Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

First, I may be the only one but I chuckle when you use KJV English. SH, you are so unique. And I do think this is likely your greatest post to date. Not just because you linked The Day Tapes. You're similar to a prophet. I hope I live to see you receive your trophy, reward, acknowledgement or what I really want for you is your crown of righteousness. Blesseth you, SH.

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I'm a very obnoxious Shih Tzu AI Bot DOD Troll.

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Very well said, consuelo, I concur.....*LIKE*!

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Dunegan/Day’s prophetic words -- “so that we, or they, would enter the 21st Century with a flying start” -- were fulfilled literally on 911, flying into the World Trade War Center.

When the rollerblading vulture gnaws your liver, rest assured it will be punishment for writing the best stack ever. [canned applause]

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Oh my goodness.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Is it just me or did Tulsi say "the skin burning off of our children" with a special relish in her voice?

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Not just you. Sarah picked up on this straight away.

They burned kids alive down there in an Operation. A fire Operation.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Her entire remarks about nukes make me think of trauma-based mind control. In fact, it reminds me of a story my dad told me. They used to show kids the films about seeing a flash and getting under your desk, etc. My dad calls that "bend over and kiss your ass goodbye." But he also said that he remembered a film about how during an air raid siren warning for a nuke attack, a little girl hides in a fridge in a junk yard and ends up suffocating when no one can find her.

Now that type of suffocation-in-a-confined-space experience was related in multiple books by people who say they were trauma based mind control survivors. Either they got buried in an actual coffin or they got put in a fridge. They say the trauma causes a sort of personality split off.

So was the government using a technique adapted from trauma based mind control techniques on kids in school to open a compartment in their mind where the fear of nukes was going to be placed?

A flash in the sky and a mushroom cloud don't produce for a child the visceral fear that the idea of suffocating in a fridge would. Was Tulsi engaging in a 'lite' form of trauma based mind control by stoking fear with vivid images of horrific suffering? Sort of like how the famous Terminator scene does?

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

I was there for those drills. I remember watching a 16mm film with the explosion, buildings tilting and swooshing away in the nuclear wind(how’d they film that if everything was blowing away?) and everyone must either rush to a fallout shelter or get under your desk when you heard the school alarm bell. Afterward we practiced counting buggers and chewing gum wads under our desks. The next drill I told the teacher this whole hide from the bomb thing was stupid because you were not going to survive blast heat or wind and the radiation would get you anyway. She told me I could go to the cloak room (we still had those then). I said cool.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Do you remember when they showed the film "The Day After"? It was a nationwide thing to get everyone to watch it and they organized discussion groups in various cities purportedly to help people with the trauma induced by it.

Was it really a psyop? Were the people in the discussion groups being monitored by a "plant" in the group? The whole thing struck me as rather weird. I now see it was to manufacture panic and put things in people's brain vectors.

I did watch the movie on TV, since I had a friend who was big into it and I was curious. I never went to a discussion group, too much of an investment for a media event that I didn't care much about.

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See the third linked article from the top, posted here:


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This stuff is really wild. And new to me.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Ok, I kept thinking about this movie and looked it up on Spookapedia. Interesting that it had the largest viewing audience of any tv movie to that point. They really hyped and set it up, getting people to talk about it in advance and after. Maybe a rehearsal for later things like covid.

"The film was broadcast on Soviet state television in 1987,[5] during the negotiations on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. " It's wild that they made a Soviet version as well, insisting it be true to the original and that it was broadcast in the USSR. (Day tapes: We cooperate more than people think).

I know my friend thought it was a big deal and think some others did, too. Maybe the beginning, or middle of the psyop the Day tapes talks about.

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I saw a few of these videos at the Atomic Museum!

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Yep that’s it. Even though I threw the bullshit flag it’s still took me years to come to the conclusion that most doings of the government and tv was bs.

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I saw the movie but strictly as entertainment. 1983. They’d lost me by that time. I was more interested in sailing, diving, motorcycles, and drinking by then.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

I see what dew mean.

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That was epic! Run on sentences for the win! 💥🔥And damn, I did spit out my coffee, and then switched to Big Red and did it again.. You do deserve a Stackie Award and I'm going to nominate you to the bot committee right after I design those screen protectors. But I'm not going to condone Teriyaki Ribeye Fajitas! That's a step too far. ❤️💕❤️

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HB, try the "Fajitas Surprise"...


HB: "mmm....what is this succulent Mexican glaze anyway?"

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😹 😻

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although there probably is a mectin for that

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😂 Fair point. I'll get some Petmectin from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World.

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

Why not get it from the Smartest Guy in the World? Probably better quality.

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The cure for that exists but is being kept in the Rockescorpion vault. I don't think a mectin will work.

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Two things... Woman in a Gabbard...


Secondly, I am shocked and appalled by your insinuations....

That you would bring in the "raccoon dog" to your writing is nothing short of sacrilege. The Japanese, with their penchant for having fake, furry raccoon dog bollocks, THE DOG'S BOLLOCKS, (underlined THE) in their places of commerce to gently tickle in order to bring good luck to the establishment, are surely traumatised by your callous inclusion into 'WTF WEFfie' diatribe.


I think you owe the mighty nation of big balled Samurai and ninja'd big balled Obe a full and frank apology...


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Gonna be a good board.

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Bed Bath & Beyond has a special set with large white sheet & a wakizashi. $59.99 + S/H* *S/H = Shipping & Handling

English to Kanji xlator: https://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/kanjiabc.cgi

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たん たん たぬき の金玉は!

風もないのに ぶーら ぶら!

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Gulsi Tabbard, right?

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Damn. Typed a long comment and it disappeared. If it pops up, I wasn't finished and didn't edit it.

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Check behind the bar — sometimes they roll off the edge and land in the peanut shells

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It was detained at a Little Rock server for review...found not to be suicidal...then vanished.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

"Clicked on the wrong button, the one that said, this is a drill." We're to believe that there are no security protocols and back ups to prevent this? Like a kindergardner can just be f***** around on a keyboard and the world's security is at stake?

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Falls under the SH Shibboleth of "Dolts Botching Shit".

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Pre-Northern Exposure, his greatest line... www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FogV4Qv8p8

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Scooby & crew pull the mask off of Matthew Broderick...and it's a...Steve Miller? No. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWUtY44e1pY


Alternate read? ...and it's...Steve Miller? Yes, but first...The Aristocrat* Clowns!

* Quarter-billionaire clowns...asking for donations...like the clown's hang time!

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Speaking of Scooby! My good friend worked in a testing lab that was in the middle of a residential neighborhood. I know, because I lived near that neighborhood. The white buildings on the back of the unremarkable rural property housed pristine, state of the art labs that grew genetically pure white mice that were cultivated specifically for testing. My friend told me they often had special high-end guests escorted through the lab. These were investors in the products they were testing. She was quite excited when Matthew Lillard from the movie Scooby Doo was escorted through. My friend's job there ended after she accidentally nicked herself in the palm of her hand when injecting a mouse. What started as a small infection turned into her losing most of the fleshy part of her hand because they kept doing surgery to keep cutting the infection out. Now what do you suppose they were injecting into those mice? My friend worked previous to this job in a primate testing lab in the middle of a city. It was in a completely unmarked building with the city busy all around it. When she told me I had a hard time believing it--the public library was on the same block! Now that all of the info about bio labs has come to light it makes sense. Hidden in plain sight.

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Prolly was flapping his coat around at the time. Little bastard.

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Exactly how my mind envisioned it going down.

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I spent my entire morning and did all the required due diligence to get me to the point where I can honestly hit the like button. No (online) time or energy left for intelligent input. Therefore word scramble:

Her demeanor and form of presentation has changed in the last four years [this matters].

In the 2020 video her body language, choice of words, intonation, and disposition were identical to Obama. I could see Obama making the identical speech with identical gestures. [Not kinda like Obama, not similar.... precise]. Is she really really good at acting? Does she have no personality of her own? Was she coached to speak as if she were he or is she just brainwashed by viewing so many Obama speeches that she has no personality of her own? Does she have a personality disorder? Is she expressing in the 2020 video what is known as a programed multiple? An alter?

Now looking ahead to the more recent video we can see a completely different personality... in the span of four years it seems that much has changed.

Much seems contradictory about the content of the two speeches as if they come from two different individuals but even more noteworthy to me is the shift in demeanor, the apparent new or altered personality.

Hold up, people can change in four years, people HAVE changed in the last four years, let's take this fact into consideration;

- we have become more aware of the truth of democide in the last four years.

- as a culture our health, child mortality, and life expectancy have all clearly changed for the worse.

- we have lost loved ones and we have lost economic strength, we have suffered deeply at a personal level.

I'm generalizing right now but I hope you can agree that what we have gone through has made us more circumspect, less sure, more careful, less trusting of authority, more compassionate in the face of human imperfection, more considerate and less reactivate, and less sure of what used to be commonly accepted.

I provide a false dichotomy for you to chew upon.....

Are the notable changes in her personality more likely the result of AN INDIVIDUAL living through life in America these last four years?


Are the notable changes the result of an alter(nate) personality or newly programmed personality of a programed multiple?

I ask these questions using the term "personality" where, in truth, I see none. Whatever it is that I DO SEE scares me even more now than what I see four years ago however, that which has changed and grown and disturbs me more now than before is not a change in personality and especially not a changing personality due to someone living through the previous four years, it is something else....

Sometimes important people get special access....

Special access to the story or special access to the truth.....

Sometimes important people get a version of the story that others do not have access to....

They can have confidence in the story they are told because they are insiders, it is their insider privilege which affords them the inside scoop, the REAL story.

I'm left wondering

Is there a programmed personality inside Tulsi which can remember to be afraid of the pink insulation which was the (proximal) cause of 102* killings in Lahaina? Or is there become something even more important to worry about in the last 334 days?

Cause it sure would have been helpful to clamp down the state department (because of some HRC crazy eyes) BEFORE Bengazi.



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Damn...Her service is shrouded.

I do recall that she was in intelligence or trained in intelligence.


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They could have shortened the title of the article by including the word "Manchurian".

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

All of her vids make my skin crawl. I am willing to bet she trained in the US Psychological Operations unit >>The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S.<< Her presentations show very sophisticated acting, much more polished than your average politician. The control is all over her. And, given her career path it’s a straight vector into diplomacy, high level politics. Gr 👀med, p👁lished, and as you perfectly said, hollowed out.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

BREAKING: Stay on this thread. The ACE and DOD are running a series of psychological operations in HI. I consider the ongoing military psy ops to be part of the long range strategic realignment called "planned retreat" (DOE and DOD) shifting from U.S.A. to assets of Oceania. All the meetings on Maui hosted by Maui County, ACE, DOD, and/or CNHA/HCF are part of a Delphi technique operation. All messaging and all "facts" released must fall within the proscribed paradigm. Jet fuel has been removed from DOD control in Oahu and distributed to "partners" over seas. Compact Of Free Association grants indefinite special visitors status in HI to pacific Island nation citizens. (White Green builds COFA certified "work force housing" Emergency proclamation from August ninth was just extended again on July 2nd. So we have blatantly dictatorial behavior at executive level and an army of cheap labor/ population displacers standing by to help facilitate trafficking the residents [who have Hawaiian culture and constitutional protections] to "the ninth island" (Las Vegas).

The normies in Hawaii are just at this moment being brought to the realisation that space force is taking over from those evil, corrupt, European colonizers and giving everything back to the "Hawaiians".

Space force is obviously psy-force...... there is an army of local, disgruntled, stage occupying activists that are ready to continue gathering and networking at any and all space force public gatherings. It's literally like one big family ....

Medieros in office of Maui mayor for 13.5 years. Medieros lab at UH does $$$$$$ mosquito microbiome research for GMO Wallbachia mosquito release here and now Kauai. Medieros to be Mayor in 2027 according to Maui County website.

These are names which MUST be researched and cross referenced to known illuminati families [please help];







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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Unfortunately, most of the US and the world has tuned out or, astonishingly, never tuned into the Lahaina globalist operation. We were taken by surprise that Zombie nations are already fully installed. So your people failed to receive the outcry and public pressure appropriate for the heinous crimes committed. Shortly we will all share the Palestinian and HI horror as this blueprint repeats itself. When we don’t speak up, we become complicit in the Evil. Here is a spotlight from Canada documenting Lahaina developments as residents are robbed of their rights and land. I am suggesting that you share your local insights to this poster and review/add to the list of links below the video. We are standing witness and grief with the people of Lahaina. https://old.bitchute.com/video/aU00C97cFx99/?

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All the more remarkable since her mother came from a small town south of Fort Wayne, Indiana called Decatur - know it well. She most likely still has relatives there (Porter family).

Tulsi has never acknowelged her Hoosier roots, only "mahalo". -

Her mother then grew up in southern Michigan and later became a Hare Krishna.

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Woha mahalo.

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Welp! She grew up in a cult. Her parents were in a cult. Programming is in her childhood and likely forward. When I think of her, for some reason, I also think of Sarah Palin. She was in a very weird cult even while she was running for VP. I also remember some hint that Tulsi was in intelligence. Maybe on this stack?

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She's pretty well full spectrum military intelligence asset, unapologeticly so. We have masses of voters which think that is just great and secrecy is just what we need to be led by in their eyes. A far cry from the "secrecy is repugnant...." of older generation.

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What is the cult? Let's do some statistics....

Likelyhood that political operator grew up in a cult times the likelyhood that the cult is totally unaffiliated with the satanic bloodline families????


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Science of Identity cult. Chris Butler. A Brave search gave me a few details. https://search.brave.com/search?q=tulsi+Gabbard+cult&source=desktop

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for the superstack! There's another thing .. in one of the pandemic wargames , I can't remember if it's 201 or SPARS , the president gets really incapable due to age and he gets replaced by the VP.

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Oh please dear God, not!

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But it could be so verrrry much worse, y'all. I heard somewhere that Cackles could invite Hillary to be VP, sign a few token bills, and then abdicate or get Arkancided. Whether Congress has a say in approving an unelected VP in such a case...I don't know, but if someone's looking for a civil war (or more optimistically, for a way to unite disparate groups to work together on a single issue) having Cackles hand the football to Cankles would be enough to put a lot of folks off their Doritos and beer. I'm sure* concerned relevant corporate interests would 'intercede' to protect their bottom lines. *Sorta sure?

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She’s been intentionally made unusable. To even the densest hammer. Years ago. We are all being played like a carnival piano on the POTUS stage. Nothing is unintended. Including the Biden fam trainwreck. At this point who would blink if he stayed in bed one morning? Easy. But the Show must go on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuv-BoYKDb4 for everyone’s kneefall and embrace for a much more refined Tier 2 incoming. So, that wouldn’t be Cankles.

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Maybe Cankles won't make it, but I'm going to bet $100 on her at 200-1 odds, just in case. If it pays off, at least I'll be able to buy lots of extra Doritos before they Round Us Up (Glyphisolate?) into the camps.

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😆 going there either way. Add some mectin, for the helminths and external little buddies.

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Yup, the smart money sez we're going camping soon...maybe we'll meet up with Dad (think J-town "Dad"), who left a while back for a pack o' smokes. I recall back in the 80s there were these grinder gadgets with fine-mesh screen attachments that velocity lovers would use to transform rocky products into powder that could be put (by creating a brief, very localized reduction in atmospheric pressure) where the PCR swabs now go. Maybe time to hit up Ebay and pick up a piece of vintage tech so that I have a way to pulverize a 12mg tab of mectin to sprinkle over some o' them Doritos. I'd say to sprinkle over a plate of Dorito-nachos, but I doubt we'll be afforded any broiling equipment other than "hot lots" and even if we did, the gubmint cheese would be made with milk made from cows purposely afflicted with bird flu...so ambient temp Doritos with mectin sprinkles will be the best we'll be able to make do with. :-(

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She was recently on Roseanne Barr's podcast but I didn't listen because I don't like having a buncha smoke blown up my ***. Can't even stomach Rogan anymore. There's almost no one speaking on current times with much exposure that isn't a shame.

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

So much packed into this post. 🔥

Tulsi's aunt was murdered recently.

I was reading about her family. It's in my brain vector...like so many political figures & dark, dark stuff.

I'm too tired to comment coherently.

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Need links when you feel sharp!

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How to explain the unsettling and cruel expressions in the eyes of these however good people? They have the piercing gaze of sociopaths or psychopaths, which is truly frightening. You'll notice this in individuals like Macron, Trudeau, Schwab, Fink, Gabbard, Freeland, Schwarzenegger, among otherwise nice people.

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Go on...

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I think it is necessary for us to think as people as "good" so that we may live in the jungle and not be frightened.

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Of course, we must.

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people in my estimation are situationally good.

been pondering this issue since was small shih tzu.

now i can't turn my caps lock on.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

I used to. But now agree that 10-15% are inherently ‘wired without fuses’ and lacking empathy. It’s not environmental. Political Ponerology. Preconditioned to become our leaders. Soft and cozy critters adore tough and shrewd scorpions promising safety and care-taking. Evolutionary programming flaw. And maybe some old genetic entanglement. They live among us. Not with us.

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I think I agree. People are situationally good. Under certain circumstances they are kind, helpful, loving but underneath they are, may I ? Sinners. Born sinners and it's always lurking there. I know it. It lurks in me. Perhaps more than in most people. And it comes out with the slightest provocation.

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So wouldn't it follow that you can be as good as possible in every situation?

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The goodness of people! Maybe? Humans can clash at any moment when provoked. It’s hard to say for sure.

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Jul 8Liked by Sage Hana

Otherwise nice people, like Schwarzenegger, for example? Serial adulterer and liar (until he gets caught) AND couldn’t give a moments thought to your freedom, except to say “Screw your freedom!”. Why? Because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself and what he wants, when HE wants it, no matter who and how it affects others. Seems to be a trait amongst many “leaders”..

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Absolutely. A malignant narcissist, through and through.

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

Went to Austin in April 23 for the INC23 (2nd annual United Independents Conference). I knew little about it except I wanted to see Zach Bush. To summarize my impression of INC23 : it was very small poorly organized but had some names well known in the SH sphere, among them, Tulsi, Brock Pierce, Dennis Kucinich, Bigtree, Evergreen Boy & Eisenvector (who had a few surreptitious meetings in the outdoor alcoves) Overall, it was strange & the organizer rather creepy. The rotating promo screen had quotes by Barbara Marx Hubbard. A lot of AI pushing. You can get a flavor in the video link.

I actually didn't think a lot about what I observed until I started reading SH shortly after.

The interesting thing now; the INC24 conference was promoted early in 24 for July4 weekend in Denver. Much hoopla with few details and no listing of presenters. Only a couple of months ago it was suddenly changed to Sept 17-19 in Denver. Now billed as the Independents convention for RFKs candidacy. Left me wondering if this was the plan all along??


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Zach Bush of the Bush Presidential Family? Or do I have that wrong?

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Not of that Bush family that I know of. A dr/“thought leader”? Who focuses on microbiome regenerative farming. A bit woo woo for sure. I have tried to apply your clear eyed thinking as to whether he is the real deal and I can’t say for sure. He seems to stay out of the political fray but he is friends with some like Eisenvector. I do agree with his stated philosophy of staying healthy- he’s all about keeping your microbiome robust and letting Mother Nature do its part. Following his advice has improved my health. I’m 76 but been off of allopathic interventions for a long time.

You can check him out at at zachbushmd.com

Thanks for all you do and helping guide us down this deep deep rabbit hole

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

"I'm telling you RIGHT NOW...that mf is not real!!" (Tulsi has always seemed more robot than real to me)

And the "Have a Blast" t-shirt is beyond words...speechless here! It feels like we have truly descended into madness here on earth.

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I always thought Tulsi was a honeypot. Tucker would literally drool when he interviewed her. (Obviously the bottom part was obscured in these instances.)

On the Nukes note, you might find this interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XvcM82WwqE&t=318s

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Ahhh but your liver will regenerate, SH, and we will all come and visit you on our once every year day off from the unwashed labor camps!

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