The behavior of the folks in this video astounds me. They almost immediately settle back into their seats, waiting for the rest of the show. Where is the stampede for the exits?

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Exactly. Why is no one running or staying crouched down?

When I very first saw the footage it felt so fake to me…they need to hire better actors.

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A lot of those people looked like they were trying to not hurt themselves on the bleacher seats as they settled down. Doesn’t seem like a reaction to gunshots to me.

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My thoughts exactly in the late 1980s I worked at Western electric in winston Salem NC. A gum man came in started shooting at everyone it caused a stampede to the exit doors people were hurting each other to get out of the building away form the shooter .. people ducked under desks or anything that would take them out of the way of bullets flying ..so much I saw made me askots of questions

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Thank you Melinda. Your direct experience with such a situation confirms my misgivings. The instinct for self-preservation is so strong. None of these people acted like someone who just had a close call with death.

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Yes I noticed right away .. one of the first thoughts that ran through my mind. Did the Simpson predict it again ??

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Not to play devil's advocate (he has enough help these days), but 2 things occur to me;

1. Survival instincts have been almost bred out of the majority, when added to the cognitive assault for the better part of 5 years straight (and the TDS for 4 years before that), and

2. Many wouldn't know what it sounds like on the (almost) receiving end of a high velocity round/s. To go from zero to reacting is not automatic like in the movies.

Furthermore, a stampede would have almost certainly seen the bodycount multiplied many times over. No way to know that in the moment, of course - who is to say where/what the threat really is? But panic - with mass and confined areas - is a proven killer.

There will always be aberrations. Just like eyewitness accounts of critical events are often the least accurate. The witness before the shooting though seemed pretty solid...

Who knows what really happened. I am sure TPTB will tell us when they are good and ready. Because they love us so much.

Prophet that I am I predict FBI will clear USSS/Local-LEOs of any misconduct/incompetence/collusion/treason/conspiracy. Which, coming from the FBI is almost comically farcical.

We are so deep into Clownworld it is hard to know which way is up.

If an election was going to upset The Monster's plans it would be illegal.


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makes no sense to stampede when you are right behind Trump, in the line of fire. The people who go there are aware of the risk they position themselves into, or they have been trained.

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I don't see any of these people reacting as if their lives were in danger after that brief duck. How were they selected? Who are they? What kind of training could they have had? Have any of them been interviewed? How could they know there were not other lines of fire incoming?

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Since January 2017, ALL the media has been so extreme against Trump that every line is a line of fire.

It's impossible that anyone who goes to a Trump rally ignores his life is in danger.

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Also "being aware of the risk" is in no way the same as actually being shot at, or sitting near someone who just was.

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Did they know the shooter had been killed when they settled back? False sense of security if so. But people don't reason well, esp in emergencies.

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Get your booster yet?

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Wouldn’t find me settling back and munching on my popcorn while a guy sitting next to me, in front of me or behind me bleeds out with a headshot. But then again, we do have BRAIN DIMMING from Warp Speed vaxx elixir.

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These people were not in line of fire..bullet went right to left across Trump. They had no clue

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They had snipers firing off on the roof right next to them….. Some woman screeches in horror. Yet here they are, fist pumping, taking pictures, sitting on their seats. Am just picking up snippets here and there and conflicting claims to who shot/ injured bystanders. Folks in the higher end of the bleachers are standing, following the action. Yup. Blunted.

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It all seems a bit off - Trump's duck, the synchronised crouching, the ear cupping. I dunno tho, I've never been in that situation :-/ Little Len tho - the bespectacled Cohen clone is def up to something in his crotch area. It's kind of special plain clothes for nowadays, I love it - he could've stepped straight outa Stanford. https://assets.nautil.us/3963_f51238cd02c93b89d8fbee5667d077fc.png

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The synchro crouching is just you seeing what you want to see, like astrologers do all the time. Astrology is super funny, one learns to catch the mind tricking itself all the time.

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Or someone said "get down" and they are responding to that.

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I agree they were in bleachers there was nowhere to go

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Or freeing itself from it's own tricks.

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You're an optimist, Joe!

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deletedJul 14
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Lemmings are smarter - btw, the whole mass suicide of lemmings was staged by a Disney film producer for shock and awe. Kinda feels like this event- staged for pure reaction.

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I don't understand lemmings, and as I say, I dunno - I've never been in that situation. And I just said he looked like Leonard Cohen. i didn't say Cohen had come back from the dead :-P

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deletedJul 14
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Why? Is the CIA running out of operatives in the music biz?

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Well, miss pink frame and miss turqoise are women, and the case can be made that women have finer auditive sense than men and seek cover faster.

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Check out the Group Crouch, though.


hmmm...meeebbeee we oughtta slowly do a half squat and ouch...my back hurts.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

When we got to Baghdad BIAP, which frequently took indirect fire (rockets, mortars), they told everyone to hit the dirt or go in a concrete shelter (a little arch between the housing units) when they heard incoming or the siren went off. I watched numerous people, military service members, fail to hit the dirt.

I personally dragged a reserve master sergeant that I worked with down to the ground behind a curb when he wanted to watch the rockets hit Saddam's old pleasure lake out of some morbid curiosity to see if they exploded at the surface of the water or a couple of feet down. I kid you not.

There's no saying what people will do once the adrenaline hits.

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Excellent point. Is what you see on this event similar to what you saw in the war?

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

No. I never had anything to do with snipers incoming or outgoing. I worked half on the big HQ next to BIAP and half on a tiny base out near where the yazidi's lived before ISIS genocided them. I only ever saw poorly aimed indirect fire.

The people failing to drop is not surprising to me. The very first week in Baghdad they had us look at a video or slides or something that showed a guy who hit the dirt outside the dining facility and the shrapnel pattern 3 inches above where his back was on the wall. He lived no injuries despite the 120mm rocket hitting literally 5 feet away from where he hit the dirt because the shrapnel goes outward and upward.

Yet even after seeing that shit I saw people reluctant to get down on the ground when they hear the whistle of incoming or the alarm sirens. Were they ashamed? I don't know but I hit the ground instantly. Civilians with no training are just going to do random stuff.

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Thanks, great feecback.

You have given me a good idea and I will now commence more digging.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Naah, there’s a guy with a headshot bleeding out profusely in the seat next to them.

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you funny today bruh!

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Pissed off a couple more trmpsters between last night and today as I am not falling for this.

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There's a kid with a Trump wig and a suit.

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Trump's horoscope?

It's the best birth chart ever, of course!!!

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::Agent 76 enters frame::

SAGE! Calm down. Rog is doing the best he can!

::Sage::starts crying

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Watch it, his star is probably ascending in Uranus.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Turns out we still don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, same as it ever was

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Gemini Sun, Leo Rising (Mars conjunct Asc, pretty good) and Moon in Sag.

Full moon baby. A natural born narcissist if you ask me.

Many good aspects from Jupiter and Chiron. Fortunate guy.

North node conjunct Sun, 11th house of Gemini. That means great talent for PR and bamboozling thousands of people.

He has Venus and Saturn in the 12th house of Cancer. I think that can be interpreted as long life in good health.

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His Saturn transit in his career house is retrograde till November.

Time to lay low or bad shit could happen

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Living in a Clown World where all the world is a stage and the actors all suck. Peggy IS great at pointing this out as is Richard D. Hall from the UK. I just realized they have the same last name...coincidence🧐, 🤣

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

It does have a whiff of damar...doesn't it?

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Will be interesting to see the ballistics info on the bullet that got the guy that died, to see if it came from the shooter's rifle. Where was he from Trump again? Behind him?

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Would have been interesting to see the Hawaii Burn Zone in the immediate daze after fire.

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I was getting on the subway when there was a shooting at the Eaton Centre in Toronto once. The sheer panic looked much different than what I saw on video.

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See but keep in mind a lot of them are partaking of their favorite brand of red pills. Look at boonie hat dude there. I guarantee he’ll have read at least half a dozen JFK books and decided this is his grassy knoll witness moment.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah it's strange how he talks directly to the camera, not like other press questioned interviewees. And that bbc news guy. So uninterested. Blah.

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Real Estate guy posted a drone flyover within a few days of the burn. It may still be around. It’s a shame Dave McGowan is dead. This would have been right up his alley.

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Don't hold your breath.

Still waiting for JFK ballistics

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That's what I thought. Like your could even believe it anyway.

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How do we know anyone was actually killed behind Trump? I’ve seen one video with a bloody head but it didn’t look that convincing, plus all the problems with anything on video nowadays.

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Here's a rear angle that is interesting. SS guy was clearing media in the seconds before the attack and then crouches to take cover.


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Either the globalist/biden team tried to kill Trump or he’s controlled Op. there’s really no other logical possibility. (Are there Multiple globalist counter interest groups?) I’d say this situation actually turned me more towards controlled Op which is the more horrifying of the two. and I’ve been more on the Trump camp. If he really got shot he would not be thanking SS or cops unless he’s completely delusional to the fact apparently multiple civilians warned a rifleman was on a fucking roof for minutes prior to him being shot. Massive holes in perimeter in a easily defendable location If he gets/adds private security after this and distances from SS I’ll believe it may be legit he’s uninvolved if he sticks with federal protection details he’s controlled Op. definite inconsistencies with civilian reactions however at a bare minimum there’s feds/ss in the crowd which is logically the case. There’s definitely normies out there aswell. Also we live in a highly chaotic and desensitized culture and a lot of people freeze when there’s panic so I don’t think it’s unreasonable a lot of people froze watching a JFK level event. Nor do I think everyone crouching together is odd cause people follow the crowd and it would take 10 people to start getting down for the rest to follow. If there were more paid actors they would be selling the panic not stupid. I would not think I’m going to be hit that close to the president until someone’s head blew off the shooter obviously wants to kill him. However I don’t think being shot in the ear you wouldn’t realize until you touched your ear then get down even if it didn’t bleed immediately wouldn’t that hurt like a mf almost instantly?Flag camera angle is extremely powerful and feels staged.all I know is if you’re not stock piling resources the time is now.

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Multiple competing groups fighting for top dog spot(s)... gets my vote. As for taking him down, well not hard when the Media spouts hate hate hate about Trump 24 / 7. Oh, and wasn't Biden heard to say, done with the debates, time to put Trump in the Bull's eye?? Hum... me doth think 'coded' language... for an ops. Reminds me weirdly of that Q Anon stuff and that Mandalay Bay shooting event... not to say they don't communicate that way with Media announcements. But there's all sorts of funny stuff going on. Like why no SS on that roof top the shooter used? Why is that shooter perhaps in the Video made by Blackrock at the shooter's high school in 2016 ish (courtesy of Laura Loomer digging in his background)? What's the connection there? Hum. The more you go down the rabbit hole the more amazing it becomes...

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Where is the black rock video? It does appear there may be multiple orgs pulling the strings. And I think the Mandalay Bay deal was clearly not what the MSM/gov claim it to be.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFEjrauqHC8 You tube ad made by Blackrock in the high school, with him in frame... just a bit sus?

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Boston marathon psyop.

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Remember when you were a kid and you would sneak up behind a friend and flick the back of his ear with your finger? His head would immediately flinch to the opposite side. Now I admit I've never been grazed in the ear by a speeding bullet, but if I had and I heard the bullet whizz by, I probably would have immediately jerked to the other side while shouting WTF!! Trump hardly moves. He calmly reached up to his ear and then remembered, oh I have to crouch now. And where did that slug end up after grazing his ear? Did it hit someone in the crowd? I don't know.

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I'm not sure many have the chutzpa to just let someone shoot at them, oh yeah, we won't hit you but it will be great for publicity. Not the thought going through the target's head I would assume. But if you have the ego to thing 'that'll never happen to ME" you won't crouch or flinch, because you won't process what is happening....

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The thing which stood out to me on first watching last night were the 'You're fired' placards and the lack of quick reactions - and lack of any reactions from some in the crowd.

All very interesting.

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Odd. There is no blood on Trump's hand as he pulls it away from his ear on the way into a crouch.

As a doctor, I find it unexpected to see no blood there since a wound, especially one in a highly vascularized area like the ear, bleeds immediately when penetrated by a bullet.

I find the lack of blood on his open hand which just grabbed his wounded ear as interesting as the fact that the police AND SS were both notified of the position of the man who climbed on the roof with a rifle but did nothing AND the guarding sharpshooter's rifle only felled the would-be assassin AFTER he fired into the crowd.

I continue to find it interesting as I consider that until he rose from the crouch, in which he had been covered by brave SS folks protecting his body, that blood that was not on his hand was missing. Real blood from the wound? Fake blood from the theatrical production? I do not know.

But it sure is good for his campaign. Not so good for the people actually shot, both the dead and the wounded.

So, in my current estimate, real bullets, possibly real, possibly fake assassination attempt, real conspiracy by somebody to do something quite different from the obvious. Real boost to Trump's likely election chances.

None of this allays my certainty that we are watching a UniParty Theatrical Production brought to you by the Globalist Cabal.

How about we get the US out of the UN, the Death Machine of the Globalist Cabal?

Right! Good idea! Visit PreventGenocide2030.org to pound on your Members of Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428). I figure it will take 10 million people demanding this of Congress so we have created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.

Step right up! Take the Action at PreventGenocide2030.org, Tweet the Presidential Candidates while you are there and then tell your friends, motivating 10 people to do the same.

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The Straight Juice asks many excellent questions with a reasonably open mind, and some info in the significance of July 13 as a date in the occult:


If this is a FF event (I lean that way), I find the last name “Crooks” to be ruthless trolling upon anyone who is thinking these days.

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Rinse and repeat, another “loner”.

Former classmate of Trump rally gunman says he was ‘bullied almost every day’-2:33 min


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This video show three shots fired by Agent as Trump goes down.


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Good video to watch. Note that the rooftop sniper’s gun is aimed wildly after the recoil from the first, then even more after the second shot. I’m no sniper but that looks really amateurish to me. I’m inclined to believe the conclusions of whoever made this video: that probably no one was shot at with real bullets and no one was injured. Pure theater.

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