Dr. Jay Cullyadubba. I say that because my children, aged 21 and 18 at the time, took the shots against my pleading because they were afraid of killing their grandfather, my dad, who they called “Dubba”—and who was immediately hospitalized after his “booster” shot (yes, I pleaded with him also) with pulmonary fibrosis, and who died a year and a half later of that. And also my daughter has gotten slammed with GI issues after taking her “booster”—which she got so she could attend her college. Let’s also not forget my cousin who died of glioblastoma at age 70 (whose wife, a nurse, swears it was right after his “booster” that he started experiencing his symptoms—>blurred vision, weird “pings in his brain), my sister who was the healthiest woman I know before her “booster” and now has liver cancer, my cousin Deb who now has both breasts removed after her “booster” because of aggressive cancer, and my nephew, who has myocarditis (aged 21). Cullyafamily yes.

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Also, I am aware that I sound like a one note Sally these days. Nothing fresh or funny to report out here.

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Shit's real. Shit is real.

I understand that.

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Narrator: But they will not get the MMR shots

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Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!

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Did I misspell something? I do make mistakes.

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Oh, no. Sorry if I misled you.

The post mentions economics, and Marx, an economist, said the famous sentence "Workers of the world, unite!" and then someone in the internet made that joke about dyslexics.

I made a strange association of ideas.

Sorry again!

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I got it! :-)

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I am Dyslexic but being Ambidextrous cancels it out I would think.

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Strike that. Reverse it.

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Take us to thirty feet.

Admiral, sir...this is an aircraft carrier.

Belay that last order.

In defernce to the harbormaster's antpathy wrt certain species of insects, subbing this yellow one in for the obvious... www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQXVHITd1N4

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On balance...you wanna have it on both sides now, huh? Clip opportunity right there. Elided. On the other hand, sinisterly... www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRNX6mUCTQA

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Grind sacred cows into White Castle sliders…


Scrub forward 19 mins

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Lotsa tiny Red Heifer micro-burgers for the faithful? Like the loaves & fishes, but with LNPs... so, y'all want fries widdat? www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2GfMu0JJs8

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I told you so these appointed bastards none are to be trusted. DjT is not what you think he is.

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Jay B looks like an okay person to me.

The academic discipline of Economics used to be called "the dismal science."

I think the joke is that the economists always destroy the dreams of progress of all other scientists.

There is also the view that economics is not a science.

I don't care much because I use a very broad definition of what a science is, and the term is essentially disputed. It's not worth it to have arguments about the one true meaning (TM) of an essentially disputed term. Perhaps it's an okay topic if you are around good friends and there is good wine on the table.

So, my point is that Jay's gloomy, homicidal words can be understood in the context of the dark humor of nerdy scholars meeting the real world for the first time.

It's quite a jump from Academia into a managerial position, like NIH. Jay has been awarded the administrative power to destroy many grifters and frauds in current science. If he wants to, and if he has the cojones, he can do a lot of good.

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Look at Agent Roger doing Calm the Marks Mistakes were Made.

Good work, Genocidal Agent Roger.

This is how it gets done and its all fun and games until its your mommy.

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I mean, what can I say, at least Jay is not an environmentalist, IDK, LOL!

More seriously now, let's remember the late Northern Tracy: they are going to switch mRNA for traditional vaccines. So there is no need for injecting aborted human fetal cells into people, or any goop created by tinkering with human remains that are being used in industrial production.

And they may as well sell it as an improvement in the ethics of the industry. A great marketing move that most people will miss.

Below the cover story, we see the new chemical weapons are better to thin the herd than the older weapons. They have better aim now, and much better arguments for plausible deniability. As President Bush said "Who could have imagined that injectable mRNA could take down two skyscrapers?"

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As President Bush said "Who could have imagined that injectable mRNA could take down two skyscrapers?"


☝️ Wrench in Gears. Do it.

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She would throw a mortal flying kick if I commented that there.


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😅 She does not do shenanigans!

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Among the environmentalist crowd, there are those who say the problem is that there are too many humans. Those have no moral problem in covert sterilization of human beings. They are very utilitarian. So much so that they begrudgingly accept fascism in exchange for an apparent protection of their idol: the holy environment.

The greens' sociopathy enable the bankers' democide. And the greens hate it when people realize that shameful secret.

Because every political family is so predatorial, I like to find consolation thinking that some people might be subversive freelancers infiltrated in the system, and they may really throw a monkey wrench in the gears of the mass culling machinery. If Jay B is really a ronin, he might "naïvely" cause certain people to lose hundreds of billions in profits, and save a lot of lives. All in the dark.

Maybe not.

Who knows.

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He probably maintains a respectable flower garden.

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He has an awesome nebbish murderous life! 😹

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If Sheriff Jay rides into town and hangs up some thieves, to general applause, that will only be to distract from the serial killer quietly working his way thorough the townsfolk who will forever elude arrest....

He could do good, a lot of good, in that office - if he weren't Jay B. Just like Kennedy.....

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If the Arsonist comes in and puts out the grass fire and blows the town up with mRNA DEW, does Del Bigtree get a raise for good Marks Calming?

Beats producing Cinemax softcore porn and producing The Doctors.

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I'm commenting from a hypothesis of a possible sabotage of the kill grid.

Machiavellianism is a two-way road.

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Trust no medical expert ever, not even your doctor.

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ps Wonder why Japan withdrew the triple MMR jab?

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Wakefield did NOT state this but you ARE? Facts only please. x

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I said it you cunt

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I read the Lancet article, back in the day -prior to it's withdrawal, and the minutes of Wakefield's 'trial', at the time, and can confirm that he, AND his colleagues, did NOT state any cause but only wanted further investigation to be conducted.

I do not know the facts over your claims regarding funding [or whether it is relevant?], however, I DO have a friend whose brother was brain damaged after the MMR, and was awarded compensation to [barely] cover his future care. FACT!

I, also, confirm that I have NOT been paid for my opinion! [and now hold suspicions over your fact checking?]

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You should question everything.

The funding article comes from The Forward, a Jewish online site.

I genuinely do not give a solitary shit if you have suspicions or have trouble with PEOPLE SAYING FUCKING STUFF ON CAMERA AS BOBBY IS USING REAL WORDS AND STUFF.

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PPs I am suspicious of YOUR facts [never mentioned Bobby or people saying fu#ing stuff on camera????]

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PPPS I hope you fall down the stairs and smash your skull open and your cat eats your augmented brains.

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So you trust the Jews or you don't trust the Jews? [And, take into account, there is good & bad in every race] and, yes, I am questioning everything & everyone - unless I personally know a fact [ as with my friend's damaged brother! Also, all his family thinks Wakefield is a hero in speaking out of his doubts]

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This is a binary logic of trust that reveals an unsophisticated broad strokes way of looking at phenomena.

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[Ps I find it rich if you are telling me to question information & then, in the next breath, insinuating that the Jewish online site is stating 100% fact]

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I'm giving you the source material and you go do research.

Fuck off Biddy.

Go shoot yourself in the fucking head. (By that I mean go get nasally vaccinated.)

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And mucho turbo blessings!

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