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Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing

Podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/michael-palmer-atomic

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I'm watching the grilling of Kimberley Cheater on congress.

I was thinking that if Trump had died, that woman would be in prison, simply to protect her life.

But she has now this job of looking very bad on purpose and allowing the witches throw hexes at her. She looks like the President of Idiotistan in official visit. I think she is forcing too much, and people are going to notice. I mean, no one can be **that** incompetent. She's had nine days to prepare a ton of credible excuses.

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"Mistakes were made. We'll do better moving forwards."

see also: Bob Malone at Ron Johnson #2 in a series.

The Never Ending Series of Dolts Botching Shit.

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Interesting to note our favorite WI senator leading the charge on this inquiry too

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Yes, he’s a professional. Not an amateur. Higher up the organization chart from Evergreen Boy, eg.

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I think I read that her first rally is gonna be in WI. I thought of him at that moment for "some" reason. I'm surprised he's not running. He senms to be "leading the charge" on so many issues these days. And sorry if this posts again. It keeps saying "something went wrong" and makes me hit the Pist button again.

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Yeah I woke up this morning and thought: this scenario of SS botching shit is all so obvious to present the idea that they did it on purpose, thst people should get angry about it, and trump saying "Fight" is a clarion call for their premeditated and purposeful push for a civil war. They're trying everything to cause that! He's in on the plan too. Playing it for all it's worth. They want martial law so bad so they can get on with their plans. Who knows what they'll come up with next. Something to do with the election I'm sure. Let's all try Zenning lol

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They’ll have Kamala win the vote despite endlessly presenting bad polls to kick that off.

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I want to see her wearing Punjabi festive clothing and a bindi on her forehead 24/7.

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Yeah that might do it lol.

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Cackles for President. Feels like the Twilight Zone. And yes, the polls botching shit play

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I found this Jacob Nordangard's take on Trump pretty good:


This is the same guy who disseczed the history of "climate change":


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"Order out of chaos" is how I've seen this described.

"Build Back Better", or if you prefer Tess Lawrie's version: A Better Way Forwards.

I have come to see that a certain segment of the world wants to be culled. Or at least placated as they die.

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"Without a presidential candidate of Barack Obama’s caliber, it will be difficult to stop Trump's road to victory."


Yeah, Jacob, Barry wasn't exactly stopping the march to the New World Order either.


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Aug 2Liked by Sage Hana

Barry Sotero, the “poor kid” who somehow got his Punahou $20K yearly tuition covered by his single mother who was working WHERE?

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The swap-out is pretty apparent. Just flipping the coin. Scary!

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Over the last few years I’ve come to realise that the nuclear weapons allegedly dropped on Japan in 1945 weren’t real. Unquestionably it was a PsyOp.

It’s interesting given that it was fake that the perpetrators feature Oppenheimer and all that fake jazz so strongly today.

It’s almost as if they never did solve whatever it was that made it impossible to dispatch those not A-bombs in 1945.

I often wonder, why couldn’t they drop an A-bomb in 1945?

This might be for a practical, engineering reason & they might even have understood it back then and decided to fake it (expecting to fill in the gaps later & along the way, selling you bikinis, scantily clad young people and the Jet Age (one of the few 20th century inventions that is real).

If that was what it was, when exactly did the solve this engineering problem?

I need to know specifics. Once we’ve been lied to once by spectacular PsyOps, I’m not accepting throw away answers.

Do note that there are some who have evidence that at least some of the post-war A-bomb “tests” were faked. I am open minded, pending proof.

There is another possibility for faked bombs in ‘45. If it was concluded that, despite the real power which can be released by fissioning of certain radioactive nuclei & led to civilian nuclear power, we humans cannot reduce to practise reaching & maintaining “critical mass” for long enough to trigger a fission based detonation, they’d still maintain the fakery.

Obviously these are alternatives. One led to the world where we really could press a few buttons and end human life on earth. In those circumstances, you’d be forgiven for thinking that people with the potential to kill the world would be very careful about their behavior towards others also possessing them.

The other alternative led to a world where we’re lied to even more, because fear is an excellent way to get your opponents to surrender.

Which world we are in is not an irrelevant question.

It’s interesting to note that the perpetrators behaviour right now looks like bluffery to me. I’m not faintly scared because I think they’re bluffing.

If there’s a news report to the effect there’s been a limited nuclear exchange in Ukraine, we’ve got to lock ourselves down and tape up doors and windows & government officials will be round by & by to confiscate all weapons, to save the world you understand, I’m off outside for a good long walk in the countryside.


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This is exactly like the moon landing argument. I don’t understand what is gained trying to construct a more elaborate scenario to try to explain some inability to do these things, when in reality the simpler explanation was we did them.

That said I agree current threats are bluffery, and got myself equipped a couple years ago now to do independent measurements should somebody claim to be lighting something off somewhere that we have to lock down for.

There is some agenda driving the “we were never able to do these things” arguments I’ve seen increase with covid that I find confusing.

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You chose to not read even the opening chapter of the free book as a pdf.

If you had, I don’t think you could possibly have written your post.

I don’t disagree that these analyses are a kind of stamp collecting.

However, we might agree that for completely different reasons.

It seems you believe that most major historical events are more or less reported as they actually happened.

As I’ve looked at event after event, I can’t find an important historical event in which the reality approximates the narrative :)

It’s not a competition, though & each to his or her own.

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You are correct that I had not sat down and read the pdf when I posted this. I still have not fully, but have it downloaded and am picking at references here and there. It does appear to be on more sound footing than the “American Moon” video people have held up as proving there was no moon landing, and I had in mind when posting this.

I do not at this point believe major historical events were necessarily as reported, but do believe sometimes the easiest explanation might have been to actually do the thing. Have added this to the ever growing rabbit holes to wander down, but still default to the weapons actually were nuclear. I suspect some of the fakery referenced could have been for different reasons — one could infer things with some of the right numbers to reproduce the technology. Its interesting, and am open to argument. Just like I am open to explosives in WTC but think someone did drive planes into them (if only for effect). Or am open to some kind of viral signature floating around last few years even if NY was likely murder and misattribution. Or that there likely were bullets whizzing around two weeks ago in PA though shot by who and aimed at what we may never know… ‘Its all false’ is as easy a trap to fall into as ‘its all true’.

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Personally I don’t think it’s a trap, because most narratives around major events are indeed lies.

Almost all modern terrorist events are false flags, for example.

Once it’s accepted that hideous lies are told & maintained over decades, a reasonable initial position is that we’re being lied to again.

On covid, I’m as certain as it’s possible for a scientist to be that that the entire event was long planned and entirely faked. No exaggerated response to a minor genuine event. All faked.

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Covid certainly is the reason I’m open to these possibilities. Still working backwards while trying to understand the live shitfuckery. But there are efforts to discredit in both directions. I’m not convinced even covid is that simple, though certainly am closer to where you’re at.

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Good for you that you are open to the possibility that the Japanese cities were destroyed by something other than nukes.

It’s not only on a more sound footing than moon landing questions. In my opinion, we have multiple levels of proof that Hiroshima & Nagasaki err not nukes.

1. Way too little radioactivity then & now.

2. Tell tale isotopes like plutonium are missing from samples acquired in 1945.

3. Lake sediments do contain some plutonium but found in layers deposited later than 1945.

4. The appearance of the destroyed cities is the same as numerous other Japanese cities destroyed by fire bombings.

5. The patterns of destruction are inconsistent with a single air blast.

6. Injuries inconsistent with a nuclear detonation such as survival almost immediately below the point said to be ground zero. They should all have died due to intense radiation.

7. Injuries consistent with mustard gas poisoning.

Several others I can’t recall easily.

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While I agree that the nuclear weapons of 1945 were a psyop, there is no need to ever perfect the "bomb". (I went to school in Richland, Washington where our school mascot name was "the Bombers").

What we have now is the very real weapon of nuclear power plants that have vulnerabilities - software, security, design flaws, reliance on external power, etc. - that could be set off any time a country gets out of line. Not only that, but the specter of the dirty bomb is still with us today.

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However, these don’t have the existential threat value that deliberately targeted nukes have, accompanied by high levels of fear in the population.

They might well exist today. I am open to both possibilities.

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I believe the Jap nukes were a psyop too, more like Dresden fire bombing. However, are dirty bombs and the Uranium tipped shells really a thing?

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

That first video is a good example of how we were programmed to see the whole thing. It shows the science of how Fat Boy worked. But it showed it in relation to bombing Nagasaki as if there were no humans being killed and maimed. So you were supposed to focus on the sciency part, forget the humans were even there. Worse horror film than Silence of the Lambs.

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I mean...the whole entertainment spectacle of all of it, the James Bond wing, the incessant focus on Elvis and McDonald's, the T-shirt shop with Tees, "I had a blast!"

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

It's a surreal museum about a surreal era. Cold.

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It is like walking into a Time Warp.

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Did it have creepy mannequins who shapeshifted into humans? I’m referencing “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston, one of my favorite cringe movies I saw WITH MY FAMILY (!!!!!!) when I was either five or six years old.

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Nuclear weapons are the most indiscriminate anti-human weapons ever. Obviously a number of the Scorp’s have read the Day Tapes, too, and plan to be as far from rhe epicenters as possible. How deep do you think Larry Ellison’s bunker is?

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Deep into Middle Earth 🧙🏻‍♀️🧝🏼‍♂️

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23


BG Crawford F. Sams (Civil Affairs & Commander UN Public Health & Welfare) WUSTL transcript is (IMO) illuminating w.r.t. nuclear weapons in the immediate aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

"There was a letter brought over by this first group that came up to Japan from ... in which the President was looking for a new deterrent against a future war, because air power had failed ... So the object of this instruction, called Letter of Instruction, was 'You will play up the devastating effect of the atomic bomb.' All right?"

"Anybody who had been in Hiroshima and died within six months, whether they got run over by a bicycle or whatnot, would be credited to the atomic bomb."

"When I came back to this country, I was appalled, from a military standpoint, to find that our major planners in the War Department were using their own propaganda, 100 thousand deaths, Bing! And [they were] comparing it – saying it was the greatest killer in comparing it to the number of deaths in Tokyo, which had been literally destroyed by high explosives. Actually, the atomic bomb was a damn poor killer in comparison to the exposed population."

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Shades of "Covid" deaths. Or maybe covid deaths were shades of Hiroshima deaths?

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I watched Oppenheimer. Kind of boring IMO. Too long. At least you got to gamble in Vegas, right? ❤️

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A bit, yes!

I like Vegas because I realize just how far out in front people on the ground are more than the nominal winners of the race who are bargaining their ass off 24/7.

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Perhaps all should go back to the movie "On the Beach", a 1959 movie with Ava Gardner, Gregory Peck done mostly near Melbourne & Geelong Australia being the last cities in the world to die from radiation.

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Oh wow....Will check out, thanks.

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Pretty depressing movie. I went back and watched it some months ago. Saw it as a kid. I did enjoy watching Ava Gardner. She was probably a fun character before she developed presenile dementia.

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If anyone reads Scorpio Eruditus, read today's post "Trump Part III". Sage, I know you may be put off by some of the religious references, but the post is soooo interesting. As is this one from you today. Things are coming so fast now that it's difficult to keep up. Is it culminating?

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It's not about "off-put" it's just that I clearly see (and have my whole life) how the God Concept is tailor-made to fit each tribe's rationale for murdering the world.

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We all Chosen People now

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I see something "helpfully" changed my words for me and I did not notice. I typed "S c i p i o" and it was changed to Scorpio. Maddening!

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Mebbe Scipio has an evil twin that has connections with spellcheck programmers?

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From today's Ana Maria M.

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"The Singularity Is Nearer - When Humans Merge With AI"By Ray Kurzweil. Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI.


JUL 23


I recently finished reading Ray Kurzweil’s new book. It is imperative reading, for all those who negate the fact that self assembly nanotechnology has been found in the COVID19 bioweapons, that nano and microrobots are swimming through the blood of every human being right now and that their information is being uploaded into the cloud - their data managed by AI. AI is expected to exceed collective human intelligence any minute now, or at least by 2029. In the biotechnology sector, it will take over all pharmaceutical trials, it will replace doctors, it will automate jobs. You can read about all the ways you will be replaced in his book. In other words, you will own nothing and be happy - the nanobots in the brain will take care of that. Kurzweil supports smart sustainable development goals, which we know that 13 out of 17 are supported by nanotechnology.

Ray Kurzweil is the AI Google Engineer who wrote the book “ The Singularity is near” in 2005 paints the envisioned future by the Silicon Valley Technocrats. Yes, the ones who are endorsing JD Vance and President Trump now. Elon Musk, who’s father was a Technocrat and who famously said “AI is summoning the Demi Urge”, and who on Halloween happens to wear emblems of Satan on his chest is leading the technocratic transhumanist group supporting President Trump.

Why Some of the Loudest Cheers for Trump Are Coming From Silicon Valley Elon Musk, David Sacks, Marc Andreessen and other influential figures in technology have endorsed former President Donald Trump.

I wrote about Kurzweil’s 2005 book here - the reason why people should pay attention is that the 2005 book with precision predicted all events over the next 20 years with astonishing accuracy… as if someone had access to an AI supercomputer “Looking Glass” technology.

I've read about Kurzweil but never his writings. Has anyone else?

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Did she mention (again) that the "unvaxxed" are in danger?

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Noting a remarkable prescience is consistent with the author being or having access to a seer.

Alternatively, the author has access to the script that’s been followed for most if not all of my life.

I vote the latter.

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I assume you're still fairly busy, so not expecting a reply, but I recall you saying something to the effect that you have read the bulk of the quality scifi material extant in the 1960-80 period and am curious as to whether the short stories of Alice Sheldon (writing as James Tiptree, Jr.) factor in your worldview. I'm thinking especially of "We Who Stole the Dream", "The Girl Who Was Plugged In", and "The Last Flight of Dr. Ain".

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Same here, but there is a good chance I will read Dr. Ana's stack later today.

This was short today, but informative from Sabrina...


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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Maybe they will have to use nukes since the US and other Western countries can no longer manufacture conventional weapons. The kind that go boom. This figures into why Ukraine has lost so badly on the battlefield.

The history of this is that the US and rest of the Western countries no longer manufacture TNT. They have phased out all the plants that do this, except one ancient WWII era plant. They decided to import TNT based materials from a couple countries, Russia and China. 🤯. One reason for this: Let those other countries manufacture the things that pollute their countries.

High tech weapons haven't worked well on the battlefield. It will take a very long time to rebuild the plants, especially given environmental regulations. They tried to make environmentally safer ones, but it was a failure, and they weren't any "cleaner" to boot. Source: Substack Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid July 23, 2024

We do have the nukes, apparently. So lacking other kinds of conventional firepower, it may be a good excuse to use the nukes. And it's being put into our brain vector that they will. Put in there from all sides. It used to be off the table, so it was barely mentioned as an option.

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We do, however, seem to have DEW-y Eyes in the Skies, tested & tuned in Paradise, Lahina, and elsewhere (Maybe Amarillo, Heather?). Maybe instead of nukes and all that long-term radioactivity USA & Russia will start an escalation ladder leading toward DEW attacks on each other's big cities. Smaller towns like mine will be proofs of concept, driving populace in more populated cities to demand the UN step in and fulfill the Day Tapes prediction of a 'convincing negotiated peace' which would no doubt require an iron-handed world government to secure. Thermonuclear is still a safe bet down at The Sports Book, but I see DEW trending up. YMMV

If you're an alien reptilian waiting for the terraforming (by what we consider pollution by NH3, phosphates, and the like) to get into the sweet spot of your Goldilocks zone, maybe you won't mind the fallout and debris, but if you're a human (or used-to-be human-but-different-now) Central Banker, nukes are going to keep you down in the hole-y bunker for a looong time...that is, if nukes are real. ::checks for Dirty Harry YT clip with Do You Feel Lucky...finds an Ace:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3rZgs3dudI

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DEW wasn't around when Richard Day made his speech, so yes, quite possible. And IF nukes are real then agree about the fallout. Assuming DEW was used in 9/11, then they were already testing it. Thing is DEW may not cull as easily as nukes, and culling is part of it. Is DEW what they say it is, or is it just the old fashioned stuff used in novel ways with chemicals like thermite. No way to know for sure.

I think the TNT type explosives may be better for a ground war than DEW as we have seen in Ukraine. I doubt they want to destroy all the infrastructure since they've been buying up a lot of it.

Also, a lot of those movies and also the betting stuff is likely part of the show. I assume it all is. Like the brouhaha about the Trump stocks. We assume they don't want to lose money, but they see it as an investment.

I'm not very convinced about the aliens, thinking it's used to distract and a psyop. But there are human scorpions as we've noted, and possibly transhumans we don't know about. Though some of it is likely hype of Musk and others.

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If they get us into 15-minute kill boxes, pretty sure we'll be cullable at whatever rate they decide works best for them.

IMO losing money is much less of an issue than losing control...as long as they're in control, they can print all the money they want/need...kinda like they do now.

I'm not putting any 'belief' into the alien thing, but it remains as one concept in a constellation of things I can't disprove. But I did see something about somebody (with some level of credentials) saying material involved in Morgellons is not from Earth...so who TF knows?

BTW, if you got into Dana Ashlie over the past 5 years or more, she's back after some years of being off YT. I watched on Bitchute but in the clip, she mentions being back on YT as well...


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Agree on the money thing. Plus much of it isn't their own money anyway.

I don't know of Dana, but will look at it tonight.

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Found Dana around early 2020, maybe even a bit earlier, and thought her pandemic analysis was worth listening to. I was raised Catholic, so not much experience reading the Bible (we had Catechism class with the nuns instead), but I found her rundown of the Revelations stuff in relationship to NWO & WEF very interesting...bottom line is USA is the great satan/Babylon, not someplace else (in the SNL Church Lady's voice) like maybe...Russia. Anyhow, if you like her latest at all, some of her back catalog will probably be of interest. One reason it's easy for me to like her POV is that she came out of a 'progressive' & New Agey mindset (where I was and still am, in some ways, on some issues) and then had her eyes opened to the invisible hand of the invisible 'man behind the curtain'. Maybe more than you wanted to know, but if it helps, there it is.

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This one was about the metal and how we become antennas and it's not healthy. I've heard about this before, but am unable to avoid WiFi from neighbors, etc. Useful, though.

I had a grounding in the Bible growing up, though people paid little attention to Revelation. I do think it's relevant now to the destruction of the world. There is evil being done every day, and most people just turn away from it, pretending it's the world as it used to be. The scorps are evil worshippers, so that figures in as well. They use (and twist) many symbols from the Bible, so it seems like wise to know more about it.

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So you have your "enemies" make your essentials, like China makes your drugs and Russia your explosives. Good thinking, Oligarchs.

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Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing

Podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/michael-palmer-atomic

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Oppenheimer was essentially a porn movie.

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vaguepedia, lmao!

Can human beings live without fear?

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One of USA's worst presidents did say "There's nothing to fear, but fear itself." That was about 1938, but so true today.

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Have you noticed how all public health measures since the 1980s have achieved an increase in the level of fear of everything in the masses?


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If you want to see a Fear Purveyor in action, look at UK Daily News. Everything they publish is for increasing fear in the masses. Secondarily, they promote "celebrity" worship. I assume they are well-paid by the usual suspects to do all this.

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Just like foot races, arms races have sponsors, but hey...we catch the crumbs that fall from the table in the form of commercial technologies that are 20 years behind military technology.

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