Look at the 911 truth commission and the professional Architects Engineers and explosive experts from around the world who have modeled this NIST false report and found it to be utterly bogus science. One of NISTs own scientists has gone to the other side after seeing this evidence. This was a new pearl harbor they needed to enact the Patriot Act to get us into a war, then the other piece was Obamas National Security authorization act that sealed our fate as in no rights left and the Constitution turned into toilet paper just as they planned. 20 years of war with no win. It is time to change the name of the Defense Department back to the War Department because that was its name until after WW2 then the oxymoronic name was added, and we have been at war ever since, Pentagon budget increases every year, manufacturing gone, pensions gone, economy gone, happiness gone, Guina pigs are us. Medical experiments are we all. Next step, transhumanism for everyone. Get it yet?

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Got it. 😹 Kind of the basis for my whole Stack!

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I’ve watched many of the videos and then freeze framed the seconds of impact. I did screenshots of the ‘nose’ coming out of the other side. Other things also have ‘noses’ like ICBMs Of course it could not be a plane that went through the plane as there was an internal grid structure holding the entire thing up and other steel girders that were the external walls too (walls of glass can’t hold buildings up themselves.

The internal grid (steel girders) provided WTC buildings with enough stability to sustain a 6.5 earthquake, and hurricane force winds. The sheer wind speed up there is phenomenal. The external grid system was designed to withstand a plane cradling into it. These are facts I knew before The Event as I visited upstairs many times. My step father worked at WTC2 and I had a short term job in the buildings during the 1970’s.

So as the plane hits immediately after the ICBM ‘nose’ exists the other side with a puff of smoke in front of it. Just as an ICBM would act provided it went through the main parts of the building without hitting the internal steel structure.

And as I said before, there were easy access cupboards on all floors where cabling run along the internal beam system.

I do not believe a plane could do that damage. It beggars belief that I and billions others believed such utter tosh.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

My husband and I were on the outdoor observation deck in 1991. You could actually feel/sense the building sway slightly in the wind.

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If I remember correctly, at that time, they were also saying the buildings were designed to withstand aircraft strikes, “tested” up to a 737. Could have that wrong though.

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No, you have it right. At least according to architects and engineers. The guy was interviewed, the original architect of the buildings. He stated overtly that he designed it to withstand aircraft collisions.

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I don't know. Planes or no planes, either way this was an outrageous psyop and manipulation of collective reality and a key piece in their advancing control agenda.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Spot on. Wars, surveillance at home, search and seizure, police forces with military equipment, every right taken away has been in the name of Security with the fear buttons pushed long and often. And we still take our shoes off at the airport.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana


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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Air Force General Richard Myers oversaw the USAF no-show on 9/11. A few years earlier he oversaw the phony search of Long Island Sound when John-John got taken out. MSM reported that the Coast Guard said J-J radioed Martha's Vineyard tower at 9:39pm when he was in position to land there. Coast Guard takes charge of searches on and over water.

After 11 hours of silence from Coast Guard, they are no longer in charge. USAF is now in charge, from the Pentagon, telling the world "No no, J-J for sure never contacted the MV tower", (said the USAF's Colonel Roark, under Myers). Martha Raddatz was one of the shocked MSM in the room, who had been reporting what the Coast Guard said the night before.

J-J was a threat, writing about assassination in his magazine George, (Washington), and planning to run for NY Senate or president. W and Hillary stood no chance against him. See J-J's speech. (video below). He knew who killed his dad (well, uh-oh, Onassis?) and planned to expose the killers. Some think that J-J named his magazine for W, as killer of his dad, rather than George Washington.

John Hankey's videos are great.

He covered it thoroughly. His history of the "naziis" in control is good.

Includes (at 19:38) Coast Guard's Todd Burgun audio, saying that J-J contacted the MV tower.

The Assassination of JFK Jr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4fSlhNqoL0

Plus Hankey's other videos. such as this one:

Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of JFK (search for it).


Researcher John Hankey discusses his Dark Legacy documentaries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me68tI6W90Q

Still, I wonder why youTube has not canceled John Hankey....and J P Sears, for that matter.

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That poor family.

And at some point, all MSM must surely realize that they are now in the Mob.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

Oh, yes, those John Hankey documentaries are very well done and worth watching!

And fwiw, I thought he named his magazine George as a way of naming his father's killer, as in GHWBush, since he was the one running the Cubans.

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Video analysis shows crude CGI trickery. Engineering failure analysis of a hollow aluminum body with wings hitting a steel structure tells us that such a body cannot disappear into that structure and leave a hole shaped like the airplane. That is more akin to Wile E. Coyote than physics and engineering. Wings and engines would have sheared off and the body would have deformed like an aluminum can crushed against the storm drain. We can argue about this forever. An overall honest review of everything associated with 911 would clearly show that the official narrative is utter fiction, the greatest “conspiracy theory” of them all. Look for culprits behind those who had the power to create the narrative, execute the plan, sustain the narrative through obvious unanswered logical challenges and contradictions, and prevent any real investigations.

Some analytical challenges of the official narrative could be erroneous, but the overwhelming evidence points in a direction of an execution of a planned and engineered event. This is where we run into the biggest block - too many people aren’t psychologically adept to deal with the cascading ramifications resulting from the realization that we are ruled by an utterly criminal system. Those who had accepted the reality revealed by 911 had little problem figuring out the COVID PSY-OP. That is why Sage is fundamentally correct to steer some of the conversation toward 911.

COVID cannot be fully understood from within its narrow domain. We must enlarge the scope to begin to the see the bigger picture, even if the real culprits are still hidden below the distant horizons. By enlarging the scope we can better see their servants, the executors of the plan.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

I concur. Excellent comment, imo.

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If anyone is familiar with the steel in these structures, then it would be an impossibility for the nose to come out the other side, period. Maybe the video was enhanced in some way. I am no expert in video alteration, but I do know it is impossible for the nose to come out after passing through this much steel, so something happened that was not natural. David Chandlers 58-minute analysis is verry convincing as far as the buildings falling in free fall being physically impossible, so why not doctor the video as well if this is a conspiracy, and it is.

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Yeah, the smoking gun part is Peter Jennings saying that on the air.

That means he witnessed that on his monitor. And it's just...impossible.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Controller demo, planned for years. I'd wager, there's more to the Larry Silverstein story than we're being told.

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My view:

1) It doesnt look like a nose comping out. It's the early part of an explosion of stuff, whic h is shaped more or less as you would expect, pretty much regardless of exactly what caused the explosion. Note I'm using explosion _in this case_ to mean "rapid ejection of gases and material", not "specifically the result of an explosive material".

2) The facade of the WRC buildings was mostly glass. See https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/inside-of-world-trade-center for images looking out for example. Even the most dense is >50% glass. I would expect that as you go higher in the building, the % of glass increases, but for absolute certain the strength and density of the non-glass pillars will reduce (basic structural engineering). And an airframe is not a solid lump of aluminium - it is largely air with relatively thin pieces of metal forming the structure. FWIW, relatively full fuel tanks would make it easier to pass through.

3) ISTM there were plenty enough videos from different angles, with lots of eye witnesses that if the building had just exploded without something roughly like a plan hitting it, everybody would have known, or at least there would have been a ton of people saying there was no planes on the day.

4) If you were organizing this event, and had the power to fill the building with sufficient explosive to produce those effects with no planes, why would you do so? It would just make the whole thing much more transparently an inside job. If the aim was to make it look like a handful of terrrorists hijacked planes and flew them into targets, it would be really nuts to not use some kind of aircraft and make your story prima facie bollocks. A rational analysis is that the planes were cover for a controlled demolition, or (unlikely IMO) the _sole_ cause of the collapse. To argue that the controlled demolition was a cover for no planes seems implausible in the extreme.

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Yes, planes were cover for controlled demolition.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

Glass blowing out followed by flames you say 🧐

Could it be be mistaken for a nose at a distance?

Photos just after impact would be good instead of a fuzzy video taken at a distance.


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I don't see anything in those photos that contradicts what I said. FWIW, yes, a fuzzy video from a distance leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation. Again, that does not in any way serve as evidence against my viewpoint, AFAICS.

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I think it supports exactly what you are saying. Imagine what that would look like from some of the camera angles at a distance where the plume is only a few pixels in size. The stills from the videos are originally only 480x240 pixels in size. Zooming in only replaces what you can’t see with an interpolation of the original information (upscaling).

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

I just had a thought, I’ll see if I can set my camera to a shitty resolution and take a video of some passenger jets flying near buildings to see what it looks like if I get some time in the next couple of days.

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Excellent! yes!

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

I’m at my parents place and might have struck gold. Founds me one of these potato cams in the cupboard. In excellent condition, that looks to be working. Batteries are flat hopefully they’ll come good when I charge them.


Edit: works great. Watching home videos off it at the moment on a modern 4k big screen TV. These thing produce surprisingly good images, far exceeding my potato cam expectations.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Spoiler Alert:

Looking at any of the videos on a high resolution monitor if the original video is 4:3 and the monitor or video is in 16:9 format is just junk. It produces artifacts that would not be out of place in a Salvador Dali painting. I’ll write up some stuff in detail later.

My main take away from playing with the old camcorder is these smoking gun anomalies are just artifacts.

Melted cheese plane. Hold my beer! I saw a lady recover from a melted cheese arm in one of my old home movies, the poor lady’s arm melted into the door frame, the arm and door frame became one. Luckily for the lady and my mum she recovered after she walked into the room and got closer to the camera. That melted cheese arm would have really messed up my mums floor on the day.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, thanks for revisiting nynahleven. Enjoy "There's a million reasons why i don't believe it" (4 min):


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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

If REO Speedwagon was a protest band…😅

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Loved the song and video...I worked at 7 WTC. Realized sometime in 2014 when I woke up, that no way 7 collapsed...it was controlled demolition. So I can readily beleive the entire WTC 9/11 was staged...maybe there were airplanes but those planes did not make those buildings topple perfectly in place...I just can't accept it. I have no idea what was done, but I no longer beleive the narrative, and that is not to discount the people who died that day in the planes and on the ground.

I keep remember the ugly Calder orange statue outside WTC 7 where I used to smoke a cigarette...and would say "I hope they can get their money back ".....

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Alex Jones was saying today that he heard on CBS News Radio that day that they announced they were going to implode WTC 7 on the air "to protect surrounding buildings".

And then poof, that story went away and a ridiculous fire collapsed it narrative happened.

Just endless silly lies.

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That doesn’t make any sense either. You can’t just suddenly decide to fell a 47 storey building. It’s not a fucking tree. It would take days if not weeks to lay the charges correctly and the way WTC7 went down was perfect.

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Yes , exactly! So prepared in advance of the planes. Murder a couple of buildings to provide cover for the premeditated murder of your third victim, building 7.

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I did the same dive Zool and found what you did. Any thinking person can planely (see what I did there?) see it was all preplanned. Im guessing a joint CIA/Mossad op.

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I heard the same as Alex Jones, that they were taking Building 7 down to protect other buildings. I remember thinking, on 9/11, that they would have sent in demolition teams to place charges after the two planes hit the other buildings. I believed that made sense at the time they said it, but I was a young electrical systems engineer at the time, with very limited structural or fire protection engineering experience. I imagined courageous Chernobyl-like effort to perform demolition preparations while top floors are on fire. I thought it was half a day after watching of the first two buildings coming down that they finally brought 7 down in a controlled definition. So I actually believed the 19 highjackers 4 plane narrative at the time. Only when they changed the story that 7 came down due to fire did I realize something is being covered up. Kinda like when a surface to air takes out a passenger plane and they say loose wire caused a spark in the gas tank.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

I heard msm saying that and thought 'rigging wtc7 for so precise a demolition that quickly was impossible'. Later, some people debating around Silverstein's "Let's Pull it" actually claimed wtc7 had been rigged for precise demolition at the time it was built, for some reason.

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Larry Silverstein said "we decided to pull it" referring to WTC7. AE911 Truth is right to call WTC7 the smoking gun. It proves beyond doubt that 9/11 was planned.

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Rigged for demolition at the time it was built? Remind me not to work in such a structure. Wow.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

I believe Alex Jones if he says he heard it himself. I don’t give him much respect as a logician, but he doesn’t come across to me as a liar.

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I thought there’s footage of cnn or similar to that announcing it had come down with it on fire and standing behind them in the same shot? Something like that.

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They tried to overlay the imaging quickly for near real-time delivery and it was out of sync.

It is physically impossible hence evidence of video doctoring.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Makes me wonder...a lot. not possible is it for a plane to go through with nose intact?

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😹 It's like cartoon stuff.

Some of the videos the plane just separates molecules and melts into the building, poof. A little wisp of smoke and a tiny gash.

Others show planes passing all the way through the building with the nose still on.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Well I don't know what the hell happened but I don't think it was the original story we were all told. I don't know who did it, what was done, or anything else, but I do not buy the story they fed us anymore. I pretty much think our govt was involved..to get the Patriot act passed to start illegally collecting data on all of us.

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fantasy island ‘da plane, da plane’

(sorry for the dark humor)

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had heard that there were some empty floors where a temporary art (TNT?) installation was going up pre-9/11.

also heard about the retired FBI guy the night prior broaching the topic.



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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

The bird-damaged plane made be laugh as I remembered how I had to explain to my boss years ago, who I thought would have none better, that it was important to keep birds away from airports because of the damage that they could do to plane engines etc. She laughed and later laughingly told the Airport Manager what I told her and made herself into the fool, when he confirmed it was a very serious issue that needed to be addressed by not creating a bird-attractive environment. So, when I saw video of the so-called plane disappear into the building, I was the one laughing that time.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Out of interest, does anyone know when the “no-plane” theories came into being. Was it part of the original “canon” or did it come about after video sharing became a thing?

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

Jim Fetzer promotes the no planes theory.


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I don’t know exactly but I suspect it happened after people started looking closer at the videos. I believe it happened pretty soon after but it took some time to spread.

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As I've stated, I'm new to this detective work, but it seems like the No Planes was up and running for Pentagon and PA.

One of the things that may confound pattern recognition is that I'm open to Planes/WTC, but No Planes/Pent/PA, or different, swapped out planes on some of them.

It's difficult b/c all of the "evidence" is curated, and some of the "evidence" which is allowed seems absurd.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

My comment is only in regards to WTC should have been clearer on that.

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My hypothesis is, if it’s a recent thing it’s it’s due to blurry videos on you tube that can easily be freeze framed digitally, but what you see is not necessarily what you’d see looking at the VHS tape due to all sorts of artifacts from digitization. If it was back in the VHS tape days then I’d be more likely to believe the no-plane hypothesis. An added problem to my hypothesis is that sharing stuff on the internet would also have increased the story the no-plane story even without the digitized video. The planes can’t fly at 500mph at sea level has been around ever since they put out the speed information, I’ve found lots about the speed discussion early on, on old boards. No plane not so much (not at all) looks like a more recent theory to me.

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I am inclined to believe that something hit the two buildings but not the hijacked planes. What we see in videos is CGI created, relatively crudely made. Even if we assume those airplanes hit the towers, in my opinion it is impossible that alone brought the towers down. I try to stay away from speculations on particular aspects of 911 for which we simple do not have sufficient and solid information. I concentrate on the aggregate evidence that clearly shows the official narrative was an utter fiction. What forces did this and why, is more important to me than how they did it. That they did it is beyond questioning. The hard part is to admit to oneself the level of criminality of people whom we enable to rule over us. I believe the biggest stumbling block for people to see the naked reality around us. Too many people find comfort in lies. People who understand the nature of 911 had the least problem figuring out COVID. We already knew what sort of people are in charge and of what they are capable of doing.

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Thanks for that. I’ll check it it. I think you may have posted that remark previously but I mistook it as a song title.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Sage Hana

there were a lot of cameras on the area by the time the second explosion occurred. https://youtu.be/gMmLo_cS_h4 Anyone attempting an operation would know this would occur. For any chance of success, any plan would have to offer something to those many lenses. Wired to blow or not, the simplest solution was to simply fly planes into those two buildings.

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