Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Shoot. Will add a short clip to post with the news anchor voiceovers and what they were seeing on their monitor.


*Bonus Stacking* Added 3:08 video of MSM voice overs, ID'ing the perps IMMEDIATELY, and calling Bldg 7 "collapsing" in advance

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

I remember the Building 7 early call. That was my first wake up call. Too bad I fell back asleep under the spell of my first wife for a time. She is an evil woman. The look on her face when I told her that I'd sue her ass into the ground if she gave our daughter Gardasil was priceless.

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But that's another story :)

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Thanks for doing this. One thing I've never noticed before is the sound of this type of reporting. Not only the pictures, but the sounds of bureaucracy and doom together come through the voices of the newsmen.

That sound kind of raises my hackles. The tone creates the atmosphere of doom. By design it seems. Not just WHAT they say but HOW they say it.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Katie, Exactly. Sounds like my DOD spouse. Monotone doom constantly, even if we won something...it was scary. Hairs raised, must have been MK Ultra at work.

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David Knight showed a new video today with a dozen eye witnessses on the ground stating there were no planes, just explosions.

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I have a question.

The video with the bizarre TMZ watermark. The action pans out to the pines and we just miss the shooter actually shooting his many bullets (four, five shots?) which went everywhere but where the shooter wanted.

Then no more pines and there is a blur of the body of the shooter. Did the sniper with the POLICE vest just killed him and that's why the TMZ blurs it?

Can you juxtapose the two sequences? Maybe give a 200ms delay to the police sniper.

Are there time-marks in the videos or something like that? I mean to say, the two sequences should have happened in the same minute, like 18:10 or so. We cannot have the pine parade at 18:07 and Trump saying "look at what happens" at 18:12.

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We don't have timemarks.

Which is why I tried to match the audio clips of cluster gunfire.


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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

It’s nice that this location was in the boonies, so the team could pick up a little b-roll and stage things out beforehand. Grab a few shots that might be hard to get when the Op is live and chaotic. Monster sure thinks of its people!

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

location scouting and pre-prep are very essential parts of any location work for a theatrical production.

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I see

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If you assume positioning you can impose delays, which would be in the 4-500ms range here I think (between shooter location and stage)

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Best you can do here is a relative measurement — verifying the spacing of the shot bursts you have between the two, but you can’t sync up directly without a common visual que. Which those trees in the bacground help to obscure actually

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Won't timestamps be part of the metadata of each frame?

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somewhere there was a gruesome picture of the "shooter's" body after he was shot. But not the TMZ "suspect" video. They blur it so that people don't get traumatized. And perhaps it serves other purposes as well.

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I also have a question. Doesn't it look like the vid is shot from a tripod? The picture is all over the place, but always on the same horizontal plane. It doesn't look like hand held phone footage to me.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-ytKT6zMjk This is one I hadn't seen until recently. Viewpoint from an apartment next to the towers

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Didn't we recently have some fresh video "emerge" and onto the Mockingbird News?


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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, more crumbs tossed out to keep brains swirling with chaos. Also-why does the person filming/videoing always turn away at the crucial moment. And why does the cop tell him to turn the camera off.

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Why did he not get pictures of the buildings disintegrating? Is that why the comment is made that a police officer told him to stop filming? As an excuse?

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This video had (maybe inadvertently) some interesting details. 1) the ground “mist” still present after two weeks. Could never be explained by NIST conclusions. Question of whether this could be the result of a DEW weapon. 2) there is a “toasted car” (using a Judy Wood term) visible. Not really clear enough for detailed exam. 3) some of the bodies falling are quite far from the building, further than it seems possible anyone could jump. Woods noticed that also and speculated that rather than jumping, many people may have been “transported” out of the building by whatever forces DEW weapons may incorporate. 4). Dustification. The guy’s apartment is filled with dust.

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Holy shit! Thanks for posting Cptn Nemo - I hadn't ever seen that one either. I had no idea that nearby apt bldgs were so damaged.

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I’m noting that, also, Zoe. I’m not sure it is an accurate picture. Woods strongly made the point that surrounding buildings were not heavily damaged, and what damage there was was limited to the bottom few floors and not at all extensive. The pictures of this building (which appears to be just north of Gateway Plaza and west of S End Ave) would indicate extensive damage high up the building. This building was pretty far from the towers so I’m wondering if the maker of this video is trying to insert a narrative (lots of heavy objects causing widespread damage to surrounding buildings). That could explain the piece of metal he picks up in his apartment, claiming it is a piece of the WTC buildings.

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Thanks for that Tom - I had initial 'sucker' reactions. 😂. Your points are well taken.

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I'd like to see the video of the worker who was told to evacuate building 7 then described the loud explosions that followed. I forget his name.

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Barry something? Do you mean the big black guy who was some kind of manager or security person who described explosions, then disappeared mysteriously some weeks later and his family wouldn’t comment and moved?

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Barry Jennings

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Thanks. I’m embarrassed I didn’t remember his name right off. He was claiming massive explosions in the building. Who knows? Was he a righteous truth teller, murdered for it, or was he a laser pointer chaos agent trying to reinforce the second tier narrative? There are many layers to this operation as we keep discovering.

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No need to be brother. All for one; one for all.

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No this guy was white.

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When I say working, he was one of the ones trying to put out the fires or whatever in Building 7. He said they told them to clear out because they were going to bring the building down. He said, paraphrasing from memory, "when I say explosions I mean LOUD like BOOM BOOM BOOM."

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Primary sources.

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Here's a thought re. Trump shooting. Isn't Trump famous for being the "You're Fired!" guy? Where's his demand for firings within the ranks of the USSS (or local police or whomever) given their supposed/apparent gross incompetence leading to him getting shot?

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It may be more effective to let there be a public outcry for firings. Plenty of people are doing it. Unity, you know.

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Trump does not have firing authority until sometime in Jan 2025 if things go as currently planned

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But he could at least suggest someone should be fired, right? Isn't his complete silence in this regard effectively an endorsement of the status quo?

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If anything he’s done the opposite by apparently asking (and getting) SS coverage for RFKjr.

But otherwise I see a victory lap going on possibly

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Dear USSS, please provide the same level of protection for RFK Jr. as you have been providing for me. Signed, DJT. P.S. Keep up the good work!

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So many special numbers

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another tell it's a Monster Production;

the careful scheduling, timing, calendar all synched w narrative resonance/ alliteration/ manufactured "coincidences"- Satanic Kabbalah sorcery, astrology, numerology and gematria

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And I think last minute announcement - I’d read it was only known publically a ~week ahead of time, but have not verified this

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I don't know much about this with Trump but I saw a reference to an old Testament quote about Moses putting blood on Aaron's right ear. And the shoe thing, there's something about barefoot in Masonic rituals. And they were very precise talking about 6:11 p.m. Flip the six for 9/11.

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It was all fake-believe

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Good shaky cam! Veddy skeddy lawn, trees and sky! Show don't tell! The first few films were great. Bombs not planes then 2 very calm plane witnessers. I'm convinced!

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Based on the work of John Judge and others, there was plenty of evidence that a plane hit the pentagon based on hundreds of eye witnesses as well as physical evidence. If memory serves another team got an interview with a cab driver who saw the plan take out some lamp posts on the way in who was then told to keep quiet. I'm wondering if the suppression/removal of the pentagon footage of the plane hitting is a way to deflect from the fact that the no-plane part of the op was at the trade center. Maybe the footage of the pentagon hit would be problematic for the imagery of the tower hits? Maybe it would totally discredit the video from the towers? Disinformation switcheroo? So hard to know what's real...... It's utterly mindboggling to me that so many people are completely disinterested in the corruption and destruction of history on so many topics in so many ways.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah I'd love to see it too. For over twenty years I've wanted that video! There were also many pilots within AE911 who said no way you can fly a 757 that low to the ground into the spot with the witnessed approach at high speed without crashing the plane due to ground effects etc. As an aside, I still encounter Americans today who don't know that a third building collapsed into it's own footprint at freefall speed that day. A building that housed DOD financial records. "Building 7!? What's building 7?!"......unbelievable.

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One can think that attention was drawn to Building 7 by the BBC “mistake”. Maybe it wasn’t a mistake. Perhaps it was a laser pointer to demonstrate (to the skeptics that had escaped from the hammer warehouse) that the buildings were dropped with conventional demolitions. When in reality Woods’ theory of DEW’s being used with a new form of energy control was closer to what actually happened. Whether Woods’ theories are entirely correct or not, while important, is not as important as the sizable amount of evidence she compiled in favor of the use of a new weapon utilizing new sources of energy in order to “dustify” those buildings.

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Agree, that DEW's were used and the evidence is there as you reference Building 3, 5and 6. To me the most compelling evidence of DEWs is the melted cars that were found several blocks away. The instantaneous conversion of concrete into a much smaller amount of very fine dust is also interesting evidence of advanced molecular level DEWs

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Yes, dustification of concrete, and also of steel girders! And, according to Woods, lack of seismic registration even close to that that should have been generated. The “toasted car” phenomenon was revisited in Lahaina and Paradise as well.

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Are you aware of the damage that was done to Buildings 3, 5, and 6? It is equally important, actually.

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The front page of the video you just sent gives me the shivers, too scary and to satanic to look at - and some scribble of Bibi Netanyau ... looks ever inch an anti Israel propaganda. Not sure i want to watch this on a full stomach tonight.. You are what you see...

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what a nice convenient story to " back up" not only the Mossad - Anthrax connecction but also the Plane - Twin Tower connection.. paper is so patient and ink has no voice (same goes for electronic screens and pixles )

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Interesting to hear how - against all evidence on the screen - the commentators veer over from "explosion" inside to plane crash .... and interesting to read that Sage H. sneeks in the "Mossad" or "Tel Aviv" whenerver some anit Israel sprinkle seems neccessary to spice up the matter...

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