
Threat reduction sounds good.

The Agency part sounds bad. I like Council better.

Ministry of Defense used to be Ministry of War.

Funny how that works.

But, in some contexts, the word "reduction" has nothing to do with "make smaller in size", but with "restoration" and also "redirection." Like magicians when they redirect/reduce your... attention.

Like phosphoric acid used to restore a rusty irony thing.

War Threat Magic Council!


Alchemy life!

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World Council for Health.

Starring WHO ex-staffer Tess!

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And in culinary (?) terms I think it kinda implies intensification

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deletedAug 28
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As a Hindu yoga Guru from 1990s would say in court, defending himself: "Your honor, I raped the plaintiff Ms. Mary Dumbstone five years ago during a course on sacred meditation to make her better and help her progress spiritually, and now she is better and I cured her anxiety caused by her father 30 years ago, who was a brute as she has admitted in court, and I think she owes me money for all the good I did to her and I am also willing to help you with your anxiety tonight for a nominal fee, your honor, because I'm a total sucker for blond bombshells like you, babe, your eyes are as mysterious as the moon, and your hips make me remember my past life as a stallion, and I rest my case, here's my number in this adhesive note, call me anytime, my name is Shitdartha Subrahmakanda, and you are a special judge to me, different from all the other judges..."


Probably this scene never took place, but it should have.

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Probably didn't happen, no...but this set did, so if you want to laugh at some religion. Sorry about the sound quality...Church starts at about 4:00 into it. RIP, Ron Shock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pwfOZ5EDdo&t=3s

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Super funny. He probably won the gold medal in snark at the olympics of that year.

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One more...the suicided guy was going to testify about a crooked friend of LBJ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRvRsHVuvk&t=69s there are others on YT

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Contribution to the organophosphate poisoning discussion:

In May 1937, Congress gave the Public Health Service branch of the US military $50,000 to conduct "investigations to determine the possibly harmful effects on human beings of spray insecticides on fruits and vegetables."

Last sentence of p. 150 --


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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

And what about Bill Gates company that sells aPeel which is sprayed on produce items to keep them looking nice and fresh for much longer than they naturally and normally would so that the produce does not show signs of going bad and can be stored and sold still looking good although aged and this make lots of moolah for sellers but the aPeel can't be washed off the outside of the produce, at all, and might even reach the interior but the consumer is not informed by the grocer that the produce is sprayed with aPeel so never knows any better.

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that's a scary thing. Food shopping is a minefield.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

It’s a tricky thing. Still being studied apparently. I hear some of this stuff, like roundup is sprayed in vast quantities to mature a crop, as well as desiccate it after harvest. Experts say it’s all washed off before being ground to flour. (/s)


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Not buying the 'washed off' part. I think this is a plausible explanation of the sudden millions of 'gluten intolerant' north americanos.

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Me either. Was just joking. 🙃

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

I remember waaaaay back at the very beginning of all this there was a nurse in Europe that was talking on the street in a live interview. She worked mainly with radiation sickness in her career. She said this Covid 19 virus is obviously some sort of radiation sickness, it has all of the symptoms and treating it like the flu will kill a lot of people.

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Dont forget 2019 sunspot storm.

The 11 year cycle returns in UN2030.

Where is the flu data from 2019 to the present?

In ancient times people believed that major epidemics were caused by "Influenza", the 'influence' of the solar system upon the earth.

In the recent book 'The Invisible Rainbow' (2017) we learn that epidemics are caused by the affect of electricity on the human body, which itself is electrical.

With the advancing of electric technologies, along with the influence of the 11 year electromagnetic sunspot activity cycle, Influenza appears around the world in various locations where transportation did not exist to spread a contagion.

This gave rise to the idea of Germ Theory and the rise of the medical industry and vaccines (The diseases of the 19th century disappeared with improvements in sanitation along with refrigeration).

The Spanish Flu of 1918 began at a military base in Kansas, where wireless communications were introduced and quickly spread around the world, as the technology was installed by the various countries during WW l.

Epidemics appear routinely in the modern age with the advances in the electromagnetic technology in conjunction with the 11 year solar flare cycle.

The year 2019 began the rollout of 5G technology at the beginning of the 25th solar flare cycle welcoming Covid 19.

(Note that the data related to Flu deaths was no longer available), but media had much recent coverage of the aurora boorealis appearing below the arctic circle.

Still gonna get that Flu shot?

No one dies of the Flu, but only with "Flu like symptoms".

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Heard that aspirin was relatively new around 1918 and dosing was not much of a concern so people were chugging it.

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Yes el gato did a post about this a couple years ago — intriguing

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Remember Sage, Any Time is Taco Time! 🌮🌮🌮🌮

Wonder what happens when a nasal swab has organophosphate on it.

Oh and stumbled on this which had an interesting combo of words in the title:

“Nasal midazolam as a novel anticonvulsive treatment against organophosphate-induced seizure activity in the guinea pig”

Which sounds fun but iz paywalled


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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Pardon my French, but. Holy fucking shit. Tell me that link is real. How does one link hit all the bingo words, in one go?

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Thats what I was thinking... trying to figure out how to get a copy

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How much is the paywall tariff?

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Looks like $40-ish. Needed another a while ago, so trying another angle

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If anyone works at a uni or major hospital or med school they would have access to it.

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Select all copy and paste to Word doc

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what about the way back machine? worth a try...

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But guinea pigs are cute!

And they taste like chicken!

Why would they do those horrible experiments on harmless furries with eyes filled of July's fun!

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Wonder if orca will eat them

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hmm... hair and all, may be a challenging digestion.

Exotic animals are risky business.

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Seals have waterproof hair. Probably can eat guinea pigs like tic tacs

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

not paywalled... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12632257/

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Abstract yes, fulltext no. But… not sure I’m going to get much out more of the fulltext that the abstract doesn’t give me… In MD land at least probably

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Exposure to organophosphorus (OP) cholinesterase (ChE) inhibitors causes a progression of toxic signs and symptoms, including hypersecretion, fasciculations, tremors, convulsions, coma, respiratory distress and death. These toxic manifestations are due to hyperac- tivity of the cholinergic system as a result of inhibition of ChE, in particular acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and the subsequent increase in the concentration of the neuro- transmitter acetylcholine (ACh) at central and periph- eral sites. In case of poisoning, immediate therapeutic treatment with an anticholinergic drug, such as atropine sulfate, antagonizes the effects of excess ACh at muscarinic receptor sites, and an oxime, such as TMB-4 [1,1¢-trimethylene-bis(4-formylpyridinium bromide)], might be used to reactivate any non-aged inhibited enzyme (Dunn and Sidell 1989; Moore et al. 1995; McDonough and Shih 1997). However, this treatment is not efficient in prevention or suppression of seizure ac- tivity induced by OP agents. This therapeutic regimen, even when combined with pyridostigmine pretreatment, does not ameliorate nerve agent-induced centrally mediated electrographic seizure activity (EGSA). This creates a problem of casualty management for exposed subjects, and can progress to status epilepticus (SE) (Glenn et al. 1987; Koplovitz and Skvorak 1998; Lipp 1968; McDonough and Shih 1993, 1997; Shih et al. 1991). It has been shown that SE may lead to profound brain damage, as well as cardiac pathology (Tryphonas and Clement 1995; Tryphonas et al. 1996).

The role of various neurotransmitter systems in the initiation, maintenance and pathological consequences of OP-induced seizures is not totally understood. On the basis of current knowledge, it has been hypothesized that several neurotransmitter systems become sequentially involved in this process (McDonough and Shih 1993, 1997; Shih et al. 1991). OP-induced seizures are thought to be initiated by a large increase of brain ACh that occurs as a result of the inhibition of brain AChE. The increase of brain ACh may lead to recurrent seizure activity in susceptible brain circuits. Pretreatment, or early therapeutic treatment with anticholinergic drugs, will block the development of recurrent seizure activity and possible subsequent brain damage. If left untreated, the seizures might rapidly recruit other neurotransmitter systems, and may become refractory to control with anticholinergic drugs (McDonough and Shih 1993, 1997). The two neurotransmitter systems most critical to this second set of events, appear to be the inhibitory c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system and the one involving the excitatory amino acids (EAAs). It has been known for many years that benzodiazepine compounds that enhance GABA activity, effectively antagonize OP-induced seizures when given either as a pretreat- ment, or shortly after seizures have developed.

Likewise, recent studies have emphasized the role of the EAA systems in the control of nerve agent-induced seizures. EAA antagonists that act at the N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor, such as MK-801, N-[1-(2- thienyl)cyclohexyl]-piperidine (TCP), and procyclidine, have been shown to be effective anticonvulsants when given before or after initiation of nerve agent-induced seizures (McDonough and Shih 1993). In turn, it has been shown that the GABAergic system may modulate the release of ACh (Giorgetti et al. 2000). Thus, three differ- ent types of compounds involving three different neuro- transmitter systems, tertiary anticholinergics, GABA agonists, and NMDA antagonists, have all been shown to be effective in moderating the development of nerve agent-induced seizures and subsequent brain damage.

Recently, McDonough et al. (1999), have reported that intramuscular midazolam has been found effective in suppressing soman-induced seizure activity. In addi- tion, midazolam has emerged recently as an effective treatment option in the management of SE, in both pe- diatric and adult populations (Pellock 1998; Rivera et al. 1993; Parent and Lowenstein 1994; Lahat et al. 1992). It has also recently been reported that midazolam, if given intra-nasally, is a very safe way to suppress epileptic activity in children with epileptic seizures (Lahat et al. 1998). Considering the above findings, the current study was designed to assess the efficacy of the GABA receptor agonist midazolam, applied via the nasal route, in con- trolling ongoing EGSA after sarin exposure. In addition, we aimed to compare the efficacy of the nasal midazolam treatment to that of the intramuscular treatment.


It is well established that EGSA, which accompanies exposure to OP agents, contributes to the profound brain damage and cardiac pathology observed after intoxication with OP compounds (Lemercier et al. 1983; McDonough and Shih 1993, 1997; Mcleod 1985; Mcleod et al. 1984; Petras 1981; Philippens et al. 1981; Singer et al. 1987; Tryphonas and Clement 1995; Tryphonas et al. 1996). These findings emphasize the importance of identifying possible pharmacological interventions that will minimize the damage induced by the OP intoxication.

McDonough et al. (1999) reported that, after intoxi- cation with soman, midazolam was highly efficient in controlling epileptic activity. These studies traced the effect of the drug by the i.m. route at various times after exposure to soman. Based on the preliminary success of treatment of status epilepticus using nasal midazolam (Pellock 1998; Rivera et al. 1993; Parent and Lowenstein 1994; Lahat et al. 1998), the current study was designed to investigate the efficacy of nasal application of midazolam in attenuating sarin-induced seizure in the guinea pig model. In addition, we aimed to compare the findings with the efficacy obtained using the intramus- cular route of administration. In the present study, we demonstrate that the benzodiazepine receptor agonist midazolam is very efficient in attenuation of EGSA in- duced by sarin exposure. Both routes of application (i.m. and nasal) were effective in ameliorating the epileptic activity following sarin exposure, when introduced after 10 min of EGSA, but relaxation was more rapid and prominent under the nasal route.

The anticonvulsive action of benzodiazepines is most effective when introduced shortly after exposure, but dose-related efficacy after long periods of EGSA has also been reported (McDonough et al. 1999).

Attenuation by midazolam of EGSA after sarin exposure, following 30 min of ongoing activity, was inefficient in most cases at 1 mg/kg intramuscularly. Increasing the dose to 2 mg/kg (i.m.) resulted in cessa- tion of EGSA after a prolonged period of EGSA. However, if midazolam (1 mg/kg) was introduced via the nasal route, termination was prominent and occurred three-fold more rapidly.

The mechanism of absorption of drugs through the nasal mucosa has not been fully elucidated. We assume that a critical amount of midazolam is transported rapidly from the nasal mucosa to the brain via the olfactory route and by inhalation to lung circulation, which may have contributed to its successful action in the current model even following prolonged EGSA. The individual contribution of the three possible routes of delivery relevant to the nasal instillation (olfactory, pulmonary or gastrointestinal) cannot be evaluated in the present study.

A recent review of the implication of nasal formula- tions indicates that ‘the drug can transport directly from the nasal mucosa to the brain via the olfactory route’ (Quadir et al. 1999). This may be of great advantage when searching for rapid penetration to the central nervous system. Einer-Jensen and Khorooshi (2000) and Einer-Jensen and Larsen (2000a) studied material transfer in the nasal cavernous sinus of the rat, and re- ported that nasal administration of small molecules, such as tritiated water, tyrosine and propanol, results in a higher concentration in brain arterial blood than in other arteries. Einer-Jensen and Larsen (2000b) also showed that nasal administration of diazepam induces a relatively higher concentration in brain arterial blood than in other arteries.

Sarin-induced secretion could result in a certain impairment of drug absorption via the nasal mucosa. Nasal application of midazolam in protected patients is of course problematic. In our present study, secretions were markedly reduced by the treatment regimen com- prising atropine and an oxime (similar to the regimen designed for human beings).

In addition, the measure of providing antidotal treatment in contaminated areas should be addressed. Similar to the approach of self-injection of atropine, oxime and a benzodiazepine, dose-pulsed nasal appli- cators of midazolam could be considered as part of the treatment regime in contaminated areas, or by the medical staff after decontamination.

In summary, this study points to midazolam as a potential anticonvulsant measure against sarin-induced seizure and convulsive activity, with an emphasis on the nasal application route. Nasal midazolam treatment was found most efficient in ameliorating sarin-induced status epilepticus, especially when introduced shortly after the exposure to the insult. Using nasal midazolam might be a novel, rapid and convenient route of treatment against nerve agents. Further studies are currently being con- ducted to explore the pharmacokinetics of nasal mi- dazolam and the possible efficacy of nasal midazolam treatment in the prevention of behavioral deficits and selective brain lesions induced by sarin exposure.

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Aha thanks!

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this is an OA article from 2024 on the same topic https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00204-023-03679-x Cardiovascular responses of adult male Sprague–Dawley rats following acute organophosphate intoxication and post‐exposure treatment with midazolam with or without allopregnanolone


Recent experimental evidence suggests combined treatment with midazolam and allopregnanolone is more effective than midazolam alone in terminating seizures triggered by acute organophosphate (OP) intoxication. However, there are concerns that combined midazolam and allopregnanolone increases risk of adverse cardiovascular events. To address this, we used telemetry devices to record cardiovascular responses in adult male Sprague–Dawley rats acutely intoxicated with diisopro- pylfluorophosphate (DFP). Animals were administered DFP (4 mg/kg, sc), followed immediately by atropine (2 mg/kg, i.m.) and 2-PAM (25 mg/kg, i.m.). At 40 min post-exposure, a subset of animals received midazolam (0.65 mg/kg, im); at 50 min, these rats received a second dose of midazolam or allopregnanolone (12 mg/kg, im). DFP significantly increased blood pressure by ~ 80 mmHg and pulse pressure by ~ 34 mmHg that peaked within 12 min. DFP also increased core tem- perature by ~ 3.5 °C and heart rate by ~ 250 bpm that peaked at ~ 2 h. Heart rate variability (HRV), an index of autonomic function, was reduced by ~ 80%. All acute (within 15 min of exposure) and two-thirds of delayed (hours after exposure) mortalities were associated with non-ventricular cardiac events within 10 min of cardiovascular collapse, suggesting that non-ventricular events should be closely monitored in OP-poisoned patients. Compared to rats that survived DFP intoxication without treatment, midazolam significantly improved recovery of cardiovascular parameters and HRV, an effect enhanced by allopregnanolone. These data demonstrate that midazolam improved recovery of cardiovascular and autonomic function and that the combination of midazolam and allopregnanolone may be a better therapeutic strategy than midazolam alone.


There are four major findings in this study. First, our data showed that acute DFP intoxication with atropine and 2-PAM on board induced a significant hypertensive response that gradually returned to baseline over 2–3 h post- DFP injection, while HR and core temperature gradually increased over the first 2 h post DFP injection. Second, all rats that expired within 15 min of DFP injection (group I) developed significant non-ventricular events (sinus brady- cardia and AV blocks) within minutes of death. For those rats that survived past 15 min but expired hours after DFP intoxication (group II), two-thirds also developed non-ven- tricular events within 10 min of death. These data suggest that DFP-induced autonomic dysfunction may contribute to acute cardiovascular collapse and that non-ventricular events should be closely monitored in patients with acute OP intoxication. Third, midazolam treatment, with or with- out allopregnanolone, significantly improved the recovery of cardiovascular parameters and autonomic function. These data suggest that anti-seizure treatment also promotes car- diovascular recovery, potentially by restoring autonomic function. Fourth, compared to the midazolam alone group, the midazolam with allopregnanolone group had better car- diovascular improvement for the first 2 h and better auto- nomic function in the first 2 d post-DFP exposure. These data suggest that adding allopregnanolone to the treatment may have added cardiovascular benefits.

Our results showing an initial hypertensive response with a more delayed hypotension effect are consistent with a number of studies, including studies of rats with DFP intoxication (Yen et al. 2001), rabbits with paraoxon exposure (Kullmann and Uerdingen 1978), and hens with tabun exposure (Worek et al. 1995). Smith and colleagues showed that administration of a muscarinic receptor ago- nist decreased BP but a hypertensive response was observed...

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

this OA paper (2024) is funky

Environmental Factors as the Main Hormonal Disruptors of Male Fertility



Introduction and objective: Many scientific reports confirm a systematic decline in male semen parameters over the last decades. This phenomenon has been observed in all parts of the world, and its occurrence is associated, among others, with the hazardous effects of some environmental factors. The environmental factors for which the adverse effect on male fertility has been proven include water, air, and soil pollution, as well as electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation. The aim of this article was the evaluation of the effect of selected environmental factors on male reproductive capacity based on an analysis of the current scientific reports. Review methods: A systematic literature review was carried out using three databases: PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus. The search was limited to the period from 2015 until the end of December 2023. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Environmental factors, such as heavy metals, tobacco smoke, pesticides, dioxins, furans, phthalates, and bisphenols, are well-tested substances that exert an adverse effect on male fertility. A harmful effect of electromagnetic fields and water and air pollution on reproductive functions may be expected; however, this has not been fully proven. Summary: Results obtained by many researchers published to date should evoke great concern regarding the quality of the environment in which we live, as well as fears about the effect of environmental factors not only on male fertility, but also on all aspects of human health. The majority of environmental pollutants affect the male body by causing oxidative stress and through their effect on the endocrine system.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

That Pepcid thing was always a laugh line for me. But, seeing the list of four it comes from…I’m giving just about every otc drug serious side eye now.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Doesn’t sound like organophosphate poisoning to me: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organophosphate_poisoning

These are pretty dramatic and unusual combination of symptoms. Most ER doctors would have figured it out. Standard med school fare.

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I have a friend who used to work on organophosphates. He managed to save one of his friends after a lab leak, but another died. Look for 5 Eyes organophosphate docs to see Australian involvement. Many homes have been exposed to Dichlorvos


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SH: For the record, DTRA DOMANE ended up advising the following four drugs for the purported viral syndrome known as “Covid”.


Famotidine (Pepcid AC)

Celexicob (Pfizer’s Celebrex)


Anyway, this is not what today’s post is about. We’ve gone into the weeds here on this angle before.

ME: I wanna go off the track too!

The stuff above that was spit outa a computer reminds me of something I have been wanting to write for a while now:

First there were servers - then people were told servers were not secure

Then there were clouds - a new name for servers

Then there was AI - a new name for computing

A computer is a computer is a computer

That listing above gotten from the latest greatest computer is the same list that would have been spit out 30 years ago because the machines cannot perform inspiration. They can only do what they are told (programed) to do. People are inspirational and inspiration is divine. A computer cannot and will not ever be a person (hoomin). All the talk about having ai replace hoomins is an empty promise to get your money. The people doing this are just asking mom and dad for money because they spent all they had and know empty promises can get them more money if they make the dream pretty enough. I would guess 75% to 90% of the payops have a foundation of semantic games.. New! & Improved! is an example of one. Bullshit artists coming out like cockroaches everywhere these days.

*gets down off soapbox. Hands the mike to next person*

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I agree that the AI & machines doing what humans can do is like a veiled threat - I would not take my chances with a "da vinci robotic" surgery... and who will repair the machine or program the AI - a human.

It is still very creepy - all of the invasive tech.

We have a phone system in my office (family business) and it doesn't just generate a transcript of every (private) phone conversation... it also writes a synopsis. "Mr. Smith expressed his disappointment with Mr. Jones past history".... kind of describing the gist of the conversation. It's a t-mobile office phone system. (internet based not hard wired).

I knew that the "alexa" device records conversations and my son can read my grandkids talking potty language verbatim to the alexa (when they thought their parents couldn't hear or know). He logs into his amazon and reads what is said in the room if he wants.

The younger generation thinks it's cool and convenient to ask the devices to set timers or turn off lights. Like the Catherine Austin Fitts video in SH's other post saying "don't be tricked" ... we should add don't be tricked by the AI devices to give up your privacy. It's so messed up.

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Convenience is SO seductive.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

AI is dumb, dumb, dumb. I always look at the Amazon reviews when I buy things. Instead of a straightforward search with links that I can check or not, it now has Rufus.

Perhaps Rufus is meant to be annoying and interfere with a search, or maybe not. But I resent a machine acting like it's a person. It gives all kinds of hedging and is rather useless. The kicker is at the end, where Rufus asks for feedback about how "he's" doing.

Why should I train your AI for you Amazon? Over the years I've left reviews if something was dreadful or glorious. That's enough of my time. I don't want any part of your really, really dumb "robot." I strongly suspect this stuff is also to get people to think of this machine as human. Just like the Alexa thing, or others. I won't have those intrusive machines in my living space. Whenever I have a chance, I just disregard it.

Just the (facts) search, Mam, just the search!

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Unrelated to organophosphates, but related to ongoing skyfairyland discussions…


All available US carriers have been redirected away from the pacific. More focus is being aimed at the Middle East region. Just gonna leave this second link here, and walk away. There isn’t anything happening in the pacific in which carriers might be useful, is there? Like if any large islands were invaded, would it be better for carriers to be IN the pacific, or not?


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Army Air Corps (before it was USAF) General Billy Mitchell predicted the PH attack about 20 years before it happened...even called it as Sunday morning.

I need to check out his birthday and other vital info and develop a set of Powerball numbers.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Just spitballin’ here. We’ve got 3 weeks until there is a carrier in the pacific again. Is there anything interesting going on in those three weeks? Maybe with a symbolic date attached?


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4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

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If I remember, I'll try them on Megamillions on Friday. It's not up to Gates level $$$, but it's a lot. Enough to pay for a bunker, or to go alchemical and turn some gold back into a whole bunch of lead...easily enough to get some fake IDs.

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Trying to remember a time there were no carriers in the pacific. I’m sure it must have happened since ww2, but my memory is coming up blank.

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OK, Chief...Megamillions ticket in hand...I had to pick something other than the 42 as the special number...so I used the 23, sort of an homage to Burroughs and Robert Anton Wilson, both of whom wrote short pieces about the phrase "23 Skidoo". If Billy Mitchell drops a USD bomb on us, I'll send up a smoke signal or a flare.

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I grew up on or near USAF bases, so for me the ocean is for surfing. Most I know about Navy stuff is that the Billy Mitchell thing I referred to is real, and that he made the prediction during the time he was demonstrating the future of air power by using a few planes to sink one of the Navy's unsinkable dreadnoughts around 1920 or so. (It might have been an unsinkable German ship captured in WW1. Dealer is showing an ace, so I'll take the insurance deal.)

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“See in the Rogan interview, Bob referred to what he was working on with his homies at DTRA when the shocking new rogue coronavirus on schedule emerged from bat to pangolin or fell out of a lab or whatever just roll with it it’s a giant lie anyway and vamoosed all over the world to give us the alleged nightmare pandemic that made Pierre Kory lose his humanity because all of his patients were dying of Covid, Covid, Covid.” 😂😂😂 perfect!

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Reading the stuff from RM, this is what struck me: If these pandemics aren't real, just like the pan19, then what have they been studying? What have these teams been working on all these years? In RFK jr's "Real Anthony Fauci" we got a glimpse into a small bit of it.

Is it how to make a thing look like a "pandemic" and the pesticide stuff is part of it. Right now a lot of people are experiencing burning eyes/inflammation of the eyes, for instance. What is in the air that causes it? This is not just "The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to" nor "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." It is a thousand "unnatural shocks" that the flesh is not heir to. Once the people are weakened, it is easier to do them in via various other measures.

Now we are treated to the "revolutionary" idea that the "public health system" and "agencies are to blame. It's the food! It's the medicine! It's the lack of medicine! Some are saying "finally they are speaking truth. Maybe we can cure "the system."

Because there is truth in all these statements about bad food, medicine, we are to ignore the big picture, which is not just some corrupted bureaucrats botching shit. It is a plan with many moving parts. Cue the rescuers, cue the heros.

So the Unity ticket is just as Evergreen boy piloted it. Even has one of the original "candidates."

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Right below the nerve agent sentence (screenshot) is a blip about biorobotic ‘screening’ (what is it?)—Jabs Bad Bob sure gets around. Biorobotics can be used in various ways, such as from this article….”AI generates a manufacturing recipe, which is then used to create lipid biorobots in the lab.These biorobots encapsulate genetic materials, such as mRNA, that act like scissors to remove specific genes.” I’m in over my head.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Ok. Its all connected: organophosphate—biorobotics—Zika

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

"WEF Room"

Pure gold.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Stephany Seneff has done a lot of good research on organic phosphates. Particularly glyphosate. It’s used everywhere in agriculture and suburbia. GMO and organo phosphates go hand in hand. And let’s not forget the ethanol fuel grift either. Mandated in most areas. Don’t know how much gets through the ethanol distillation process. One of these days I’ll look into it and do a ICE combustion products analysis and see what actually comes out the tailpipe. That phosphorus has to go somewhere or convert to something else. Probably bad too. But for now I just be lazy and speculate.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

What comes out of the tailpipe of a car is nothing compared to what comes out of the exhaust of an airplane. Not talking CO2 here, but lots of bad stuff. ClimateViewer, Jim Lee, has opened my eyes to this. That being said, glyphosate is ubiquitous and a big concern.

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