Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

I've said it before, I'll say it again. I'm thankful now that I grew up dirt poor. No TV, no radio, just that damn Bread album. 😂 My reality was the street, my enemies were right in my neighborhood, I knew who was trying to hurt me and exactly how to avoid them.

Quick story about when I discovered school was bullshit. Hope I can tell it without boring you or making myself sound important, but it's a literal coloring outside the lines story.

First grade, FIRST GRADE, CAPS NOT STUCK, we were making Valentine's Day cards for our parents. We were to carefully color the various sized hearts printed on mimeographed pages, then cut them out and glue them on to a piece of construction paper. We were divided into a small groups sitting at individual tables. I, being a logician and unwise to the ways of liver eating, quickly reasoned, "If we're cutting them out, why carefully color them?" I zoomed my crayon back and forth, making sure the entire heart was colored, cut it out, and glued it on. My table of kids, seeing the positive results and not being dummies, immediately began copying me. It started to spread and my teacher FREAKED OUT. Instead of congratulating me on creative thinking, she screamed at me for not following instructions. Screamed at the rest of the kids for listening to me. I could sense the fear in her eyes as I debated her and the other kids were agreeing with me. She has lost control to a seven year old and she couldn't handle it. If you've ever dealt with seven year olds, you'll know that they're smart as hell and will run circles around bullshit from adults. At the parent teacher conference later that year she told my mom that she needed to reign me in because I was intimidating the rest of the class. I know this because my mom told me and said she cussed the teacher out.

Later, hope everyone has a good one. 😁

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I love my crew so much.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

We love you too!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

I could not read the instructions as I had double vision and took a brief out of body trip to mars where kindly grey aliens said to ignore the little lines and that I was special and that hearts aren’t fucking heart shaped anyway and how is a kid supposed to think a goddamn thing with all the solvent VOCs wafting up from this fucking soggy piece of paper so soaked I can barely cut it and where’s the soggy assed paper with the nekkid babies on it with bows and arrows on it because I’m losing my buzz and still have questions for those little grey Martian fellers and while we are at it what the fuck do flying nekkid babies and bloody hearts have to do with my love for my parent you sick old bitch and even more to the point I’ll run these here fucking crayons any way I want have you ever seen the crazy shit Jackson Pollock cranks out and I wonder how many gallons of the magic mimeographed fluid he has to snort to get in the mood to start slinging the paint and after seeing his work I REALLY wanna know what the Martians told him cuz those those pix are whack and

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Don't forget the other thing!

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Microdosing's been a thing for a while now...works for some...might not be right for you. Conversely* (Yetis have minimal fashion options), megadosing might be just the ticket! Wanted to lay down a routine with West Side shrinks recommending a new therapy that features nebulizing duplicator ink...only to find out it was Ken Le Roy (B'way) and George Chakiris (movie) that played the leader of The Sharks, and not James Ellroy's favorite actor, the inimitable Sal Mimeo...oh well... www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHRgKVN7v74&t=7s

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Duplicator ink and Sal Mimeo!

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A prominent feature in Ellroy's "The Cold Six Thousand", the middle part of his Underworld USA trilogy. Highly stylized writing, dark subject material (JFK assassination, CIA drug biz, Howard Hughes and more). Liked it a lot...a lyric 1/2 way through this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0giquAu2Ys

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

great story. Brings to mind my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Etherton, who broke a yardstick over my head trying to wrangle me to the classroom sink to wash my mouth out with a bar of soap.

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😹 They only burn us alive because they love us and it was Bad Land Management and "There is just no other way", signed Richard Day.

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4th grade teach Mrs Parmalee rapped my friend on the head w/a yardstick (didn't break) b/c she (friend) couldn't find something or another on the big wall map of the world at the front of the classroom. Those were the dayz...

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You had civilians...we had ninja-level nuns...yardstick katana fu, as Joe Bob Briggs would say...that Mrs. Etherton, did she develop a vocation later? Sounds like she would have felt right at homeroom in a penguin outfit. :-)

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Seems to be a lot of troublemakers here!

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We are your frens. You can trust us.

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Do *you* make pills too?


Man, it's *everywhere*!!

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Sweet. I remember that look. My 3rd grade substitute teacher when I asked her to explain why you didn’t go back in time running around the North Pole a hundred times

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Obviously, the rotation of the flatearth is not time itself but just a proxy to measure the always constant and linear movement of time particles, called saturnons, which are massless, chargeless, dimensioneless, pink in color and completely theoretical and therefore completely real in a Buddhist sense, until someone comes up with a better theory.

And that's one reason why they won't ever hire me to be a substitute teacher.

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Nobody is ever clear about around which what axis that rotation happens

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When looking from the north pole, the flatearth rotates in the trigonometric sense, around an imaginary axis made of viruses, unicorns and pop music stars with good taste. When looking from the south pole, the flatearth rotates in the anti-trigonometric sense, formerly known as clockwise, formerly known as normal, formerly known as right, formerly known as Christian.

When looking from the eastern pole, the flatearth just laughs.

There's no western pole, that would be silly!

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I’ve heard the poles have to watch out before Russia gets ‘em.

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Sounds like Heresy to me Rog. Bring out the Holy Thumb Screws!!! 👍👍👍

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Itsa spinsa likea da pizza pie dough

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Itza Mario!

Everyone out on the rim gotta be dizzy and puking all the time. Good thing I hardly travel anymore

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

staycation playstation.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Awesome. Love it!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

I do not remember my second grade teacher. When I try to think about her I only remember that I could tell she didn't like me. Really she DISLIKED ME. I have no reason why. I was so glad to get out of her class.

I had some other good teachers later on. One was a joker who himself got in trouble because his class was too rowdy. It was a fun class and I do remember it.

That Miss Frances video is wild. It's not just slow, the Kix commercial is downright hypnotic. Was she practicing mind control put together by the Kix advertisers to make Kids want to buy it? It made me CRAVE KIX with blueberries and peaches. Mind you, I'm on a low/no-carb diet and sometimes get strange cravings for addictive foods. I don't eat them, though. If I did it would be Sugar Pops.

What is there about Miss Frances that makes you want to resist her? Could she really be a psyop person? Strange.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

The word that came to mind watching that was "smarmy".

Just me I guess, but I hated school. All my bad experiences led me to unschool my kids.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Good for you on the unschooling!

If we look at the purpose of schools and the Rockescorpions that likely shaped them they are inherently unhealthy. As adults, it appears we need to unschool ourselves to get over the brainwashing.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Great story Agent 1-4-9. Coloring outside the lines is BIG no no in pubic education. 💯💯

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We have a lot n common Agent.

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Um Agent, did you happen to have Miss Averso at Catherine E. Doyle School in Wood-Ridge, NJ??? I had a veerrry similar experience in first grade. We were coloring a spring time scene and then told we were going to take a black crayon and make "rain" marks over the scene BUT SHE HAD TO INSPECT EVERYONE'S SCENE BEFOREHAND!! Naturally I saw no need for her INSPECTION and put the rain on. I was screamed at and sent down to the kindergarten to sit in the corner. Not the only incident BTW. I was quite aware this woman (bad witch) despised me.

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No, I grew up in Cincinnati.

But it seems I've touched a common nerve. I'm betting a lot of us rebels have similar stories.

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I love your Mom Agent 1-4-9-Don.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

She has vascular dementia now. It's sad. We got her in a home about ten minutes from us, so either my wife or I visit almost daily. Her short term memory is gone. She constantly tells me she's lonely and why don't I visit more. She remembers things from the past though, and certain conversations you'd think she was fine mentally. She was a firecracker back in the day. 😁 I have only seen my dad a couple times since I was 14, but I recently heard he also has dementia. I guess I have about 20 good years left.

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So good 🙏!

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Agent - I like your mom's style - you certain picked up some lessons from her!

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ATTN: Linda, my minder.

Will you leave a comment today?

Pretty please?

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

That’s my shadow AI. She’s learning from me.

It’ll be fine.

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As a CIA/AI Construct, I take offense at this line of humor.

Come on, Linda, let's go have chili.

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Maybe try an elaborate ice cream dessert?

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Livingston: A delicious dessert consisting of funnel cake topped with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream

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I mean there’s funnel cake and then there’s funnel cake

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You were thinking of the Henchyeti!

Now this one is indeed a complex tapestry of LOVE.


A delicious dessert consisting of a rice crispy infused flaky chocolate pie covered in white chocolate cream sauce and topped with pistachio ice cream. A big favorite of Global American States President Joe Rogan.

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Wait I thought she was my minder — no fair

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I thought you really liked me, liked my comments.

I'm glad Sage asked you to comment, because I've been wanting to see a LINDA comment for months - ever since you started liking every Джил comment.

How's it hanging, LINDA?

Where are you now LINDA?

Please excuse me if you are really LINDA, LINDA.

Write back soon LINDA.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Spot the meddlers...... go!

"The dominate feedback was that Plandemic: The Musical is the message the world needs now more than ever! We are delighted by the enthusiasm for this epic little movie.

Thank you to everyone who showed up!

After the movie I moderated a Q&A with the always hilarious JP Sears, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Robert Malone and Del Bigtree. I want to thank those frontline heroes for breaking from their busy schedules to be there live."


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Literal theater.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Holy sh*t!! I thought it read "Liberal" theater..... 😂

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Kanadian Detective find about more about our filmmaking crazy eyed friend who haz 9/11 story. MIcki.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana


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The fake commercial shoot based on the Dos Equis commercial was when I knew.

Sealed the deal. About Bob.

People had already told me. More than a few. And I waited.

They were right.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

#truthovertribe..... thanks, Sage for always setting us straight.... it's hard but necessary.... 😌

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Being moveable with ze data no doubt

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Some more theatre. Miss Frances students grew up just in time to catch this one.


This arose organically. Surely.

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Please, make it stop playing and bring back the waterboard & jumper cables crew!! Liberace had his uses... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhJvX6FW0zk

Which came from this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci4EQDD4CqA

Which went viral over the years... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLSqyM2Z9TM

But started near here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq3lCOIY9I8

WHO's on that cultural appropriations committee now, Senator?

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JP is funnier when he sticks to the script.

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About to ban you right now.

(It's a bit, like when Agent 149 tried to get me to drink de-caf.)

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TWC will start selling special graphene-activated comfort blankets with print fabric of turtles and scorpions, that people can use to protect form 5G while following the Presidental Campaign from the couch, munching sustainable doritos.

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You deciding JP Sears is like in the McDonald's routine by Jim Gaffigan, the spur for the McDonald's post shibboleth, when Jim says he likes McDonald's and then plays the character saying, "oh...I didn't know I was better than you..."



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Note, AI Bot did not finish first thought, JP is FUNNY. AND SEE AI BOTS MAKE MISTAKES

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And of course I stop on the tape reel to wonder how it would have been used… High speed recordings apparently… Maybe hooked to instruments to madly record high speed data during a test I’m guessing. Analog rather than digital maybe. Rack module there but looks like some sort of amplifier probably…

Sorry what were we talking about again?

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Hey doc, get a whiff of this here mimeograph fluid. Close your eyes. Tell me what you see.

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mmmmm purple

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Yeees. Go on…

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Sorry gotta take it slow — just had a freakout over Rep. Massie’s photoshopped looking Mt Rainier family photo, so need to kinda walk like Biden off the debate stage a bit

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It’s working then. Breath the vapor in deeper…you are gonna love the machine elves.

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Breathe deep the gathering doom. 🫁🫁🫁

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Charlie don't surf, but if he Huffs a dime bag of AB Dick fluid, he'll visit McKenna's little jeweled charmers & ride to DMT-ville on the MTA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsqBtZNBL60

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

My work is done here. Imma go mow 8 acres of coyote pasture and die from post symptomatic dengue fever.

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The boyz are making some mistakes, yeti...🏂

Happy mowing.

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I don't understand why the singer of REM (can't remember the name) uses a cable mic but the guitar guy has a wireless transmitter. The guy seems like he's about to die from quantum entanglement.

Latency doesn't answer it.

It's probably a feature. They like the little sideshow with the cable.

Medium-octane speculation: Same with radiation, and the multiple accidents, and the removal of "radioactive" ice, earth, trees, urine, whatever. They don't need it to explain why they have bombs and why they can produce some energy from that. The fear show is a sideshow. Errrrybody loves it!

But they could go wireless safely and be more streamlined. Less political, less dirty, less funny, but more humane, more real.

Not rockandroll, but just music.

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It's so he can wrap himself in the mic and prance around like an imprisoned soul!

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I’m Joe Biden Corndog and I have a 6 handicap on the golf course. And I carry my own bag of clubs, man. No malarkey.

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Joe Biden was warning about anthrax in the hull of a ship on 9-10-2001.

Joe Biden is a pro wrestler and Donald Trump is a pro wrestler.

They both stand with Israel.

As does Bobby Kennedy.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Come on, man. That’s just crazy. Wanna get some ice cream, there, corn pop?

Here…touch the hairs on my leg. Soft aren’t they? Your hair smells terrific, btw.

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Reminds me of the scene (Farenheit 911?) where the Iraqi families are having ice cream before the Monster came to town.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Now you’re getting the vibe.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Haha, your sometime copy editor thanks you for the widdle shout-out!

My contribution for today:

Setting: A small town in the Mid-west.

Time: During those halcyon days of yore, when bomb shelters were a fashion statement; atmospheric nuclear test radioactive isotopes filled our skies from sea to shining sea; and we kids dutifully lined up on the floor of the darkened school hallway for our periodic anti-Commie drills. (No unseemly crawling under desks for US!)

My Memory from Back in the Day: Absolutely despising the watery, chalky, grayish powdered milk my mother forced my sister and me to drink after the latest round of Nevada A-Bomb testing, so as to avoid the contaminated "real" milk.

My Thoughts on It Today: Gratitude that my parents did what they could to minimize our radiation exposure and the long-term consequences . . .and gratitude for their having encouraged skepticism and critical thinking skills from an early age.

Sage, are you familiar with the 1982 documentary, The Atomic Cafe? If not, it ties in well with your current rabbit hole nukes exploration and is well worth a watch. I saw it shortly after it came out, when my mother rented a copy for a movie night fundraiser for the local peace group she led, and left a lasting impression on me. It's been restored and is available on YT:


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Thank you, will try to find a version that does not require a google sign in to watch.

Big hugs!

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Looks like it pairs well with a nice bottle of 1988 Miracle Mile.

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I was thinking about the daisy clip.

The girl, if she's alive, must be around 60.

She was around 40 when the madness of the second Iraq war hebbbened.

She couldn't stop that madness even if she had done something, and maybe she did. Some people in their 40s tried to prevent that war and to stop it. And failed.

But no one stopped the nukes from the USSR. Because they didn't attack the US. Why not? Simple answer, the cold war was also a psyop. As difficult as it is for people >50 to imagine, it is possible that there are no nukes at all. Global political smoke and mirrors. Incredible, right?

Why do people say Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Stones and everyone else were a psyop? There are many facts that can be construed as evidence that it was part of the war on the mind. Very effective.

Not that the music was created by grey functionaries in a damp basement applying scientific principles of mind control, developed by torturing psychiatric "patients" in the 1950s. No. Rather, the young musicians were given a formula. And some messages and symbols they had to put in their songs. And the formula was based in real popular music from the five decades before, and the formula admitted many variations and tricks. Like in the very ghastly "dazed and confused" by Led Zeppelin.

But the music is real. Although, back in the day, only the boomers liked it. It was their music. Older people hated it. Ugly, noisy, decadent, corrupt and degenerate music of black people and the underclasses in general.

So, the pop music psyop was not aimed at everyone alive in the 1960s.

But the nuclear warfare existential risk psyop was aimed at everyone.

Were the weapons real, back then, like the music was real?

What has hurt human beings more: the fear of nuclear weapons, or the love of rock music?

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#2: Double Agent Rog, I apologize. This is borderline Double Agent Roger behaviour on my part instigating conflict.

::snickers::pulls it together:: makes serious face::snickers again

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No worries, this is your board.

I just add some comedy from time to time.

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Rog! I want to know if nukes were deployed and what they can do and how long the radiation lasts and .....etc.

that all. Good comment above.

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I am begging you to go with the no nukes line of thought to Underdog who has strong feelings about these types of shenanigans.

Seriously, all I wants to know is what is real.

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I don’t like politics or activism, and I don’t want to be an influencer (not that I have the narcissism or the talent to do that.)

I like to learn. I want to stimulate conversations and make people bring information, true or false.

I will tone it down a notch or two, as you request.

Freedom: use it or lose it.

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I am not asking you to tone it down!

I appreciate your outlier mind, no snark!

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This ferocious ranting needs to take a hike.

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What I meant is I had a similar off hand throwaway comment on nukes after Underdog rightfully pushed back on Day Tapes Nukes Plan to install NWO.

And then we chatted about nukes and he was like....WELL IF YOU ADMIT THAT NUKE POWER EXISTS THEN YOU ADMIT NUKES REAL ...


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But you remember that video of the guy who was licking Uranium or something from his hand, right?

He claimed, very shockingly, that radiation was not deadly for people or anything else.

If he did a trick, I also want to know the trick he did.

Think about gasoline, it is flammable and explosive in some circumstances, and it produces beautiful energy to do everything, like nuclear reactors.

But we are under no threat being bombed with gasoline missiles. The politics of gasoline involve economic devastation through blockades, not bombings.

And probably they can make great weapons of war with gasoline as the payload. But what for, right?

But maybe, a substance having energy does not mean it can be used to make bombs that can destroy the planet.

Maybe yes, in that case.

I'm still researching!

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I watched a video on bitchute that I *think* I also watched at Atomic Museum.

The observers one day later were not wearing PPE in the tests in the desert.

Makes no sense.

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🎵 When the music's over, turn out the lights. Turn out the lights. 🎵

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Love it! lol

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Hey, Boomer Kid here. Remember - and loved - Miss F. And, contrary to unfounded opinion, do NOT want people to take the jab.

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Omg. Dr. Frances Hurwich is the stuff of nightmares! 😱

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😹 She really is.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Silly me - I only thought the programming started with Sesame Street and flash carding kids so they couldn't hang onto a thought more than a mere few seconds.

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I've written a Sesame Street post!


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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Amazing Elvis video!

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Thank you! 🎬

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Maybe John Leake is an alien minder. I’ve never seen a forehead that big.

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Today is your day pardner…because I can give you an alien link AND a bigger forehead.

Meet David Wilcock…


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A lot more head to that forehead, no?

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Looks like Mother Nature gave that dude some head. 🤣🤣🤣

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Have you done a post specifically about Hawaii Ed D?

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I started off very bullish on Ed Dowd because he told us Jabs Bad.

When they burned the children alive in HI and Dowd and Bobby punted, I knew.

One of his alleged pals arrived here and began trying hard to draw me in.






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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Aw Fudge. Sigh. I liked him. Sigh.

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Like him!

He's just an ex-Black Rock guy who was worth maybe a billion dollars who arrived in HI along with Bezos, Zuck, Oprah, Oracle guy, Gavin de Becker, Thiel and etc...

And discovered that Jabs were bad and fires were caused by bad land managment.

HI blew the whole Op wide open for me. No going back.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

HI fried me. Still kinda fried.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Gave me actinic conjunctivitis. Even with Oakley sunglasses on. Guess ya need the laser kind of sunglasses.

Actinic Conjunctivitis really, really smarts.

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Who. To. Trust. ????????????

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You are going to have to learn to understand the agendas in play and stop hoping for a person to save you.

They will keep sending you people to save you and if you never track back the agendas and how they meander around to lead you back OR hang out a furrowed brow and play stupid (Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein) then now you know.

It does help to track back WHERE THEY COME FROM and who they are ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION FROM.

I do not know how else to say this.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

I get it. I am that person that nobody will talk to because I always point out that literally everyone in the public eye is a reptile. My sis in law quit talking to me because her heroine D Parton got the shaft from me at a birthday party at her house. My bad lol Thanks for the reminder that we are quite literally on our own. I mean that sincerely--thanks.

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I'm not saying this is easy.

We are in the Truman Show. This is a massive massive decades long Operation. They are light years ahead of us in the arts of manipulation.

Listen to the Day Tapes. BELIEVE THEM.


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You can trust me. Would you like a free computer?

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While I'm vacationing.

In Hawaii.


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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

Why do I still fall for it. Anyone ANYONE that is not censored belongs to the club.

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Not sure that is not a bullet proof metric.

They use this to gain confidence sometimes. (Confidence game. con game)

ex. Bob gets tossed off Twitter, Linked In.

But then is on Rogan and Substack where we all trampled. Now he is back on Twitter bragging about million plus "followers".

See? Truth will win!

You need to understand how clever the Scorpions are.


Here is your Cheat Code to NOT fall for bullshit.

Firmly understand the agendas of the Scorpions. Study them.

See if your Hero is pulling up in confronting them because....reasons.

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Jun 28Liked by Sage Hana

I can break the metric in one. Carlin.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

There’s that superpower again. Spooky recall skillz.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Huff should looki into wearing red pants. His boyfriend there should consider 10 inch heels.

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