Doctors push them hard, Statins. My mom died of a rare form of cancer ("they" said) at 65, a normally healthy woman, just a year from diagnosis. She swore the Statins caused it. Probably did.
"nowadays, use of statins is even more diffused than in the past."
Diffused? Oh, they mean 'pushed' on more people.
For info. I considered making a $1.2 million donation, as requested. Thank you for your request. Your requests are very important to us. Please hold the line. 😂
With everything that has gone on with the pharma gods, I’ve wondered for the better of a year if many medications are laced with toxins/ carcinogenic elements randomly (so as to be untraceable) - who’s looking anyway…..I’ve wondered if it is part of a depop campaign on a wider scale then has been suspected…..
The "experts" push various unhealthy diets on the public, calling them healthy. Low fat, high carb, etc. And that's for people trying to do the right thing. Not even the chemical laden junk foods. This causes "high cholesterol." If you have high cholesterol, you must be shunted into the statin queue. Of course, cholesterol is important for brain function and does not do the damage they claimed. They measure total choesterol and its a bogus test, just like the pcr. I have family members who have fallen for this bullshit, from the lowfat diets, necessarily high carb, all the way through to the statins and worse.
For tier two, there's the plant based diets like vegetarian and vegan, which will also be low cholesterol. Not to mention red rice yeast and other goodies. All designed to break your body.
Cholesterol is required for brain function and too little seems related to depression. Keep em sad and stupid. Itsaplan!
I no longer see conventional general practitioners. But when I did they are alarmed by my "high cholesterol." This was the total cholesterol number. They never once looked at my very high HDL numbers, over 75. So, if the good cholesterol is very high, it will push you into the high "total cholesterol" range. Statin time. Not! If you can figure out something simple like this and your doctor can't, you should not go to them.
"The Magnesium Factor" by Dr. Mildred Seelig shows that when magnesium is below a critical threshold, the 'cholesterol switch' malfunctions and we produce too much. In extensive studies, she showed that replacing the magnesium not only 'fixed the switch', but it is the only known substance that turns bad cholesterol into good cholesterol...with only good side effects. Studied alongside statins it was more effective with no adverse side effects.
Skeptic that I am, I tested her claims on myself...she nailed it!
Doctors push them hard, Statins. My mom died of a rare form of cancer ("they" said) at 65, a normally healthy woman, just a year from diagnosis. She swore the Statins caused it. Probably did.
They’ve been chasing me with the statins for at least 10 years
It's poison. The whole high cholesterol model is wrong. The "fat is bad for you" was wrong. Pharmakoea. Dont let them catch you.
"nowadays, use of statins is even more diffused than in the past."
Diffused? Oh, they mean 'pushed' on more people.
For info. I considered making a $1.2 million donation, as requested. Thank you for your request. Your requests are very important to us. Please hold the line. 😂
McCullough always looks so pasty and unwell. Should be renamed The Unwellness Company.
😅 Good one, Me!
SSTF and Hedge Fund needs a meme coin...
Yes, you need 15 heart drugs because the first 14 didn't do squat.
With everything that has gone on with the pharma gods, I’ve wondered for the better of a year if many medications are laced with toxins/ carcinogenic elements randomly (so as to be untraceable) - who’s looking anyway…..I’ve wondered if it is part of a depop campaign on a wider scale then has been suspected…..
The "experts" push various unhealthy diets on the public, calling them healthy. Low fat, high carb, etc. And that's for people trying to do the right thing. Not even the chemical laden junk foods. This causes "high cholesterol." If you have high cholesterol, you must be shunted into the statin queue. Of course, cholesterol is important for brain function and does not do the damage they claimed. They measure total choesterol and its a bogus test, just like the pcr. I have family members who have fallen for this bullshit, from the lowfat diets, necessarily high carb, all the way through to the statins and worse.
For tier two, there's the plant based diets like vegetarian and vegan, which will also be low cholesterol. Not to mention red rice yeast and other goodies. All designed to break your body.
Cholesterol is required for brain function and too little seems related to depression. Keep em sad and stupid. Itsaplan!
I no longer see conventional general practitioners. But when I did they are alarmed by my "high cholesterol." This was the total cholesterol number. They never once looked at my very high HDL numbers, over 75. So, if the good cholesterol is very high, it will push you into the high "total cholesterol" range. Statin time. Not! If you can figure out something simple like this and your doctor can't, you should not go to them.
"The Magnesium Factor" by Dr. Mildred Seelig shows that when magnesium is below a critical threshold, the 'cholesterol switch' malfunctions and we produce too much. In extensive studies, she showed that replacing the magnesium not only 'fixed the switch', but it is the only known substance that turns bad cholesterol into good cholesterol...with only good side effects. Studied alongside statins it was more effective with no adverse side effects.
Skeptic that I am, I tested her claims on myself...she nailed it!
any physicians objecting to the statin arguments were promptly 'fauci-ed'