
Robert F. Kennedy Jr


#Coronavirus #lockdown hasn’t just slowed #COVID-19, it reduced lethal air pollution + associated #mortality. When lockdown lifts, risks of status quo will return + could worsen as govs weaken environmental regs + pour billions into polluting industries.





Brehhh, let's talk strategy. Maybe you can join teams with that Celebrity Steak Sales dude who dad funded in that whole Resorts International deal!

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Commission on Population Growth

and the American Future

726 Jackson Place, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20506

March 27, 1972

To the President and Congress of the United States:

I have the honor to transmit for your consideration the Final Report, containing the findings and recommendations, of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, pursuant to Sec. 8, PL 91-213.

After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person.

The recommendations offered by this Commission are directed towards increasing public knowledge of the causes and consequences of population change, facilitating and guiding the processes of population movement, maximizing information about human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling individuals to avoid unwanted fertility.

To these ends we offer this report in the hope that our findings and recommendations will stimulate serious consideration of an issue that is of great consequence to present and future generations.

Respectfully submitted for the Commission,

John D. Rockefeller 3rd




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If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues:

global warming


the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem

All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale. We need action on all three. But right now, none of the candidates have the courage to even talk about serious solutions. In fact, on some issues, they won't even talk about the problem!


Signed, Steve Kirsch


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Robert W Malone, MD


@bi_politics yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth

8:28 AM · Jun 19, 2014



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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

The man interviewed in the striped shirt looks a bit like Grandpa in the Munsters TV show.

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Oh something to read while my car gets serviced tomorrow. The older pic in the link he really looks like Grandpa.

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close resemblance

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Blessing to all the Warriors! 🥳

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Blessing to all the Human Genome Project Bitcoin Block Chain Chaos Agents! All hail, Professor X! 👹

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Blessings to all the Propaganda Experts!

Blessings to all the Yalies!

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Sometimes when I'm at a conference, it feels like the room is hugging me! Like a snuggly basketful of kittens! 🤪

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana


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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Those Rocker Fellers own the bestest of crystal balls. They seem to have a telescope into the future. All that and controlling oil. Some people have lucky genes.

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James Coburn: Actor.

Many films.

Two in particular are important for our predicament here: "Our man Flint" (1966) and "In like Flint" (1967)

These are rip-off versions of James Bond movies.

I think the second one is the best parody of the idea of "female liberation" which includes a final sequence where a cosmonaut woman explains Agent Flint how women would never need men anymore or sex (eeeewwww!) to reproduce thanks to the invention of automatic wombs. Flint laughs at her, forcibly kisses her and then teaches her the art of love, like a crazy hindu guru.

No more ideology, all female cosmonauts are in love with Flint. End of the comedy.

It's sad that Abby never found her Flint. Obviously, composting toilets is one of the most anti-erotic topics in the history of female coldness, ranking almost as high as Historical Materialism and Dialetheism.

Let's just face the truth: ecologism actually means "I want to be a wealthy nun without metaphysics and hierarchies from texts of the bronze age"

Abby Rockefeller is not the first abbess of this religion, which is older than Christianity, as the very old Pythagorean cult most likely had a female-only section. And probably older than that. Even today it's normal for some women to simply reject their sex, but not wealth or selfishness.

I guess it's perfectly legitimate for any human being to choose celibacy, for any reason. Why should anyone force another person to reproduce, much less to put up with the complications of a marriage?

But, why abuse other people with your obsessions?

Why assault everyone else's property and life with your deranged antihuman ideololgies of ecologism and feminism?

And this is why Libertarianism and classical liberalism fails: they tend to tolerate the existence of people who don't tolerate the liberty of other people. In other words, it's a political doctrine that contains contradictions.

Isn't it astonishing that in the 1960s there was more freedom and privacy than today? Especially in movie-making.

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The Freedom was an Op.

Like Bernays and smoking.

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Thank you for the correction: There was a larger appearance of freedom in the 1960s than today.

Yes on smoking tobacco and that mean psychohistorian Bernays.

And let me add: the case has been made that the opium poppy never killed anyone, per se. And it may be a drug that enhances life and reduces pain and extends life naturally. Which means, it had to be banned, to maximize the pain of humans and reduce life-span and mental health. Always they sell overpriced substitutes that are worse and create disease, like heroin and modern fentanyl.

Just imagine this hypothesis: in some people, the condition known as "major depression" is a normal feature of their life. It can be remedied with opium poppy, allowing these individuals to become and remain functional. Perhaps their low points become much milder. But the plant was demonized, for economic and political/military purposes, and since then, people have suffered unnecessarily. If a person has bad eyesight, isn't it good to provide them with good quality eyeglasses?

Caveat: This hypothesis depends on the idea, that may be completely wrong, that "major depression" is related to some kind of damage to some part of the Nervous System, which can be ameliorated with the secretions of the aforementioned plant. It would be better to not have that damage, or to completely cure it, in the same sense that it would be better to not have bad eyesight or to correct it. It's always a bad idea to depend on something as unreliable as a stupid flower. But my rationalist brain cannot understand why we live in a world that allows savage infusions of ketamine, which can easily kill a person, and disallows a well measured cultivation and consumption of the opium poppy.

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Rog, I don't mean it to be a correction. Honest. Just a conversation. Like adding a suggestion.

Like constantly taking the puzzle apart and putting it back together. And your old nemesis here could not seem to ever NOT put the puzzles back in the same way and then they still didn't fit, but fuck anyone who tried to do it different than them.

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I happen to agree.

But movie scripts were better before computers.

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Told ya. The Pythagorean cult is notorious.

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How does one consume the poppy?

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I read something about making a tea or something like that.

There is so much information about this on the internet.

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new rabbit hole...

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mash up on Rockefeller New Age & Climate… my feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t like it … https://kitten.substack.com/p/the-paternal-roots-of-new-age-american

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kitten some of this may be relevant to these interests, I don't know.

This stuff is so far over my head but I try to sort out the story and the myth from what is really going on.



Especially this video on Eisenvector.


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thanks for the links… ugh.

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Thank you so much. I'm going to study your post more tomorrow.

So many pieces. I have a Maslow post. I watched Mad Men like krazy.

I learned about Esalin on a Joe Rogan Matthew North video.

The thematic overlay is so Yuval Harari and nihilistic futurism.

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Ah, the Esalen Institute started by Timothy O’Leary, located on Big Sur south of Monterey, CA? I’ve driven past it (years ago) and it is quite hidden, except for a small sign. Poor Winona Ryder and her Boho parents - SUCH a CA TRAP. Susan Sarandon, too. “Are you experienced?” - J. Hendrix

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Hey Sage, have you heard from this woman before? Leuren Moret . Quite an old video. She worked the mass depop out some time ago. Pretty interesting how she says Castro was from one of these bloodlines too

Yes, I know, it's on youtube.... 🙈


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Has not heard, no, thanks Andy.

There is so much that I have been trampling up the back stretch trying to get "context" on over the last few Kovid Op years.

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We've survived 4 plus years on the mat being 'Grounded and Pounded' with round 5 coming upon us faster than a freight train roll'n into Umschlagplatz.

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the Day Tapes are undefeated. This Club of Rome short video is in LOCKSTEP PARDON THE EXPRESSION WITH THE DAY TAPES AND MY CAPS LOCK ARE STUCK.

They told us the scenario as planned by 1969. Day was a Rockefeller Planned Parenthood insider:


Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be - and indeed has been - falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting."

Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all ... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church ... you just don't do that.

Anyhow, out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the U.N . and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways. Acceptance of the U.N . at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. Efforts would continue to give the United Nations increasing importance. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty.

Economic interdependence would foster this goal from a peaceful standpoint. Avoidance of war would foster it from the standpoint of worrying about hostilities. It was recognized that doing it peaceably was better than doing it by war.

It was stated at this point that war was "obsolete." I thought that was an interesting phrase because obsolete means something that once was seen as useful is no longer useful. But war is obsolete ... this being because of the nuclear bombs war is no longer controllable. Formerly wars could be controlled, but if nuclear weapons would fall into the wrong hands there could be an unintended nuclear disaster. It was not stated who the "wrong hands" are. We were free to infer that maybe this meant terrorists, but in more recent years I'm wondering whether the wrong hands might also include people that we've assumed that they've had nuclear weapons all along ... maybe they don't have them.

Just as it was stated that industry would be preserved in the United States - a little bit just in case the world wide plans didn't work out; just in case some country or some other powerful person decided to bolt from the pack and go his own way, one wonders whether this might also be true with nuclear weapons. When you hear that ... he said they might fall into the wrong hands, there was some statement that the possession of nuclear weapons had been tightly controlled, sort of implying that anybody who had nuclear weapons was intended to have them. That would necessarily have included the Soviet Union, if indeed they have them.

But I recall wondering at the time, "Are you telling us, or are you implying that this country willingly gave weapons to the Soviets?." At that time that seemed like a terribly unthinkable thing to do, much less to admit. The leaders of the Soviet Union seem to be so dependent on the West though, one wonders whether there may have been some fear that they would try to assert independence if they indeed had these weapons.

So, I don't know. It's something to speculate about perhaps ... Who did he mean when he said, "If these weapons fall into the wrong hands"? Maybe just terrorists. Anyhow, the new system would be brought in, if not by peaceful cooperation - everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty - then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. And everybody would be so fearful as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System.

This was stated and very impressive thing to hear then ... "If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two - possibly more - nuclear weapons. As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that "We mean business." That was followed by the statement that, "By the time one or two of those went off then everybody - even the most reluctant - would yield."

He said something about "this negotiated peace would be very convincing", as kind of in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realization that peace was better than war. In this context discussing war, and war is obsolete, a statement was made that there were some good things about war ... one, you're going to die anyway, and people sometimes in war get a chance to display great courage and heroism and if they die they've died well and if they survive they get recognition. So that in any case, the hardships of war on soldiers are worth it because that's the reward they get out of their warring.



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Practically everyday since they were first revealed (Day tapes) to me I see the connection to my past in a myriad of ways. puts meaning behind the balls dropping too in ways most don't realize yet.

Even in the intricate organization of the op one can find similarities to the fabric of life itself.

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More than a few have come here and suggested that they are an Op.

Okay, I said. Show me. All I want to know is real.

And then you read Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Rockefeller Depop Report. Population Bomb. Toronto Protocols. You hear Aaron Russo testify about his exp. with the Rockefellers. You see the old school Eugenics. You see the Science being falsified. The disintegration of the American industry and family. You see the surveilance, the consolidation of medicine, the created disease, the falsified science.

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"yeah it's just a fk'n coincidence that the Day tapes are batt'n a thousand."


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btw, Michael, I had a commenter show up here a short while back who said she was friends with Randy Engel, Tape #3 interviewer, and Dunegan was her pediatrician. They were friends.

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Was she familiar with the Day tapes around the time Dunegan made them public?

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The Mind Kontrol is so thorough that even if you simply observe what happened and use them as a rhetorical Creative Intelligence Cheat Code of Intention, they hold up.

But the MK is so thorough that "don't believe your lying eyes".

Asch Experiment shit.

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Oct 10Liked by Sage Hana

Have you looked into Zbigniew Brzezinski? Wrote the book Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technocratic Era. “A diplomat who ran in the same circles as David Rockefeller and former Secretary of State and accused war criminal Henry Kissinger.” Advisor to several presidents from

Carter to Obama. Read about him

recently in Derrick Broze’s book How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State. Anyway, the guy was into depop ideas and authoritarian-collectivism. Very influential I think. Too, I learned that Musk’s grandfather was the research director for Technocracy Incorporated of Canada and something called (OMG) the Social Credit Party.

Anyway. So many jaw dropping ah ha avenues to peruse and pursue, and tentacles to tangle up with. Fascinating.

I thought Technocracy was a cynic’s creative label. But no, it “was” a real thing. A real word. Now obfuscated by swarms of bullshit.

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And this connection ala commode bridges this composting potty with John Kellog’s vibrating toilet and must then explain the sudden movement towards Big Food Bad

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Vera, the lady Donny could not successfully obtain her property at the Atlantic City place. Go Vera!

Vera Coking house - Wikipedia


Donald Trump really did try to take an elderly widow's house for a limousine parking lot


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Yeah I remember this story.

The power of the Hero Indoctrination I gravely underestimated in the American psyche.

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

Now the odd connection of Donny & Jr with Lansky in Donny’s background so to speak.

Another odd Donny/Kennedy connection, Donny bought the Ambassador Hotel & was going to build a west coast trump tower. Donny claimed it was going to be the tallest building west of the Mississippi River. Thank goodness his plans did not get approved. The Ambassador was still torn down due to earthquake issues and asbestos. The lobby and ballrooms were beautiful. It was a very popular film location while it was closed.

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

the mob. huh.

CIA. Mossad. Rockefellers. Meyer Lansky.

Casino gambling. Money laundering. Fake shell companies. Arms dealers. Numbers rackets. Big banking swindles. Technocratic tree huggers selling overpolulation Op, climate change Op, feminism, new ageism, gangster rap, porno, drugs, Heroin running w CIA in the 70s-80s. Hollywood. sugar and banana plantations and oil oil oil. Slave trade.

All the same gang. Scorpions. All the same Op. All the same.

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Oct 9Liked by Sage Hana

The receipts are getting heavier - Wow!

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May have sent this to you before when you have posted about "Lockstep" in the past, but just in case I didn't, here's a good article on the subject from threadsirish that I linked back in Feb 2023 - "Have You Heard Of Rockefeller’s “Clever Together” Document? If you’re familiar with the covid "Lockstep" document from 2010 then you need to read this. More pieces of the jigsaw will slot seamlessly into place." - https://threadsirish.substack.com/p/have-you-heard-of-rockefellers-clever

For some reason this is the last article threadsirish posted on Substack.

Always wondered if they got to close to the truth with this one!!

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Thank you for your tireless research, Watchman!

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Try to do my best!

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I wonder why (not), when I clicked on the link in this post to Michael Collins's book - 'The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America' - up popped a message that the page could not be found. What next, will it be telling me that 'Sage could not be found'?

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If Trump is a criminal, then that means Julian Assange is a phony.

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