
When severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) first surfaced, no specific tests were available. Now several laboratory tests can help detect the virus. But no known transmission of SARS has occurred anywhere in the world since 2004.


Despite a concerted global effort, scientists have yet to find an effective treatment for SARS. Antibiotic drugs don't work against viruses, and antiviral drugs haven't shown much benefit.

Although they ventilated those hospitalized... But boy, did they whip up a frenzy. Much ado about nothing. Precursur for sure.... Good to have this info again!

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let’s see if they can get it right next time…crying wolf all the way.

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SARS v.3

Silly Arses Remain Silly v. 3 and

Scorpion Attacks Regroup 4 Sting. v. 3

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Just to be a pain in the posterior — 53% males with anything short of several thousand total is consistent with 50-50, so not actually a thing. Not sure how 53% was managed out of 8 people though.

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Probably an artifact of early gender fluidity in the modeling, which might have had something to do with a database maintained on a system whose underlying code had an erratic treatment of sqrt(-1) when applied to a set of Cantorian transfinite numbers.

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don't forget the +

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there's about half of this comment I can actually understand, but computer models seem to be the key, what with Gates et.al trying to make his highly profitable computer "viruses" go viral in humans. if it weren't so stupid it'd be funny.

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Oh how I yern for the days of SARS . . . . sigh, when I didn't even know it existed ; ) lol

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🎵Gimme that ole time SARS, it was good enough for me. 🎵

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Don't forget about MERS.

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The S at the end is Syndrome. MERS, SARS, AIDS

A Syndrome, collection of symptoms

And based on this floating collection of symptoms which is anything that they are incentivized to find, MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURES are "invented","re-purposed" and deployed.

To kill people.


And the doctors prescribe the drugs as their "standards of care" require for them to get paid.

Just rotate the doctors every few years and promote them like brands.

Come up with new "technologies" under the guise of helping.

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We need some countermeasures for Stockholm Syndrome. Urgently.

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Clark Olofsson was a very charismatic bank robber. And cute. No different than going along with an abusive husband who is nice when he is sober. Only countermeasure is divorce and restraint.

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Happy to divorce 'Mr Global' any time. I don't recall ever taking vows and changing my name to Mrs Global anyway. 😆

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I thought that was some kinda space station. 🛰🛰

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Justice needs to happen.

I know a liberal lady that still believes in the shot. She’s like eighty five. Boggles the mind.

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There will be no justice because the Operation went exactly as scripted.

The murderers are not going to investigate themselves. For the murder they gleefully participated in.

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People want their heroes more than they want justice.

This continued "liberal" conservative divide on science is bewildering as science should be a replicable process with facts but hoooomans dumb

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Right. That's not going to happen.

I tried to point this out for three years and I got a bunch of hopium addicts and Kumbayas telling me to calm the fuck down.

And this is about SARS-1 with no shots.

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but including culling of chickens and pigs, no...?

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I have an 84 yo relative that got five covid shots. He had covid recently and felt like he was dying. They gave him paxlovid. He thinks that drug "saved" him. Never mind getting a sickness you have five shots to prevent. Never mind the big politicians & actors repeatedly saying "I have covid, good thing I'm vaccinated! It's mild".

It sure does boggle the mind.

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Omg! I have a neighbor that has had a Covid sign on her door for over four years. Will not let the bug man in or allow inspections. We got new management and letters went out that inspections will take place, and if you have bugs in apt you’ll be billed for any treatments. I’m pretty sure that letter was directed at that lady. Management wore mask to inspect her apt. There are people still living in Covid fantasy land and they do not want it to ever end.

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If such people are culled I have a hard time getting upset about it. Sorry to say.

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Heartbreaking the propaganda can work so well. Sometimes I have no patience for those who cannot open their eyes to the lies other times my heart breaks for their believing the lies. Either way It does show how successful media can be.

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Only one?

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Hey Hey, me like everybodies ....

Except eh ... ::sssshhhhh:: me no likey jews..... ::sssshhhhh::

please please don't tell Donnie and he boyz ...

Donnie crudifiez me for be antisemitectin

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And now will tagala be considered anti sem? Hmmmm, Filipinos are largely Catholic or Christian, but that can’t have anyhing do with anything🤔

'LOLOCT7' License Plate To Be Banned By CA DMV | Culver City, CA Patch


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..."Can’t wait for SARS-Cov3"...that's not so far fetched as CoV-3 was mentioned in the Clinical Journal of Microbiology way back in 2007 well before CoV-2. Of course we now know and have known for over 100 years that viruses are fake and do not exist in nature or in the lab.

Viruses are like DNA/RNA where they are so small as never to have been seen even by the most powerful microscopes. All this crap is done with modeling and algorithms in a computer. All guess work at best and soon to be outguessed by A/i retards.

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eye opener: "....So here we arrive at the most scary part of the DNA and by extension Virus hoax. Full of big numbers, expensive machinery and highly specific claims of accuracy. This article is going to be a behemoth of a post, there is no way around it unfortunately…" - https://controlstudies.substack.com/p/the-dna-hoax-4e4

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Nothing like some Ivercue on da Barbe with some horsepaste rub. Rub me harder mommy. 🤢

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CA leading the way🙄

Have to wonder what kind of fed bucks this will gain to help CA’s budget issues. Round one was a great Getty boy Gavin bailout.

18 Dec 2024

State Of Emergency Declared Over Bird Flu In CA


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