From ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net today:

Stefan Marinov was the leader of the European Free Energy movement. In 1997, he made tremendous strides in the technology. Before he could develop his first prototype, he fell out of a window.

Dr John Mullen, a nuclear physicist used to work for McDonell-Douglas, one of the largest military contractors in the world. He died of arsenic poisoning in 2004. His girlfriend was originally a suspect but she was found dead in her apartment shortly after. There are no more suspects, there is no investigation, there will be no trial.

Dmitry Petronov invented a plasma battery that powered hi home for 14 months. In 2010, he went to a bakery and was never seen again.

Zachary Warfield was another inventor who developed his own plasma battery. Warfield had visited Petronov to exchange information. That same year, Warfield died in a strange boating accident in Washington DC.

Eugene Mallove was a physicist and expert in cold fusion. He claimed he had a working prototype of a free energy device. In 2004, the before he was to make a public announcement about his findings, he was beaten to death.

Arie deGeus actually patented a free energy technology based on the Zero Point field.

In 2007, he was about to get on a flight to meet investors who were going to fund his research. He was found dead in his car at the airport.

Rory Johnson created a cold fusion laser-activated magnetic motor that generated over 500 horsepower. He planned a public demonstration of four vehicles equipped with his magnetron motor. The US Department of Energy placed a restraining order on this technology, preventing publication and though in excellent health, he died unexpectedly soon after.

Mark Tomion, a physicist patented technology called a Star Drive, which uses Zero Point energy, very similar to the ARV [Alien Reproduction Vehicle]. In 2009, he developed a working prototype. Shortly after, he died from an unexpected cardiac event. His research is missing.

Stan Meyers developed a working engine that ran on water. In 1997, he died from what was officially reported as a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened while having lunch with two potential investors. His last words were: "I was poisoned."

And remember I said that most if this comes from a documentary created by James Allen? He ruffled a lot of feathers doing his research, specifically at Lockheed-Martin. While still editing the film, before it was even released, James Allen was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was dead in three months.

That interview clip I showed was from 6 weeks before his cancer diagnosis. Did he look sick to you? Autopsy results revealed an unbelievably aggressive tumor that usually occurs in patients with cancer for years, not weeks and his blood contained 12 heavy metals and radio isotopes at toxic levels: manganese, beryllium, thorium and uranium were found in his blood.

James Allen never got to see his documentary released and his next film, which would expose antigravity technology being pursued by military contractors, now, that would never happen.

Even Mark McCandlish was afraid. This past April [2021], Mark was found dead in his apartment. He took his own life.



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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Shockingly normalised stuff.

There are some great quotes from the psychopaths about energy. The 'premiere thinkers' who surround the parasite class and carry forth The Message on their behalf.

Specifically about what a monumental catastrophe it would be for our planet and species to proliferate cheap abundant energy to all.

Those psychopaths have likely never spent a day of their lives in energy scarcity. To lose a child due to the absence of basic aids. To toil full time just to feed oneself. For them to condemn billions of fellow humans (an assumption, yes) to living and dying in such scarcity is a crime that possibly exceeds the Plandemonium - itself a crime beyond measurement.

They can dress it up however they want to, draping it in SDG BS as they crop dust us from the private jets. Bottom line is, they want resources for themselves. They want more. Of everything.

And as energy availability and affordability improve, consumption goes through the roof.

It isn't enough that the richest small handful of families have more wealth than half the world's population (closer to 75% I would guess, since that benchmark ignores key families who never appear on any list - though hopefully, one day, on a target list).

They want it all.

While they cull the rest of us and feed the survivors worms and bugs.

What other game changing developments have been stunted, disappeared, and locked away in family vaults? Where could we be, as a species, absent their evil hand over centuries?



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“What other game changing developments have been stunted, disappeared, and locked away in family vaults? Where could we be, as a species, absent their evil hand over centuries?”

All you have to do is look at the medical world for that. They have, with the help of Rockefeller Flexner Carnegie, commandeered and controlled all things medical for their profit.

People like Royal Rife and his cancer cure were snuffed, destroyed and never heard from again because it saved lives.

There are others who outted the medical cartel and the pharmafia, and they are sadly gone too.

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🔥🎯 Energy is a definite control mechanism. Also, they hate to share.

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From around 1980 to 2010 a couple hundred UFO investigators died mysteriously. The evil we face seems alien to me. It's a slow motion alien invasion. In 1947, transistors were invented (or reverse engineered from UFO wreckage) and immediately the television was invented. By the early 1950s, Americans were being propagandized through the TV, with a sign-off featuring creepy cryptic subliminal suggestions that they trust their government. I believe some people are still under this hypnosis. A lot of older people never turn off CBS. I worked as a caregiver and I was in many homes of elderly people and I am still astonished at the number of people who watch CBS from 6 am to midnight. Now you walk around you wonder who is human and who is alien, who is hypnotized, propagandized, and weaponized.

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“hypnotized, propagandized, and weaponized”

Is it even possible to tell the difference?

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It's all the same people. First they are propagandized, then hypnotized, and finally weaponized. The most upside-down people are in the professional class.

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We could all be sharing a nice meal provided by our Maker and giving thanks for the fruits bestowed upon us.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Holy sh*t!

This is really overwhelming!

Thank-you for sharing this information .

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reminds me of what happened to integratron inventor…


they need to prevent anything that gets in the way of their narratives playing out

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This took my words away.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana


Yeah, things get serious sometimes.

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These days the ability to build prototypes is much more accessible, so it seems like if plans were released publicly for free, it should be increasingly difficult to prevent these technologies from being widely known

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Yes. Postscript is the key to freeing technology. In the eighties, the inventors of postscript made it shareware. This was a genius move. There should be shareware printable everything, and as supply chains break down, cottage industry will come into its own. Intellectual property is going the way of the banks, the dollar, and the economy. If there is going to be a tech explosion it's going to have nothing to do with the patent office.

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All coincidences man. Shit happens! (again, and again and again)

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“yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global

population growth”


Don’t bury that lede Sage.

Hammer that point right there.

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Doing the best I can.

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That is a great find.


But I’m sure someone will be along to say how he has ‘evolved’ in his views since then. Like MCM trying to polish up RFK Jr’s Happy Kamp inclinations for us ‘deniers’.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Did RFK Jr. Say All Climate Change Deniers Should Be Put In Jail?

Watch Out for Propaganda (Remember, We Are in an Information War) https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/did-rfk-jr-say-all-climate-change?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=705029&post_id=116723141&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Climate ‘deniers’…

Who else likes to paint people using the ‘deniers’ label?

RFK stated. “They are contemptible human beings.”

I think man made climate change is pure horseshit. To say our current environment is worse than it was even 50 years ago is laughable.

Nope. This isn’t the first time I’ve had misgivings about this guy.

This is Elite vs Elite. I have no use for them.

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The climate is always changing.

The rest is propaganda, as always.

But people believe it.

It is a bad idea to let your enemies educate your children.

It's all about time-management. These 4,5,6,7 year olds will be 24,25,26,27 in only 20 years. Conquering their minds is better than any ballot box trick.

The truth is that big government creates ruin. Perennial crises. That weakens countries. Eventually, the ruined nations become ripe to be easily conquered by stronger nations that do not allow non-sense on their kids.

So, as a consolation, probably many of the braindead young people of today would probably die in a military invasion, or in concentration camps, at the hands of soldiers who don't even speak English.

Education was a key aspect of Marx's program, just as it was essentially important for Hegel and Fichte. These monsters created all the problems of the world today, using their imagination alone.

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Am I against wanton polluting to cut corners?

Am I against pollution in any form?

Am I against a guy that tosses a Wendy’s cup out of his Tesla?

Am I against some snot nose spray painting his ‘tags’ all over train cars and overpasses?

Hell yes.

Am I for clean air, water and food?

Am I for one set of laws for all humans?

Do I believe capital punishment is an attention getter?


I don’t want the job of President.

All would love me and despair.

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Thanks for responding....I like how you think... :)

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I fully embrace the deplorable label.

I draw the line at contemptible.

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And along you came

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I think he claimed this one was fake?

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The work of ‘trolls’ and ‘disinfo agents’ no doubt.

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Probably Jill when they were going through their ‘troubles’

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Yes. He said he thought the Koch brothers should be in jail. I agree with him!

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Not sure why I can't comment on your reply below so I will respond here..... I am not opposing you or anyone ....I am posting another substack that tells you another point of view....that's it.... "along you came"...not sure what you mean? Is cross posting not allowed here.... I read substacks from many different people with differing ideas and theories...... just thought I would share....

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At some point people need to come to terms with the reality that FDR was an eugenicist.

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And a communist.

But they don’t exist in these parts. That’s just McCarthy crazy talk.

Right up until the Antifa Bolsheviks show up at your door. All the pieces are on the board for a replay.

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I can see how Malones comment - especially with the word ‘unchecked’ - can imply a eugenics motivation, but not necessarily. This is an important distinction to make.

This is an honest open ended subject for me... The subject of a sustainable population on the earth. I reckon this is an important one to sort through and to see how a eugenics perspective might be differentiated from a sustainability perspective.

I get the feeling this area isn’t being dealt with honestly or completely.

I think there is a need for discuusion (

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Ah got interrupted!

Basic thought here:

1. We have the most people on earth ever by a huge number (a factor of 10 perhaps)

2. it’s been this way for a mere blip on the planets existence.

3. Increasingly we’re living industrialised lives where resources are harvested all over the place, transported, processed, manufactured, transported, shopped, consumed, discarded (maaaybe recycled).

4. All of this requires huge amounts of energy and easily accessible resources compared with hunter/gatherer or agrarian societal arrangements.

5. We’ve been doing this for a few centuries with it gaining momentum and speed and volume by the decade...

It’s got to peak does it not? Its got to consolidate and adjust to more reproducible and cyclic levels (I dont like the word sustainability any more - too over used so people skim over it).

Consumption needs to be a topic. Lifestyles and population levels are the 2 greatest factors of consumption. Realistically, both probably need to be discussed, not prescribed (that would be eugenics) but discussed.

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In the Bible Genesis 1:28 GOD said, “Be fruitful and increase in number.” GOD is not worrying about overpopulation but man is. How do you figure the earth is overpopulated? Some said if you put all number of people on earth it will fit the state of Texas and still have rooms for more people. There are technologies out there that can benefit the population but is been suppressed for elites greedy purposes.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Agreed. Malthusians/Eugenicists are guilty of "playing God", aka idolatry. The WEF's, Harari (right hand pseudo academic stooge of Klaus Schwab) is a perfect example.

Here's another scripture that speaks to this issue, at least tangentially;

“For he created all things that they might exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome and there is no destructive poison in them…,” (Wisdom 1:14). and

“But ungodly men by their words and deeds summoned death (Satan), ‘but through the Devil’s envy, death entered the world’”, (Wisdom 2:24); considering him a friend, they pined away, and they made a covenant with him, because they are fit to belong to his party; Thus they reasoned, but they were led astray, for their wickedness blinded them. (Wisdom 1:16; 2:21).

Don't forget this:

"…there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, (“exceedingly terrible”, Daniel 7:19) "and it shall devour the whole earth, trample it down and break it to pieces.” (Daniel 7:23).

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You use Wisdom 1:14 . I didn’t understand what the mean. Had to use search engines to figure it out. So Wisdom is another word for Ecclesiastes? Am not Catholic so I assumed this is Catholic thing.

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No, Ecclesiastes is not the same as Wisdom of Solomon, (also just referred to as Wisdom), which follows Song of Solomon. The book of Wisdom is part of the Apocrypha or deuterocanonical books that some denominations do not include as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Traditional Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox include the Apocrypha in the canon of scripture for multiple reasons. Another similar sounding book from the Apocrypha is Ecclesiasticus, also known as Sirach.

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consider the information, the speculation, even the data and especially the concluding narratives you and everyone else is using to evaluate the crisis of "overpopulation" is provided by the very same sources that have just been caught red handed trying to murder us.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

How peculiar that the "overpopulation warnings" don't

come from the highly populated countries who somehow are coping with that without much complaining. Thank goodness for the benevolent altruism of the overseers from highly developed ones who are trying to "save the planet".

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According to the Deagle predictions, the most populated countries will either stay the same or gain (e.g., China/India) while the much less populated, so-called western democracies will experience drastic population reductions of 78% and 70% respectively (e.g., UK, US). If this was about depopulation only, the most populated nations would be targeted. Instead, it appears to be about whether the nations in question contain compliant people or those who are more independent in their thinking/behavior.

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It’s an ancient plan.

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China isn’t talking reducing anything.

They are measuring other continents for elbow room.

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Yes, true. But a lie that contains much truth will be taken in by the majority who are unable to parse it. What I’m saying is that we’re in a highly novel situation (big population, industrial product + high energy/resource use society) & this needs to be considered without being polarised into ‘you’re questioning population, just how influence are you by the globalists?!’.

Yes but no, the globalisers want to ensure a continuation of their way of life by reducing numbers and putting remainder into servitude, but equally as ‘free’ (contradiction in terms?!) people we really ought to consider the authentic arguments for the future of consumption and push this forward in place of allowing the globalists to dominate this space.

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Late to this conversation but I agree with where you're coming from. It's the wanton waste of resources plus the infinite manufacture of single use and planned obsolescence ... acres of plastic-packaged goods in every big box store, in every asphalt-covered shopping mall parking lot, for one tiny example. Yet that's not related to population per se; it's an environmental problem (as opposed to "climate change").

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Earth provides abundance for many billions of people. If sustainability was truly an issue, then industrial hemp would not be illegal. Industrial hemp is the most green plant known to humankind... and it's illegal... for a reason. Competition is a sin.

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I don’t know about ‘legality’ across nations. However, I have been able to source manufacturers who make prefab boards for walls, ceilings etc made of industrial hemp here in UK. It’s a most interesting product. Made into pulp then poured out into moulds with dimensions including for window and doors as per specifications. After drying these are then transported to sites.

Very quick and a better alternative to basically foil wrapped insulation boards now used in house building. Plus unlike the ‘plastic’ chem bonded boards, the hemp do not release VOACs

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Look. Whenever anyone starts talking about the lifeboat being too crowded…they aren’t the ones volunteering to jump out.

You don’t have to get fancy and academic about it.

If I ever find myself in a bad situation where maximum occupancy comes up, the person that brought it up instantly gets one in the grape and feeds the fish, because that person will immediately launch into a long winded defense of why they deserve to stay in the boat and they also have a prepared list of who should go first.

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It’s a self cleaning oven.

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So I am reading back and forth through the first of the Day tapes, and the Good Club. Is it possible the Rockefellers dont want the publicity? Let those celebrity attention seekers (Gates apparently desires approval and Oprah loves fame) catch any heat.

I had wondered why the Rockefeller orgs were so “absent” or not out front Then I saw Rick Bright— COVID vaccine pusher, banner/blocker of hydroxychloroqine and IVM, retired from government and was given a plum job at … the Rockefeller foundation. He has now moved on to other influential international NGO positions and is a real player in the brave new vaccine world.

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"Is it possible the Rockefellers dont want the publicity? Let those celebrity attention seekers (Gates apparently desires approval and Oprah loves fame) catch any heat."

🎯 I noticed this in some research I did. The true oligarchs are private, spread their eugenic philanthropathy in private pursuits I've never even heard of before. They're like a poisonous vine spreading through the internet, schools, medicine....

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Continuing that thought - yes, there are ones behind the ones who are private... the spider in the web's center. Icke did a series on Gaia a few years back on this. (Not saying he has all the details right) I would agree we don't know who's behind the royal families and the usual suspects, and perhaps more behind them. I don't know either, if it matters. Once the structure is revealed and they can't continue manufacturing reality (enough of us see through it) they lose their grip. At least that's how I see it currently.

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"Once the structure is revealed... they can't continue manufacturing reality" 🎯

because they need us humans (they are incapable of anything generative/ creative) to manifest their spellcasting Hollywood Doomsday Shenanigans, Inc.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Reminds us that the dark exists only in the dark - switch the light on and it is gone. They are afraid of the light. Which is why the darkest prefer to hide in the shadows, and out of the spotlight.

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Separate question: when did science become co-opted by the predator elites? It was co-opted during the Eugenics push… and the Day tapes make me realize it never got back on a genuinely moral footing.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

It must have been early in the 20th century or before since the Third Reich scientists were spared for the most part and taken to the US and USSR at the end of WWII. Clearly, that was a beta test for what has now transpired.

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I would go further back than that to Plato's shadows on the wall. When hasn't science been co-opted through money and power positions?

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Good point! And- I think it is likely to have started much earlier, but at the least I think there is very strong evidence to show the scientific developments of the early 1800s onward - notably in early physics, electrical engineering (in particular), and early radio tech were deliberately subverted to misdirect people away from the truth of our human potential, the true nature of abundance in relation to nature, to energy sources, with the intention to derail humanity's potential to thrive and cooperate in mutual love respect and abundance

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Listened to the CHD Sirota thing for you.

As this was mostly about the Palestine wreck, there wasn’t anything about climate change or the WEF. The focus was more on failures of both political parties, Trump and Obama, Buttigieg being a tool, etc. Also significant discussion of captive regulatory agencies and the corrupting influence of corporate greed. On the globalist front, the only relevant connection I heard was RFK Jr did discuss controlling interest of the rail industry by both Blackrock and Vanguard.

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IIRC, this was Sirota's big angle: the Democratic Party is horrible, vote Blue!

Stay in the paradigm designed to sheepdog the marks into Joe Biden. It's not broken. We'll just create a coalition and ....😐

And the next thing you know food farms and trains are under attack and nobody tracks it back to Klaus warning you? Nobody tracks the pandemics back to the endless planning exercises?

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The discussion on the CHD cast was critical of the dems and biden as well as the repubs and trump, I would say equally. The over frame is definitely ‘the system can be salvaged’ and ‘the dems can return to the party’s roots’.

Bobby does tie the ‘pandemic’ threat back to the long series of planning exercises and the WEF, but he still believes in the frames above. I’d say that’s wishful idealism on his part.

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That was Sirota's and Jordan Chariton's big bait and switch. *Ryan Grim. Brianna Joy Grey, too*

It's clinging to an old model probably because of this.


And it's all they know and they make their bones within it. And Sirota used to tweet uncontrollably his vacation pix and stuff.

It's inconvenient to track up the chain to the WEF and Hollywood and all that.

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Hi Sage and TFish; I only just watched that CDC video this morning. For me, the most telling moment (showing RFK Jr's real thought on the Palestine event) happened at 37:56 (I transcribe it but it would be good to watch at the same time, to appreciate the emphasis by each speaker:


RFK Jr: But let me ask you this; because there’s this ? waltz that’s going on and I know a lot about regulations … and about the regulatory system … that it’s hard for me to imagine that this was deliberate, but it is an extraordinary coincidence; they… you have almost this collusive effort by CDC and by EPA, at the same time, where a week before this crash takes place, CDC downgrades, the, um, the lethal risk of vinyl chloride by a thousand times. and so, in other words it used to be that the cdc was telling people and posting on its website for 17 years, that the lethal exposure to polyvinyl chloride was a hundred parts per million. A week, I think 6 days before this crash, they raised that to a hundred thousand parts per million. What that means is the EPA then goes in there, and measures the water and tells everybody it’s safe to drink, even though it stinks of chemicals and even though the fish and animals are dead in the water, but because the cdc raised the action levels, it now becomes a by fiat declaration if not, by biology and reality….

Sirota: I mean what a crazy coincidence, right and to be clear, I do think it is an unfortunate coincidence, but it does say, ‘what is the attitude of the people running these agencies?’ And that ultimately, I mean we’re really getting to the core … we clearly have a problem where the government, the agencies are not really serious about the idea of regulating. They think they are there to enable and not regulate and we need regulators.

So as you can see Sirota brushed this astonishing fact off without a moment's hesitation. But Kennedy is clearly not taking it as "coincidence."

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

I used to think it was globalist greed....it's a snuff program.

Should simple greed leave so many people and the planet this destroyed?

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yes its certainly not about the money, the monster could care less about "money". The monster laughs at our confusion as we try to interpret why it is doing things that are seemingly so contrary to profit making. If the monster needs more it just prints more, and runs humans deeper into debt. Remember that the monster invented usury and the whole "central reserve" banking system in order to degrade oppress and ultimately destroy us humans. They see themselves as distinct from us as a rancher to his cattle - in truth they are psychotic racists to their core- burning with unmitigated patronizing hatred of all humanity.

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the profiteering is very much like a game played by the monster class. a rigged game to be sure. but it was invented to generate profit, so it’s not necessarily irrelevant. I don’t think it’s the primary driver, but it is a significant aspect which tells us about the nature of the rigging and who really benefits. things like regulation and laws are almost quaint because the reality is that the monster ignores the window dressing when it suits it, but the window dressing provides an illusion of comfort for those that are beguiled by the outward expression of the game.

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They certainly need funds to motivate the minions.....

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Don’t trust any of them…

Netflix Reed Hastings related to Edward Bernays:


Ohio wreck prediction on Netflix:


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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Kim iverson interviewed RFK and asked him about climate change. He said climate change being exploited by billionaires and WEF. I don’t know if he got red pilled or is part of a psyop. However, I wonder how many people will get red pilled by him if they even know he’s running.

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Seems like that would be the DOMINANT theme of the entire campaign, yes?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Don’t ask me. I’m the type that gets the punchline 3 days after the joke was told 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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Global Oligarchs who rule the world and corrupted 190-nations with Build Back Better WEFFIE Great Reset and herd culling bioweapons jammed into arms and digital IDs and surveillance for all and social credit scores.

Yeah. I'd go ahead and lead with THAT.

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THAT I get. Sage, have you heard of a movie titled Nefarious? https://youtu.be/aBVAqvrS8gc

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I am waiting for RFK Jr. to call out geo-engineering/chemtrails...

& when he does, he's got my 'vote' !

(not holding my breath, except to limit my smart-dust intake !)

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RFK Jr. interviewed the guy who wrote "the Dimming.".Dale or Dane, I forget his exact name.

But... it's all about the geo engineering and chemtrails. You can check it out on his CHD TV.

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thanks for reminding me- Dane Wiggington- I have not watched the interview- but I remember seeing it, - I mean making it part of a campaign platform though, not a podcast...

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

Well others have tried it, mostly in congress, and it didn't work out too well for them. I have friends that are pretty up-to-date on a lot of issues that I care about that just don't believe me when I try to tell them they're spraying the skies. I can even give them a copy of a Forbes magazine article talking about Billy boy Gates working with a guy at MIT actually doing it already and they still don't believe me. 🙈🙉🙊 https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/

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Good news: Ostriches must be 18 or older to vote.

Bad news: There are a lot of ostriches that are 18 or older.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Chemtrails really separates the men from the boys.

This was the first thing that got me red-pilled. I would visit the states and be under fringy skies and upon returning to France, I would still see the gorgeous billowy cumulus clouds.

Then one year after Sarkozy was elected, voila - first chemtrail I noticed here.

I called Greenpeace that afternoon and couldn't get past the secretary who told me, "According to our scientists, chemtrails don't exist."

Recently Greenpeace set up a booth outside an organic market. Same song and dance. Told me they needed scientific proof (!)

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Research Greenpeace. They have been co-opted/infiltrated. They will get you nowhere.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Yes...that's what I told the guy at the booth. I also told him about this infamous exchange with a co-founder of Greenpeace:


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yep- been hollerin' @ #theskies about them, since the early 90's...

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fwiw- just 3 months ago, he posted a comment as "moderator" at his CHD site saying that carbon is an existential threat to the planet--same talking point as the rest of them:


"the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet"...

"Please try to escape the seduction of their lies and propaganda and help us fight these villains." (so he sees those of who don't believe in the climate change hoax as being brainwashed by lies and propaganda--apparently, the slave class isn't intelligent enough to do their own research and come to their own conclusions)

Also, I found this interesting comment:


I watched the 1 hr. 50 min. speech by RFK JR. I was not so concerned with what he did say. It was mostly a documentary about the history of his family. It is what he didn't talk about that bothered me. In almost 2 hrs. he never mentioned the issues most on American minds today. Digital currency, government created food shortages, the WHO's takeover of our country's sovereignty with the amendments to the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty, climate change (he has strongly supported this lie for years), inflation, abortion, the woke agenda, 1A and 2A of our Constitution. When you go to his website his PRIORITIES are lacking to say the least but his Environment priority is full of UN Agenda 21/Wildlands Project/Global Biodiversity Assessment buzz words that unless you are aware of these project you would fall for the warm and fuzzy but VERY dangerous to our freedom words. I have researched thee 3 agendas for 20 years and major red flags are in his Environment priority list. Kennedy is not what most conservatives are drooling about. A good humanitarian maybe but not going to be could for our country at this time in history.

(more comments from her at the link--- MCM was quick to defend his boy and tried to put words in her mouth)

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Conservatives may be good on climate but they are often very bad on war (or they used to be, and now that is slowly changing to the true conservative anti-war position) and they are also bad on medicine. Conservatives almost never ask any question to perceived authority, most of which comes from "The Doctor" and "The Teacher." But the enemies of the Western civilization took over medicine and education a long time ago. Conservatives forgot to demand an end to the US department of education of Carter. They got obsessed with militarism end empire. Now conservatives are astonished that mad perverts are running the schools. They begin to discover that now!

So clueless.

Against liberals and progressives I can say that they will never accept how the FDA and the EPA have been hoodwinking them for far longer than the neocons have hoodwinked the conservatives.

Kennedy is far from perfect. But he is trying to build a Big Tent. That's something everyone should take into consideration. He should push the herd culling through vaccine fascism. Emphasize that everyday. It is unforgivable what they have done.

A conservative candidate should also try to build a Big political Tent, if he wants to undo the damage.

Also, why not a woman as leader of the Republican Party? Put a non-weffie unvaxxed woman with strong Christian values and a real business selling weapons and ammo and supplements, who also unschooled her kids and wrote her own stories which she read to them. Have a candidate like that and see how the heads of half of the residents of Portland, Oregon just explode.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Give me a sec...enchiladas al carbon on way

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You stirred the pot tonight.

Mad Catcher skillz Sage-y...

Brave Cape.


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(Banned)May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Listening to this song I love. It made me think of you because the 2 girls running around at night in the official video look so carefree. In another life....


I have a little Bose cylinder speaker sometimes I lay it against my neck. The vibrations and bass makes the song feel like a heart beat and more. It's so cold feels like cold lips on my neck. Relaxing and exciting all at once laying in bed with a star projector, stars going round and round my ceiling. Music is so incredibly beautiful sometimes.

I'm sorry I dont know why I feel compelled to share this except I feel like I want to connect and moments in life can make me feel so alive I wonder if other people have moments where just being, feeling is amazing and enough

Hope you had a good Cinco de mayo 🙏

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I love this ♥️

You would love a sound bath...have you ever had one? I wish you weren’t on the other side of the country. Bowls filled with warm water can be placed on the body (if you put a drink on a speaker you can get an idea of how it works/what happens when a singing bowl is played on someone’s body). We are actually more of a gel- a non Newtonian solid. If you look at a cornstarch and water mixture on a vibrating surface such as a speaker it’s a better demonstration.

It has a similar effect as a massage, but it’s quite different. I find that most people love it. The bowls can be warm to relieve muscular tension or cold to soothe irritated skin or fever. Essential oils can be added for the aromatherapeutic effects. I bet you’d like it.

Maybe one day you’ll come to my studio♥️

I had lots of very realistic dreams last night about the ocean, the weather, the jungle, and Japan. Maybe Guy will pop by and muse about what it all means...

Hope your Cinco was good....thanks for the song. I love it.

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Beautiful 💕

A sound bath sounds incredible! Please mark me down for your next appointment.

::I wish::

Thank you. It was. Hubby was out with friends all night so it was just me and Daniel. We are good at entertaining ourselves and eachother 💕

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I read your whole comment at a stoplight otw home from work...maybe you edited it by the time I got home. I liked hearing about the mist and the light...and the soft rain in the background. I also like to think that one day we will meet. Daniel is lucky to have you...I’m glad you guys had a beautiful night 💚

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I was watching the Corbett documentary on big oil the other day and he made a very interesting point. The Rockefeller agenda has programmed society as a whole into becoming suicidal. This was also something that struck me about COVID, how people at some level seemed to be glad of this crisis and its solutions, I think because of a subconscious membership in a death cult. Desmet says it's because it gives their life meaning, but the same is true of "kill yourself / don't have kids to save the planet". Which seems to be the bigger picture here.

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When I told an acquaintance that the shots were risky, he shrugged and said, "I don't cling to life that much". He was being honest, not rhetoric. That is a factor I think. Hedonistic people who don't really find much meaning in life, don't feel a responsibility, and are just "getting it over with".

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Although, not clinging to life could also point to just letting the virus take its course.. did he mean that he didn't think it was worth going against the current?

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No, he meant he was taking he vaccine to be able to continue with living his life, and reminded of the risk of losing said life, he said that he didn't care so much if that happened.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Hmmmm..... "I belonged to a COVID scientist group (that I was part of at inception); I am now blocked because I ask questions of Malone & certain members"


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All in all the West had a good run for 5 generations. Today in England with the coronation of Charles III we may bow our heads to murmur a prayer for the burial of Jesus and the ascension of Low Brow elite man who plays dice at the foot of the Cross at High Noon when everything is dark.

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I know there is some appreciation of the woo here, in some corners. Anyone else find it odd that within 24 hrs he will have his ceremony, an eclipse will happen, the WHO called off covid, and Walensky quits? I always thought it odd that covid came in on the Ides of March. These fools LOVE to set up particular timings for their plans.

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Just saw snippets of the coronation. A running commentary by David Icke would have been appreciated since there was much I didn't catch.

If anyone has a link to the TRUE symbolism involved.....thanks!

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

ALL ORGANIZED CRIME...Venetian Black Nobility to 'Royal Institute's International Foreign Affairs' to 'The Rome Club' and all the worldwide NASTY SECRET SOCIETIES...It's ALL THE MAFIA, MOB, DEATH CULT and this EVIL HAS RAN THE WORLD FOR 1000's of years UNTIL THE U.S. Victory in the American Revolution.


STUNNING REVELATION FOR SAGE...TO QUESTION RFK Jr. IN HIS ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE CONTROLLED OPPOSITION...Know what Kirsch and Malone are. "Birds of a Feather Flock Together." RFK Jr. IS HIGHLY SUSPECT AND though it is stunning to read this Substack when Sage is a Kennedy supporter...It's great to know he's maitaining an open mind...Willing to face self-error to figure-out the🐑🐕🐕 from the 🐺🐺🐺. All human beings MUST BE WILLING TO FACE THEIR OWN CONFUSION AND FOOLISHNESS...THE POSSIBILITY. We simply can't afford to place more 🐺🐺🐺into Govt...With the rest of the Satanic Demons wearing human being suits. TIME TO TAKE DOWN THE MOB; THE INTERNATIONAL MAFIA CULT FOREVER.

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Isn’t it weird how they send the mk ‘s by type? One friend gets Columbian, another friend usually has trannies, I generally got the garden variety beer belly free mason wanna be .

Back later, lots o links... thanks SH.

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"The best Ops use True Believers."


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Happy Cinco De Mayo to all of you

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And somehow my eyes immediately turned Edythe Broad into “Edy the Broad” which actually really works for a gangster movie.

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