I'm pondering whether "Zika" was transmitted by mosquito bites or potentially by the pesticides used to eliminate said mosquitoes??? Organophosphates and Pyrethroids? Some secret military MK Naomi concoction tested in another third world country again? Just asking for a friend. LOL.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Well, the Zika book MD guy (sorry I forgot his name) says that there wasn't any microcephaly above what would be considered normal. There was a possibly deliberate misinterpretation of a normal background rate of microcephaly as anomalous.

If there wasn't any sudden increase in microcephaly, what was there to indicate the spread of an unusual disease? The main symptom of zika seemed to be hyperbolic media coverage fueling government and NGO interest. Then the interest sputtered out and you have angry Mrs. Malone looking for new work.

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May 22·edited May 23

My thought too. Maybe they can just use DDT like in the old days that brought in the "successful" polio vaccines.

Edited to add: I just read that they are using DDT in Africa. Mystery of neurological disease, not quite as mysterious as we thought. Damn!

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Check for evidence of Agent Orange; it worked wonders in the 60s and 70s.

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

I am screaming here..my brain cannot comprehend much these past few days..but I do NOT belive the microecaphaly had anything to do with Zika....it was a toxin...or jabs for something else.....and I don't believe ivm has anything to do with anything..EXCEPT if they combine it with other drugs.....which should not be taken together....

And furthermore my taxpayer dollars is funding this crappola and I am incensed.

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana


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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Or maybe I should combine bacon grease and ivm?

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe a dangerous food+pharma pairing if you're already taking verapamil for hypertension or chest pain.

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I love bacon..and anything cooked in it….ever tried peas sautéed in bacon grease? Yummy.

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I've been eating bacon a LOT. Love it. And butter, can eat butter straight off the butter stick. If you go keto or carnivore, you too can do this. So far it's highly successful for my purposes. Too soon to know for sure, but indulging in bacon and butter nearly makes up for no more chocolate or coffee. (that's not carnivore, just me)

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I've been mostly keto since before the word was coined. I do carbs but only after 5 pm..and a small amount. Fixes all mercolas strictures...and I feel better. Proteinat breakfast lunch and dinner w small amount of carbs. Either potatoes rice pasta or ice cream. Still drink coffee

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I was having keto with some carbs and it helped, but cutting them all out (nearly, yogurt has carbs with about 10 blueberries, lol). This has made a huge difference. That's just my specific health issues, not for everyone. Same with coffee or any caffeine, specific to me.

But coffee is suspect I now think because it was heavily promoted by FLCCC protocols. Jason Cristoff is very anti coffee/caffeine. Dk much about him but just that one thing.

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Usually butter, but now that you mention it, that bacon fat jar in the fridge has been looking lonely…

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If you have mint..it becomes sublime. Can't beat southern cooking

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If kosher is one's thing, swap out the bacon grease with WD40, or is it SV40?

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I would also expect a whole variety of other animal fats to work as well. Beef Tallow and/or Keyboard Lubricant, etc

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When I get my brain back I'm gonna try tallow on my face...

I make my own..

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Like button is still on hiatus...just don't plan on using any drippings from MacDonalds fries unless you have a DeLorean with a dashboard that goes back at least as far as 1991...today's McD's vat of boiling oil'll just put you up close & personal with seedy oils from sketchy hoods. Too schmaltzy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u75aQaxjaWE

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Dutchess, IVM is bring my cat back to life from ??? Lymphoma, Feluke, or FIP pick your choice cause bets won’t tell ME what it is. I am treating with IVM 3 days, Pancur 3 days, CBD all days… and the amazing results of IVM.. well my cat is coming back to life. Now I hear FIP for cats formerly a death sentance can be treated with Run Death is Near (85 per cent cure) or with Molipinuvir sp? which is 93 percent cure… The drugs are not ALL bad…

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Ivermectin impacts sperm counts. Don't eat the horse paste is a lot like don't touch wet paint. They know desperate people will try the horse paste and lower or eliminate their sperm counts. It's just bold faced Eugenics as usual.

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I was just reading this on breitbart. McCullough saying 'bird flu is the next disease X'. Seems like he sold his soul to promote fear porn. Cannot believe I fell for the good guys trap for a time, masquerading as the good guys against evil while they are truly on that evil side. Thinking Kory, Malone, McCullough were doing the right thing! Cha and monkeys might fly out of my butt!

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They have to come to you.

Again and again.

They have to first come to your Brain Vector.

And then to your Body Vector.

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Just you wait, the monkey butt virus is next!

And those guys will be hawking it.

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Every one pushing bird flu. I have the Tamiflu but guess what? I bet the Ivm and the Panacur and others work better than the Tamiflu…

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Just keep taking something at all times I guess.

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you- I meant to say I need all the info I can get - especially if it’s over my head. Very much appreciated! Keep up the good work!

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thanks, Leigh, I may have to take a few daze off soon. 😅

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I keep thinking about malone's study of Oncogenes, which upset the natural balance of normal cell division, making cells multiply too quickly, leading to cancer.

Now this study of Zika, and the P-glycoprotein's natural ability to clean out toxins in cells and provide protective barriers. And how the inhibiting of Pgp enhances absorption of certain medicines (IVM)

Just seems like they're trying their darnedest to find ways of reducing and upsetting natural protections against disease. Providing the "rolling crisis" for the surveillance and countermeasure experimentation. And access to bodies. The IVM angle is important to them for some reason.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Ivermectin has the potential to do devasting damage if it gets to the nervous system. It kills by changing the conformation of glutamate gated chloride channels. Basically it can stop glutamate from binding properly. Glutamate and GABA are the main excitatory and inhibitory chemicals in the nervous system of most mammals, and we die without them. We have few of these glutamate gated channels outside of the nervous system, so it is generally well tolerated at lower doses, since it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier. You can bet that curing river blindness is a side benefit that provides cover and allows testing of combinations of chemicals that will enable ivermectin to cross that barrier.

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Thx. Any papers you recc?

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana


Sensitive Targets

Similar ligand-gated channels are used in our nervous system to deliver the varied signals needed for sensing, thought and response. Ivermectin does not bind strongly to them, but they are targets of many other familiar drugs and poisons. Two are shown here. Ethanol, such as that in alcoholic beverages, is seen in a complex with channel from bacteria, which is similar to our channels (PDB entry 4hfe ). Like ivermectin, it thought to modulate the opening and closing of the channel by binding between the membrane-spanning portion of the subunits. Strychnine, on the other hand, binds in the same site as the neurotransmitter, blocking the inhibitory signal and leading to uncontrolled nerve impulses and deadly muscle contractions (PDB entry 3jad ).

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, no doubt they're working on turning ivermectin into a killer and I would not be surprised if it contains "impurities" like Verapamil.

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Btw, and I don't mean to be antagonistic.

I'm dubious of all of these types of articles, esp. with colorful pictures.

Reminds me of the Covid rollout explanations.

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It is batshit cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs the Laser Pointer effect for this drug and is like a smaller mirror of the shots rollout.

Blue Pill Ivemectininas.



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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Haha, yeah we can't stop taking about it, can we? 😁

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Maybe this is what they will call disease x? Inhibiting Pgp with Veripamil, and adding IVM laced with something.

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May 22·edited May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Strange times. I am looking into non allopathic Prostate cancer prophylaxis or management and have considered Ivermectin and Fenbendazole carefully. Tim Truth bombshelled the IVM infertility revelation then memory holed my comment and banned me when I said as a 57 year old dad of three, fertility is a trade off I would consider if IVM had other bona fides. Hmmm. FenBen Tippens Protocol could also pass the smell test. We all got biases we herd like sheep dogs, but the dogwhistles are coming from the shepherd's mouth. This guided journey is fascinating with Sage Fellow Pilgrims in tow.

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May 23·edited May 23

Here's a link to a guy I recently saw on youtube. Metabolic Management of Cancer.

I think this approach has merit. I've been doing keto/carnivore. It seems to be decreasing my need for thyroid hormones. (I eased into it by cutting down on carbs)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APwnkpD_BfI. (I haven't watched the whole thing yet)

He has a bunch of videos on youtube as well.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

I just thought about this video and how he says over and over he can't figure out why they are so ineffective at finding ways to treat cancer successfully. Now we do know, based on the Day tapes. They don't want to cure it.

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Wondering about Tim Truth - he is bombing everything now, even laetrile.

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Here's one by the same guy specific to prostate cancer. More recent.


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FenBen Tippens Protocol has probably saved many lives. Don't know if you read 2nd Smartest Guy in the World's substack but he lists lots of success stories. And in animals, they have been using just IVM on dogs for a long time now. Th results seem good. Good luck to you. ❤️

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you for this post. I need all the in F o I can get - especially

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

SH, this is getting complex for my feeble mind. I’m down the rabbit hole of Pgp Inhibitor drug Verapamil with Ivermectin. Why? I imagine myself being a researcher, waking up one morning thinking wow — what’s the most random thing I could do? I know! Let’s try an in vivo rat experiment using ivermectin with verapamil (Verapamil is pregnancy category C - ‘Animal studies show evidence of embryolethality and retarded fetal growth/fetotoxicity at doses which produced maternal toxicity. This drug crosses the human placenta and can be detected in umbilical vein blood during delivery. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy.)’ It seems to me that they may have gotten similar results just using verapamil without IVM. We need JJ on the case, I’m in over my head.

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Kirsch probably would have liked to add in some fluvoxamine!


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Bob wanted to test Pepcid AC and Celebrex to stop a novel alleged respiratory virus so...

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Any of the things they recommended, pepcid, fluvox, etc. Were they designed to work in conjunction with ivm. Interactive effects. . . hmmm

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Bob was working on DTRA DOMANE for repurposed responses to "novel entities".

A "supercomputer" program.

Bots botching shit is a big part of the plausible deniability of killing people moving forwards me thinks.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

And wtf does that mean-novel entity? Global Environment Facility (GEF) , defines novel entities as “things created and introduced into the environment by human beings that could have positive or negative disruptive effects on the earth system; and may include synthetic organic pollutants, radioactive materials, genetically modified organisms, nanomaterials, micro-plastics”.

Created by HUMANS

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And there it is! By definition

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Yes, non-consensual experimentation on the masses always leaves plenty of room for botching bots to play.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I like that approach- a study design that can be replicated so must be real science. The secret design is using a known drug where the researchers have a financial interest or incentive, and then conduct a study to treat a non-existent virus.

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I've heard that about Tamiflu, a drug looking for a disease, with lots of profits involved. And how the drug actually mimics the disease.

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very interesting.

Beware Greeks bearing gifts. Donation of medicine is not a good idea. Any drug worthy to be given to humans should be produced as locally as possible.

The producers should bear the responsibility of any failure. That's the ONLY real protection of the consumer, who never knows what's taking.

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Off subject here, but I'm a Greek American, who luvs to bring 📦 gifts... it's a cultural thung... The Trojans were a Greek Tribe...lol

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But even with local compounding pharmacies, the ingredients come from China or elsewhere.

They don't like the compounding pharmacies, though.

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I dunno Sage.

If dumping tons of IVM in Africa from 1970 onwards was a serious attempt at cull, it was a shitty agent for the job. Not to mention way more subtly than would be required for a region the scorpions gleefully employ old school tribe on tribe slaughters and famine to get the job done.

I don’t think there is any evidence it curbed procreation one bit. I’d present Europe as the overflow annex as exhibit A.

Or, to coin a Goldbloomism, maybe nature found a way around the ‘mectin? But I don’t think so.

I think it’s much more likely that, in order to establish an entire continent as one giant ‘test cohort’, you’d actually want to lead with a few interventions that did produce very visible positive results. You can’t lead with DDT if you want to establish a successful public private partner for future hijinx.

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I think the idea is to cull slowly and reduce fertility moving forwards.

Your last paragraph is almost certainly correct and I responded to Marvin below before seeing this comment.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

I wonder if the IVM they were handing out for free then was different than the IVM that TWC is selling us for big bucks today?

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What are the odds that of all the 4B doses sent to the poor nations for free were all identical versions of avermectins?



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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

What are the odds that the compounded IVM I've been taking for 3+ years, from a non-FLCCC-affiliated MD, and paying ~$100/bimonthly for, has suddenly skyrocked to $900 since TWC and Rumble cornered the market?

What are the odds that previous scripts were labeled "IVERMECTIN" and the most recent was labeled "IVERMECTIN (AVICEL)"?

(Since when has a "filler" like Avicel® been so prominently displayed on a label?)

What are the odds that Ihad the most recent script filled?

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Holy shit!

Good intel, Marvin.

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May 23·edited May 24Liked by Sage Hana

This is just what I predicted. Soon you won't be able to get the plain generic stuff, just the patented expensive stuff. Same playbook since at least the 60's...

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

What's odd, Heather, is that IVM itself is still generic.

Avicel®, the filler, isn't.


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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

There's more than I feel comfortable posting in the comments.

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Not to mention all the tax wite offs they get even now. Win-win.

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"I do not think that Big Pharm and the US Defense Dept. give a good goddamn about curing disease in foreign lands."

Exactly! We've seen it repeated throughout the past 75 years: "foreign lands" = "free range unsuspecting hooman lab rats"

Then the patented "germ" in search of a bioweapon took that psychotic mindset worldwide...

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Jimmy Carter helped facilitate this and bragged that his project helped eradicate river blindness is all these places. He may be a church member and all. . .

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Everything is contaminated. Stay away, stay away. From other people who may contaminate you. If they are transfected, do not share bodily fluids with them. Stay far away. One feature is to get us to mistrust and stay away from others. Stay safe, as they say.

Everything is contaminated. Do not go into nature. You might get a deadly mosquito bite. Or virus from a bird (remember that). Or rabies. Or tick bites. The sun will cause you cancer, so cover up and put on chemicals. Do not walk barefoot. Parasites can come up from the soil. Lab meat is clean, cows are dirty. Stay safe as they say.

Disgust, along with joy, sadness, fear and some others are basic human emotions. This means fear of contamination is linked to a primal emotion, disgust. Are other people disgusting, germ ridden? Are the humans in Africa more germ laden than in first world countries. Easy to trigger. Easy to say, stay safe.

Not safe to be manipulated by the fear of contamination.

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It's pretty obvious that they want us separated, distrustful, fearful. Easier to control. The irony of their warnings is that they Create the very things that can hurt you: Bioengineered mosquitoes, tainted ticks (Lyme disease), parasites (morgellans from chemtrails), dimming the sun's healing and life giving rays, toxin and bacterial disbursements. And idk WTH this bird flu is but for sure they created that too. It's probably not what they're saying it is, tho. Just like Covid. So, just knowing all this can teach us what to Really watch out for: the perpetrators. And what steps need to be done to stop them for good. Knowing what to pray about is key:) Think outside their box.

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I caught Zika in Costa Rica - no big deal.

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Ivermectin Fertility free to what countries to save them from What poison induced deformities…..Huh?

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STEM the tide of medical BS.

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