows, milk, chickens, eggs) and replace it with artificial foods like lab grown meat, insects, jellyfish, etc. I just ran across this interview by James Delingpole with a woman who's studied it with James Delingpole. https://odysee.com/@JamesDelingpoleChannel:0/2025-01-13-Sandi-Adams:6.
I think in the US they may be working toward the same goals, but perhaps in a slightly different way. Certainly the zero carbon thing is taking hold like wildfire here, and to mention the real fires attacking the food system. California being one place that grows a lot of food, and the Amish and other farmland around East Palestine, OH train plus all the processing plants, bird flu, etc etc.
It seems like I've heard about these customized cancer treatments for a very long time, so it's not a new tech, just being touted as such.
It's striking how they treat each cancer patient as "special and unique" a treatment targeted "just for you." What a sales pitch! A cancer patient is often willing to try anything that "might" work. They have been scaring people about cancer for decades.
In addition, I've heard for years that we all have cancer cells circulating all of the time, but our immune system takes care of them before they get out of hand. So, will they find those, and declare a person has cancer?
As was said, first they give people cancer via the shots and general crap they put in food, meds, environment, wrong advice about staying healthy, etc. Then they want to "cure" it with a targeted treatment that involves studying the person's genes.
Cancer cells are immortal (the host may die, tho). Makes sense to study such cells if one is aiming for immortality.
My question about the observation that we all have some cancer cells circulating at any one time: Would this simply be an overshoot of some normal mechanism that helps keep cell life going?
since you mentioned the youtube Susan Wojcicki who died of turbo cancer, fwiw during the interrogation of Casey Means w/Dr Mary Bowden and Dr. Kruse, Kruse was questioning Means on what his mother died of, what her death certificate said and then seemed to add out of nowhere how death records are public documents and that there was no death record on Susan Wojcicki.
I have no idea what that's about or how to make sense of it, or if it's even true, but I thought it was interesting.
Thats because Kruse was trying to link her death to the c19 shots. Because people are ignoring the connections between the increased rates of cancer over the decades with increased exposure to blue light and nNative EMR/Vs, and the unusual rapid surge in hyperprogressive cancers, AKA "turbo cancer", coinciding with the roll out of c19 mRNA shots.😐
He knows these are mitochondrial bioweapons by design.
These cancers are behavingbin ways we've never seen before- 3 different types of rare type cancer, appearing in different organs, within the same person!😐
VERY interesting. (BTW, It's fine with me if she's truly dead, LOL.)
These wealthy villains, having served their master, have enough money to fake their own death, and vanish somewhere. (Maybe Miles Mathis will write a future article how she faked it all?)
Meanwhile, other supposed millionaires, like Mick Jagger/Keith Richards and Paul McCartney 2.0, though perhaps not as villainous as Wojcicki, --are apparently not free to exit showbiz/the public sphere, but seem bound by contract (signed in blood?) to sing and dance on stage until they drop DEAD ... to keep the money flowing in! Or they just love performing? Personally if I were in my 80s, I'd much rather enjoy my final years with family/friends.
As Джил has observed, "The devil drives a hard bargain, huh?"
You could very well be right that they're greedy narcissicists. It's difficult for me to even imagine what all goes down in the Hollywood/music industry/pedophile/intergenerational/military intelligence cult!
"Operation Ore: The Gamble Connection" [short article]
oh, yeah, Heather Mills--I used to follow Cynthia Hodges Plastic Macca blog (about faux paul, the whole replacement) and she played a video of Mills going off, maybe threatening Faul, seemed to hint that she knew the truth about him being a fraud, I think she might have felt her life was in danger, so she was on TV and seemed to say something like she has the info in a secured place, so if anything happened to her, it would get released
I once had a friend and martial arts student who was a reformed Satan worshipper who knew Ellison from inside those circles. He said that Ellison was connected to Larry King of the Franklin cover up. King disappeared. My student Barry disappeared as well.
Kind of like watching (Not A) Queen-Turned-Vanilla-Ice BeyBey fake-singing at Barry and Michael’s Snogueration. Damn, Imma need to go to my hair person and get the 411 at Wigs-R-Us!
A made-up company I just thought up BUT the wigs these days... errrrbody can look fabulous for days (wigs with babyhair are the rage) and Indian hair is best!
So where are these wigs happening? I don't think here, inthenotfrozennorth, but then maybe I don't get out enough or I'm not going to the right places.....!
The closest I've seen is a few blue/green, maybe pink, stripes in hair of early 20 yr olds.
Israeli scientists fuse ‘brain tissue’ and electronic chips to test autism treatment
Biotech startup Itay & Beyond uses AI analysis of a ‘brain-on-a-chip’ made from stem cells to predict drug efficacy for neuropsychiatric disorders, expedite testing and development
Plus I ❤️❤️❤️ his Midas-gold face bronzer! Hey, and I also watched his new/old movie called “The Apprentice” on Bezos-Prime! It’s SO him! Here I thought Dark Brandon was a Plagiarist Maximus! Not so!!! This flick has all of your fav types of characters in it! SEW 🧵 good!
Sage, do you remember the good ole days of pagerank?
Kids these day don't know this, but back in the day you could search something on google, and you could actually get relevant information instead of propaganda, thanks to pagerank.
If Google gave us the original pagerank again... could it be that people would be able to find a cheap cure for almost anything?
Connections, connections.....
Growing up on campuses, sneaking into computing labs, doing awesome things in garages, dreaming.....
The three Wojcickis: 'We three are gathered here again....' Cut out the ghastly smiles, and look at the eyes.
I do object to being murdered by ghetto trash.
"Computer centers were intimidating places in 1969. Machines were huge, locked in air-conditioned rooms, and fed with punched cards. Time on them did not come cheaply and was tightly rationed. And the computer room in Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), was no exception.
In one corner of the room sat a state-of-the-art Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7 computer. Off limits to the countless engineering students, it was reserved for a small group of researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and busy inventing the technology that would evolve into the Internet.
Among those researchers was Vinton Cerf, now senior vice president of Internet architecture and technology at Worldcom Inc., Ashburn, Va. One evening, he was sitting next to the Sigma 7 doing some programming when a scruffy 12-year-old with a piping voice interrupted him with a question, then asked another, and another. The kid was Steve Kirsch--or little Stevie, as he came to be known around UCLA.
"He must have grabbed the door when someone walked out of the room," Cerf said. The door was usually locked. "I didn't want to be bothered at first."
But something about Kirsch reminded Cerf of himself at that age. "A part of me said, 'Be nice to the kid, you can't buy enthusiasm'." So Cerf and his colleagues set up Kirsch with a computer account.
Kirsch was thrilled, his parents less so, since he took to sneaking out of the house at 4 a.m. to bike over to UCLA. (Computer terminals were more likely to be available in the wee hours.) Eventually the boy was handed a real job--write a program to send and receive electronic mail.
As a former Oracle employee and listened to some of Elison’s speeches first hand at sales meetings, I can assure you Elison doesn’t give a shit about curing cancer for the plebs.
Again there were many people who have step forward these 100 years with cancer cures and data to prove it. They did everything they could to squash the person. Cancer is having your lymph nodes clogged up just like your kitchen sink gets clogged from time to time. There can be several ways sometimes to unclog the body. Not that the our Over Lords care. Well they care about having very toxic pretend profitable cancer treatments.
In addition, I’ll never believe that AI can scan our blood to find cancer, let em know what specific cancer, then make a custom mRNA LNP “vaccine” to “cure” said cancer. That is utter bullshit to the core! No f’n way! No AI will ever trump the awesomeness of the human body! And no amount of mRNA LNP crap can ever cure a thing! All of it is a bio weapon for depop! Period. They’re insane!
I have a post percolating on this.
Here is the theme:
They know that cancer is a disease of the aging, says Bhattacharya, Rand Corporation paper, 2007.
They want to live forever, the Richest Scorpions.
They are hellbent on giving people cancer and trying out gene editing to unlock some knowledge...
Then they will kill everybody for real and have their long lives. *speculation as to plan*
The owners have NO desire to save the masses and useless eaters. But to test on them? yes
I think I have a friend going through this now. They say he has cancer based on blood tests for over 2 years now. He’s had all these crazy medicines that make him sick. He’s vaxxed to the max and no idea he’s a lab rat.
Turbo ca across the street - my data points are limited but full on.on a street of injected many times types. Lady has been going for chemo treatments in the summer , now on weekly immuno stuff - but still gets something regardless when out and about or travelling . Showed me papers she signed = 10 pages of a consent form to get an "experimental treatment "targeting the one spot they can't seem to eradicate - she was happy to sign it . I'll be watching and listening with what transpires since it's another guinea pig stepping up to the plate for the good of us all
give her some flowers to thank her for her service....?
Yep, we are great lab rats to test Gof. Fauci gave up the gig. We have been used as medical test subject for years. We, as a population, are just now realizing how much we have been manipulated. We have no freedom & it's horrifying.
I do not know how the mirage can continue to deny the eggs to the People. Eggheads may rouze up over Flu Fraud. When the last chicken is killed or vaccinated to save mankind at that point the fight begins.
Well, if they can send a man to the moon.
Emphasis on the word "if."
and "man"
No doubt about that, and not only was his 'Stargate' scam announced prematurely, but the 2 exceptions to his order to stop foreign aid are Israel and Egypt. How predictable for Israel, but I'm wondering why Egypt?
Isn’t Egypt part of the Greater Israel project?
Well, here is the Don announcing the quiet part out loud, even if it is from ZeroHedge.
We knew that was their plan for Gaza, but that is his public admission of it. For the record.
That must be the reason for the continued bribes to Egypt to take the Palestinians.
I didn't know that, but apparently so?
Apparently Syria and all of the 'Islamic' countries are also a part of that project now too.
"When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
When the hurly-burly’s done,
When the battle’s lost and won.
That will be ere the set of sun."
(Shakespeare, MacBeth)
When they were born, they were put into cradles made of Uglywood.
More dot connections...
DANG SAGE, one of your best ever!
Almost everyone you mentioned is also on Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Giving Pledge...seems like the roster for the Genocide Club.
Meryl Nass trying to rally the moronic MAHA crowd to RFK confirmation hearing b/c he's going to save America from seed oils, except I think they just appointed one their lobbyists, maybe as HHS deputy
Naomi Wolf saying that of course they want to kill off useless eaters b/c AI is going to take their jobs--apparently, after how many years as a fake covid dissident, she hasn't heard about the AI digital surveillance prison and the transhumanist agenda??
Yes Thomas Massie called out the Seed Oil lobbyist part.
Kailee Buller.
Andrea Lynn on Military Psy Op had a funny tweet:
"Make Seed Oils Great Again" #MAHA
And that Sayer Ji (married to the pole dancing doctor) was out there rallying the MAHA crowd for kennedy, saying MAHA is all about banning mRNA (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), so I said, "yeah, right, so how come Kennedy never mentions that?"... Oh, it's all about the secret plan, he has to get confirmed first. (don't think I mentioned, there was a quick video of Kennedy in a hallway in pits of hell DC, questioned by whore fake reporter "do you support the polio vax" Kennedy of course said yes. But he's going to save us from the seed oils, thank God!!
I honestly can't stand it at this point. I'd seriously turn to drink if it would help- we're beyond f*cked b/c of morons, hopium addicts, emotional children who can't face reality and epic psychopathic predator banking dynasties, and treasonous scumbags.
Saturdays. Saturn day. Drilling down into pretty much any topic if you dare to continue it doesn't take long before you break through the increasingly flimsy veneer of the narrative into the topsy turvy realm of the real where nothing is as it seems, and we are being hunted by a relentless multi generational self designated Chosenite predator class that are gleefully aware of the absurdities and have magic decoder ring cheat codes they are busily applying to ensure they murder and enslave us all before we catch on to the fuckery.
Not just any old mRNA poisons, but personally tailored mRNA poisons on demand for whichever cancer particles you want to propagate as you fulfill the demands of bourla, gates, ellison, and musk that you be turned into dust.
'ashes to ashes, dust to dust'
In light of giving cancer to everyone they can. Here's certainly one mechanism. Just listened to this interview about the war on farmers/farms. This is in Europe. It appears that the ultimate goal is to do away with natural foods, especially proteins (starting with cows, milk, chickens, eggs) and replace it with artificial foods like lab grown meat, insects, jellyfish, etc. I just ran across this interview by James Delingpole with a woman who's studied it with James Delingpole. https://odysee.com/@JamesDelingpoleChannel:0/2025-01-13-Sandi-Adams:6.
I think in the US they may be working toward the same goals, but perhaps in a slightly different way. Certainly the zero carbon thing is taking hold like wildfire here, and to mention the real fires attacking the food system. California being one place that grows a lot of food, and the Amish and other farmland around East Palestine, OH train plus all the processing plants, bird flu, etc etc.
It seems like I've heard about these customized cancer treatments for a very long time, so it's not a new tech, just being touted as such.
It's striking how they treat each cancer patient as "special and unique" a treatment targeted "just for you." What a sales pitch! A cancer patient is often willing to try anything that "might" work. They have been scaring people about cancer for decades.
In addition, I've heard for years that we all have cancer cells circulating all of the time, but our immune system takes care of them before they get out of hand. So, will they find those, and declare a person has cancer?
As was said, first they give people cancer via the shots and general crap they put in food, meds, environment, wrong advice about staying healthy, etc. Then they want to "cure" it with a targeted treatment that involves studying the person's genes.
Cancer cells are immortal (the host may die, tho). Makes sense to study such cells if one is aiming for immortality.
My question about the observation that we all have some cancer cells circulating at any one time: Would this simply be an overshoot of some normal mechanism that helps keep cell life going?
since you mentioned the youtube Susan Wojcicki who died of turbo cancer, fwiw during the interrogation of Casey Means w/Dr Mary Bowden and Dr. Kruse, Kruse was questioning Means on what his mother died of, what her death certificate said and then seemed to add out of nowhere how death records are public documents and that there was no death record on Susan Wojcicki.
I have no idea what that's about or how to make sense of it, or if it's even true, but I thought it was interesting.
Thats because Kruse was trying to link her death to the c19 shots. Because people are ignoring the connections between the increased rates of cancer over the decades with increased exposure to blue light and nNative EMR/Vs, and the unusual rapid surge in hyperprogressive cancers, AKA "turbo cancer", coinciding with the roll out of c19 mRNA shots.😐
He knows these are mitochondrial bioweapons by design.
These cancers are behavingbin ways we've never seen before- 3 different types of rare type cancer, appearing in different organs, within the same person!😐
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
VERY interesting. (BTW, It's fine with me if she's truly dead, LOL.)
These wealthy villains, having served their master, have enough money to fake their own death, and vanish somewhere. (Maybe Miles Mathis will write a future article how she faked it all?)
Meanwhile, other supposed millionaires, like Mick Jagger/Keith Richards and Paul McCartney 2.0, though perhaps not as villainous as Wojcicki, --are apparently not free to exit showbiz/the public sphere, but seem bound by contract (signed in blood?) to sing and dance on stage until they drop DEAD ... to keep the money flowing in! Or they just love performing? Personally if I were in my 80s, I'd much rather enjoy my final years with family/friends.
As Джил has observed, "The devil drives a hard bargain, huh?"
Yeah, I was wondering if they faked her death too.
Interesting take on the old rockers--I was just thinking it was their own greed and narcissism.
You could very well be right that they're greedy narcissicists. It's difficult for me to even imagine what all goes down in the Hollywood/music industry/pedophile/intergenerational/military intelligence cult!
"Operation Ore: The Gamble Connection" [short article]
oh, yeah, Heather Mills--I used to follow Cynthia Hodges Plastic Macca blog (about faux paul, the whole replacement) and she played a video of Mills going off, maybe threatening Faul, seemed to hint that she knew the truth about him being a fraud, I think she might have felt her life was in danger, so she was on TV and seemed to say something like she has the info in a secured place, so if anything happened to her, it would get released
♫ "Hey, Susan Wojcicki, I guess you kicked that bucket swiftly"♫
by Foundring (2024)
I once had a friend and martial arts student who was a reformed Satan worshipper who knew Ellison from inside those circles. He said that Ellison was connected to Larry King of the Franklin cover up. King disappeared. My student Barry disappeared as well.
Wow, evil is alive.
Dennis Troper is listed as one of the founding partners of TechAviv, Israeli Club and Fund. Sounds interesting…https://www.techaviv.com/fund
Great dig!
Oh!!! "The Godmother of silicon valley". Her daughter and grandson dies suddenly.
As was reported:
1. Her daughter died of turbo cancer.
2. And her grandson had a dream to solve cancer with AI and mRNA.
#2 grandson started ‘leveraging’ Ai and nanotech at age 13 according to the professor.?.
Sounds legit. 🤔
A dream that he found out was sabotaged.
You sure can tell a story Ms/Mr Hana, thank you for the comprehensive overview.
Thank you for the Susan Boyle!! I was just thinking of her the other day........yes indeed we have talent. Oops, she's British.
Well we have talent too! Sometimes we have TECHNICAL difficulties though.
Like when we've used all our "best and brightest" talent for bombs and death row injections and flying to the moon.
Guess we're just too tired and shot up to remember how to plug the plugs in. Or turn off the entertainment.
This performance might be an indicator of Star mRNAMAGA Gates success...... bwamp, bwamp bwamp.
"When you have technical difficulty YOU JUST KEEP GOING".
And you go dark when you lip synch.
And someone hands you your coat........
Kind of like watching (Not A) Queen-Turned-Vanilla-Ice BeyBey fake-singing at Barry and Michael’s Snogueration. Damn, Imma need to go to my hair person and get the 411 at Wigs-R-Us!
"411 Wigs-R-Us"?
Now I'm curious, what's that (and why?)
Hair that is all the shades of the rainbow and then some! Not cheap, either!
A made-up company I just thought up BUT the wigs these days... errrrbody can look fabulous for days (wigs with babyhair are the rage) and Indian hair is best!
You are in Cali? Just guessing here......
Sounds - entertaining.
Lived in Kali four times. As my friend LL would say, “Going back to Cali ...I don’t think so 😡” 🥷🏻
So where are these wigs happening? I don't think here, inthenotfrozennorth, but then maybe I don't get out enough or I'm not going to the right places.....!
The closest I've seen is a few blue/green, maybe pink, stripes in hair of early 20 yr olds.
Israeli scientists fuse ‘brain tissue’ and electronic chips to test autism treatment
Biotech startup Itay & Beyond uses AI analysis of a ‘brain-on-a-chip’ made from stem cells to predict drug efficacy for neuropsychiatric disorders, expedite testing and development
The modRNA platform is lethal... yes, we need to stop calling it mRNA when it is modified mRNA (modRNA).
How dare you impugn Donald J. Trump and his visions to cure cancer!
Don't you know he was saved by an assassin's bullet by Gawwwwwwdddd???
Plus I ❤️❤️❤️ his Midas-gold face bronzer! Hey, and I also watched his new/old movie called “The Apprentice” on Bezos-Prime! It’s SO him! Here I thought Dark Brandon was a Plagiarist Maximus! Not so!!! This flick has all of your fav types of characters in it! SEW 🧵 good!
Somebody should get him some stencils so he can spell out slogans and acronyms when he sprays that stuff on
That’s such an Insta idea! Run with it, Doctor!!!
Careful! I see a lightning bolt heading your way!
Sage, do you remember the good ole days of pagerank?
Kids these day don't know this, but back in the day you could search something on google, and you could actually get relevant information instead of propaganda, thanks to pagerank.
If Google gave us the original pagerank again... could it be that people would be able to find a cheap cure for almost anything?
Now, now, what kind of business is that?