
This is why Pierre Kory sold the WAR ON THE VIRUS to HOMELAND SECURITY SENATOR Ron Johnson.

"Those agencies (WHO, CDC) are fine for peace time, but we are at war with this virus."

War Powers. War Powers. War Powers.

This is why Ron Johnson is the Senator tapped to do DOLTS BOTCHING SHIT hearings on Jabs Bad with Chief Henchman Deep Insider Robert Malone riding shotgun and shutting down Christina Parks on Reverse Transcription of gene editing shots which Bob Malone was promoting at WHO in 2011.

Now this is not the Reduced Sauce. This is the next concentric circle.

Concentric Circles of Sauce.

People are going to love this post because it is Jabs Bad and Jabs Bad is simple, like an episode of Matlock.

People do NOT love how the Reduced Sauce gets made and how it gets Dolts Botching Shit absolved.

"mistakes were made" literally the top talking point from Robert Malone at Ron Johnson Empty Room Placation Theater.

(But we'll do better next time._

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

For your OKC files…this was just last week. Meant to send earlier.


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The Scorpion Security State.


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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Scorpion Comfort Report

Star date 29JUN24

Scorpions Comfy AF.



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Maui Central Command.

Denver International Airport.

(Underground Bullet Trains?)


City of London.

The Vatican.

Pockets of Sovereign Untouchable Scorpion.

The United States has the Club. The US has the Defense Monster.

In theory, a US President could go rogue. Executive Orders.

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In theory.

Could just buy time,too.

Humiliation rituals.

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Operation Trust (Russian: операция "Трест", tr. Operatsiya "Trest")[1] was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU's predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, "Monarchist Union of Central Russia", MUCR (Монархическое объединение Центральной России, МОЦР), in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks.[2] The created front company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association.[3]

The head of the MUCR was Alexander Yakushev, a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Communications of Imperial Russia, who after the Russian Revolution joined the Narkomat of External Trade, when the Soviets began to allow the former specialists (called "spetsy", Russian: спецы) to resume the positions of their expertise. This position allowed him to travel abroad and contact Russian emigrants. Yakushev was arrested for his contacts with the exiled White movement. In the same year of his arrest, he was recruited in the Soviet secret police by Artur Artuzov.

MUCR kept the monarchist general Alexander Kutepov from active actions, as he was convinced to wait for the development of internal anti-Bolshevik forces. Kutepov had previously believed in militant action as a solution to the Soviet occupation, and had formed the "combat organization", a militant splinter from the Russian All-Military Union (Russian: Русский Обще-Воинский Союз, Russkiy Obshche-Voinskiy Soyuz) led by General Baron Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel.[4] Kutepov also created the Inner Line as a counter-intelligence organization to prevent Bolshevik penetrations. It caused the Cheka some problems but was not overly successful.

Among the successes of Trust was the luring of Boris Savinkov and Sidney Reilly into the Soviet Union, where they were captured.

The Soviets did not organize Trust from scratch. The White Army had left sleeper agents, and there were also Royalist Russians who did not leave after the Civil War. These people cooperated to the point of having a loose organizational structure. When the OGPU discovered them, they did not liquidate all of them, but manoeuvred into creating a shell organization for their own use.

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Truth be told...I read "open kinetic chain" when I saw OKC.

😂 like I had to click the link.


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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Reminds me of that "vaccine" manufacturer who wanted their records sealed for


Correction: It was >>>FDA<<< , with the "dog ate my homework" defense.

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Also a fucking Operation to hang out Pfizer and make sure that Moderna and "Resilience" CIA are trampling forwards with the Gene Editing Elegance.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Data: In 2021, a group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA initially claimed it would take decades to process the request, but a federal court ordered the agency to release the documents more quickly. Pfizer was not a defendant in this lawsuit.

These instances demonstrate Pfizer’s efforts to keep records sealed or hidden from the public, often in an attempt to avoid accountability or to protect its interests.

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Pfizer Bad.

FDA Bad.

Think we done here. Let's go have chili down at the Moderna Diner.

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The Chili Parlor on Wheels, no? Kitchen-fitted polished Airstream, no wind resistance...towed by a rethunk of Bucky's Die-Max-Ion car...Tres Moderna! https://tomsvintagetrailers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/airstream-foodtrailer-foodtruck-gastro-total-front.jpg

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They are clearing a bit of space right next to the jfk files.

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Judge: FDA Cannot Have Until 2076 to Disclose Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine Data | BioSpace


​Judge Mark Pittman found that the Freedom of Information Act filed by PHMPT is of paramount public importance and demands that the FDA make the data publicly available within eight months.

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Laser Pointer is undefeated.

Yay! We did it!

Now if we could just unlock that NZ data and if only we could investigate Big Pharm and the FDA thanks to the Jordon Walker Operation which went away POOF.


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It's like that image I haff of a ship or sub hull wid a hole innit.


Not going down.

Sink Pfizer? Sure....why not...we gotta million of 'em!

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Ummm...Sage -

Don't SPARS, the PREP Act, and Event 201, strongly suggest that "War Powers. War Powers. War Powers." were already rolling downhill and picking up speed long before the Pierre Kory iceberg stuck its head up at Ron Johnson Empty Room Placation Theater??

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They have to sell the Emergency to activate and legitimize the Prep Act Powers.

That is what Pierre Kory was tasked with doing, and what he did all the way into late 2021.

And also to sell the ANTIVIRAL ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT OPERATION which all the Big Tier Two Boys were doing, Kirsch, Bob Malone, Bret Evergreen, Tess Lawrie, ETC.

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It must be frustrating for them, when they want to do something, knowing they have to spin up the song and dance team to spread the message to the masses of what we are all doing now. Like turning a battleship.

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S...when Klaus crows that veeeepenetratezeeeecabinets...he is telling you:

It's not like anyone is going to stop them.

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No, no one will stop them. And yet, they still need to SPAR everyone. There needs to be a story, and the masses gotta be on board. Why? Why can't they just act? You know, do the thing. Drop the bombs, jab the jabs. Whatever it is. Nope. They gotta send Powell out with the powder. Tell us about babies in incubators. Show people dropping in Wuhan. There is an implicit disconnect between their will, their power, and the masses. The masses still have some leverage, somewhere. They just never use it. Probably don't know they have it.

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Murdering the world is hard.

It's hard to get everybody on the same page.

They do need the stories and the Ostensible.

I do think they are bamboozling the MIddle Managers.

"People don't understand how power works." (even those in power, Day Tapes)

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It's almost as though the unseen honchos are doing the bidding of interdimensional/interstellar entities that harvest fear for dinner and sorrow for dessert and then watch the Super Bowl or something. https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Wraith

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They practice a lot (cf Event 201 et al). More like driving a PT-Boat by now, sadly.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Regarding the Patriot Act, something recently clicked for me about it. I read the DeCamp book about Franklin bank / Boy's Town coverup (where they were prostituting kids to elites and laundering money.) In it, DeCamp visited his old friend, ex-CIA chief William Colby. The second time he visited, Colby told him that the biggest thing going on in America was the patriot movement and that if people realized how many sympathized with that movement it would really change things in this country.

Not long after, Colby died in a solo boating accident. Now think back to the early 90s, there were a whole bunch of incidents related to what later becomes known as 'domestic terror,' like Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing, and I'm sure you can think of others. If we assume Colby was accurately relaying the concern of the deep state about patriot movements, how would they respond to wrap things up and get this under control. Well they might want extensive domestic surveillance powers. Remember that Biden says he tried to push through a prototype version of the Patriot Act in the wake of either Oklahoma City bombing or 1st World Trade Center bombing.

So the Patriot Act was, in fact, --exactly as the name implies-- an expansion of government surveillance powers in order to infiltrate and defuse the patriot movement in America and they trolled us all by openly naming it as such. Now add this to my theory that overseas terrorism was invented whole cloth out of the CIA trained and coordinated Arab Afghan fighter networks. You can construct an entire and plausible alternate history of post cold war America and the bio threat was a parallel construction baked into the project right alongside the fake terror threat.

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Sober sane presentation of Israel using terrorism to foment war on their enemies.

Day Tapes: "Terrorism would be deployed."

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

In Dollars for Terror, there was an Israeli ex official quoted that the goal of Israel was to split neighboring countries into sectarian or ethnic blocs to weaken them and it was made c. 1980. It just so happens that is the exact result of the US restructuring of Iraq and the ISIS civil war in Syria. Not to mention Arab Spring in Egypt and the killing of Qadafi. Gosh what a coincidence!! Notice that these policies do not target Saudi Arabia.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Speaking of “they got six ways to Sunday”Schumer and fixing and license to kill, I am saddened but not particularly surprised by the “sudden” passing of Rep Thomas Massey’s 50 year old (probably unvaccinated)wife shortly after he went on Tucker Carlson.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

And Biden and Schumer were on Congressional committees burying the events while proposing “fixes”. Hillary was in the White House and a whole host of fixers we are still dealing with today.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

This tracks, for sure. I never put two and two together on the naming thing. Cute.

I feel like gladio is a theme not far removed. They feel tied together, somehow.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Gladio was some nasty, diabolical stuff, but I can at least imagine how people conducting those operations might believe there was an existential threat of communism that they were somehow protecting against by the terrorist acts they carried out.

How do the people involved in these activities now manage to justify it to themselves? Like the government's Whitmer kidnap plot? I can only guess that they have a very effective personality screening system to allow in only sociopaths. In a couple of places I've read, there are indications that is what the CIA does. The other day I read the FBI pulled someone's clearance over Trump support. Imagine these agencies watching their agents like a hawk for -signs of a conscience-.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

The pattern is so close, that while there is no official overlap, they feel of a piece. Meaning, if I take this bit you wrote and ask you “American or European Patriot?”, it’s hard to distinguish, huh?

“I can at least imagine how people conducting those operations might believe there was an existential threat of communism that they were somehow protecting against by the terrorist acts they carried out.”

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The title of PK Dick's A Scanner Darkly can stay as is wrt Gladio, but The Man in the High Castle morphs into The Man in the Deep Dark Cave wrt the war on terror?

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How did you know I was a PK Dick fan? My favorite title of his is Flow my Tears, the Policeman Said. Pretty sure it was from the Dowland lute books, which make some fine listening. What we're living through now though reminds me most of the book he said he could never read again after writing it: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

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Like (button dysfunctional these days)...I don't know anything about you other than text on my laptop's screen...I make some literary and musical references here from time to time, and people *like* or reply to them often enough that I usually don't think I'm throwing out references that nobody will get. Glad to know someone else here (I'm confident that it's not just the two of us) has read Dick's material. I think 50 years ago he was more of a niche presence outside of the population that read more scifi than just the basics, but ever since Blade Runner, I'm sure he's read by lots of folks who never picked up a scifi book, just based on seeing that film and thinking, "WTF did that come from...is there more of it?" or thoughts along that line. Scanner, Tears and Stigmata are the best intros, but the Valis series is important, too. Trick question time: What's my fave book by Pynchon or Burroughs? Think this guy likes Greg Ellmore and Gary Duncan? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fr9_moc-1M

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I made Sarah's comment on a post into a meme. Her comment: Should we still make it huge and fold it up like usual? Yes. And write something so they will know it's not an accident. How about "intentionally left blank"? Perfect. That way it's clear that we weren't TRYING to be evil sneaky fucks. We are INTENTIONALLY evil sneaky fucks.

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IIRC after this tweet ☝️ Bobby tweeted to the backlash (Shih Tzu Stack?) that he would direct his AG to prosecute any crimes committed.

But no crimes were committed, because THE MURDER WAS LEGAL VIA THE LAWS IN PLACE.


So sure, focus on FDA Bad, or IHR (unnecessary as WAS JUST SHOWN WITH *Covid), or PFIZER WENT ROGUE.

If you sue Pfizer out of business, so what? Moderna has an ENTIRE PIPELINE OF ELEGANT TECHNOLOGY RARIN' TO GO.

Foster Coulson is one degree of separation from Gene Radars (PCRs) and McCullough is pushing another gene editing "cure".




Katherine Watt is an Unintended Consequence.

The 'mmmurrrica crew is not going to be able to deal with what THE GUBMINT is and will keep dining on the Trump Steaks and the Bread and Circuses of watching two pro wrestlers fall on each other.

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The fuckery isn't going to stop. Epic summary! ❤️

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Just wrote a long comment and deleted going through each Tier Two Person's role and talking points and zombie adherence to the above.

The Scorpions are not going to stop, no.

This is decades in the making and they finally just pulled the trigger probably because the economy was going to tank again in 2019 and it feels rushed.

At the very least....I want people to begin to clock the puppet masters behind the curtain turning your Big Heroes and your Mini-Heroes into Talking Point Zombies.

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And you are doing a magnificent job!!! Plus you make it fun to read. Such a gift! ❤️💕❤️

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

For what it’s worth, and I dont want to jinx things here, but I suspect the murder MO is about to shift. The vax has been normalized, added to flu shots. No biggie now. That’ll roll on under its own momentum. No, now I think the real killin’ is gonna be drone based. They’ve been working the kinks out, learning new tactics, in Ukraine. How to kill most effectively. I suspect they will open new fronts soon, and send the boys and girls (and middle aged and olds) to die by the truckload. All the new draft bills, all around the world, more or less all at once, tell me so. If one is inclined to skate to where the puck is going to be, that’s where I’d put my money.

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S -

You mean (re: drone warfare)

...Sorta like testing out anti-fertility and depop shots in

" Third World" countries?

Proof of concept?

So whadda we call Rwanda?

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The economy did collapse in September 2019. I remember sitting on a beach in Tulum, Mexico at the time and told my friend what a big deal it was and he thought I was crazy.

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This f*ckery ain't gonna eff itself!!

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Un-winnable wars against nebulous abstract concepts is an oldie but a goodie.

A huge whole you can stuff unlimited money and bodies into.

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The Unwinnable War on Global Terrorism Dangerous Germs will require War Time Powers and to preserve your FREEEEEEEEDDDOOOOMMMMMMM we will need to surveil you and take your guns and have a complete cradle to grave data set and digital ID including all of your shots that you have taken or denied yourself access to the love.


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Days of thunder.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Can confirm. Worth a watch.

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Only if you want to look at the Monster in the eye and not the fooootttbaaawwwwwwwwwwwww

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Sometimes you can come in at an angle and get a twofer: monster and an entertaining laugh. 1879 or 1912?


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I guess these Normie PSA’s are needed to keep Sage’s AdCouncil funding but I prefer Playrooms as I prophetically dreamt last night about the Daisy girl and her winning exit strategy for The War on Poverty.

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It is always a ruthless balancing act between Let it Rip back of the brain Shih Tzu and Reduce the Sauce.

Reduce the Sauce is the more threatening approach and brings out the Weed Monsters faster than anything.

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Well then for them Monsters, I’m intentionally leaving this comment…

…blank. Paging Linda, are you listening?

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But if one just called it RAPE then no informed consent talk or license would be needed because no good people support rape.

Sticking something that someone doesnt want into them is RAPE. Period.

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“I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.”

Bobby Kennedy


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That 'unless'. It's a real killer.

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Trained Litigator, S...think he misspoke. After saying..."I want to be precise..."

London School of Economics.

Klimate Change Save the World "Status Quo of Pollution will return if we end lockdowns" re-tweeter right in the middle of the Fascism.

Just balls out the chute.

"Never revisit the decision."

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

I can imagine it being an equally useful word in other contexts. "I don't think we should send our boys to war, UNLESS..." "I don't think the olds should be required to step into the suicide pods, UNLESS..." Etc.

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S....they make a mockery of the true believers.

They troll the fuck out of the True Believers of many stripes.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Not one iota of dirt on those fatigues. The drones must just pass him by, while everyone else is huddled in the mud pits, head down.

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With luciferians, you'll have that.

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Same thing that Epsteins clients said about interventions and helping the unwilling.

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

A real "quickie"... but done best! When the opposite lacks arguing anymore and presents blank sheets to people going to die or suffer hard from "nothing to say": why answer in a philosophical and epic way, which is the run to nowhere. People won`t listen any more, because they got crazy and helpless during our famous Covid times by epic rolled out bullshit, daily, of course. The way you makr things and thoughts working is the straightforward one. Maybe the only one left. Great.

Thanks for your fantastic work.

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I asked the question on 23 April 2024, see below.

No answer as yet, an example of a public officer not being accountable…

For the attention of:

Secretary Xavier Becerra

US Department of Health and Human Services

Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?

I look forward to your response on this matter.

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Hart

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Wow - powerful Elizabeth!

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Thx, Sage!

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

And of course, the original Chevron case involved the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) which featured RFK jr as their most famous lawyer, and was responsible for a number of things like this. So is the Chevron ruling a behind the scenes something..something to do with RFK jr. I don't follow a lot of news, but sometimes these things catch my eye. Are the scorpions fighting amongst themselves?

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It's interesting how the two words "informed" and "consent" have been conflated. Even when people ARE informed, "consent" is denied, due to the fact they were "informed" (of a bunch of LIES) which is now considered sufficient to qualify as "consent" even while the person (and/or their loved ones) staunchly fight against the intervention.

Pre-emptively stripping people of their rights, and thereafter requiring evidence of having endured the medical intervention as a precondition to the exercise these rights, hardly leaves any room for "consent" - whether on not one is "informed." Conflating the two terms, is understandable, given the fact one cannot consent if they're not informed.

But here's where the "rub" is. If they "inform" us of ANYTHING (no matter how untrue) this, standing ALONE, is permitted to entirely eliminate the requirement that we've actually consented.

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Informed consent in health care

Informed consent is a person’s decision, given voluntarily, to agree to a healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention that is made:

■ Following the provision of accurate and relevant information about the healthcare intervention and alternative options available; and

■ With adequate knowledge and understanding of the benefits and material risks of the proposed intervention relevant to the person who would be having the treatment, procedure or other intervention.

Ensuring informed consent is properly obtained is a legal, ethical and professional requirement on the part of all treating health professionals and supports person-centred care. Good clinical practice involves ensuring that informed consent is validly obtained and appropriately timed.


See this fact sheet for more info: https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-09/sq20-030_-_fact_sheet_-_informed_consent_-_nsqhs-8.9a.pdf

Also see this detailed article I prepared at the invitation of a law professor. The original article was accepted for publication, but due to ongoing delays in publication I've expanded the article and published it myself, see: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

I've been raising the vitally important issue of informed consent throughout the Covid debacle, and for years beforehand in my research and correspondence on vaccination policy and practice.

It really astonishes me there appears to be so little interest in seeking accountability for the destruction of informed consent among the plethora of people who've turned up in recent years on the vaccination scene...

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So long as all of the "information" is coming from big pharma's so-called "science" and/or their enforcement arms in government, then nobody has been "informed."

There was ZERO consent from ANYONE who took the covid jabs, (or any of the older vaccines).

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Your headline and sub say it all!

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I'm skirting very close to advocacy here and this usually means that the Tier Two are going to roll in and try and make it "complicated".

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Jun 29Liked by Sage Hana

Congress could modify or repeal the PREP & CARES acts based on what has occurred in the past 4 years. But they're not doing a damned thing. They're Just pointing fingers at a few people involved who played by their rules. Change the rules!

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While you are correct that not being able to see what is in a product is wrong, are you aware that as of 2019 the US government no longer has to report on expenses with FASBy-56 (which are the accounting standards expected by law from the US agencies and departments). The department of defense (formerly called the department of war) never has successfully passed a required audit.

Also, the Going Direct reset allowed the Federal Reserve to directly inject money into places so no longer does the US government have to borrow federal reserve notes and the distribute them according to a budget which can supposedly be seen by the citizens and the money can be put wherever the owners of the Fed want in secrecy. There is a pattern here.

So, you see that this secrecy thing permeates everything and not just package inserts. What good does it do to win one secrecy event and lose in 1,000 other ways. It is like whack-a-mole and results in exhaustion and finally adoption which is its point.

All that murder, enslavement, lower population and childrens loss by government need is secrecy. Secret retardation in the development of childrens minds daily in the government school system goes on as well.

Personal secrecy yes but there is no place in the governmental apparatus in a Republic with individual rights and responsibilities.

This is where the battle should start before any accountability or liability can happen.

There is none if one accepts a secretive blank anything and might I remind you that getting transfected or affected in anyway with a shot was acceptance.

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☝️ Weeds.

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🤷🏻‍♀️ I just don't understand the PCR tests and I really want to. Like, how do they work? Just walk me through it.

JJ Couey did a podcast 3 days ago in which he gives an excellent explanation of how PCR tests work, how they are used (and misused).


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They amplify genetic sequences that are present.

Three links embedded here in this post if you want to do some cursory research. They are simply not a reliable diagnostic but rather a license to create Pandemic. Testdemic.

The pathogen has not been properly isolated or shown to cause disease. Which is where I *think JJ may be not reducing the sauce all the way down.


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“not reducing the sauce” I maybe am seeing the same but haven’t isolated my own ignorance from the problem yet.

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How do we KNOW the purported virus doesn't enhance virility and cure gout?

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Yes the uncertainty pendulum swings both ways

I mean it becoming more sunny and warm over large land masses of Russia and Kanada could be an improvement no?

The more we know the less we know.

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How do we KNOW that the Covid-19 Virus in Cell Culture does NOT act as a VACCINE/PROPHYLATIC for the Bird Flu diagnosed by PCR?

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Or the shots serve to save the compliant from bird flu so they can filter us pains in the asses into fertilizer

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I’m going to need to sit in a quiet room rocking back and forth and mumbling to myself considering the concept of vaccine AE’s being due to a sort of hole left by removing a piece of a complex system rather than a manifestation of harm due to the addition of something…

Oh crap I bifurcated the thread again

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These clowns have no idea what drugs really are. When was the last time we had a real public health emergency that threatened three bordering countries? NEVER!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

I wonder if the SCOTUS ruling on the Chevron case will affect this at all. I'm dense when it comes to legal things. But federal agencies, because of this law have gotten away with all kinds of things. It seems to me the agencies were the mechanism for delivering the shots/mandates, etc. Yes, the DOD is behind it but they needed the CDC, FDA, etc. to legitimize what they did. We thought it was coming from those agencies, hence the "bad Fauci" uproar. He was a puppet). Of course now its the "bad Pfizer" uproar, too. They need to abolish the PREP act, obviously, but this ties some hands. Maybe someone with more understanding of the law will know.

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The punishment is the process.

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