Once upon a time, we didn't like the Russians because they were "commies." Now that they're rejecting the commie programs of the EU, UN, NATO, and the WEF, we're supposed to hate the Russians JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE RUSSIANS.

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"He said, as we listened to what he was about to present, he said, "Some of you will think I'm talking about Communism. Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!" At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize. In his introductory remarks he commented that he was free to speak at this time. He would not have been able to say what he was about to say, even a few years earlier. But he was free to speak at this time because now, and I'm quoting here, "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." That's the end of that quotation."


This is the part and it is the opening statement from Mssr. Dunegan that few raised up in that era can grok.

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“A few years earlier” ~ was getting away with assassination JFK and RFK in broad daylight the inflection point? Likely too obvious, and yet…

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"... more cooperation between East and West... " - may be an under-appreciated Day tapes bread crumb trail.

Here's a guy - I assume completely independent of Day tapes guidance - who has documented just that. Posts tend towards the dense, long read with considerable background assumed.

For example: "it was Andropov and his KGB that initiated the “Perestroika” of the USSR ...

The ultimate goal was to politically and economically Converge the eastern elite with the West on more-or-less equal terms" - and on to Ukraine 2022 - Moscow thought they had agreed on "more...equal" - but DC (and Tel Aviv) double-crossed to (much) "less" trending towards "we get it all"


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There was never any reason to hate the Russians. It's always the government, like today's US government, that pushes the hate button so they can get us slaves to do their bidding and dying.

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AND "they" feed on the frequency of hate, fear, and hostility. It is literally their lifeblood, spiritually, and physically, the ultimate physical embodiment of which is found in their favorite drug, ADRENOCHROME. Demons all. But we will be told it's "aliens."

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So many paper tigers...

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Nothing 'communistic' about the techno-fascist slave system they're rolling out though.

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100 years ago, in Ukraine, the Soviet soldiers were killing innocent Ukraininan peasants because they did not obey the orders to give them all their food.

The Party in Moscow wanted to control all the wheat and barley, all the farm animals. No alternative than to submit to the agendaa 1930 of the Communist party.

Five-year plan, anyone?

We are seeing the same strategy today.

You are severely underinformed about the communists.

And perhaps you don't know how the very evil American publication called the New York Times censored the tragedy as it was happening, and even decades later.

We are seeing the same playbook in our time.

And with resgards to the polize-state, look up the horrors of East Germany. Compare with the brain chips, the programmable money, and all the rest.

It's the marriage of fascism and communism.

Imagine all the pro-Wrestling fighters leaving aside their differences and teaming up against the public. That's the idea.

Please, don't try to whitewash Communism.

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Here’s a fun one. Operation Aerodynamic. Americans have loved them some Ukraine for a while now.


Unrelated(ish). I’ve wondered lately. Was there an equivalent to gladio in the US?

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TLAV occasionally pulls the CIA memos to foment discord in Ukraine. 1950s, IIRC. Right after WW2 as the "Happy Daze: veneer that 'mmmurrrica cannot shake (top show in the 70s and 80s, we still have 50's diners burger joints)...

And behind the curtain the Monster was gearing up. MKULtra, Color Revolutions, Psy Ops galore.

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Good stuff! but... it was closer to 90 years ago - 1932 was the core year of the Holodomor - and it was not precisely "soldiers" doing the killing but paramilitary forces of the secret police ("NKVD" at the time). And, I will add, in the early going, before starvation had weakened them, the peasants resisted violently and with some success - often with little more than proverbial pitchforks. Rural populations are historically much more ornery than urban - I hear that US farmers are resisting very effectively the effort to mass "test" livestock for bird flu - to bring the circle round to the current anti-rural op.

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I mean, there is no bird flu, so no test is possible or needed. Birds are not even real, chicken are nothing but small cows with horse feathers glued on. People from the city know nothing at all. Everything becomes clearererer when one reads the right sites on the internet.

It's all price fixing and the psychopathy of the square and compass.

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Not whitewashing. Not denying any crimes, by any party or individual. But labeling a crime communism in His-Story books, doesn't change the ideological meaning of the word. Perhaps Bolshevism. What we're experiencing now is not communism. It's a class war, eugenics, technocratic fascism and the tapeworm class wants slavery, not communism.

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Btw. the party in Moscow sponsored by Wall street capitalists.

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It seems many people are quick to label revisionists as communists. One can wonder why.

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The labels are invariably set up as binaries I note.

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Exactly as I said, you are whitewashing the most murderous sect of motherfucking bastards that ever was.

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Right? Just ask the 10-30 million who starved to death...well on our way...🥲

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

After watching Oppenheimer, I searched the internet for nuclear testing fallout maps to see if I was ever exposed. I learned that the first test, Trinity, as shown in Oppenheimer was a rush job. Of the 13 pounds of plutonium in the bomb's core, only three pounds were combusted. The other 10 pounds were dispersed into the sky and fell out mostly in a 200x250 radius. The radiation was many multiples higher than expected. In fact, the end result was worse than Three Mike Island, Fukushima, and Chernobyl. Let that sink in. And at the time, it wasn't even addressed. And the fallout wasn't even addressed in the Oppenheimer movie, because the movie was really just a drama about Oppenheimer. So what did the DOD do? They moved the test site. For more than 20 years they tested hundreds of more bombs in Nevada 70 miles NW of Las Vegas and massive above ground bombs in the Pacific, ensuring everyone in the US got a dose or more of radiation directly after, or in their bowl of Cheerios years later. What were citizens told? To duck & cover if the Soviet Union bombed us. But nothing about our own government bombing us.

It's no wonder cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death. But I suspect nuclear testing radiation has been the #1 cause of mortality in the US since July 1945.

The Covid vaccines are countermeasures to a supposed leaked bioweapon. But there was no leak. It was just a test by the DOD, just like Trinity. No nukes have been used since the two in Japan in 1945. But millions of Americans have been killed by bomb testing in times of peace. How many more bioweapon countermeasure tests will be performed and how many will be killed and maimed as a result, to counter something that has yet to occur, and may never happen?

Is it any wonder the CDC, FDA, NIH etc are using all means available to cover up the horrific side effects of the Vax for the DOD? Nope. Will we ever learn the entire truth about the Covid vaccines? Well, it's been 79 years since the Trinity test and residents of New Mexico who have been exposed to plutonium are still fighting for acknowledgement and reparations. Congress just voted on June 10th 2024 to expand eligibility to those downwind of the Trinity test. How much? A $150,000 lump sum, less than it can cost to treat cancer. It's a nuisance payment. "Here's some money, now shut up, go away and die already".

So if you've been Vaxed, hang in there. Literally. You might just get some cash in 70-80 years. Well, actually, no, you won't. The government learned from past mistakes and covered it's ass (and the asses of everyone else involved) with legislation prior to bioweapon countermeasure testing. The CARES and PREP acts were instigated by false flag threats of SARS-1 and Swine flu pandemics. Just as 9/11 led to the Patriot Act, creation of Homeland Security domestic army & the unnecessary War on Terror. Just like Hamas invading Israel last year allowed Israel to gain control of vast reserves of natural gas off the coast of Gaza, ensuring energy security for Israel far into the future. Just like Ukraine... My point is, nothing is as it seems, and never, ever believe or trust your government.

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Oh man...I haz some video from the exhibit where the WE MUST TEST ZEEEE NUKES ENGINEER guy is saying, "we allowed them to protest" and if they got out of line "we arrested them".


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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

If you are ever back in the area, you should add this little spot to the list.


The town feels unreal. Like a movie set, or a relic from the past, frozen in time.

This is a gut feeling recommendation. No clear connection to this post, except as perhaps the start of that era. The Hoover dam construction is sort of my mental starting point of America doing herculean tasks, of which the bombs are a part. Also, the dam is like the TVA. No nukes without vast quantities of electricity.

The museum, surrounding town, and landscape are a place to soak in the vibe. Commune with the spirits. If one has that ability.

Also, I’m really looking forward to this series. You should watch Fallout, if you have access. It is pop culture that is FOR SURE related to your current task.

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Thank you for the tips.

I have so much material, and my head was exploding in record time.


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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

My maternal grandfather was there in NM in the military (in Los Alamos) & then he died at 37 from cancer leaving behind his wife & four kids.

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Every time you get an X-ray, MRI or cat scan, you are exposed.

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This makes me cry

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I had a very similar conversation on the phone w/ a friend of mine.. who is my age about the so called Klimate Change including the nuclear testing done inside the United States pointing out the fact that I live by the Potomac and its shores have been the same since before G.W. Washington built his house here and even during the last Hurricane 2001 or so.. the boats rocked a little bit. That is of course the reason wny all the uber billionaires are living in the Bahamas and Martha's vineyard so they can watch the Tsumani up close and personal when it hits our east coast. Good morning SAGE. gotta go it is summer and it is "hot" out as summers usually are in Virginia. I remember playing outside in 90 + degree heat outdoors.. all day long.. so apparently humans can actually live in 90 degree temperatures.. grew up w/o Air conditioning and am alive to prove it. sigh. OH YEAH and then there is super Volcamo at Yellowstone.. whatever. PANIC BUTTON BROKEN.. :) take care.

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The second half of the Holocaust Museum in DC is another propaganda pukefest. The first half about the actual holocaust is heartbreaking, while the second half promoting Israel spoils the whole experience ..

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

You went there. lol

How dare you! There were all sorts of old shoes and bicycles to prove what happened.!!!

You’re right though, the second half made me question the legitimacy of the first half.

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I want to know what is real. That is a nightmarishly dangerous quality.

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. It's like we are our own species.

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

"All The World's A Stage"

Billy S. (or Frankie B. or Chris. M.)

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Shakespeare, and of course Limelight by Rush. “We are merely players, performers and portrayers.”

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Speaking of Rush, and here i speak of Limbaugh, I liked listening to him but I do believe he was either a useful tool to the monsters or he was one of them.

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All US history is based on lies.

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Rather what is TAUGHT is lies.

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It isn't even a whole pile of shoes. Apparently it's just a couple of layers glued to a slanted board to make it look like a big pile.

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Israel owns the world.

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ouch. I worked at the one in Toronto and though most of the docents etc. were zionists thank god there was no blatant Israel worship at the museum itself.

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I live 15 minutes via the GW Parkway near in DC.. the District of Columbia is a full blown disaster. I am just glad I went to see it in the good old days when Georgetown was fun.. and the Museums were safe.. and even went to the circus.

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The museums were always a propaganda tool and part of the circus.

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Good post.

Very interesting autistic content, ::munch munch so tasty::

This is a great theme to smash the younger boomers and the old gen-xers with a healthy dose of skepticism. Those people grew up with those ultra-cheesy zombie movies from the 1980s, where it was always nuclear waste barrels with a poorly fitted lid that caused the virus that destroys the world... And they never questioned the plot!

Surely, they probably realized the movies were fiction, but they concluded they were exaggerations of something real. That was the purpose of the zombie films: to cement the nihilism and despair of the 1970s and 1980s, thus disabling long-term planning and discouraging research.

Many people around 55 have all their lives with that fear of nuclear annihilation, and probably their conditioning was such that they never allowed themselves to have even one little doubt about it. That's why they react so emotionally to questioning nukes.

I remain agnostic on this issue. I used to "believe" without evidence that nukes were real. Like pathogenic viruses.

I'm willing to believe that again if enough evidence is provided.

And I'm willing to believe they are not real when the refutation covers all angles.

Not that the pros will ever change their tune, at all; their job is fear mongering the world after all, not researching what is true. But can I ask the victims of propaganda, what good has it been for anyone to be forever afraid of mass destruction, almost in an instant?

Look at this painting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Ictu_Oculi_(Vald%C3%A9s_Leal)

In the blinking of an eye. All the glories of this world reduced to cinder and dust. Death makes all equal.

So what?

Dying is easy. No shame in dying. The worst tragedy is to die after a life dominated by fear, with no experience of higher emotions.

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Like...copies of In Ictu Oculi and its companion Finis Gloriae Mundi should have been on the undersides of all the desks we were told to dive under in the Duck & Cover drills...probably, some of us would have grown up more fearful and others of us less so...maybe the less so cohort could have calmed down some of the more so crowd. Who knows? Like the values of silver, ammo and canned food, a lot is speculative and situation-dependent...but if you grew up on Classic Era Disney, you're prone to wonder. I wonder if the Danse Macabre featuring NATO & Russia is an improvised piece or more like part of a scripted pavane. Does it matter?

Alternative under-desk visual? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hide-and-Seek_(painting) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/39/78/b4/3978b465407f22557577f77c97139a21.png

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Let me be openly emotional. How I miss you, SH, when you are away for a while. Oh how you put all these things together for those willing to see it. What a gift. And what a gift to your followers you are. I was never a sweet summer child but I have become so much more aware of the evil in this world and how lies are everywhere and in everything. A WORLD OF LIES. From the father of lies.

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💥🔥🔥🔥 👏 Out of the park, awesome post! Fantastic summary! Only 107? It was 117 the day I got married there! ❤️❤️❤️

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Global Cooling!

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

That's what I said, Heather! "Only 107?"

Was at least that hot when we got our marriage license in Vegas last century. (Got married up in the mountains above Vegas).

The (probably) Nuclear Ice Age has struck.

This post should be prominent in the Ultimate Sage Primer Bible - it's pretty darned complete, considering there's a billion things we've been threatened with since birth.

Many of which we've been physically injected with before age 5.

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

Once upon a time a whiny baby was wheeled out in the pram to the bottom of the garden - its mother oblivious to the fact that (over them thar beautiful cheviot hills) the Windscale nuclear reactor (renamed Sellafield) had blown its top. For the next 30 years, the UK government kept the extent of the fallout secret from the public. Meanwhile, half the population had emigrated, dragging kids with them - many to Australia (including that whiny baby) - where they entered an already polluted environment, and copped more doses (from Pacific and Indian Ocean and 'remote' on land testing). Thanks to all the arrogant sods who murdered, mutilated and maimed naive and innocent men, women, and children. How on earth did I survive? I presume I mutated - like those Chernobyl dogs. Watch out folks, it is a full moon here tonight!

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Keep jamming the muzak. Don't stop. Keep reiterating the same discordant notes. One by one, the remaining sheeple will stir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt3DEuw0wjM

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Predicting the future is easy. Something something about revelation of the method and karma. Then check the next Mt. Dew flavor rollout. Looks like next on tap are Freedom Fusion (nuclear bombs), Infinite Swirl (total chaos), Pitch Black (nuclear winter), and Voo-Dew (zombie apocalypse). Sounds like a fun time planned for us!!

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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

Meanwhile...at the NV Test Site Timeline at Museum....

....McD' s founded 1955...so a few years early( how did they KNOW!?!?!?)....

JFK & Jackie O at Mickey D's


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Jun 22Liked by Sage Hana

I love it when a plan comes together.

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Joey The Crip used to say - “All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”

It works the same with every “threat”

So simple yet so effective

Oh yeah and ‘say the line say the line!’ Cost of living crisis is the new one. Means pay up or die.

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana


Our lives have been but a pre-written play...each with a part, each with a pre-defined destiny...could Shakespear have wrote gooder?

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana


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