Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Before I knew about any of this stuff, I started 2024 with a feeling of dread, that this would be the last "normal" year before SHTF. I've spent this whole year saying yes to things and forcing myself to do things bc I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to change next year. The last time I felt like this was 2015 and I felt pressed to really take time to spend with my dad. My thought was that he was going to be getting older and there would come a day when we wouldn't be able to do as much stuff together. Turns out he had pancreatic cancer and was dead a year later. I can't tell you how thankful I was that I listened to my gut and said yes every time he asked to spend time together, even when I was tired or busy. Who knows what the future holds, all I'm saying is now is the time to live your life the best you can. If something happens, then you wont have any regrets. If nothing happens, great. Also, maybe pick up a Bible and start reading it.

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I love this. I'm in the same place. Can't explain it to anyone (without feeling like they're going to commit me to an asylum). My brainbox is fuuu-uuull. And none of it is very encouraging.

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It's hard. I had a dream about a demon flying down from the clouds and I ran inside to warn everyone and no one believed me and then it was too late and it started over, Groundhogs Day style, and I kept trying to tell different people and everyone thought I was crazy until it was at the door, and by then it was too late. Since then, I've been reading as much as I can from others who see what's happening, and trying to figure out how to talk to people about what's really going on. I've been treading very carefully, but I fear the hour is late. Time to start being bold and stop worrying about sounding crazy, before it's too late.

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Stewart Best and Larry Taylor do a great job staying abreast of the end-times craziness (and urgency) on their Night Shadows Radio Show:


Stewart Best (80+ years old) has been banned from just about everywhere for speaking the truth (for 40+ years).

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Knowing where Trump stood on the "Warp Speed" depopulation jabs has made this next election painfully irrelevant. How does one enjoy lower taxes or gas prices when one is DEAD?

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People default to heroes good, villains bad.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomatter what.

I gravely underestimated this.

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Tribalism is a hard addiction to kick

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It's because humans are social, we need to be part of a group of some kind to feel secure. Denis Rancourt talks about this as one of the most important factors for health. Isolated, lonely people are much more likely to die so it's instinctive to try to find a group/leader something to feel connected with.

I'd dare say that's why a lot of the same people are always posting here.... it's the Sage Hana fam that is keeping a lot of us going. In both our extended families (not that they are that big) my husband and I are the only ones who didn't get vaxxed and see through all this shit. It's very hard being with family that doesn't get it. Conversation is super superficial, and often feels pointless.

Living in Chinada under #TrudeauTheTyrant has been horrible in that sooo many people don't see the Emergencies Act decree and the handling of the Trucker protest as a despicable authoritarian act against the Canadian citizens. Maybe we too have a Uniparty, but I don't think I can give up a little bit of hope I have in the Conservatives changing things. Hopium is a hard habit to break. If I didn't have kids and it was just my husband and me, I'd say fuck it. I'm going to live and do whatever the fuck I want as long as I can, wherever and I don't give a rats ass what happens. But with kids, I have to have hope that they have some kind of positive future and that they also won't succumb to the poison they took.

Great video Sage! Thank you for always telling the truth no matter how much it hurts.

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You too, huh? Head, meet brick wall, introduction #3,756,187.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

You know, they are not really rabbit holes...they are groundhog/woodchuck holes. Well disguised, always hard to see, but if you've ever accidentally stepped in one and fallen into it up to your femur, you know it can snap your bones in a heartbeat.

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The rabbit hole map begins to fill in when you see the agendas and how the Creative Intelligence operates behind the scenes.

If you are in any one rabbit hole and ESPECIALLY IF ONE INSISTS on gobbling up "mainstream" media, it is going to be nearly impossible to see, yes.

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And then there are the ones taken over by yellowjackets

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9h yes. Stepped in one of those when i was seven....cov r red..doen ky pants shirt..everywhere. Vividly

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

". . . I’d put in the 1969 Day Tapes plans to foment nuclear war and the segment about how martyrs would not be allowed to exist and “people would just disappear” but this is already way way bleak."

but , but , but , i want it ! 🤩 my feeble mind crave the abuse !

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Just as it was stated that industry would be preserved in the United States - a little bit just in case the world wide plans didn't work out; just in case some country or some other powerful person decided to bolt from the pack and go his own way, one wonders whether this might also be true with nuclear weapons. When you hear that ... he said they might fall into the wrong hands, there was some statement that the possession of nuclear weapons had been tightly controlled, sort of implying that anybody who had nuclear weapons was intended to have them. That would necessarily have included the Soviet Union, if indeed they have them.

But I recall wondering at the time, "Are you telling us, or are you implying that this country willingly gave weapons to the Soviets?." At that time that seemed like a terribly unthinkable thing to do, much less to admit. The leaders of the Soviet Union seem to be so dependent on the West though, one wonders whether there may have been some fear that they would try to assert independence if they indeed had these weapons.

So, I don't know. It's something to speculate about perhaps ... Who did he mean when he said, "If these weapons fall into the wrong hands"? Maybe just terrorists. Anyhow, the new system would be brought in, if not by peaceful cooperation - everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty - then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. And everybody would be so fearful as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System.

This was stated and very impressive thing to hear then ... "If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two - possibly more - nuclear weapons. As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that "We mean business." That was followed by the statement that, "By the time one or two of those went off then everybody - even the most reluctant - would yield."

He said something about "this negotiated peace would be very convincing", as kind of in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realization that peace was better than war. In this context discussing war, and war is obsolete, a statement was made that there were some good things about war ... one, you're going to die anyway, and people sometimes in war get a chance to display great courage and heroism and if they die they've died well and if they survive they get recognition. So that in any case, the hardships of war on soldiers are worth it because that's the reward they get out of their warring.



This speech was given by Dr. Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberger Conference to elite socialists, royalty, politicians, world bankers and very wealthy capitalists in Evaians, France, in 1991.

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”

Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State quoted in Time magazine on July 20, 1992:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea.”


Here are some excerpts from the Day Tapes which are concerned with how non-compliance will be handled, and recall that this is in 1969, and “Everything is in place and nothing can stop us now.”

What would happen with people who wouldn't go along, and particularly that point about, "There wouldn't be any martyrs"? That was significant, because I recall having watched some movies about the Third Reich that many times they would come late in the evening and people would be taken from their home, but neighbors would never ask, "Where did they go?" They knew where they went!

D.L.D: Solzhenitsyn mentions that in the Gulag Archipelago.

R.E: I think this is very similar to what we would see. People would just disappear and you would not ask because it might endanger yourself or your family. But you would know where they went. If you ask questions, you draw attention to yourself and then you might follow them to where they went. So you mind your own business and step over the starving man on the street who didn't go along.

D.L.D: He didn't go into detail about precisely how this would come about but it's not too hard to imagine. Yes. In the past, the Nazi's came, the Communists came in the middle of the night, people just disappeared and one simple way to do this is that if you're cut off from all economic support and you have no place to live and nothing to eat... we already see a lot of homeless now.


D.L.D: I can't remember on the original tapes, did I mention the phrase where he said, "This time we're going to do it right!" ?

R.E: No. You didn't.

D.L.D: There were so many details to remember. But when he mentioned bringing in the New World Order, he said, "This time we're going to do it right".

And right away, I'm wondering, "what do you mean, 'this time'?". There was no explicit explanation of that, but I think it's fairly easy to infer that previous efforts had to do with the Third Reich... Your point about the technology is critical with computers and all means of exchange being controlled by electronic impulse.

Nobody has any wealth. You own nothing of value except access to electronic impulses which are beyond your control. A cashless society. So when your reward for working is [nothing more than] impulses on the computer and the only claim you have is these impulses and the people who run the system can give or take them as they choose. Up until this time there was no way the statement in the Book of Revelation that said, "No man can buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast"... there's no way that could have been enforced.

People could say I'll trade you a bushel of tomatoes for a bushel of wheat. If you'll drive my kids to school I'll give you six ears of corn. Bartering. And even not going necessarily that primitive, there was always gold and silver and other forms of money that were even better than bartering. But with this cashless society, I believe this is the first time in the history of the human race where the entire population of the world can be controlled economically so that somebody can say, "I pushed the right buttons and I know how much credit you have electronically; I know where you spend your money electronically; and you cannot buy, you cannot sell unless you get on my computer."

Right now you have a half a dozen credit cards in your pocket, but pretty soon it will be narrowed to one credit card and then when we... you know the ostensible reason is that when people lose their credit cards and we have to get rid of that and put the implant in... where it has to be accessible to the scanner... in your right hand or in your forehead.


R.E: Speaking of scanner. When we had the TV War..... the Gulf War? It was the first war where you just sit there and 24 hours a day just like being on the battlefield there. There were several points made about the advances in technology and how they could spot just one little individual down in... they used the constant reference to pinpoint... "pinpoint". I imagine with the different technologies they can also pinpoint a couple of renegades in the New World Order. The technology which was applicable to a so- called 'enemy' can also be applicable to this controlling the order.

D.R.D: Exactly. It's infra-red stuff that's... I'm sort of amateurish about this, but any heat source like a deer, a human being, a renegade... can be picked up by an infra-red scanner and you get sort of an outline of whether it's a deer or sheep or whatever.

My first hearing about them was in the Vietnam War where our troops used them to detect the enemy. That's twenty-some years ago, so they're probably even more sophisticated now than they were then; but with this kind of surveillance it would be pretty hard for anybody to escape and say, "Well, I'm just going to go out into the mountains and be a hermit and escape the New World Order. I can shoot deer and eat berries and survive and I've got a wife who's pretty sturdy and she'll be able to survive and we'll do what the Indians did before Columbus got here and we'll all survive". The New World Order will say, "No you won't because we're gonna find you".




etc. etc. etc.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

I was getting breakfast , TY . You are the best. Speaking of nukes if i had only 1 i would blow up Fort Detrick hopefully most people would get the hint. Something about Thermo nuclear extra temperature is way more exciting than a bland nuke.

Joseph P Farrell came up with some novel dot connecting of his own. Turns out you could achieve Thermonuclear w/out a regular nuke primary. So yes folks clean nukes !

Anyhow its worth checking out ! Dark Journalist website : Berkner nuclear secret episode 2 of 2.

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In theory, the United States ( Global Banker Mall Cop) could declare war on Switzerland and the families.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

i would volunteer to be air dropped for that one !

Forget glory , medals and legend , i'll do it for the Swiss topless milk maiden

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I’d do it for the medals which I would then sell on eBay or Sotheby’s. As I’ve said since the beginning of joining this Stack, interview Kissinger before he dies. And no one did. I don’t need a deathbed confession to know what I already know.

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That was a great podcast. Love DJ and Dr. Farrell.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

hmmm hmm 😎

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"Maybe Deagel is just another overhyped Psy Op Fear Tactic."

Yes, it's a psyop.

No, I have no hopes to stop it. It will get worse and worse. Maybe some people can parry that evil energy. I doubt it.

People wanted to return to normalcy. This is what normalcy looks like: children being carpet bombed, people dying from vaccines and injectable platforms, the subset of paranoids being completely sure that their imagination is prove of everything they imagine, and the vast majority of the public looking away and focusing on the political circus.

They are hooked on scandal => they will not defend and they will prevent others to defend.

It's gonna be a slow grind. Maybe a small big-thing is allow to happen. Maybe they make it happen, dunno.

I am waiting for the tabloids inventing some major scandal about Trump or Kamala in late October. For example, Kamala admits she is a heavy wine drinker and she begs on her knees on camera for people to vote for her because she needs a job to combat her addiction. It would be a level of pathetic not ever seen since the Futurama tv show (also a demoralizing op, btw.)

What could they invent on Trump? I'm guessing a non-comedic deepfake where Trump proclaims himself to be the Jewish Messiah promised to Moses, and he promises to extend the war racket to all Nations until the world is finally purified of inferior mongrels, and then the atheists who support Trump would enter into a frenzy to convince Christians to not vote for Trump, which is impossible.

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The opening quote; what is it excerpted from? I don't remember seeing it before.

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That is from "Nostradamus" on Reese's board.

I think it is in line with Protocols of Zion, which I have not read, but of course is highly "controversial".

The agendas as written, whomever laid them out initially, seems to overlay with both Day Tapes and Toronto Protocols, which...needs to do another installment of Toronto.

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Might as well do a Protocols of Zion post while you're at it. We're all anti-Semites now anyway.

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Peter Duke did an AI translation of PoZ and removed all the "anti-Semitic" (thought terminating cliche) parts.

He made a book out of it which I should read, but regardless it's already pretty much summarized. Social engineering to dupe people and spoiler: It fucking works!

I have gullible people every day saying MISTAKES WERE MADE BE NICE TO (MY HERO)

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Well, I have to admit, when I heard this type of stuff decades ago from a friend's 'John Birch society' father, it was impossible to believe and I laughed at him. It's hard for anybody to wrap their head around, but when the evidence keeps piling up... I think I told you last year I was talking to two of my best friends and I said something along the lines of our own government trying to kill us. They both laughed at me and said, "The government's been pretty good to me."

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I do recall this, yes.

Same deal in Sweden as they get their chips in arms.

It's like a bad romance.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, people are still totally clueless-I really thought covid would wake people up. I was totally wrong on that. I don't interact much w/normies, but since I set up an x account, I get to see them- I'm still blown away that people still believe in covid. It's sickening to me. It was a mass murder plot with hospital kill protocols and everything, yet the masses have no clue. And now their pushing polio shots on Gaza, so I posted some info on polio and DDT, Dr Suzanne Humphries etc, and some "PhD in public health" chimed in to say it was misinfo--unbelievable that anyone in "public health" would be regarded as having any credibility at this point.

Anyway, all of that is to say that I don't feel too hopeful that team humanity will win. We're getting our futures stolen b/c of evil people and stupid people.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

It was three shots and more than two years into covid before I woke up. The indoctrination is powerful.(I'm also not that bright) The incentives are also powerful, anti- vax, according to the main stream, means you're a nut job and a danger to society. It puts you outside the herd. And if you have kids they have to be vaxxed in order to attend school, which means going against the vaccine will be a life altering inconvenience. Your job may also require shots. In other words, it's better to just go along to get along. Not like the government would try to kill me, I've been vaxxed a million times and i'm fine.

I've tried to enlighten friends to the dangers of vaccination, gently of course,(I usually omit the whole covid doesn't exist part) to no avail. I wonder, if like myself, they have to find out on their own. Or perhaps they know that by looking, they will have to upend their lives. Speaking for myself, if this was three years ago and I found your posts on DDT, and Dr. Humphries, I would probably have dismissed them as deranged.

I'm not too hopeful either, the evil people are entrenched, well prepared, and willing to play the long game.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

fwiw Mathew Tower (ex Jew, ex Zionist, now Christian) recommends this book:


He says it has the protocols in it and info on origin.

I think I read/heard somewhere that Allen Dulles was the person who debunked Protocols, or I guess found someone to debunk.

I haven't had time to read it.

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Forgive me if I'm dubious of 'ex-Jew' or 'ex-Zionist' or 'ex-IDF' or 'ex-CIA' or etc.

I like Tower's 9/11 video, to be sure.

see also: "Brother Nathaniel" 😹

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, I like his video too.

But that's all I'm certain of.

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He's entertaining, too. (Tower)

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Just buy the book 😎

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I'm sure it's all over the net and I could just read it, but then we'd all miss Sage's unique take. Amiright? 😁

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My take is that there are bored amoral Lizard People that enjoy manipulating hoooomanz to rule over them and kill them and humiliate them.

The take that I may have feuded with a few about *awkward is that one of the ways this manipulation happens is by leveraging Sky Fairy Concept and mythology via stories and movies and so forth.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

I agree. Our previous debate isn't awkward to me and I didn't lose any respect for you. You had an upbringing that I didn't; of course we have different views. And my view of the sky fairy is different from most and I could be completely wrong. I DO see religion being used to manipulate people in some of the worst ways imaginable and it deserves to be pointed out. Hey, gotta go make the world a more beautiful place. Peace, later. 😁

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

No worries - I’ll lend you my copy 😎

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Yes I also saw this posted by 'Nostradamus' in a different stack, attributed it to The Secret Covenant of the Khazarian Mafia.

Same message, they want us dead.....

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Actually, my Brave AI says it's attributed to John D. Rockefeller's Masonic Creed.

I love how matter-of-fact AI summaries are. Kind of like Sage before he stares out the window a bit.


Keep Lives Short, Minds Weak

According to the provided information, a quote attributed to John D. Rockefeller’s Masonic Creed suggests that a deliberate strategy is being employed to shorten people’s lifespan and weaken their minds. This is achieved by using science and technology in subtle, yet insidious ways, making it imperceptible to those affected.

Methods of Manipulation

The quote mentions the use of:

Soft metals to alter mental states

Aging accelerators to reduce lifespan

Sedatives in food, water, and air to further weaken individuals

Poisons in various environments to compromise mental and physical well-being

Pretense of Opposite Action

The quote emphasizes the intention to “pretend to do the opposite,” implying that those responsible for this manipulation may present themselves as working towards improving people’s lives, while actually pursuing a sinister agenda.


This alleged strategy, if true, raises concerns about the potential misuse of scientific knowledge and technology to control and manipulate individuals. It highlights the importance of critical thinking, research, and education in understanding the world around us, as well as the need for transparency and accountability in the development and application of scientific advancements.


"...Raises concerns..." haha 😅 That is correct. My concerns are raised. Mmm hm.

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There is a fictive aspect to all CIA whistleblower stuff. The time travel stuff in Project Montauk seems a bit hokey. The art is the op. A CIA whistleblower/author died this summer, talking about how the CIA was going to trap everyone's immortal soul and torture it eternally for its juice and steam. Why do all these guys die when their op ends? Robert David Steele died when his op ended. Timothy Leary and Jerry Garcia died when their ops ended. The art is the op. A Brief History of Time (1990), when good ole Errol Morris teamed up with Phillip Glass to make Steven Hawking famous (posthumously, probably). The art is the op. Hawking co-authors 100 papers with scientists/CIA spies. Scientific papers have a fictive and artistic aspect--they are works of literature. The art is the op. NASA has a fictive and artistic aspect. Moon landing, produced by Hollywood. Fake pictures, not photographs or vids, aired on TV news on 9/11. The art is the op. In 1998, Edward O. Wilson authors Consilience, which was a story about how average folks shouldn't bother their heads with thinking. All must bow before biological science. The art is the op. In 1988, author of White Noise, Don DeLillo, wrote a book about patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. The art is the op. Every book and movie produced about the Zodiac Killer is a straight-up CIA lie. The art is the op (generally speaking).

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So... I shouldn't book my holiday?

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😅 I mean...live while the living's good.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

5 days until september 11 and this years cyber scenario play acting. The next 'pandemic' will make the last 'pandemic' look like childs play. Or something like that.

Yeeeeeehaaaaaw! LFG.

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As it has been for over a half decade now, I do not consent.

It's very early now and the emergency workers are pushing ambulances out blazing and awailing in the modern version of a Monty Python "Bring out yer dead..." Bring out your dead...not dead yet...soon will be. Can you give us a hand here...

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I think the Scorpions now realize that they may not have to force as much as JUST GIVE THE MARKS A NEW WHITE COAT GUY OR GAL AND SAY CURES CANCER!!!! TAKE THIS.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Really good thinking Sage. Brilliant in fact.

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It's just what I have observed happened and is happening.

And the marks want it.


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“Running to Stand Still” (U2)

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

Is Rebel Call the same as Wake Up Call? The latter seems to have disappeared, so thank you for this post!

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Yes. His first big boy channel got pulled down...again.

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You are an absolute expert in pattern recognition - and at times your way with words even make me laugh through these truly satanic horrible stories.

"Someone's laughing, my Lord, kumbaya

Oh Lord, kumbaya

Come by here, my Lord, kumbaya

Oh Lord, kumbaya"

Happy Friday! Make the most of each day!

Endurance is something very, very sacred.

Those who can, we will endure until the end of this world wide Truman Show on steroids.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

I'm starting to feel more like foxhole, starting to rain, night is coming, trying to keep the ammo dry. Most of the platoon is fucking wasted, gone.

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After that lovely bed time story time to get some shut eye

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Whatever happens, if it is destructive enough, few will know the results. We can speculate and believe terrible things are coming and play the fear game. The clowns running the world don't have a clue either. Wiping out billions of humans will not end well for them. They want us to be fearful of their wicked natures and thus decide to commit hare-care on our own.

You know, line up for deadly injections, eat bugs, sniff the pollution, go batnut crazy and commit suicide, engage with the deadly medical system, battle with the gangs of illegals or whatever. These are psychotic little perverted children that have no spine and are extremely cowardly. That's why they hide in the shadows. Would a piss-ant like gates ever have the balls to met anyone at High Noon for a gun battle in the streets? This is why you can never fear these idiots...not one drop of fear ever.

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The clowns running the world most definitely have a clue.

It's not so much them that I fear but the mass of normies who are led around into Color Revolutions and fascism.

What happened already was not because your friends and neighbors were NOT going along.

They were going along.

Every war. All those dead people. To say DON'T FEAR BILL GATES is a very simplistic perspective.

But maybe you have not seen or been apart of Human Evil presenting.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

It’s a fun shocker, that.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

This. Amp up the fear and they will go along. And if they do not overtly attack you they will give you up for favor of the master, hoping for protection. They likely know the master doesn’t give a shit about them too, but in despair have to try something.

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Thing is, it’s not just fear. Virtue chasers are just as bad. And a raft of other weaponizable emotions. Humans are tremendously unbalanced beings, really. Intellect and emotions are battling constantly, emotions having the overhand by multiples. Religion was a smart means to aid equilibrium, but made it a major target for control. Been watching this in technicolour since childhood. We seem to only get so far before the “Reset” switch is flicked. Maybe a design flaw. Or never meant to succeed? Questions when you exit Sky Fairy Concepts. The parasites could never do this to all of us, without this set-up in place. No, God isn’t TESTING us for paradise (unless it was a psychopath). This is not a test!

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Normies = Processed Peopke

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At some point, one is read-in to the Operation.

They could just be reluctant and say welp, I have to survive.

But they don't stop there. They buy in to make it less cognitively dissonant.

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks. Been twirling the stick on this today - again. Sounds a lot like Stockholm. ‘Gotta get back to this gooood feeling’, eh?! Without fail, every single guy I corner, knowing they are silently read-in, comes apart at the seams in a blast, unable to walk through that door without citing mental annihilation. Lost count of how many times I thought ‘bro, I know a ton of women with more testosterone.’

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Like puking up processed food.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

"Maybe Deagel is just another overhyped Psy Op Fear Tactic."

With fertility dropping off a cliff - as predicted - in jabbed countries, we are on track for the cull. Just not by next year. Give it a generation, or what used to be measured as such. The killshot has been fired, mopping up remains.

Ageless Evil has a different appreciation of time to non-psychopaths, I would wager.

A timeless appreciation.

With the pace they are filling our nations with FAMs, to the point there are now more of them than the tiny sliver of each population that would and could oppose them, I picture more bloody Africa and ethnic cleansing mixed with OIF/OEF. As alien killsquads sally forth from FOBs in our own countries in MRAPs, doing to us what we for so long were doing to all and sundry.*

But it isn't about whether we are guilty or if that would be just. The Monster moved those those pieces, caused the sacrifices on all sides. Caused the deaths and injuries to our brothers and sisters. For its own aims. Burnt offerings. For Moloch.

Profitable offerings. For their pockets.

They will do it because, per Terminator, at some point even if nukes exist and fly there will be a need for mopping up.

And unlike Terminators, 3rd world savages are EMP-proof.

So they will be able to keep mopping up regardless of what hail mary the Galactic current sheet throws in our direction in ~15 years.

The solar micronova that was meant to stop The Monster cold, if all else fails.

We are being set up for a slaughter^.

While the killshot reduces our ranks, daily.

Hope is not lost. But the odds are not in our favour.

The interminable wait rolls on; the banality of society when you realise it is all spectacle. I look forward to the day it becomes real.


*-Our governments are setting conditions for that, daily. Literally lifting up the barbed wire, welcoming/ferrying the bioweapons, paying them, and setting them up in their compounds. The level of synchronisation is mind-boggling. As is the expenditure. As is the treason. As with the Plandemonium. Same playbook. Same author. Same Monster. Same goal.

^-There will probably also be Terminators.

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"With fertility dropping off a cliff - as predicted - in jabbed countries, we are on track for the cull. Just not by next year. Give it a generation, or what used to be measured as such. The killshot has been fired, mopping up remains."


We have an incoming President who wants to "finish the job" in Israel. (What job? Will the jobe ever be finished?)

We have stated goals.

The agendas go way further than "kill shots".

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Yo Sage, have you seen J Campbell's latest?

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No I don't watch people once I understand what they are doing.

I stopped watching that shill the minute he looked in the camera in 2021 and said, "You Americans need to get over your politics and get these vaccines."

Fuck him.

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Fair do's... It's about self assembling nanotech found , and a peer reviewed paper. He is a shill but also a gatekeeper of narrative. The fact that we are allowed to hear this now and not 3 years ago when Quinta Columna told us , is interesting. I think that most supermarkets have newfangled alarm systems installed here in the UK now and I do have a tendency to set them off. Mark of the beast methinks and pretty soon this will be told to everyone

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Stay on the case YouTube Star slow release.

This was all SPARRED out.

This was planned in Event 201. Trusted Experts. Crammed into your Brain Vector.

They picked an Expert for errybody. Because the marks desperately want normal and goodies.

I will never fucking forget what happened. When it happened. And it was not complicated. They were experimental shots and they were supposed to get in bodies.


And the markls just cannot fucking deal with this and create fantasies about that nice old man.

Maybe we deserve to be culled. We are gullible, non-serious critters.



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Dude will run out when it's over clutching a fistful of papers saying, THEY WANT TO KILL US.


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You have a link to Campbell?

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Why zeeee Stack is guaranteed to always stay boutique size.

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I was just imagining that at some point the usual suspects BW and Tucker will begin to promote the self-assembling nanobots fear psyop.

And then TWC will begin to sell a special detox stack for removing the nanobots surveiling your naughty thoughts.

Buy now, last units!

Take back your freedom!

Promo code third temple!

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Pretty good speculation, if not exact, then at least following a template.

A game plan.

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What's your take on Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD? Shill or legit? Her latest stuff is showing the self-assembling nanorobotic holographic antennae arrays are now showing up in errrybody's blood because... jabbed or no... the scorpions control all the vectors.

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