Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

I am really glad it got big enough so that I found you. So many laughs and good times. ❤️💕❤️ For real it would not have been bearable these past few years without you and your tribe here. ❤️

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So many laughs.

So many goddamned infiltrator Psy Ops. 😮

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But we took care of them, didn't we? One way or another...🤡🤪 🤗😂

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

The obvious response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO2umpJBNwU

Under the radar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBGeQ0zSifc

Guppies in front, whales eatin' dust: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UBPUEXQj9c

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I almost put the first one up myself. 😂

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

Broken Peach is a treasure...my wife and I had some great, overripe, broken peaches in Gaffney, SC about 20 years ago, and although they went down real smooth-like, they didn't sing worth beans.

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Sorry about the garbled metaphor...whales shouldn't be eating dust...unless they hubristically beach themselves in an effort to claim some dry-land turf, in which case it'd be a classically tragic case of just desserts, like with a bit of desert sand mixed in with the whipped cream.

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Me too!

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☝️ I flipped this agent and hang around long enough and I will flip you too, Spooooks!

::gets whacked immediately::

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You really should run to the hills when you start seeing rainbow suburbans. That's the sign of the end!

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Oh my goodness...

Thank you, Double Agent Roger. That provided me with a complete film shoot of imagery!

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You're most welcome


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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

What you thot they would * nevah* break outta henry ford's straightjacket(pun there)..." any color, as long as it's black"??

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

I read that as

"Rainbow Turbans".

Possibly the perfume of Justine's buddy Jagmeet Singh

choking up da thread.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

I'm on this stack because you take no prisoners, Sage.

I apprecate your reasearch into the duplicity of the players - does much to add clarity.

That, and the comments here are gold.

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We have a very sharp crew!

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Nothing like a bag o’ them Maple Flavored Fidelitos to go with that pint of Fosters

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Them Cuban cigars must be really good

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Like...Didn't Clinton tend to skip dessert after a BigMac&Fries lunch and spend a little private quality time with a cigar from his own private humidor? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvp97GWeLoc

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I just saw that my subscription auto renewed. My first thought was, did I really set it up for auto renew. My second thought was, yes I did.

Those were the only cogent thoughts I had all day.

Bless you.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

Operation clones of globalist lizard people. 😄

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

Was Castro effeminate too?

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I don't really want to go down this rabbit hole...




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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

Yes :: I say as I gaze out the window::🤣

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

Allegedly, Pierre and Margaret were very into sex parties all over the Caribbean. Margaret was most likely an MK ultra victim who was placed in that famous CIA hospital in Montreal and treated by the next First Lady of Canada’s father. Such a coincidence.



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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

Like...wow...I didn't need to read that article...but I read it...after spending 10th & 11th grades in Goose Bay, Labrador back when Mustang Sally & Satisfaction were on AM Top40 radio, it's hard to resist scanning the occasional article on Canadian history. Well, reading about the Trudeaus at least made me remember another actor's performance... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMKSwcZNpd8

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So I just looked at a study and here is a bit of it:

First, the study that the article is reporting on looked at heterosexual men and women, homosexual men and women, and bisexual men and women.

Based on the results of this one study, elements of the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism) appeared, overall, at higher rates in homosexual and bisexual subjects (men and women combined) as opposed to heterosexual subjects (again, men and women combined). Some of the results were marginal, whereas other results were approaching “statistical significance.”

Homosexual male subjects slightly edged out all other subjects in Machiavellianism, whereas bisexual women edged out all other subjects in psychopathy and narcissism.

Who Did The Study Examine?

An international research team in 2014 collected self-reported data from 42 countries.

The data was collected from 4,063 participants; 2,556 were female and 1,507 were male.

Concerning location, 2,606 participants came from “W.E.I.R.D.” (Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) countries, and 1,457 participants came from non-W.E.I.R.D. countries.


The measurement tool was an inventory of questions called the “Dark Triad Dirty Dozen.”

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That's totally WEIRD...

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OK, now tell us the right answers to the inventory of questions so that the trolls here can pass and become the Pope or the President of Fraaaahnce or start the next Paypal op.

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Alleged MKultra victim Cathy O’brien discusses her experience with Justin’s “father”:


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How often have you seen “Fidel Castro” and “pranced” in the same sentence?

I mean other than that one

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Is Castro possibly the father of Zelensky? 🤔

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No. His father was a California sea lion.

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

🤣 🦭

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If not a sea lion, then Plan B could be a walrus...with all the powder allegedly going up his nose, KooKookAchoo would be a recognized mating call...Caution, Beatles music follows... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qVn1lMixEM

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With the tusks though getting close enough to the table to snort it would have been fairly challenging

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HaHa...yes...maybe his cola dealer persuaded him that, for virile enhancement, powdered walrus tusk was an effective replacement for rhinoceros horn, making it easier, over time, to get closer to the mirror. Cola vendors are often handy with hypnotic sales pitches that won't stand up to serious scientific inquiry, but which will pass muster if the adherent's mental placebo module is 'up to snuff'. Drug-addled ex-president scrambles a buncha brain cells along with an old lyric and creates a new anthem: A tisket a tusket, a brown and yellow musket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bgFkeDLpSI

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

Probably not via Margaret/Peggy T...mebbe via Volodymyr's mother, Rimma...so half-brothers is a possible storyline for an updating of The Patty Duke Show (as long as we're going down memory lane). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KQRPFJypBU *Anyone noticing a resemblance of 1960s Patty Duke to a contemporary psynergist channel person might want to do some deep breathing and deep forgetting before your local button pushers in their Suburbans get within signal range.

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana

In Maxwell Smart voice & cadence, "Sorry about that, Chief." Facial similarities based on genetics, rather than on drawing skill can be spooky, sometimes.

Now there grows among all the rooms, replacing the night's old smoke, alcohol and sweat, the fragile, musaceous odor of Breakfast: flowery, permeating, surprising, more than the color of winter sunlight, taking over not so much through any brute pungency or volume as by the high intricacy to the weaving of its molecules, sharing the conjuror's secret by which—though it is not often Death is told so clearly to fuck off—the living genetic chains prove even labyrinthine enough to preserve some human face down ten or twenty generations ... so the same assertion-through-structure allows this war morning's banana fragrance to meander, repossess, prevail. Is there any reason not to open everywindow, and let the kind scent blanket all Chelsea? As a spell, against falling objects. . . . Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow (page 9-ish)

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Best health(death?) care in the western hemisphere... and FREE TOO!!

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Fidel Trudeau!

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

I remember those days! So grateful you’re still here. Strange as it sounds, this is my happy place ;)

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Hooz da dood onna left??

Justine's undead half-brother?

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Just Foster Coulson, Kanadian Billionaire.

TWC Honcho.

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Jun 23Liked by Sage Hana



Busy clone factory.

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Quality....produces Quantity,

my dear Sage.

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Thought Terminating Cliches produce absence of thought!

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You say that like that's a bad


Trapped, you are.

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Well, as Jana Svandová (as prison guard Rosa Schmidt) explained to Brigitte Nielsen (as Warden Magda Kassar, Rosa's boss) after killing a prisoner in Chained Heat 2, "I told you...I got carried avay..."

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Three turds plucked out of the pot?

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