
The speed with which the Minders descended upon me here was astonishing.

Once I started busting out posts in early 2022.

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Oscar Wilde paraphrased---"If you're going to tell the truth, do it with humor or you're going to get killed." Maybe if more people got your humor...😂

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I guess there is some sort of thing going on w/Jessica Hockett that I can’t make sense of, in terms of what the actual beef is, but per JJ…something is amiss?

The circular firing squad goes bang.

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Not a Movement is a thing.

The rim is still ten feet and you still gotta pretend that there are not two thousand hostile fans waving props to distract you.



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Yes. agree its not making sense, but there’s been weirdness in that firing squad circle for a while now. We can’t be talking and working together now can we? Interesting timing with the Sen. Johnson call maybe.

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Yeah, doc. Agree. JJ isn’t making a super sharp point about it, but I still tend to lean into his camp on this. Mostly because most of the same meddlers and players that were sent in to fuck up his game were the same ones that tried to cozy up with sage early on.

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I don’t understand the point of posting chats without context. There’s another firing squad thing involving Jikky and JJ and a bunch more in tweetyland. Somebody’s doing a pretty good job getting good people to suddenly mistrust each other., that’s for sure.

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Twitter doing what it was designed to do. ☝️

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Don’t think its just a twitter thing though — apparently everyone’s been going at each other in private chats. I’m at least not letting it stop me from asking any of them my dumb questions. If there ain’t something wrong with you, you’re likely thrice boosted. Only one particular character’s blocked me so far. Interestingly that character’s a common suspect among all these current combatants

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Does not take all that much to mess up free throw concentration.

I am proof.

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Lemme guess.


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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Not sure that mistrust is a problem when we’re only talking about polemics. This isn’t exactly an underground, armed partisan movement.

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Many seem to be play-acting that it is though

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I have no context and I don’t think anyone else in the chat did either.

Makes me think that the message wasn’t for us? Don’t know.

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Kim Kardashian lost her ring in the ocean once.

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Oh nos!

Frankly the whole thing feels like I’m back in fuckin junior high.

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JJ has a knack for internet drama.

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The powers in place will not let the actual truth be published on any of their platforms, I mean everything was bought off and out long ago anyway, and now we have the Amazons and Googles who are a part of the military industrial complex, by my calculations the most powerful and rich this world has ever seen. My awakening started weeks before the plandemic, when I saw the propaganda videos of Chinese just dying in the streets. Then Trump did the unforgiveable.. he went along with the operation lockstep plans. And that whole 2020 election BS, the guy could just complained and did NOTHING. And now supposedly he was convicted and is still running?! Prison time? At this point I am thoroughly convinced they all work together and pretend to be enemies. But in reality, it is like the WWF except we are now in the attitude era. Heck, Trump was a part of that stuff too.

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Nano particles for you, nano particles for me, nano particles for everybody. It's a smart dust party 🥳 🎉🎉🎉

I bring lasers for you, lasers for me, lasers for everybody. It's a chelation party.

For the ignorant masses, it's rapid aging, cancers and sudden deaths. It's an Armageddon party. 😢😢😢

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

They want to live forever.

"And in those days people will seek Death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death will flee from them."

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They want to be god like. Their approach is to mimic an enlightened persons mind with nanotechnology.

They're doomed to fail, as consciousness comes from outside the brain into it.

So no matter what our adversaries do, they will not be able to remove God.

Nothing lasts forever in this material world, they will slowly rot away. What a painful punishment.

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I think the latest thing I saw in Pfeizergate was that 80% of babies were lost in pregnancy in the PG clinical trials as either miscarriage or severe abnormalities...so the jab did its job in the depop plot line.

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Yes. And you have Naomi Wolf crying on WEF Room with Steve Bannon about "babies" and seemingly never tracking "Pfizer's Depopulation Agendas" to Moderna and the USM and the WEF and the Rockefellers and the....

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appalling woman.... ambulance chaser of news

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And also quotes the bible

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

This is really 😊 👍

I bet they all hate you🤣

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I do haz a growing list of friends.

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Malone was working on how to give cancer to embryos at Salk. Or rather that science was transferred to him. Making embryos express a protein with mRNA is one of his first claims to infamy.

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This is that "Ostensible Reason" "Real Reason" thing.

They have to frame it that way to attract the best and the brightest and make sure that PEOPLE DON'T ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS.

They cannot stop.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Indeed, I can't recall the exact words or the specific person who said them, but the essence was: "A government has the right to slaughter its people for any reason." I believe former government official Paul Craig Roberts said something along these lines.

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Look at him. At this point his highest and best use might be realized if we get Bob a sleigh 🛷 and eight tiny reindeer.

Away and goodnight. 💫

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Big reindeer.

Bob's Ho Ho tummy is HUuge.

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😂 BIG sleigh! (No 🎁)

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Big sleigh!

Many years Lauded, and International Summit Wined and Dined.

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It all adds up to a button-popper!

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The solution is simple.

Stop feeding the beast.

The more you make, the more they take.

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how much of what you think you know about the income tax is propaganda?


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SH: Until you show them who the “government” is.

Me: Paid protection gone out of control is my guess. Which by any other name is still the same processes (game being played). We need help from those that know more than us and have experience above and beyond our own and somehow we get the following:

Us vs Them.

Get them before they get us.

Hero's and villains.

Good guys and bad guys.

Gotta save grandma, baby, the flag, the HIS-tory, apple pie...and on and on.

The great con we label as the 20th century lifestyle is "imitate what you hear on the radio and see on the boob tube". (used to be circuses)

I feel certain someone is playing "let's stir up the jar of bees" by using the above instead of actually helping improve quality of life which is always the promise paid protection is trusted to do.

SH: Is this 5G chess? Sort of, but mainly just murder and theater.

Me: And hero worship.

Get up on that pedestal!

Bigger than life!

My savior!

However we may have to wait until all people involved die before the truth is released to not damage their reputations and egos.

I'm glad you are still on top of the usual suspects in the medical murders so I can easily catch up on what the clowns are up to. been busy, busy, busy. I am still suspicious that the covid/medical/movie is a diversion to keep us from realizing something bigger like lawful land ownership and rights. So I am looking into land patents at the moment. Part of attempting to make sense of how the Maui situation fits in.

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Lovely to see all these humane people all together for our benefit

The only thing they lack is they don't pay for the funerals yet they want us to buy them a coffee

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Damn Ghoulz.

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If we could just torture some of these people

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We don't have a government. We are occupied by a foreign corporate entity. Here's my rant on the topic: https://palamambron.substack.com/p/uncloaking-the-entity

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