Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

Hopium is the worst of street drugs, and hopelessness is not the alternative - they both amount to the same thing.

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Well said 🙏

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Thank you for being angry. It means the world to me and to everyone...I feel your seeth.

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I saw this movie before with the fake Iraq War and watched the skilled TV watchers happily send broke ass poor kids to go murder hapless citizens of other nations so oil lines could be built in the Caspian Sea.

And those same useless skilled TV watchers now moving on to Zionist Pharm Rep Media swallowing whole the Op with a new hero.

And it's hilarious that Dick Cheney is endorsing Kamala Harris instead of Trump.

The same Cheney Darth Vader who was balls deep in Israel's False Flag terrorism round one.


Watch the "Konservatives" contort. Their brains breaking in real time.

Just knowing what some of them know...and still STILL going along with this again.

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Yes!!!!!!!!!! Sick to my stomach. What an absolute and complete ugly mess. There is not a compass with which to navigate.

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oh yes there is...what do you think we're doing here? reminds me of church endless useless hand-wringing...there's nothing we can do! the worlds' going to hell in a hand basket! go ahead...dig your own grave for them..

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I'll order one from the Bezos guy. Yeahhhhhh

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Murdering silently.

Quite effective.

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"And it's hilarious that Dick Cheney is endorsing Kamala Harris instead of Trump."

It's not surprising given that she's a mestiza and men like Cheney like mestizas pretty much when they reach certain age. A mestiza nurse will not smother them with a pillow as long as they give keep giving them benjamins. Best than private security. So, naturally, a mestiza POTUS is an obvious choice. Dick Cheney, the pragmatic prostatic patient!

Now, all former military with their meager pensions, please realize that Smedley Butler was right, and that your brothers have killed themselves obeying the orders of men like Dick Cheney. No, I don't take any shit from anyone when I say I'm a pacifist.

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Yes, it was much worse than hilarious to hear Cheney the Dick and Liz both endorse Kameleon, since all of their insults were obviously projections of their own crimes.

As Tulsi said, a vote for Kameleon is a vote for Dick Cheney.

When will those Konservatives wake up?


We know that Tulsi is one of them too, but that may wake those Konservatives up?

The real WTF is why would Putin endorse Kameleon? That was unexpected for sure!

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WTF, it’s showtime and the stage is brightly lit.

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Here is what Dumocrats said about Cheney before they forgot about that.


Is there any hope for the hammers?

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Allwiz showszup wit bote gunz loadud!

I need a drink.

Thank you Sage-"You throttle"♡

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Kinda brutal hammering of the hammers...😂 seriously, out of the park. 💕

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

Usually there is a warning before the stack is detonated. Actually went back to see if I missed the horn…. 😆

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Totally 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

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as it should be...

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In 1776, we formed a republic. In 1871, we declared bankruptcy and a corporate fiction was created. The corporate fiction period lasted from 1871-2000, the end of the third bankruptcy. Since 2000 what have we had? Corporate fraud. The USA company was liquidated at the end of its third bankruptcy like any other corporation. The old owners at the Crown Temple Bank of England just kept right on running the government, and owning the federal agencies. They just kept milking the cow that is America. They just kept grinding the wheels of the international drugs/arms/humans trade. They just kept perpetuating war, and using the American military to destroy banking freedom anywhere in the world. We haven't had a real election or a real president since 2000. It's all been a show. 9/11. Weapons of Mass destruction lies lead to war in 2003. It's been one theatrical event after another for 25 years. I don't believe the producers thought the show would go on this long. It's all been a play for time. How long can they continue to run their scam?

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I'm sure because of "USA Corporation 1871, our birth certificates are still in Vatican City because we were labeled "cattle" - a Commodity.

Gee, now they call us "Useless Eaters"!

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I'm still wondering why cattle would have birth certificates, or why anyone would give cattle birth certificates? No other cattle have them or need them.

It's more like a feudalistic system, where the serfs may need birth certificates for collateral. So serfs are not cattle, but not much better.

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I have your answer and Evidence

1- The Luciferians/ Fallen Angels/Reptilians from Genesis ch 6 who run Planet Earth since The Beginning- consider humans as "cattle" - a commodity to be sold- traded. for blood and *to be eaten*! They are Cannibals.

Pedophiles eat children- drink their blood --Adrenachrome, make Walnut Sauce from their Pineal Gland (God gland)

• Vatican City "is in on The Psyop". They worship Lucifer, I gat' references for you. Your life is changed forever.

stevequayle.com "Earth In The Crosshairs"- new book-video. See all his book titles.

Plus Headlines/archives.

I've known SQ since 1997.

Ive Read 30,000 headlines/videos.

Plus Gensix.com

• Jonathan Klek @Odysee

Explains Vatican City -Plus Gematria(numbers) - Codes- Signs- Symbols- Colors- Music videos-

Uses KJV Bible + Concordance - *20* years work.

• Enterthestars @YT


You know, you are surrounded by Illuminati-"Secret Societies" The Occult everywhere "in plain sight".

Wa.DC Monument 666ft tall 666in base. Obilisk (penis)

Reflecting pools "as above so below" Baphomet.

Capitol Dome- Phallus

NYC Freedom One -as above so below -pyramid.

Reflecting pool same size Black Cube- Islam!

Vatican City- serpent- locusts- vagina- penis-dead sheep heads.


• Seeds & Gold" L.A. Marzulli

Cosmic "Dead Rock Earth " Agenda.

Blood & Treasure Harvest then on to another planet.

• Easter? ISHITAR- eggs & rabbits? FERTILIZATION

• (Satan Claws- I WANT Psyop) MK Ultra Mind Kontrol

• $1 dollar bill - Horace eye over pyramid. In Lucifer they trust- The Fed - Jekyll Island 1913*


Must see SAGES substack Sept. 8 video of The Deep State Luciferian

"Get ready for wars..."- in a suit EXPLAINS IT ALL to you.



I've given you a path of Revelation, clarity, & more research.

**But- if you already know- good for both of us.

Enjoy* God bless you🙏

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We're were not labeled cattle, rather we're Chattel...Property/slaves

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They are upgrading bc’s to ‘ear tags’ as we speak.

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Not cattle "Chattel"....property/slaves

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No! Sorry. You did not research. These are Reptilians. Satanists- Aliens- Draconians- They believe we are "Their Cattle" TO BE EATEN.

I know you never looked at the resources.

I post the extra sources FOR EVERYBODY TO SEE.

*Jonathan Kleck Odysee

*Stevequayle.com Fallen Angels NEPHILIAM- The Giants. They eat humans.

That's why ISIS Beheads Christians.

Separate the Pineal gland- God gland from the Heart for God....then EAT THE HEART. EAT IT ALL

* There's videos on Bastyon - stacked corpses and Cannibals butchering and "cooking" over open fire, ---- Like CATTLE♡

There are 30,000 Guillotines across America- in 800 "fun camps" READY TO CUT OUR HEADS OFF. ♡♡♡

"They didn't tell you?

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Yepper! USA Corporation property/slaves & CATTLE*

IF you go to SAGES Substack watch the video.

You will find those are- the Zionists-Globalists do CALL US CATTLE. I did not make that up.

Truth & Facts are non-negotiable for me..ok?

You will come across that term.

Don't forget The Blood and Cannibalism.

And- FEMA hrc "fun cams"- Coming soon- " get on the bus"!

*uSlave? or, uFOOD4Slaves?

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To vaccinate means to turn one into a cow.

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Love it!

That's probably why our Haterz From Hell call us "cattle" from birth- to be treated like "programmable" animals- slaughterd' and eaten.

We "Fear Not" - thank you Jesus♡

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♡ Hey Little Darlin' ♡

I'm going to be *FOOD 4 SLAVES*.... before Christmas!


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Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

Imma thinking about converting to Messianic Judaism just to mess with my relatives. Good idea... yes?!?! 😎😎😎😂😂😂😂😂 Then I can play good vs bad and THEY wouldn’t know what the hell to say!!!

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Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

Re "they have co-opted the Good Christian folk...."

Check out the book: SHEPHERDS FOR SALE, How Evangelical Leaders Traded The Truth For A Leftist Agenda, by Megan Basham. And/or check out the interview with her and Eric Metaxis.

It covers everything - special attention to Chapter 5: Gracious Dialogue: How the Government Used Pastors to Spread Covid-19 Propaganda.

This is an awesome book.

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I have started it and already have learned a lot.

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We have been for quite some time. https://mestuff.substack.com/p/the-war-production-board-malaria

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Great post.

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Thank you.

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Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

2:47 pm post moved. Right in front of my eyes. In RT. We are being observed.

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There are sattilites now watching all of us and reading our brain waves like a fingerprint.

The skies are covered with drones.

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Preppers don't look so silly now do they? They'll probably get me eventually but there's a lot of wilderness in Australia.

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Strokes of genius in this article. It's the power of truth.

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We really DO deserve smarter and much better Ops...

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Felt pretty, might delete later.

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Mossad Meryl once said that if 30% don't comply, this is over.

Narrator: but the 30% will comply because they like the Hero. And they will not track back the dots and if they do, they will make excuses, such as..."Well he HAD TO SAY THAT and anyway, HE HAS NO REAL POWER TO STOP IT."

Okay, then why are we pretending that it matters?


Hero "can't" speak the truth.

Hero has no real power.

But we still act like Hero will save us?

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Hero ballin don’t quit.




The sheer cynicism of the MAHA turn really has me puking in my mouth a little.

On par with test it treat it.

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Those links are from the top military intelligence site so...

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

I made it four seconds...

Man Bobby is just destroying that Kamelot veneer, holy shit.

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Sep 10Liked by Sage Hana

It’s really awful. The gaslighting is off the charts. America! You aren’t healthy. Why aren’t you having a shake? (Forget the mRNA, assholes. Why you always gotta bring up what we did to you? That’s so last year.)

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Show me ur fwend 2tellΥουWhoΥουΑre: This ΝlΚ0LΕ.CΗΙΚ wz ΜαrrιΕd2ΒrιΝ + DινοrcΕd ΗΙΜ,cΖ SΗΕ.wz DΑΤΙΝG.Mυ$κ...

...αΝddd Β00Βγ s υΝcIe ,$ΕΝΑΤ0r.ΤΕD Ieft ΗΙs SeKrαtαry "dr0wΝed" In CΗΑΤΑΡΑQυααα...

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Ι ΚαΝ alreadγ see ΤΗΙs "ΜΑΗΑ" ΚυΙΤ DlΚΤΑΤlNG2υs 2GetΝeurαΙιΝκΕD,+Start joining a Fitness Club,at a Sρecifik Ηουr,2control 0ur weight, Drink ΤΗΕir SHAKES or ELSE , LoCk υs Down 4ΝΟΤ Βng G00D CITlΖΕΝS..

...0r hey Citizen, donate ur kidneγ/Spleen/ 0ναrrries/LυΝgs 2B00Βγ.0r.ΤΗlΕL 4ΤΗΕ ΗΕΑLΤΗ 0f υr Fellow billionaire Krapitalist.. 😂 😂😂😂

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Numb is your god, along with despair.

Everyone believes in sumth'n.

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I'm going to go watch movie soon!!! The candy bar in the pool scene!!!!!!

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Don't stick it in crazy, RRMM.

Just sayin'.

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You are going to hear a LOT from the Weinstein twins in the upcoming weeks and months. You're on the right track but some of the terms you use are hyperbolic. They're the cold, dead-eyed kind of evil, words like "scorpion" or "satanic" accord them a kind of masculine vigour and spiciness that they do not merit.

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Wait thats not the CDC guidelines — that’s old. Now if you’re asymptomatic to need to roll a win 3 times, and if you have symptoms only 2.


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Absurdistan is a substack I usually like reading. Shes not afraid to go there on a lot of things. But she rolled out this Weinstein loving uniparty stuff in an otherwise pretty good election fraud article 🙄

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Pro Israel, too, Elizabeth is admittedly a former tier one journalist(perhaps she still is) who now appears to be masquerading in the tier twos. I don't know what to think, I'm more weary since the Israel revelation, which is a shame, much to like in her stack, tread carefully.

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another media hound naomi...take a closer look

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Good point, her professional and family background was always suspect. Her heel turn with regards to Israel, in retrospect, should not have been surprising. It was there the whole time.

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her bio says it all...

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Yup, the signs read road closed and I hit the accelerator.

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;-) a lot of self-promotion there...I had an unfortunate correspondence with her. Talent, but an agenda I couldn't support.

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Glitch in the Stack. Screenshots of real-time deletions.

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I read that substack are lefties.

We are all on sumbuddieez shittlist.

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I’m actually ambidextrous.

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Clearly! You need a cold beer♡

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