
"...but once it seemed the curve flattened in Wisconsin, I asked for a humanitarian leave and the university let me go and I went to New York."


Got it.

The Virus attacked Wisconsin and when that curve flattened, the Humanitarian went to NYC after the surge.

Or during the surge.

Or whatever. I've lost track of Covid Time. 😹

Also during the same time frame, I was busting out some George Floyd Expert Testimony.

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Thing is there weren’t no curve in WI to flatten.

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Shhh....there were clearly curves and it was a WAR and that's why the non-profit had a FRONTLINE WAR NAME.

Before the war.

Before the war.

Just like IVM was isolated and shown to kill the Dastardly Novel Virus in Aussie BEFORE THE WAR.

The timeline is so psychic!

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Lift, Flurm

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Well Dr Kory was much heavier then

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So, about a 4 week time-span for the "bomb" in NY.

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Maybe it went way down from baseline. That's a curve of sorts. And those alternative treatments from the frontline may have worked their magic and made people super healthy.

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Actually something like this is interesting to think about with NY — that that spike didn’t actually return to quite baseline by June— because a pull forward effect should have pulled lower. I think.

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Yeah Kory and Callhan always seem to be where stuffs habbenninnnn, huh. Must be hard to keep the "dates" right.

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Callahan was set up to be Tier One Hero and then they just threw him on a shelf.

Probably because he reads, "sociopath", after seven seconds.


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Kory seems really sociopathic to me lol. I have the strong urge to spit in his face every time I see him blatherng on about his "experiences"

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If you watch the Steven Hatfill-Bob Malone "interview", err..scripted Psy Op on Tommy Whatever, they both come off like maniacs.

I don't think you exist in the breast of the Monster and not turn into a mini-Monster.

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He´s the Zelig of intensive care medicine.

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Kory is a company man.

There are no coincidences in operations at this level.

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I think Kory loses track of Covid Time. Maybe he has covid brain or alternative treatment brain.

And what about "this thing is different" and everyone is dying, dying dying"? If he wasn't there during the surge this seems inconsistent. Maybe brain inflammation from Covid brain.

Did he ever say he had covid or was he immune due to the 'mectin vaccination schedule? Of course he could have covid and not know it, a symptomless case or even catch it from people who are vaccine shedders. In any case, something doesn't add up.

Covid brain.

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The dying of Covid Covid Covid (and the black and brown families are being decimated angle) was December 8, 2020, same interview where he says that if you take IVM prophylactically (like a vaccine) you will not contract Covid-19.

"If you're taking IVM, you will not contract Covid-19. I repeat, if you are taking IVM you will not contract Covid-19."

He appears to be reading during that dramatic segment.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Strangely, the black and brown people in Africa/India were NOT being decimated from covid since they didn't take vaccines so much and don't have organized hospital systems killing them like in the US, Canada, and the UK. Were they radiated? Poisoned? (in Africa/India) maybe not so much.

But likely the hospital protocols were used on black and brown people in the US, at least those who went to them. Elderly, ppl with disabilities, the unvaxed, and next black and brown people were likely the target groups from what we've seen.

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Kory was saying the black and brown people were dying from Covid and being decimated in Dec. 2020 as the shots were going out.

The very obvious conclusion is that this was SPARS promotion to ethnic groups of fear and solutions.


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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, even at the gas pump the little annoying tv screen was playing covid vaccine commercials in Spanish pushing and promoting the shots.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Agreed. It went on locally in the large cities as well, a VERY BIG psyop marketing campaign. A lot didn't fall for it. But some likely did. .😠 My elderly black neighbor still wears a mask all the time. I've never asked about vax status but assume that masks and shots usually go together. For some Tuskegee is a thing still for trusting the white medical power structure.

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Demographic for my North Carolina town of 20,000 people is about 70% black, 25% white, 3% Hispanic, 1% Asian and 1% other. With rare exceptions, the only people I notice still wearing masks are black...not all by any means, but masks aren't rare here either. I don't ask about vax status. I suspect many are not vaxxed due to lack of trust based on Tuskegee, but due to propaganda, still believe masks offer some protection. Hard to know, easy to speculate.

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They were having the flu they always did instead

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

In a friendly interview, late 2020, Bill Gates was, surprisingly, asked why Africans weren't dying of the Terrible Disease in piles reaching to the sky.

He, at a loss for a reasonable answer, just waved his hands and waffled. Confirming that it was ALL a lie.

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He was immune to ventilators because no one sedated him, strapped him down, put one over his face..

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I think he used to smoke Parliaments, got into a Funkadelic mood and his brain got quantum entangled with some of Schwabbie's bugs. He's our new Einstein, doncha know?

Original first, then the electric violin version from Desolation Row. Original sounds kinda like Pink George Floyd in parts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32k_ygEweec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APP6-4i_pR4

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Wow, thanks...both my ears say "Yummy, save to faves & check for more later".

Here's another bug brain (for RFK Jr?) with a side order of mash & coleslaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPpfdsaALDA

And a live with Jeff & Tal show: www.youtube.com/watch?v=25q8nWZQGaQ

Tal's good in a larger group too: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-jGckFCcSY

If you like her with ABB material, plenty of other YT clips...some looong ones

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Thanks for introducing me to Tal. Why was her mic so quiet in the Jeff Beck clip? It's awesome she's thrived in the industry - I was discouraged, no I was outraged, by the misogyny back in the day. And what's stuck with me, is the incident I had with Tanya Tucker at the Palamino Club, when I rapturously praised her for being wonderful in such a male dominated arena, she was a total bitch to me.

I also had no recollection that 'Cause We Ended as Lovers' was written by Stevie Wonder and given to JB.

Stevie Wonder who is a really nice guy in person.

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On a visit to kid brother in Austin, I met some folks in the music scene there. Drummer in this clip told me about encountering TT at a local awards party or similar shindig and said she was 'completely gakked' (sp?), meaning coked to the gills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odmgJAiUCHE

My dime-store or dime-bag psychological conjecture is many celebrity/artist jerks can put up a nice, friendly exterior that fades when you get to know them, while lots of folks have a grumpy/argumentative facade that covers up a softer, empathetic nature that similarly doesn't get shown to somebody that meets them briefly 'on the random'. Scratch a cynic, find an frustrated idealist?

My late wife cocktail-waitressed at the Palomino back in the era when Merle Haggard was just getting started. No especially interesting stories, though.

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He announced having Covid and recovering, I think, in December of 21.

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What you aren’t accounting for is ‘Wisconsin’. People give west coast ultra towns or Mojave flight ranges all the credit, but Wisconsin is spooky as fuck. I’m certain stuff goes down in that state, which is covered up by the fantastic beer and brats. And cheese. But if you told me there was a chthonic pit that never ended, or one half of a time loop exit, or any number of deep state activities in Wisconsin, I’d say “yup. That checks out.” So maybe he WAS in both places at once?


Squirrel question. What is Chevron being overturned about? Monster don’t cede no power. Ever. What are they planning such that chevron being toast is helpful?

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After flattening the curve in WI, it was time to have a cup of coffee in NYC AFTER THE SURGE.

And report into the Homeland Security hearing about THESE ADORABLE AGENCIES WHO/CDC ARE FINE FOR PEACETIME BUT WE ARE AT WAR!

All the while busting out George Floyd testimony and apparently writing papers.

Okay...Sounds legit.

RE: WI: Nurse Erin (ends up on Tucker). Ron Johnson. Pierre Kory *ends up on Tucker, Rogan)

Wonder if Midwestern means Wisconsin?

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Point of correction- they might call themselves Midwestern but most people who live in the true Midwest don’t see it that way. More like northern liberals, not Midwesterners.

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No snark : This is quite interesting and revealing.

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I’ve wondered the same thing about that particular Midwestern Doc Hammer…. 🤔

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Steve Kirsch gave us A Midwestern Doctor.


"Throughout the pandemic, I could see what was happening was wrong, but because of the immense power the (pharmaceutically sponsored) media holds, regardless of what I tried, I was powerless to stop what was in motion. Then in early 2022, a breakthrough happened for me—despite being a completely unknown entity, Steve Kirsch on a hunch agreed to promote an article I thought was important for the COVID vaccine movement, and before I knew it, I had a large platform which had at last given the ability to do something about the disaster that was unfolding.

Because of this, I feel obligated to help promote others who I feel are in the same position I was, and hence have periodically helped break important stories activists are desperately trying to get the word out on."




Breaking Speculation for you Extreme:

What Steve and Bret Weinstein are doing with Jabs Bad is replacing "VACCINES" with "Alternative Treatments".

The AT are now to be used like...VACCINES. prophylactically.

IVM as a prophylactic. Like a vaccine.

Sells the threat. Threat stays intact. Solution is now the big argument.

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Everyone wants to tie the multiple variables together so they can try to draw a single line through it.

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Probs won't be a single line, but converging lines.

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Honest admission, there was a time when I sought affirmation for my gut on the OP through all channels and still read most to find the weeds, but you’ve got the wheat sage, straight from the shaft right here ☝🏻, and please PASTOR sage, keep that Transubstantiated bread coming to the big table and we’ll bring a little seat and butter! We are one iOb.

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Lots of cdc in WI.

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About Chevron. Note that it was the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) that was the plaintiff. RFK jr, for many years before he started Children's Health Defense was senior attorney for the NRDC. https://www.climateone.org/people/robert-f-kennedy-jr

All the environmentalists he once worked with are calling for him to drop out of the prez race.

Does the Chevron case having anything to do with it his running? If the lefties attack him, does that give him more votes from the independents, or anyone-but-Trump OR Biden folks, or the antivaxers. I don't follow this stuff closely, but it did seem odd. Or is it a way to expand SCOTUS to make it fully liberal and chaotic.

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First Dobbs and now this. Both seem to run afoul of the stuff discussed in the Day Tapes.

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deletedJul 2
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Yes, it SEEMS like very good news. Gutting the CDC FDA etc. But does it apply if it is a "wartime" scenario? PREP act?

Or will the blue states just replicate what has been gutted? Then the red ones go in the opposite direction. Civil unrest?

Dobbs has been like that, big polarization.

I just don't trust anything to be good these days. Very cautious about the scorpions and their plans. How could they let Dobbs slip through (just relistened to all the Day Tapes). This seems another thing going in the opposite direction of their plans.

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deletedJul 2
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I knew states were also involved in some way, and found this. Apparently some states had already done this for state cases. This is from last year, but interesting in light of it.


We'll see how it all goes, but "seems" counter to the scorpions' plans.

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Speaking of spooky though nowhere is spookier than Uranus


and apparently soon there will be 3 of them


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Spread-eagle Wisconsin is something to see.


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Wow they have a Lakeview Party Mart

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Kory was also in that cripto group down south wasn’t he?

I am sad. I hate being fooled.

I’m going to throw this out there. Dr. Paul Marek, whom the doc I work with met pre-covid is legit wrt treating sepsis with high dose vitamin c. He saved most of his patients. Drug trials testing this were rigged to support Pharma which is nothing new. I’m thinking he’s been bamboozled. At least I hope so.

I’m also going to say MWD writes some incredibly interesting and important information. Lots on vaccine injury in kids wrt childhood vaccines and SIDS. So personally, I’m thinking another used person.

And lastly, it is possible that IVM is helpful in treating flu like illness but that off patent use would put a damper on the annual cash cow flu shots.

Kory has some ‘splainin’ to do.

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The "used" part is how this gets done.

You simply can't have people read in to the whole of agendas and expect them not to sing or let the cat out of the bag.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Worth noting perhaps that Midwestern Doc has admitted to a personal history of being taken in and fooled by people.

Probably why she still clings to Malone as a hero 'in a difficult place' due to his career.

She also believes that 'we are winning' without any evidence that the masses have woken up. I certainly haven't met any!

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i've always thought of MWD as male... is it stated somewhere? Just curious

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where have all the heroes gone...sigh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BynsuRcC4fg&ab_channel=E.Y.C.%5BTheBand%5D

Fabulous post...just gets clearer....so needed!!

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Did you see the documentary on George Floyd’s death? All the evidence appears to indicate he died of a drug overdose

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That makes about zero sense. Floyd was apprehended over a counterfeit $20 dollar bill he allegedly passed a store owner. When did he take this overdose?

You might say, well, he swallowed his stash during apprehension. Sure. He was passing fake 20s with his next fix in his pocket.

Or, maybe you want to say he was dealing, yet still passing fake bills at the store.

If he'd taken an overdose, he wouldn't be walking around.

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Tried to talk to my doc friend about it but she refuses to believe it because Kory said he was suffocated… I never understood why he was the expert there as well as in FLCCC. He did admit he gets very well paid for his expert testimony. Maybe part of the deal was the fame he’s got now.

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deletedJul 2
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Fudge factory huh? Brave.

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deletedJul 2·edited Jul 2
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Back in time aways, when the hostess would ask if you had a smoking preference, did you counter with, "No, mam, just a smoking desire."?

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Was gonna say you must be near Uranus

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deletedJul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana
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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

I hear the kayaking is nice in those parts.

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deletedJul 2Liked by Sage Hana
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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Sleepy is the best place to hide spooky.

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Anderson University, Anderson, In for some fun surprises...

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

What makes repurposed drugs early treatment prophylaxis selected by military AI programs to treat dangerous novel pandemic virus extra uncomfortable for me is the whole FDA changing their rules so they don't ever have to inspect facilities if they don't want to. The FDA doesn't want to be caught with hard evidence that they knew something was harmful, so they've made it so they never have to officially know by just not looking. So when you get a drug now, especially a handpicked urgent early treatment, it's anyone's guess what will be in it.

Really offering the early treatment and repurposed drugs for the vaccine skeptic crowd is diabolical genius because it keeps access to the bodies of those who refuse the preferred poison. I appreciate the articles here for how they've helped hone my senses to the efforts to preserve the threat by a truly diverse set of people.

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Now this is a sharp comment. 🏆

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Indeed. Manufacturing consistency is a farce. Flashback in time to Bioport-anthrax-subpar manufacturing in WI quietly shapeshifts to Emergent Biosolutions in Maryland—just happens to be the home of the F’ed up JJ vaxx batches and also making a bundle on various forms of Narcan

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Superman Saved The Day. Hang with me on this: In 2020 He just happened to still have hospital privileges to practice from 2015…because SuperDoc can apparently fly anywhere and work! (Is it a bird? Is it a plane?)

Timeline: FLcCC (aka Superman) website states the altruistic 501c3 org started in March 2020; Superman Saves NYc (for five weeks) in May 2020;

then off to SC in Aug for a short hospital gig then to WI for a stint to finish off 2020….

PLUS (pay attention now) in 2020 he claims 11 major publications. Only Superman can crank out 11 research papers in one year (about SARS COV2, treatment, vitamins, HCQ, etc) AND get published AND ….all while Saving NYC.

Unrelated (?) From website - FLCCC 2020 tax filing statement shows approx $350,000 in contributions;

2021 filing statement approx

$4, 900,000 in contributions.

2022 not found on their website.

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Thought the same. Super-busy Dr. Almost super-human, eh ? Interesting data.

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Someone was super-backing this super-effort to save humanity.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Absolutely. Grenada, West Indies medical school is curious too.

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Me thinks that someone had some drinks with a young waiter after a shift in Long Island and laid out a plan.

Just constructing what it might look like.

Beware of those who come bringing gifts.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

One can find A gaggle of CIA in Grenada. Purely coincidence no inference intended….

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I'm told also in HI.

I'm also told that Keto Boy and Red Pants were in HI a couple of weeks prior to the "event".



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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

I love how SH meticulously and systematically “breaks the Covid idols”!

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Sepsis eh? Guess Mr. Kory missed this and the Winthrop Hospital clinical trial. And it was so closeby in Mineola NY. But hey, why not have the FDA deny EUA? Haven't looked yet but likely both the FDA and Medicare-Medicaid have refused to fund the follow up studies to this very day.

Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2019 Jul 1; 317(1): R160–R168. Published online 2019 May 15. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00083.2019

PMCID: PMC6692752PMID: 31091156

Translational Physiology

Early hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves survival in a model of severe sepsis.

How many HBOT chambers were in NYC hospitals where Kory practiced? Did anyone try it for sepsis in 2020? Did anyone use it for genetic therapy shots reactions resulting in sepsis? Probably not. Cutting limbs off is so still 19th century. Bonesmen. ( adding Boneswomen for equal rights).

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Unconscionable that they still withhold HBOT at every opportunity! We have 4 in our little town, but no one got in without arm twisting...and that for diabetic wound care only. A free-standing doc set one up in his office for general use. $50 a pop. Whenever I heard of a stroke victim, they went straight there...patient or not. If you catch it early, amazing things happen. They've known for so long!!!

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Learned new word today. Thanks Inat-infused! That said, what is a Cape Brenton lightning rod? Is it possible to hook up the ground wire to PM Turdeau?

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a most useful trait, inat....;-) I used to live on Cape Breton Island...had a hostel tucked between the ocean and the mountains. Accidentally became infamous...hence the nickname. Mail addressed to the Cape Breton Lightning Rod actually made it to my home. (missed the turdeau era...great thought, tho!)

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Hostel still there?

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no...it was a 70s thing

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Any recommendations for the area if I go there on a road trip? Only after the Canadian totalitarian Trudeau disappears and his henchmen of course.

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He also said on May 6, 2020: "I've trained almost every person in every ICU in New York City."

I just wonder how much of this training was going on via videoconference during March and April 2020? https://rumble.com/v51h01m-dr.-pierre-kory-may-6-2020-ive-trained-almost-every-person-in-every-icu-in-.html

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Just wondering if Kory owns a compounding pharmacy or has a financial interest in a company that makes Ivermectin or even a company that imports Ivermectin? Or is it just that he gets commissions from promoting it? Pure speculation of course. 🕵️

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There are many ways to reward meritorious service.

Books. (I need to do laundry, aside.)



I'm wondering if or how much he was compensated for his involvement with Global Covid Summit.

Meth Poster said 10G a month did he not. Heather Gessling said she got jack shit but then she was a prominent player in starting TWC (before getting out. Her words here on this boutique)

::redacted segment was here::

He supposedly bought a new crib in FL, per Jimmy Dore show, but cannot vouch, as I do not watch.

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Maybe he just got recorded with a little boy.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO! You have just covered the whole "Kory Problem" in record brevity. Lack of oxygen from strangulation killed Floyd? Doubtful, but VERY VERY important testimony to many unpleasant manipulators. Then on to NYC? When? Hmmmmmmmm?


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Beware of charts and graphs.

These are the best tool to manipulate you into believing without ever thinking.

All graphs are based on data. The data used to produce a graph are (plural - there is always plenty of them) are screened BEFORE they are entered into the graph-generating software. All data never find their way into graphs.

The process of screening the data for visual representation rejects part of the image.

Even those data that are “approved”, come from the data collection process in the field. This process is never complete or full or valid - because you cannot collect data for the whole population, even in a small village. Some people will never be included in the data set, some may be included for wrong reasons, some will be wrongly assessed (e.g. subjective assessment of symptoms), some will provide fake or false information.

If the population is “tested”, you have to overlay test problems on the data: false positives, false negatives, time problems, verification of the results and rejection of results for technical reasons (e.g. illegible writing on test sheets), etc.

Ultimately, for the above reasons + layers of biases on the part of the data collectors and analysts, no data are reliable. If you throw away all cute charts relating to illness or even mortality, you will not lose much of the image of the “real” situation.

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You are so optimistic. “Corrupted data”? I am more pessimistic, and I think that what is being release to the public is not data - it’s random sets of random numbers, impossible to trace back, verify against records (what records?), or replicate in any way. “Anecdotal”, as they say.

Example: The call to lockdown the world was dependent upon the numbers of “cases” reported by random people hired to punch drivers into their brains through their noses. These sampling specialists couldn’t care less about quality or reliability. I bet their contracts made their salaries dependent on the number of samples they would deliver by the end of the day. Hidden camera view: a sampling specialist is nudging his/her own nose with hundreds of sticks. Wild imagination, right. But I haven’t found any published information on the rules of hiring these people and the chain of custody of their sample trophies.

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Few accuse me of optimism! 😹

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

I still wonder about Kory's patients. He has a practice with a lot of people in it, as he often states. What kinds of treatments are they getting? I know about Peter Mac's since he advocates for siRNA and other questionable things. Are these experiments? Or what?

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Detail shmetails.

Don't you realize we're at war with a virus.

Are you some kinda racists anti theorist conspiracy vaxxer ???

Or just some kinda cracked wall nut ???

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

MERCILESS .. as you should be.

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I want to know what happened.

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You know exactly what happened Sage!

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Did it happen at Grenada?

Did it happen all the way back the NASA daze?

How early do you have to get your hooks into someone?

Is it True Believer cuz...Strip of Land and Sky Fairy Concept? Is it just as simple as make someone an offer to fund a non-profit like an inside trading stock tip and the gates of Hell close behind you?

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I’m a big picture person.

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😹 I want all the pictures down to the Psychological Indoctrination which I daresay happens at a very young age as one "emerges" into a world view.

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A retired Dr is teaching young ned students encouraging them to be med practitioners, as evidently they the med students want to be specialists I guess it is the money angle so they become humaniterrorists.

Also I met an 87 year old lady who was dumbfounded to get breast cancer, I told her that it was caused by the bio weapon injection, she told me she had them all.

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Rosemary’s Baby

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Excellent article. More comments to come. But Looky Here: oral and aerolisized (can you say "Consent"???) vaccine trials a'goin on! Dr Jessica Rose (Vaccine Expert) and Dr Brian Hooker (CHD) "weigh in". How nice of them. This is "Nex-Gen Technology" YA'LL. WHO IS STOPPING IT??? Rose...Hooker...any odd vaccine Expert? Oh yeah, and the aerolisized tech has been "associated" with a brain eating disease. Zombies? But "Later" tests on that danger weren't "clearly associated with the tech". How convenient. What Rose and Hooker have to "say" just goes to show what is currently acceptable to "allow". Outrageous thinking.

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Sean Burkes interview with Kory starts off with "hey thanks for coming back to the show" but I can't find the first video for some reason.

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Kory is - as they say - "connected." And a very, very busy Dr. Big gap in his CV 2008-2015 - what was going on ? Kudos to M Kulacz for digging up his info & to JJ. Still, both seem to have become more than a bit unhinged lately in their presentations.

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