How to keep the number low, and hiding so many mortal victims?

One possible trick. For many years there are special cases of supercentenarian people in Japan and in some other places. People who keep receiving their state pensions. People who seem to never die. And from time to time, a news is printed, that tells a story like this: "this man never told the ministry that his grandma died 30 years ago, and has been using her monthly pension, and now a court orders him to return all the money plus a fine and also gives a five-year prison sentence"

Well. If people can do that, maybe the Gub'mint can also pretend that tens of thousands of people are still alive, still filing tax returns, still living in address so and so, still voting, and very satisfied with the state run health care system, according to the questionnaire they sent last September.

See? there are so many well documented facts that those people are alive and thriving. I mean, it's objectively true. It's official. It has got a state seal. Nothing looks forged. Those people are alive, as a matter of fact. There is no doubt. A fact is a fact, data is data, civil servants would not lie, and there is just no way that computers would be programmed to create and keep "alive" many artificial people. NO WAY!

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Now this is how we think like a Scorpion!

Good thoughts, Double Agent Rog!

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Crossed my mind while watching related videos like the Paradise fire where 52,000 lived there there and some have reported most perished.

Lahaina is another. Haven't personally looked into it but I don't recall anybody coming up with an official death toll.

Of course would matter if it was official ?

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That is intersting. There was a report that approximately 2,000 children weren't enrolled for the next school semester, but the official word was they were dismissed and sent home because a fire was going to happen?

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Lahaina you mean?

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Correct, I'm referring to Lahaina. Wasn't that the location the article was talking about. I may have posted on the wrong ss.

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You’re fine — just clarifying.

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Yes, can anyone give us a number of people still missing?!!! So important

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The official seems to be 104. If you want to go on a deep dive, this is a good site to start: https://www.mauicommunityinvestigation.com/videos

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Poking around through the malibu neighborhood owners did seem to come up with many older 70+ individuals. Though affluence tends to select that way too.

In Japan 70 is considered young. There are many fewer 80+ people due to recent medicat actions — according to a boots on the ground local neighborhood view…

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With all those supercentenarians in Japan, I wonder if the idea that the Japanese live longer than other people is also in danger of being debunked.

Agent Roger discovers discrepancy in longevity data! 🤔🕵️‍♂️

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Good to know we here in Kalifornia are in good hands.

Our leaders are wisely soliciting advice from those who have been on the front lines of this war.

Such as Mr. Green should've been Jeans.

Yuck'n it up. First :21 says it all.


MF'rs 'll laugh in your face while they burn you alive.

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Nobody could have seen this coming.

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Well, Polyphemus, the one-eyed Cyclopean, might have been able to futuristically scope it out...but that gosh-darned heroic Nunquam fella had to go and put Polly's monocular visionary ability out of commission with a tactically long, burning ember.

Another song of classic myth... www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDoSFljWTHg

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The 3 year timeline for the military making lasers to create voices out of thin air puts the rollout at the approximate time of the vax rollout. Hmmmm......

::take the vaccine....it's a good vaccine....take the vaccine ....it's a safe and effective vaccine::

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I mean, they didn't exactly use subliminal voices on that one, they hit you over the head with a frying pan! 😅

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…Was the frying pan aluminium? did it melt?

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Good one!

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Can’t remember as it gave me Alzheimers

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Perhaps like the 'Aluminum Chalk' 'Nano Dust' that they continue to spray in our atmosphere 🤔

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🤣 😂 🤣

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Clocking out, MAS, stay safe!

Thanks for hanging out.


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No, have heard stories in various corners of the net. I suspect they did also use disembodied voices. Somehow. Stories could be pure woo, but who knows.

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....we're in this together... ...let's clap for the nurses... ...it could've been so much worse....

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🤣 Don't forget about Grandma.

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whose, yours, or mine?

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Poor grandpa.

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But only if they dance ! .....however inappropriate, while rotating their ICU patients !


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Things I don’t know:

How often do aluminum engine blocks and wheels melt in car accident fires?

The car on gravel looks next to a burned field — what was the wind direction while that was burning? Was it parked next to the wrong end of a blowtorch?

This is instructive: https://recovery.lacounty.gov/palisades-fire/

* The presentation of “LA is on fire” we see from the outside seems an exaggeration — its certainly the northernmost tip embedded in and bordering various parks

* Large scale nevertheless

* By eye at map level seems consistent with overflow out of greater wildfire

* Whoever chose the color scale of the above map should be fired, despite optics black=fine, green=slightly damaged. Perhaps this steering toward misinterpretation is intentional

* Don’t know if grey lots without house icons mean they’re fine, or grey means inaccessible and we find out disposition later.

What did eyewitnesses who rode out the fire/ saved their homes see — maybe it is already too late to learn this

To what extent is moisture in green vegetation protective? Certainly harder to start a fire with green wood than dead.

Is the low mortality due to efficient (compliant 😁) evacuations compared to Lahaina, or is it just early? Is there a missing count or something like there was right away in HI?

To what extent was evacuation a cause — is there an “early treatment” analogy, where people at their homes could have picked up embers fallings on decks or property, vs fires left to grow in people’s absence?

Fires did seem to end in the affluent areas — looking at the maps not far away are very densely packed houses. Seems a cull was not the goal here or that would be burned?

What is all this distracting us from?

Just among the many things I’m still ignorant of

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good point re frightening everyone into mass compliance early evacs. Personal anectdote; I know of one particular street of houses in Atadena saved by a couple of locals who refused to evac and spent the first night running from house to house grabbing the nearest garden hose to spray down the burning embers dropping on neighboring rooftops. Old school SoCal mountain hillside firefighting 101.

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Just a few points: 1) compliant evacuation allows the perps to carry out their mischief away from observation, 2) I attended a “Last Survival” fire workshop this year. One very experienced firefighter speaker made the point that during

Santa Ana’s, with their ultra low humidity, green vegetation dried out quickly and can become combustible. From personal observation I can confirm how quickly lush vegetation can dry out. 3) I didn’t realize until yesterday when I looked it up that wheel rims can be made with magnesium, aluminum, and even carbon fiber, not just steel. Although DEW’s could melt them quicker, even “normal” fire in a windstorm could be expected to melt aluminum rims, so that could be a red herring of sorts.

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"What is all this distracting us from?" Key point. Everywhere I go with friends or strangers, people are talking about the "wildfires" and the zero carbon people are gaining ground as a side effect.

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I want to know more about Biden’s cybersecurity exec order he’s supposed to unleash last minute…


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Good thinking Googly.

"The car on gravel looks next to a burned field — what was the wind direction while that was burning?"

Wind was blowing "offshore" from upcountry West Maui toward the ocean and Lahaina town. From high pressure in the north to low pressure offshore in the south. In other words from upslope, the highway and the rear of the vehicle, toward the front of the vehicle and then down slope toward Lahaina.

This would make the parked vehicle, and whatever burned beside it, perfect DEW or HPM targets to burn and send embers on the outrageous wind down toward town, in other words, possibly an ignition point. Probably enough to light up the field above town at least.

Mebbee cars is the ignition points for all of this, and naturally occurring powerful offshore winds do the rest...?

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Could be caused by meters. Could be space lasers. Could be coordinated arson. Could be all these and more, or something else entirely. Who knows.

My take away is this: we are on the receiving end of deeply thought out social programming. Ideas are being driven in at the subconscious level. If anywhere can be hit by 'climate change' and no where is 'safe', how does one invest in a place? You can't put down roots in a place, and think about it as home, and plant trees for grandkids, if in any given year a '100 year' event can wipe you out. Why waste money and effort investing, if home can be wiped off the earth in the blink of an eye? Hundred year events have always happened. But very rarely to a whole community at once. Maybe the tornado hits half the community. The other half can help out. Or the flood, or fire, or blizzard. Now? Now it all goes. I doubt this notion rises to consciousness for most people, but I'm pretty sure it's simmering away in the zeitgeist. Turns people into nomads who need to be protected by big daddy.

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It’s already happened. Costs are so high up. People aren’t tied to place or family. People are narcissistic social media junkies instead. Etc Etc Etc.

And yes, great point.

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Well said. All part of the Great Reset NWO. Somewhere in that video by Charlie he mentioned the possibility that houses without mortgages are being selectively targeted. That would make perfect sense from the NWO point of view. In CA Sacramento recently changed the inheritance tax laws to make it much more difficult for children to keep their parents’ property when they passed away. Debt is the main fuel to keep the NWO running. Which makes perfect sense if you’re a banker.

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Today is National Logic Day, Sage! Thought of you. As for this atrocity on L.A., it's Lahaina 2.0. Or Paradise 3.0. I'm sure there will be more. I read this morning that the CO2 from this fire is more than from all the cars in the USA for the last 2 years. Caused by and causing Climate Change, what a multitasking fire.

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Ha! I'm just waiting for World Ivermectin Day to roll around again!


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We've never been safe.

Water Wars more real than Space Force. Maybe.

History. Please excuse the interjection at the wrong place, but this is a big part of LA.

Fire and Water.....and War.



"Just before midnight on the evening of March 12, 1928, William Mulholland’s majestic St. Francis Dam suffered a massive collapse. As a result of the St. Francis Dam disaster, a wall of water traveled some 55 miles to the Pacific Ocean and killed over 400 people in the second-worst disaster in California history after the San Francisco earthquake and fire 22 years earlier.

Asa Keyes, District Attorney of Los Angeles who led the Coroner's Inquest into the St. Francis Dam disaster. Asa Keyes

March 12, 1928, 11:50 p.m.: Ace Hopewell, a carpenter at Powerhouse No. 1, rides past the dam on his motorcycle. During the subsequent coroner’s inquest, he states he rode up the canyon and passed both Powerhouse No. 2 (a hydroelectric power plant) and the dam without seeing anything to cause him concern. Approximately one mile (1.6 km) upstream from the dam he hears, above the sound of his motorcycle, a noise he describes as “rocks rolling down the mountain.” He stops and dismounts from his motorcycle.

Leaving the engine idling, he smokes a cigarette while checking the hillside above him. He can still hear the sound that caught his attention earlier, although it is now fainter and behind him. Assuming it was a landslide, since they were common to the area, and satisfied he is in no danger, he continues on his way. Ace Hopewell is probably the last person to see the St. Francis Dam intact."


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Fire, Water, Earth and Air. The elements. They use them all in the War.

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Was trying to post and Earth Wind and Fire (no water) Band song....but ended up with this.


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how about the monstrous wars in Ukr AND in the ME, what would all that dangerous dirt and pollution do to the natural flow of weather ("climate")? Napoleon lost at Waterloo as a result from an acknowledged period of unusually bad weather, which we now know was caused by the eruption of a volcano in eastern Indonesia (the Tambora, 1815). so there's that....

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yes I wrote a stack on wars causing more pollution than all the rest of it and the hypocrisy of the war monger climate change fanatics...

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brilliant. even making ammo is dirty as.... [insert random expletive].

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And when it is shot, even at a firing range, it pollutes the area with lead.

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So blatant

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The Chosenites have a signature attack that we see in Gaza, Lebanon etc; first they "warn" the victims by suddenly air dropping leaflets right before a planned attack in order to confuse and frighten everyone, then the sudden attack (burning children alive in tents, dropping a bunker buster bomb on an apartment building full of women and children, bombing a hospital, an aide tent dispensing food etc, then they wait for the rescue efforts to get underway to try to help the burned and maimed women and children trapped in the burning phosphorous laden radiative munitions, they "double-tap" the same location, taking out the survivors from the first attack along with all the people trying to help the injured; paramedics, the press, local police- all of this is deliberate, designed to psychologically and physically destroy their enemies= which is, in reality, ANYONE and EVERYONE who is not a Chosenite. So, yes, long way of saying I agree with your appraisal if the LA fire events. We are looking at the makings of the classic Chosenite double-tap.

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I want to get some of those miracle fire-proof bushes and plant a garden with them. Then I'll sit in the garden as I watch the world burn.

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😹 Dark but funny

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That's the only way I know how to roll at this point.

Maybe I'll put a little blue-roofed garden shed in as well...

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😅 Just build your garden out of recycling garbage bin materials! 😹

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You might be interested in the following:

"You regular readers are well informed about DEW’s, but because it’s still a little-known topic, allow me to quickly reiterate the primary types of Directed Energy Weapons capable of doing the hard-to-believe things we’ll be looking at in the following videos. Currently we know of three primary types of Directed Energy Weapons: High Energy Lasers known as HEL’s, High Powered Microwaves (HPM’s) and Particle Beams. (There are numerous others - search - directed energy weapons).", from:

A forensics examination of video evidence for dew's being used in the LA fires, (The Secular Heretic), at https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/a-forensics-examination-of-video.

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Why don't the affected people storm the streets shouting both truth and anger? Because they are complacent and divided, the enemy will strike them endlessly.

No one will come to save anyone, they must impose their point of view that enough is enough.

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They might have been sprayed with lithium by nasa prior to.

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I don't know what to believe anymore...but it's none of my business anyway. Maybe the acute crisis of honest, committed leaders and real men all over the world is a big problem too.

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It's everyones business because they do it to everyone. I made the comment because back in the 50's the government sprayed society with mood altering drugs, as an experiment.

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People have short memory

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geo-engineered dumbing-down

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They are led to believe its only them

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In the era of information, hard to believe that they can be so... limited. If everyone doesn't get on the wave of revolt that has started already, nothing will be solved.

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We are told endlessly it is the age of information. But is that true? All the information is tainted and has been for a long time. So the vaunted the "free speech" sites have limited reach.

It is frustrating to have essential information in one's daily life but no one will listen. After while, you come to understand the terrible psyop that was/is "information."

Lifton's brainwashing studies delineate 10 characteristics of brainwashing. The first is control of information.

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Who do you think is to blame? Always others? Oh, it's easier that way. How many question what they themselves think? We have a mind, we are not our mind. In conclusion, we use it, we give it orders, it is not the mind that orders us, or if not, others use our minds.

The "information age" has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends on what you want to know, and what others want you to know.

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Nothing to see here. Same as building 7. Are we even allowed to remember that? It's climate change. Always has been, always will be. Move along. If your car gets melted in the middle of nowhere it's because of wood stoves and cow farts. Bigger events incoming??? I have a tingly feeling something is not quite right at the moment. But I always feel that way lately.

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must be the weather (weaponised and well).

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Most who have lived in ca for a long time will tell you that santa ana's are not a winter thing but apparently when fires are made they can crop up any time of the year?

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Not Santa Ana season, a fall thing usually gone by Thanksgiving, til Christmas is a long stretch. The fires can cause their own wind storms but the 80-100 mph winds are absolutely not normal. So far every comment from peps who experienced the wind it was a very bizarre wind. A friend who lives in-between the Sylmar and Altadena said it was the worse ever experienced, blew a tree over thankfully with no damage to the house. The seniors in that neighborhood who have lived there for decades said that wind was the first of its kind they ever experienced.

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Here in N. County San Diego the winds that day were minimal, but 15 miles inland my son, who makes his living outdoors and pays a lot of attention to weather, reported very high winds that he had not seen before at that time of year here.

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I heard someone from San Marcos recently say it wasn’t super windy on Wednesday but that the line clouds from flights to nowhere had been crazy bad and on Wed they suddenly reduce to clear skies. The same reports from the Vegas and Phoenix area. Nothing to see here, move along.

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I'm west of San Marcos near the coast. Very little wind on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tuesday in Vista there were dramatically high winds: bent palm trees, very abnormal. Does your friend remember Tuesday in San Marcos?

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I use to live in north county, Oceanside for a while in that area of the tri cities before moving to LA. Also rented a room from a friends parents in Solana Beach. Apparently what zi heard was windy but nothing close the LA winds. Seems skies in at least some areas of north county were for weeks prior to LA fires covered with those funny line clouds from flights to nowhere in areas of north county, Las Vegas and Phoenix with all or most disappearing when the fires started. Nothing to see, move along. They are running out of CYAs.

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If they can create earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, they can create wind storms.

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Yes, and this was likely one. Pre fire skies in the Phoenix, Vegas and parts of north San Diego county area were heavily cloud trailed for weeks before fires. All at the same time day of fires reduced down to very few or none. “He who controls the weather….”

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Very few chem trails in N Cty San Diego during second half of the summer. Around October they started picking up again. There were plenty just prior to the PP fire breakout but on the day of the fire zero.

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So the same situations in Phoenix and Vegas areas.

I know nothing to see move along.

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Here is a video from today that explains how they've been weaponizing electricity against us. Very informative. And PLANS going back to the 1960's. Important read!


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For the aspiring mad scientist looking for a spectacular science project that combines fire, high voltage, and loud noise, the flame speaker described in the July-August 1968 issue of Elementary Electronics should fit the bill perfectly. We previously written about how a flame can serve as a radio detector. As this article shows, it can also serve as the speaker, as the flame can be induced to emit sound.




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And about those smart meters.. apparently they are installing "Medusa" meters on long time, good paying customers homes! They don't look any different, but their actually small cell towers that have a much wider range and power dispersion to include surrounding areas! Monster radiation!!! Everyone, Opt Out and have your smart meters replaced with analog Now. I'm calling today.

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What impeccable timing for Joe to have a preplanned trip going from New Orleans to Los Angeles and getting to LA as fires break out🤔

Funny how Joey did not return to DC and let Kammie get to LA as her Brentwood home is over the hills from Pac Palisades.

If Biden would have returned immediately that could have allowed freeing up of airspace. While there is denial by some when any POTUS is in LA or last year Santa Barbara airport there are flight restrictions.

03 Jan 2025

Biden to visit Coachella Valley, possibly announcing nat'l monument


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