Part of the rationale for allowing pharma to escape vaccine liability is that vaccines are considered to be "unavoidably unsafe products."
Therefore, so the (warped) thinking goes, we the citizens through our government must shield pharma from liability though they cause Big Harma to the injectees most of whom are little children. So pharma profits while people get hurt, and government pays out settlements on a small percentage of claims made.
I think it's time to stop shielding the vax makers, else they have zero incentive to make a better product. Not holding my breath ...
Well, they first brainwashed everyone into BELIEVING children NEEDED vaccines, regardless of their "rare side effects", so the pressure was on to give the vax manufacturers liability immunity because the companies threatened to stop making vaxes altogether due to the risk of those "rare lawsuits" arising out of those "rare side effects". I know that's a goofy run-on sentence, but the logic behind this law is just as goofy. 🙄
1. Why would they not be monitoring a ring vaxx recipient for the first 10 days, unless they didn't want to know if/what/when the side-effects kicked in?
2. Malone appears to be knee-deep in every pandemic vaxx, that didn't really work, does anyone think he took the covid vaxx?
3. Del, if you are reading this, I know it is tough, I went through it to, but it is time to give up on the vests. The 90s are over, they aren't coming back.
He’s from Boulder, hasn’t yet acclimated with us in Texas quite yet. He’ll get there. He’ll be pumping chicken fried frog legs and rattlesnake before too long, with a cowhide vest
If I knew how to link stuff I would. But let me just add that there’s a town called Snook north of me that does chicken fried slab bacon 🥓....don’t all of you move here at the same time please
Cotton Patch Cafe has CHICKEN FRIED BACON! I'm having some RIGHT NOW! 🐔🥓 I'm trying to perfect cooking it at home. Not too bad as a first meal, but the leftovers are too greasy, so far.
I picked up a big black lab/hound dog mix down towards Victoria about 15 years ago. Every time I'd start my smoker, he'd howl a couple of times. I guess you can take the dog out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the dog.
Ebola was more than likely a bioengineered weapon. They pumped fear through their media and orgs. They engineered a response, complete with public-private partnerships and bogus clinical trials. They purposely avoided the initial 10 day post-jab period—when a large number of adverse reactions typically occur. They used seropositivity as proof of efficacy. They unblinded the trial, effectively hiding effects beyond the initial study period. They claimed ‘success’ based on cooked data.
Ebola remains a boogeyman trotted out to scare the living daylights out of people and rationalize continuing bioweapons research and a warm manufacturing base for their bioweapon delivery systems.
They do the same with politics, the economy, and war. The same problems and solution models are repeated with small tweaks for novelty and sensation.
Yesterday at the supermarket, a whole cold case meters long had a canvas draped over it saying: "We are no longer selling organic/freerange poultry products because of the avian flu."
Righty.....directing us all to the CAFOs products. In south-central France - large foie gras production.
But this didn't tick me off as much as what happened at the checkout. One of our two Haagen-Daz flavors didn't ring up - took away our vanilla because for some obscure reason it could no longer be sold (?) I started loudly complaining it was a plot - all other vanilla varieties tasted like chemicals and one of the employees agreed.
I even tossed in that something like this was easily understood once you become a conspiracy theorist. They continued to smile as they walked away with our vanilla.
The good thing about being in France is that I no longer need to be the polite Midwesterner in all circumstances - if I get frustrated, I can let it rip.
Look, they were smiling as they wrested the vanilla from my cold dead hands....
Campfire or pyre...maybe not the best word for the flaming gallows that claimed Giordano Bruno or Joan of Arc (or as she is known in that Tibetic language actually called Sherpa, Jean d'Arc)...but it'll have to do for now. Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, and we shouldn't need AI tech to see there's a category mismatch in the Hero biz 'round here, but AI still has its's audio & video evidence.
Have you seen Todd Callendars stuff. He reckons the Ebola bio weapon is encased in nanoparticles in the Covid vaccine.. and when 5G frequency boots clandestine it will run amok in the body and they will call that Ebola outbreak.
Ive only read some of it. I’m skeptical off the bat of putting Ebola inside an LNP. The LNP’s are supposed to be on the order of 100nm; the Ebolavirus is very large in comparison—14,000 nm x 80-100nm (I believe it is U-shaped). That’s a big virus inside a much smaller container. I dunno, seems like wild speculation, but I’m also speculating off the cuff.
I understand now Sarah. I have just blown out into this freedom joy too. I think we get so serious and this worbage fun run just liberates the heart. I’m still laughing at the dude who’s vanilla ice cream was taken out of his dead cold hands
Ah. That’s promising then. Gonna nurture such speculation with hopeful heart. Todd Callendar was announcing it no holds barred. To panels of scientists. Yikes. Gonna put my science hat away for a bit and write poetry. That’s my area 😎💕
That sounds plausible. I know a 73 year old who is double vaxed and boosted whose wrist turns red/purple with a huge bruise right at the surface of her skin when she wears her smartwatch now.
One wonders about the reactivity of her blood with the frequency of the smartwatch -- what is the potential for a rupture or boil if the frequencies from the watch (or 5G towers generally) were revved up?
Yes he said that Ebola and hiv are encased by the lipid nano particles and when the 5G frequency is activated a minute a piece three x these pathogens will infect vaccinated bodies and there you have it. Ebola outbreak. They may be not real viruses. I’m no science lord. But it’s the bio weapon military agenda as opposed to illusion of healthcare. He reckons they have the vaccines ready to go and they can press go anytime. He’s scared it might be asap as people are waking up and there’s a pressure for the globalists to get cracking. Then we will be forced into quarantine camps, Ebola vaccine on entry, that will kill many and the nano technology is used by AI to create trans humanism that will control the rest. Man. I wouldn’t let my kids watch this movie for quids
I am convinced those creeps unleashed something nasty on the unsuspecting West Africans and called it Ebola, so they could then experiment on them with their injectables. It is so dark. And even GVB kept saying "And this was just in a small part (not so small, Geert) of Africa."
Yes, I did see that post... so maybe it did plant the seed of that term (though I'd forgotten having read it then). But I was mulling over that earlier today for a minute, for some reason... this Norman Rockwellesque insistence that people are "basically good." I mean many are, but maybe just as many aren't.
I agree but inherently 'good' people routinely do inherently bad things.
One example is the pilots.
Many aren't feeling well to the point that among themelves, this is a tabou subject. Yet pilots willingly continue to ferry 300+ people on flights knowing a 'fainting' episode could occur.
Like the famous Upton Sinclair quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it"
THOUSANDS of people left their jobs refusing the vax thus facing financial uncertainty. Somehow they could do for themselves, but doing it for others? Rare - altruism is overrated.
"The US Military and Intelligence Complex in cahoots with the deputized Pharma Complex creates dangerous bioweapons and employs them in “hot spots” all over the world in live exercises."
Turns out they didn't even have to "unleash" anything... Melkaye's link to Jon Rappoport's blog on Ebola exposes the whole sham... "look ma, no virus!" All they had to do was capitalize on the region's perfect storm of environmental, medical and nutritional disasters that culminated in people getting very sick (the anti-biotics caused the bleeding), and voila we'll call it a virus and give it a name. This is exactly what they did with "covid" and "HIV." That link again is
(Hydroxy) chloroquine blocks a lot of viruses. Not only are some of these covid cures good for other viruses but they're also good at lowering inflammation, stopping and preventing autoimmune diseases and cancers. Its little wonder they want to pretend they are toxic or meant only for livestock worms
TRUE...Give the meds to the animals ourselves. We adjusted for whatever disease we humans all had which was slightly different for every family member around the time the forth Covid Wave hit the area. The worst of the sick was virtually cured as fast as magic saying "Bippety Boppety Boo" like Fairy Godmother for Cinderella. AMAZING Ivermectin and it's only one of hundreds if not thousands used to treat across mammalian species. Thanks for the link.
Early in my research, that began in mid-2021, Wolfgang Wodard also talks about the ebola vaccine scamdemic in Conakry; he saw the WHO expanding the outbreak by not acting quickly and by stopping the local doctor(s) who could have treated it effectively very early on. Wodard wonders if that slowness was deliberate to ensure enough sick people existed to justify the vaccine emergency. See at about 17:20.
I don't think many appreciate the indoctrination that medical types undergo; and the difficulty almost all have in escaping the vax narrative. People in the 'trades' (plumbers, carpenters...) are better at looking at medical events without prejudice. As a retired surgeon, I was a slow escaper from the narrative, although the vision of a close friend succumbing to a life destroying vax reaction made me keep my eyes a little open; for many years I kept defaulting to the narrative, until I made the time to do my own research. Mahotra, Malone, McCullagh all have their eyes open now. I think you are too hard on Malone. 'Amazing Grace' comes to mind
Underground, maybe an under-cover mission. Nancy Drew and her Shih Tsu colleague visit La Finca in an updated version of "The Invisible Intruder". Note the horse tie-in:
“Nancy Drew, forget the ghost hunt!” a male voice rasps on the telephone. Despite the mysterious warning, the teenage detective and a group of friends start out on a ghost-hunting expedition to investigate five places reputed to be haunted. Danger strikes at once when Nancy tries to overtake the canoe that paddles itself on Lake Sevanee. Thrills and chills mount as the ghost hunters pursue a phantom horse and ghost rider racing across the field that surrounds the Red Barn Guesthouse. During these happenings and other weird events Nancy finds herself pitted against a dangerous adversary, clever enough to operate invisibly.
This should be litigation-proof, since the dangerous adversary is invisible, not ubiquitous.
another case of interest is Abdullahi v. Pfizer, Inc. outlined on Wikipedia. apparently this case was the inspiration for the book “the constant gardener”,_Inc. I found this rather stunning.
Read the room. One is packing some fresh cigarettes, one is taking notes, and one is sipping his hot beverage. Whats happening is obvious to those who understand human behavior. What does it mean?
Different POV...the perpetrators may be channeling the answer given by the inmate interviewee in Richard Pryor's Live on the Sunset Strip (1982), "I asked this dude, "Why did you kill everybody in the house?" The guy said, "They was home."
Part of the rationale for allowing pharma to escape vaccine liability is that vaccines are considered to be "unavoidably unsafe products."
Therefore, so the (warped) thinking goes, we the citizens through our government must shield pharma from liability though they cause Big Harma to the injectees most of whom are little children. So pharma profits while people get hurt, and government pays out settlements on a small percentage of claims made.
I think it's time to stop shielding the vax makers, else they have zero incentive to make a better product. Not holding my breath ...
I have never understood this argument vaccines are so safe they don't need liability.
If it wasn't for that Regan law Big Pharma would be little itsy bitsy pharma.
Well, they first brainwashed everyone into BELIEVING children NEEDED vaccines, regardless of their "rare side effects", so the pressure was on to give the vax manufacturers liability immunity because the companies threatened to stop making vaxes altogether due to the risk of those "rare lawsuits" arising out of those "rare side effects". I know that's a goofy run-on sentence, but the logic behind this law is just as goofy. 🙄
Succint and true explanation of the problem and the solution but I'm not holding my breath either.
And that's the JGI argument no less
I have about a thousandteen things to say. But I have to go to bed or I will be 100% useless tomorrow.
I just want you to know that I did make the Notorious GVB album cover for future SH swag wear...
I'm really no good at the whole technology thing...but I tried to link straight to the image here - unconfident that it works.:,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Oh my goodness! that is hysterical.
I just posted it at JJs gigaohm forum so we'll see what he thinks.
Thank you!
Hopefully he receives the badassery that I intended.
KWatt and Brave Sasha (Latypova) might need to be next.
On it.
Awesome 👌
I did a few...not sure if I linked to one or all bc I’m a flikr virgin 😂 and not particularly technologically inclined...😮💨
Hell to the yeah
Sarah can I run these? 😅
I'll link to your Stack!
I have a couple more I've worked up on along the way. I'll pass along when they come up :)
Please do, you are so talented. 😮💥
The feeling is mutual.
Of course😘
Just make sure that you clarify that JJ is not actually the one using infectious clones. That is technically Wreck it Ralph.
Hopefully, considering the platform, that is self evident.
Consider it done! Stay tuned...
Off topic, but was there a band named Dead Russian Oligarchs, or did I just dream that?
Fabulous album cover!!
Thank you Sarah! :-D
Your GVB album cover reminds me of Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy album cover.
Vaya con Dios, hombre-lobo!
I have one question of possibly some importance, i was reading a bit of your stack where you mention this fellow Dr Ah Kahn Syed.
Is he property, I mean work for the Clinton Foundation ?
Not sure about the Clinton Foundation but I think he/she may work as a Medic in the Mouse Army 🐭
That was about 30,000 ft. over my noggin, ' he/she may work as a Medic in the Mouse Army 🐭'.
Ark Medic author’s
name is “Dr Ah Kahn Syed” sounds like a pun, “Dr I can say it” or “Dr I can’t say it”. Especially if you say it (Syed 😀) with an Australian accent.
Mouse Army
Dr Syed commenting on Jikky’s work:
My sarcasm was written into the fact that many (40 + or so) Clinton associates have been found dead.
The vast majority have been ruled by suicide, even though they have markers such as a bullet hole in the back of their head.
Thus substitute terms for suicide when the Clinton's have ties.
Arkancide (Clintons are, were residents of Arkansas I believe Bill was once a governor there.)
Ar-Can-Cide / Ah-Kahn-Cyd
Nice. I didn’t get the connection. I’m not in the states so the reference to Clinton /Arkansas went over my head 😀
syed is legit
Oh that is fabulous!!
Couple of things
1. Why would they not be monitoring a ring vaxx recipient for the first 10 days, unless they didn't want to know if/what/when the side-effects kicked in?
2. Malone appears to be knee-deep in every pandemic vaxx, that didn't really work, does anyone think he took the covid vaxx?
3. Del, if you are reading this, I know it is tough, I went through it to, but it is time to give up on the vests. The 90s are over, they aren't coming back.
Hey I had those vests in the 90s too.
They don’t age
Never! Vests for life
That is a great idea
He's also added a tie since he's been in Texas.....????
He’s from Boulder, hasn’t yet acclimated with us in Texas quite yet. He’ll get there. He’ll be pumping chicken fried frog legs and rattlesnake before too long, with a cowhide vest
If I knew how to link stuff I would. But let me just add that there’s a town called Snook north of me that does chicken fried slab bacon 🥓....don’t all of you move here at the same time please
I need this in my life.
Cotton Patch Cafe has CHICKEN FRIED BACON! I'm having some RIGHT NOW! 🐔🥓 I'm trying to perfect cooking it at home. Not too bad as a first meal, but the leftovers are too greasy, so far.
I picked up a big black lab/hound dog mix down towards Victoria about 15 years ago. Every time I'd start my smoker, he'd howl a couple of times. I guess you can take the dog out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the dog.
Next time I have a grandkid in house will do...might also include chicken fried venison backstrap (ie. Tenderloin).
Same dirty tricks and shenanigans.
Ebola was more than likely a bioengineered weapon. They pumped fear through their media and orgs. They engineered a response, complete with public-private partnerships and bogus clinical trials. They purposely avoided the initial 10 day post-jab period—when a large number of adverse reactions typically occur. They used seropositivity as proof of efficacy. They unblinded the trial, effectively hiding effects beyond the initial study period. They claimed ‘success’ based on cooked data.
Ebola remains a boogeyman trotted out to scare the living daylights out of people and rationalize continuing bioweapons research and a warm manufacturing base for their bioweapon delivery systems.
They do the same with politics, the economy, and war. The same problems and solution models are repeated with small tweaks for novelty and sensation.
Killer Clown Show, on shuffle and repeat.
Zika also looks like an Op.
An Op which a doctor noticed and raised his hand slowly.
Med Journals: We can't publish your Zika paper b/c Coronavirus is here and we need people to TRUST.
So he wrote a book.
Yup. Same. Zika was engineered.
Add West Nile virus....the list is long.
Yesterday at the supermarket, a whole cold case meters long had a canvas draped over it saying: "We are no longer selling organic/freerange poultry products because of the avian flu."
Righty.....directing us all to the CAFOs products. In south-central France - large foie gras production.
But this didn't tick me off as much as what happened at the checkout. One of our two Haagen-Daz flavors didn't ring up - took away our vanilla because for some obscure reason it could no longer be sold (?) I started loudly complaining it was a plot - all other vanilla varieties tasted like chemicals and one of the employees agreed.
I even tossed in that something like this was easily understood once you become a conspiracy theorist. They continued to smile as they walked away with our vanilla.
Once they fuck with vanilla, people will uprise
HA - really laughing at this!
The good thing about being in France is that I no longer need to be the polite Midwesterner in all circumstances - if I get frustrated, I can let it rip.
Look, they were smiling as they wrested the vanilla from my cold dead hands....
😂😂😂😂Yeh let it rip and blame it on culture shock.
There is NO excuse with vanilla. I mean it. If I was there I couldn’t guarantee my behaviour.
I’m personally offended from Southern Australia.
Avian flu are particular about hosts. Nothing to do with the suspect quality of shopping centre meat now. Their chicken might kill you first
Then employ the 'rasoir national':
Maybe they did you a favor (or you just got lucky).
Lotta hot batches in Haagen-Daz. (I might have it mixed up with the Guiness recall site.)
I'm flaggin', please pass the flagon.
Pass the flagon here please. Stoke the campfire
Campfire or pyre...maybe not the best word for the flaming gallows that claimed Giordano Bruno or Joan of Arc (or as she is known in that Tibetic language actually called Sherpa, Jean d'Arc)...but it'll have to do for now. Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, and we shouldn't need AI tech to see there's a category mismatch in the Hero biz 'round here, but AI still has its's audio & video evidence.
And here I thought France would never cave to the food merde. . .
Lots of food merde here, but I feel I've fulfilled my destiny when I stand infront of a case of fine French pastries.....
Ah, sweet, sweet memories. . .
Careful, amigo...Tyson Corp. has Black Suburbans too.
Exactly, coop.....
Also a third conspiracy to the supermarket scenerio: total breakdown of the dairy case.....meters long and high.
Have you seen Todd Callendars stuff. He reckons the Ebola bio weapon is encased in nanoparticles in the Covid vaccine.. and when 5G frequency boots clandestine it will run amok in the body and they will call that Ebola outbreak.
Ive only read some of it. I’m skeptical off the bat of putting Ebola inside an LNP. The LNP’s are supposed to be on the order of 100nm; the Ebolavirus is very large in comparison—14,000 nm x 80-100nm (I believe it is U-shaped). That’s a big virus inside a much smaller container. I dunno, seems like wild speculation, but I’m also speculating off the cuff.
U-shaped? Kinda like an item of equine footwear? It'd be a challenge, but we got a guy.
This is why I had to go to bed before the comments really got going last night 🤣
I would’ve never gone to bed. Fucking hilarious.
I understand now Sarah. I have just blown out into this freedom joy too. I think we get so serious and this worbage fun run just liberates the heart. I’m still laughing at the dude who’s vanilla ice cream was taken out of his dead cold hands
Hahahaha we have all got a guy
Like this:
Ooooh. There you have it. An Ebola selfie. So it’s big and non compact for encasement in a lipid. Cool. 😎
Ah. That’s promising then. Gonna nurture such speculation with hopeful heart. Todd Callendar was announcing it no holds barred. To panels of scientists. Yikes. Gonna put my science hat away for a bit and write poetry. That’s my area 😎💕
That sounds plausible. I know a 73 year old who is double vaxed and boosted whose wrist turns red/purple with a huge bruise right at the surface of her skin when she wears her smartwatch now.
One wonders about the reactivity of her blood with the frequency of the smartwatch -- what is the potential for a rupture or boil if the frequencies from the watch (or 5G towers generally) were revved up?
Well that's scary.
Yes he said that Ebola and hiv are encased by the lipid nano particles and when the 5G frequency is activated a minute a piece three x these pathogens will infect vaccinated bodies and there you have it. Ebola outbreak. They may be not real viruses. I’m no science lord. But it’s the bio weapon military agenda as opposed to illusion of healthcare. He reckons they have the vaccines ready to go and they can press go anytime. He’s scared it might be asap as people are waking up and there’s a pressure for the globalists to get cracking. Then we will be forced into quarantine camps, Ebola vaccine on entry, that will kill many and the nano technology is used by AI to create trans humanism that will control the rest. Man. I wouldn’t let my kids watch this movie for quids
Whistleblower Dr. Leonard Horowitz wrote a book exposing HIV and Ebola as bioweapons 30 years ago. He is a true unsung hero.
Yes, he does know a lot about EMR frequencies biological effects.
I am convinced those creeps unleashed something nasty on the unsuspecting West Africans and called it Ebola, so they could then experiment on them with their injectables. It is so dark. And even GVB kept saying "And this was just in a small part (not so small, Geert) of Africa."
I am convinced that you are on the money.
They just moved the exp. to the whole wide world.
These guys went to germs as part of the 9/11 Op. The Anthrax Op.
see also here: (not really necessary but more on this) They wanted to get to editing genes so damn bad. They needed testing. They needed lab rats.
"lab rats" EXACTLY
And people say they think that humans are "inherently good".
No, they are decidedly NOT.
So Joanie, did you by chance see this comment the other day and it planted that seed?
Whoa. Same precise term in use!
Some Quantum Physics overlap here with this chat on another post:
Conway Judge
Writes Mr medic's marvelous misinforma…
Mar 18
Sage, if you could walk up to a stranger on the street and ask them three questions, without any fear or reprisal.
Which three questions would you like to ask them the most?
LIKE (6)
Sage Hana
Mar 18
1. Do you find human beings to be inherently good?
2. What about sociopaths? What causes it, is it in the brain?
3. Where do you stand on Enchiladas vs. Fajitas?
Yes, I did see that post... so maybe it did plant the seed of that term (though I'd forgotten having read it then). But I was mulling over that earlier today for a minute, for some reason... this Norman Rockwellesque insistence that people are "basically good." I mean many are, but maybe just as many aren't.
That was my off the cuff first question!
I think the "people are inherently good" belief is sort of necessary as the herd requires trust in one another.
And probably most people through a combination of socialization will at least feign "good" to keep the structure afloat.
Get to the elites or to the prisons and it all starts to break down.
I agree but inherently 'good' people routinely do inherently bad things.
One example is the pilots.
Many aren't feeling well to the point that among themelves, this is a tabou subject. Yet pilots willingly continue to ferry 300+ people on flights knowing a 'fainting' episode could occur.
Like the famous Upton Sinclair quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it"
THOUSANDS of people left their jobs refusing the vax thus facing financial uncertainty. Somehow they could do for themselves, but doing it for others? Rare - altruism is overrated.
Good points, all.
Recalling Brave Sasha'a answer to #1 makes me wonder if she might have answered Yes if the question had been asked maybe 4-5 years ago.
You say it succinctly here:
"The US Military and Intelligence Complex in cahoots with the deputized Pharma Complex creates dangerous bioweapons and employs them in “hot spots” all over the world in live exercises."
What bastards.
And oh god, yes, the mosquitoes. JFC.
Turns out they didn't even have to "unleash" anything... Melkaye's link to Jon Rappoport's blog on Ebola exposes the whole sham... "look ma, no virus!" All they had to do was capitalize on the region's perfect storm of environmental, medical and nutritional disasters that culminated in people getting very sick (the anti-biotics caused the bleeding), and voila we'll call it a virus and give it a name. This is exactly what they did with "covid" and "HIV." That link again is
Wow wow wow. The rabbit hole is always deeper than we think, huh.
I read somewhere that a doctor stopped an ebola outbreak with either ivermectin or HCQ.
(Hydroxy) chloroquine blocks a lot of viruses. Not only are some of these covid cures good for other viruses but they're also good at lowering inflammation, stopping and preventing autoimmune diseases and cancers. Its little wonder they want to pretend they are toxic or meant only for livestock worms
TRUE...Give the meds to the animals ourselves. We adjusted for whatever disease we humans all had which was slightly different for every family member around the time the forth Covid Wave hit the area. The worst of the sick was virtually cured as fast as magic saying "Bippety Boppety Boo" like Fairy Godmother for Cinderella. AMAZING Ivermectin and it's only one of hundreds if not thousands used to treat across mammalian species. Thanks for the link.
What to say?
Early in my research, that began in mid-2021, Wolfgang Wodard also talks about the ebola vaccine scamdemic in Conakry; he saw the WHO expanding the outbreak by not acting quickly and by stopping the local doctor(s) who could have treated it effectively very early on. Wodard wonders if that slowness was deliberate to ensure enough sick people existed to justify the vaccine emergency. See at about 17:20.
I don't think many appreciate the indoctrination that medical types undergo; and the difficulty almost all have in escaping the vax narrative. People in the 'trades' (plumbers, carpenters...) are better at looking at medical events without prejudice. As a retired surgeon, I was a slow escaper from the narrative, although the vision of a close friend succumbing to a life destroying vax reaction made me keep my eyes a little open; for many years I kept defaulting to the narrative, until I made the time to do my own research. Mahotra, Malone, McCullagh all have their eyes open now. I think you are too hard on Malone. 'Amazing Grace' comes to mind
I wish I could have given my kids more skepticism
Congratulations for seeing and being willing to see
Suspect indeed
You really need a free month at Sherpa's. We have two. Just need an e-mail to send it to.
Will "absolutely" keep it confidential.
We really want to see this go down. It's time to present this to his audience.
Probably would get going really ugly really quick.
You were born for this!
Underground, maybe an under-cover mission. Nancy Drew and her Shih Tsu colleague visit La Finca in an updated version of "The Invisible Intruder". Note the horse tie-in:
“Nancy Drew, forget the ghost hunt!” a male voice rasps on the telephone. Despite the mysterious warning, the teenage detective and a group of friends start out on a ghost-hunting expedition to investigate five places reputed to be haunted. Danger strikes at once when Nancy tries to overtake the canoe that paddles itself on Lake Sevanee. Thrills and chills mount as the ghost hunters pursue a phantom horse and ghost rider racing across the field that surrounds the Red Barn Guesthouse. During these happenings and other weird events Nancy finds herself pitted against a dangerous adversary, clever enough to operate invisibly.
This should be litigation-proof, since the dangerous adversary is invisible, not ubiquitous.
“Bbbbbbbbgggdbbbdbbhjh shhhhbbbbbbbbllkkbb bbbllkgsbbb sbbbbbbbbglbbbbge”
Interestingly in both Pig Shih-Tsu AND Guppy dialects I believe that translates as:
You’re racist, Sage.
My emojis are not working but imagine the open mouthed WTF one and then the laughing one.
The rest sounded like:
"You're also transphobic"
another case of interest is Abdullahi v. Pfizer, Inc. outlined on Wikipedia. apparently this case was the inspiration for the book “the constant gardener”,_Inc. I found this rather stunning.
Read the room. One is packing some fresh cigarettes, one is taking notes, and one is sipping his hot beverage. Whats happening is obvious to those who understand human behavior. What does it mean?
Hey what ever happened to all the bodies they were burying in Central Park back in the good old days?
"What am I going to do with 400 mass graves!"
- Mass Murderer Cuomo
As long as you wear your pink polo shirt Cuomo
Jabbers gonna jab.
Sherpas gonna Sherpa.
Icecream-eating kid sniffers gonna sniff.
What else is new?...
That is profound
Your a great investigator Sage! 👀 Mr. Maloney Boloney is everywhere for sure!
Here's some great articles by Jon Rappoport on the "scary ebola virus."
The point I'm trying to make with these articles is that there is no reason for another deadly vaxx.
Different POV...the perpetrators may be channeling the answer given by the inmate interviewee in Richard Pryor's Live on the Sunset Strip (1982), "I asked this dude, "Why did you kill everybody in the house?" The guy said, "They was home."
Article should be required reading. .. thanks for this link.
Can we not just jump to Charlton Heston in front of the Statue of Liberty?