I’m still open to the possibility that sporadic poisoning was done in order to amplify the scary pandemic signal, because the latter was non existent and wholly made up.

I don’t yet have sufficient evidence that REQUIRES that local poisoning was done.

Sasha Latypova is satisfied that there was at least some local poisoning.

By sheer coincidence, as an undergraduate research student, I worked at UK’s top secret

“Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down”.

I was one of a stream of 6 or 7 students who each did some of the work into antidotes to organophosphate gas poisoning.

What a spooky coincidence if it t does turn out that OPs were involved.

It’s already spooky enough that my entire PhD research was on the adverse effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiratory function. Except it wasn’t morphine, but the fentanyl class of painkillers that I tested. Which were invented by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, now owned by JNJ.

And by sheer luck, I took an unusual module in my biochemistry undergraduate course, on Mechanistic Toxicology. That helped me be quite sure that the “vaccines” were designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

Someone set up my life so that I’d be available & well equipped to do what I’ve done.

In a small way, this is part of the journey to rediscovering faith.

Each has their own journey.

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Dr. Yeadon, I posted this already, but would appreciate your take on it. If Sage is correct about poisons/toxins causing these symptoms, then why didn't children get "covid"?

I live in northern Italy. My mother-in-law of 87 years has not been sick, not even a little cough or sniffle in all these last four+ years. She has never taken a flu jab (nor covid jab) and is healthy except for high blood pressure. For nearly two years she was going to her friend's house everyday spending 3-4 hours with her in her home. Her friend was vaxxed 2x, ( maybe 3x) and she developed blood clots and my mother-in-law was giving her a shot to thin her blood everyday. You'd think that my MIL would have gotten "shedded on" ( whatever that is, I don't believe it) being with her friend. Now, neither of them have a smart phone or wifi in their homes. Could this be why she has never gotten sick (or "shedded on") No wifi and no smart phone? Something to think about...

For the last four+ years every single person has been under pressure, from the lockdowns, isolation, fear, job loss, uncertainty of the future, inflation, etc., we have all been living in a virtual hell (except for the globalists of course!). Fear and isolation are two of the biggest causes of sickness and even death. Chemtrails, poisons in our food and water, which has been going on for years, (70% of people now have glyphosate their urine).

But, not many are talking about the ill effects of 5G and EMF's. Hmmmm.....

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To be clear, I am not stating that organophosphates cause the syndrome but diving into the question.

Do you understand the distinction here?

Do you understand that investigating a question is not the same thing as ARRIVING AT A CONCLUSION?

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Hi Dr. Yeadon, can you point me to your info re ivermectin and infertility? And what your thoughts are on ivermectin for cancer? I have a dear friend recently diagnosed with bladder cancer (sure there will be more) and I’m having a hard time getting my head around the fact that you and others are so against it while DrMakis is in favour of it. Thank you 🙏.

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Why did they use Afghanistan after the war for the opium poppy business, if they have synthetic fentanyl already?

I heard once someone commenting that the fentanyl is too cheap and it kills too fast, so the clients don't come back, and the profits sink. Not a sustainable business.

Unless profits are not the reason why there is a black market for fentanyl.

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Incredible ❤️

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"Someone" did. In His foreknowledge.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I appreciate you looking into this. What drove me crazy about the NAV rabbit hole is that nobody was talking about what might actually be causing people to be ill, at least that I came across. Like, SOMETHING happened. It might not have been a virus, but something did cause people to suddenly become sick with weird symptoms. When my husband tested positive for it, it wasn't any worse than a cold, but he did legitimately lose his sense of smell/taste for a few days. Something caused that. What was it? I never had a positive test, not that I took many because I was always skeptical, but I have experienced a weird range of illnesses over the last two years after not being sick for two years when this all started. I got sick last fall and the lingering exhaustion, for almost a month, was like nothing I've ever experienced. I feel like I haven't really been right since then. Now, I know basically everything is making us sick right now. Our food, our water, the air. And now that I'm typing this out I don't really know what else to say. We're fucked.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Agreed. Something happened to the human race. I am extremely healthy and I finally succumbed to whatever it was in 2022. I had zero respiratory symptoms, but oh my word my body aches were unbearable and I lost a lot of my hair. 13 days of extreme duress before I turned a corner. I never got tested. A healthy friend ended up in the hospital because of the low oxygen saturation of his blood. They Remdesivired him for 3 days, then he put a stop to it. I think that is why he survived to be honest. I saw the xrays--his lungs were almost completely white. WTH was it?

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Same, with aches and shakes and sweats. 3 days and done. Unlike anything before or since.

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Felt like my spine consisted of broken glass.

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Radiation. See open.substack.com : 5G, C0V$D, AND THE TERROR.

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Same thing happened to me Dec 2020. I have NEVER recovered and the fatigue/ brain fog is debilitating. God Speed to everyone 🇺🇸

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I have been studying the effects of organophosphates for a long time. I did not know about the first world war but I did learn that that the Germans experimented on the Jews in one of their camps because they wanted a bio weapon but, as Hitler had been gassed in the first world war he was reluctant to use them. As you know there was a rush between the Allies and the Russians at the end of the war to get the research and Russia beat them to the organophosphate camp. It was dismantled and taken back to Russia. I cannot remember the name of it now.

In the Gulf War organophosphates were used to spray the tents and the Americans were forced to wear dog collars containing OPs. Some of these tents were bought by the British Scout Association and boys fell ill but it was all hushed up. This was my first clue as to the dangers of OP sprays and I called the Scout Association and spoke to a very helpful lady who told me she would get back to me. Of course, there was no reply and when I called again I got the brush off.

The organophosphate "story" is dangerous. You will not get a diagnosis for chronic poisoning, only for an acute episode.

Dr Goran Jamal, a Kurd, and Professor Peter Julu, did a lot of research into Saddam Hussein's poisoning of his people and later into the British shepherds falling ill from op sheep dip they had been forced to use. Jamal's reputation was blackened and he was threatened. Also, professor Abou-Donia from Duke University, did a lot of work and tested our son's blood proving the damage which was totally ignored by the authorities here. We had an enormous amount of help from Prof Malcolm Hooper, the Gulf War Veterans representative in the UK. These were all good men, all worth researching, but the lower we went the more ignorant and frightening the so called medics became.

The airline pilots and cabin crews are ill from leakages into the cabins from OPs used as coolants in the oil I believe. They have tried to get compensation but to no avail.

It was all so black at the time and very frightening, such a learning curve to know what governments do.

Do you know about the weaponised micoplasmas put into your Veterans jabs before they went to the Gulf? Look up Prof Garth Nicholson.

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Great post!! Thank you!! (remembering that early chemo was re-purposed mustard gas)

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Got poisoned by malathion once. Twitched for a week. Never used it again.

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Jayne, I went deep into that DTRA site that promoted Remdesivir to see if Bob's organophosphate stuff was ongoing.

it was.

They sunk $90m on a drug and decided it did not work.

Then they just paired it up with another drug and went at it again.

The four drugs for Kovid were Remdesivir, Celebrex, Famotidine (pepcid AC), and Ivermectin.

These are all crazy different drugs.

They tested some of them together. This is not...isolating variables. They are running a money burning grift in addition to depop. Just like making tanks and leaving them somewhere.

Just setting money on fire.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

So in 2001, I worked for Primary Industries as a contractor to spray pesticides for a fruit fly outbreak. Over summer, I worked 7 days a week for about 4 months. It was really hard work. We sprayed 'bait' and pesticide, which was Malathion. We were told it was 'safe and effective.' But that didn't explain why I started to get the shakes and would be vomiting on my may home from work...

But the money was good, I was only 22 yo and I wanted to go traveling.

About 1 year later, I weighed about 50kgs (when at the time I was normally about 75kgs). I eventually collapsed and spent several months in bed. Yet the doctors all said the 'tests say you are fine, so...'

I eventually found a slightly controversial allopathic doctor who was treating people with IV infusions of chelated minerals. He determined that my body was so full of heavy metals that I first needed to build my body up before dealing with the stress of detoxing. This took 1 year. During that time, I was put on the disability pension and given the vague diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Two decades of having this diagnosis and the physical, psychological, social and spiritual effects that ravaged my life I was later diagnosed with top shelf narcolepsy. My tests show that I can go into REM sleep 400+ x / min ...every minute that I'm awake. So even if I'm talking to someone I'm in/out/in/out/in/out..... of dreaming ...non-stop. I hallucinate because my brain is in sleep mode. I can drop, face-first, while standing or walking because I might lose muscle tone just from laughing or having a strong emotional response to something.

I went suuuuUUUUUPER deep into trying to figure out a bunch of stuff because the sleep doctors are functionally useless. They don't know what causes it and don't know how the drugs they prescribe causally create wakefulness. Over several years, I played with my diet and lifestyle, etc. I've since developed my own protocols, which effectively focus on treating narcolepsy as an autoimmune cause of inflammation. Reducing EMF is a huge part of it.

Anyways, this organophosphate angle is super important. They are poisoning us, anyway they can.

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Thank you for these insights and I'm sorry that this happened to you.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I think the best way to describe my experience is that scene in one of the Matrix movies... maybe the last one, which has a fight scene in a long corridor... I sort of feel like I'm never fully awake nor never fully asleep. Dreams are super lucid. Like I exist in a twilight zone in between worlds. Some people seem to think this might be 'cool', but I might hold an alternative opinion. I'm not looking for sympathy. It's my journey. Embracing such things and working with them is better than fighting them. Through the deep dive into the literature - linking alzheimers, dementia and vit d + more things related to ways to generally reduce inflammation and specifically to the hypothalamus, I've managed to reduce my modafinil intake by 50-75% and improve my ability to not have several sleep attacks throughout the day. Not to say I don't wig out or see shadows etc. Keep carbs to a very low intake level is super important. The frustrating thing is that I've tried to share these insights and detailed notes I've kept with various sleep doctors and they just ignore it, asking instead about how to deal me more pills. Doctors aren't interested in fixing much. Anyways.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I'm so sorry this happened to you

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the bulk of their income now comes from the roughly 30% kickbacks that they get from testing and meds (as described to me by an oncologist and confirmed by a woman that writes software for major hospital corporations) The software gal was head nurse at Riley Children's Hospital for yrs. She watched the kickback system 'skew the face of medicine' to the point where she could no longer practice in good conscience. So your docs will prescribe the most expensive-and often experimental-meds for their benefit-not yours. They may be profiting on the side from enrolling you in a study you are not aware of. Guinea pig patients. Maybe consider looking up your meds with the word 'lawsuits' following to get to the unspoken material.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

☝🏻 🎯

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

The doctor/protocols that you can benefit from are the ones that practice environmental medicine. (chemical spills, etc) They use Far Infra Red saunas which you can get for about $130 for home use. Low heat and safe to put very ill people in. FIR penetrates deeper into the body to help your organs dump. Use sparingly...1-2x wk. That was the last piece of the puzzle for me when dealing w/ chemical poisoning. Sad story of docs chasing symptoms....even the naturopaths are $$$ and looking through their narrow lenses.. A lot of CFS is chem poisoning...a fabrication 'disease' and a catch-all phrase. Do your own thinking...A diagnosis is worthless without a real solution. Doctors specialize in diagnoses....not in helping the one that is suffering. And we're supposed to be impressed with all their razzle-dazzle of mere words.

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Yep. 100% agree. I basically had to just go deep and figure stuff out on my own. Sauna is a also a huge part of my protocol. It didn't take too long to realise that a CFS diagnosis is more or less useless, though it did help me to get disability pension for a couple of years when I really needed it due to being quite literally bedridden for about a year. Now, 20 years later, I'm pretty much on top of it, but it took a while to get to this point. The best thing was not listening to doctors so much, since I realised that the more often I met a doctor the worse I seemed to get.

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So glad to know that....You had a pretty rough ride... Bedridden when you're young and formerly healthy is scary stuff! Glad you didn't give up....

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

This is a tragic story. I feel so bad for you. I am praying that someone or something will come to your aid. How do you keep sane?

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana


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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I had a houseplant which needed some TLC since it was being attacked. I bought a product, sprayed it on and all night I was woken up by leaves dropping.

In the morning I looked at the ingredient - malathion, which I already knew was bad since this was in LA at the very moment the malathion sprays were happening.

I was lucky. The M&Ms I was eating for lunch did me worse.

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I predict a shutout of e mail services when you don't comply to go with a digital id for your address verification..

It's also why they are killing off the U.S Post Offices nationally. I was in Arizona recently and saw the notice for another rural post office closing. Getting your mail will mean a 40 mile RT for people I spoke to. Not quite like the Stamp Tax preceding the American Revolution but think about it. It's all combining to make going off the system more and more difficult.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Imma say this one thing. I live in an area of the country where (according to The Data(TM)) NOTHING HAPPENED IN 2020. Deaths ............. declined. The 2018 flu season was deadlier.

This changed, according to The Data(TM) after vaccine rollout.

But GOT DAMN! Boy did people insist there was a pandemic. People were dying all around us. Just.... not at Floyd protests, or bars, or strip clubs, or Applebee's, or WalMart, etc. There were onslaughts of sick people everywhere, just ........ uh ....... not where you would expect to see it nor anyone who had a job.

I'm pretty sure they could 100% fake the whole thing with TV shows. A substantial percentage of people will invent fake imaginary friends they imagine dying of "covid" all over - even when nothing noticeable is happening at stores, bars, restaurants, etc. and not even according to The Data(TM).

Not to say they couldn't poison some people somewhere.

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I thought about this because the symptoms certainly align, but it's still those certain urban epicenters where there was an explosion of strange illness. The rural people doused in pesticides didn't experience much COVID madness.

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Yeah, it's very difficult to sort out the variety of ways to make people ill.

For example, I know some people in a rural area, all with shots, multiple shots in...one gets very ill, the others do not. Acutely sick. They are all not the same now, that is certain. By their own words.

I talked to a lady who flew home from outside the US in 2019 with illness. And was told by her doctor that she had COVID. I'm like...you are sure they called it that?

Yes. And was prescribed HCQ. Dunno. Dunno.

HCQ was already a protocol for a named disease that HAD NOT BEEN NAMED YET?

What a fucking op.

(None of her family got sick either, which explodes contagion.)

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Maybe the people in rural areas are adapted to tolreate better the OP poisoning? And maybe the military in the cities and other people are better protected due to some medication they take regularly, that interacts with the OP?

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

yes...docs were on the lookout for it as early as Sept 2019 in the US....same in Bosnia (across the Adriatic from northern Italy.) Lots of Chinese workers running back and forth between the two. (China was buying up the Italian leather factories, sending essentially slave labor to Italy- giving cheap vacations in Sarajevo) My last night there in Sept '19, I had dinner w/a Sarajevo hospital administrator. They had a 12 bed isolation unit set up for covid and were trying to keep it under wraps.

The Chinese were munching anti-fever pills constantly. They were sick, but they were also sickly in general so you really didn't know quite what you were seeing. Strangely VERY HANDSY everywhere they went, along with spitting, snotting etc. Only been to China once...handsy not so much. Other stuff, yes.

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The rural communities didn't get the press, but they're messed up, too. but yes to the targeting of 'certain urban epicenters' as you say. It's not an either/ or....It's both.

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In the USA we have a curfew in Oxford ,Mass for AAA mosquitos and Oklahoma has a killer Asian tick all appeared this week , there are no coincidences

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A great chance malathion can rid the lucky citizens of the pests by their trusty government. (satire)

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could it be that the trusty government regards US as the pests?

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Good read, Sage, one of your better ones, lately, but then again, you have so many reads that it's hard to keep up sometimes. Especially when I read many articles a day to see what I want to link. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I def. need to dial back the content!

Obsess much? 😅 Thanks, Watchman!

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

You are so far ahead of everyone else. You are a marvel. Have I written that before?

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Nooooo...don't stop!

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana


This latest post is overwhelming. I’m taking small bites to digest it all. Thank you for your work.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Two things struck me from the first part of your article. That scientists and Dr's don't know a lot about what they think they know. ( But they Sure Know a Lot about poisons! ) And that Malone said he was working on drug discovery to combat organophosphates at the time he got the call that the "Novel Covid" had struck! And I recall that he also worked on ways to bypass the body's natural defences/barriers, usung ivermectin somehow, can't remember exactly, but it was involved in that atudy.. How timely and convenient for

purposes of biowarfare, don't you think? AND the fact that both he and callahan were both, "unknowingly" to each other,

working on the famotidine angle (previous to "the Call?) A lot of coincidences, you see:)

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks to you and Conspiracy Sarah for this stack. Malathion! Ugh! Got sprayed in the 80s. Go inside! Here come the helicopters! It so important to save the orange groves and yeah, you should rinse off your car afterwards so it doesn’t eat off the paint!

Btw you are mentioned in Third Paradigm stack & comments today. One is saying you are an Amazing Polly accomplice🤣🤣🤣.

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The Social Component Operation is effective. This is largely the purpose of Twitter/Facebook along with surveillance, of course.

The social instincts are weaponized to have teams and tribes. Always.

I use a lot of people's research and they all are at times identified as Chaos Agents or Meddlers and so forth.


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1 yes 2 esp edited to add part yes 3 yes 4 yes

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As I said once or twice before, the FDA does no real testing of approved years or decdes ago formularies. Pfizer makes a range of products for BARDA. They could be contaminating a huge range of their drug line. Then again why bother with a criminal enterprise just doing it's duty to the military?

Just reminding all as you do Sage that depopulation agenda was kept secret with Nixon-Kissinger NSSM200. Is the duopoly sitting on a similar memorandum since 9-11 using homeland depopulation as a policy, one memorandum to be kept hidden for a few decades till the worst is done. Ah though, the government would never ever conspire to kill their own. Remember The Maine! Remember The Lusitania! Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember The Gulf of Tonkin! Remember 9-11!.....Sure thing.

Bring out your dead!

Bring out your dead!

I'm not dead.

Shutup, you soon will be.

I'm not ded. Look I'm moving my arms and legs.

(Some Monty Python skit where the black plague death cart driver is bribed to help off an old man. )

Bring out your dead...

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Stephen was having this discussion today.

The Psy Ops are so transparent right now, and have been for a while.

It really really feels like the Minders are just playing this thing out....running out the clock.

But for what? World War? Instant nukes? Just a rampant high voltage Starlink attack?

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maybe they're trying to figure out how their best-laid plans keep getting thwarted and delayed. (personally I might not dignify them with these titles.)

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you for your relentless pursuit of the truth, and your willingness to say "I don't know". We can't learn anything if we already think we know everything.

Somewhat off topic, but related, I think. This is the first summer of my entire life that I have not seen one firefly. They have always been a favorite part of summer. Where have they gone? It seems so sadly symbolic that those flashes of love and light are gone from the night.

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I get a kick out of the convict 'volunteers'....ghouls!!

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I have a friend that is internet zero . As I was telling him what I found on line . He tells me he was a manager for challenged kids , what the old folks called tards . He said a very familiar cereal company that has a very trusted looking old time gent as the logo was putting different levels of radiation in the food for them to see what level was safe for normal people . So mad I ever ate any grain products

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Hi Keith, Do you remember about how long ago? Quaker, I take it... REALLY good to know this...it adds an important layer! Thank you!!!

This reminds me of the term TDL - Toxic Dose Level.... abbreviation TDL stands for Toxic Dose Level established as 'safe levels' for prescription meds (Dr. Jennifer Daniels-self-exiled truth teller) Please keep sharing....

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